Chapter 165 Emperor Zun's Plan


On Feixian Xingxian Road, the simple and atmospheric green copper tripod rises and falls above the emperor's head, reflecting the entire fairy road, and the sky is full of green clouds.

On the tripod wall, the vague figures of all spirits manifested, as if all beings were worshiping, and it gave people a feeling that the entire universe was suppressed.

In the depths of the fairy road, a place separated by array lines.

Emperor Zun's words are astonishing, if other people hear it, they will only find it ridiculous.

On the opposite side of Emperor Zun, Zhou Luo with a dignified face was seriously thinking about its feasibility.

If this method can really be implemented, it can not only avoid the risk of being discovered by the emperor's resurrection, but also facilitate the emperor's recovery by absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, which is really wonderful!
Although there is indeed a possibility that Emperor Zun's divine sense will sink, and eventually be assimilated by the fairy weapon and become a god of the fairy weapon.

But Zhou Luo suddenly remembered that in the original book, the cauldron of all things had been shattered many times, and the gods in it took the opportunity to escape and become an independent creature.

Thinking about it this way, Emperor Zun's primordial spirit must be able to do the same.

But Zhou Luo was thinking this way in his heart, but he didn't show it on the surface, he only asked in a slightly joking way:
"Di Zun's method sounds absurd at first glance, but when you think about it carefully, it is indeed feasible. However, the fairy artifact is extremely mysterious, Emperor Zun, are you not afraid of sinking into obscurity, really becoming a god, and no longer distinguishing yourself?"

Hearing this, Emperor Zun showed a mysterious smile on his face:

"At the beginning, I was indeed worried about this, and hesitated whether to take this method, but the matter of Changsheng Tianzun made me firm."

Zhou Luo wondered, what does this have to do with Changsheng Tianzun?Furthermore, Changsheng Tianzun will help Emperor Zun to make suggestions on this matter?
What exactly did the two of you secretly discuss without me knowing?
With such doubts, Zhou Luo glanced at Emperor Zun strangely.

The heroic Emperor Zun couldn't help showing a helpless expression, and sighed:

"Dao Fa, you are thinking too much."

Emperor Zun shook his head, with a look of memory in his eyes, and asked:
"Dao Fayou, do you still remember that on the Beidou Immortal Road, the deity was stuck in the stone gate of the Immortal Pass?"

Zhou Luo nodded. Of course he would not forget that this was the focus of the eternal change, and he was one of the witnesses.

"Actually, even if you don't attack me, I can't enter the fairyland." Emperor Zun said as if mocking himself.

Zhou Luo seemed to have a clear understanding, and guessed: "It's because of the strange creatures?"

Hearing this, Emperor Zun seemed quite surprised:
"That's right. At that time, the deity took the lead in breaking into the stone gate of the Immortal Pass, and was baptized by the laws of the Immortal Dao. Although it was extremely painful, everything went smoothly."

"It's just that when the law of Xianguan sensed the existence of the strange creature in my body, it reacted extremely violently. It wanted to send down the law of destruction, and wanted to wipe it out."

"But it's a pity that after the Law of the Immortal Gate realized that I had merged with the strange creatures, even I was rejected, and I couldn't pass its test after all."

Having said that, Emperor Zun showed admiration and looked at Zhou Luo:
"However, Daofa, you can tell the truth in one sentence, I am really surprised."

Zhou Luo smiled slightly, but said nothing.

But he thought in his heart that Emperor Huangtian was probably making an enemy of the strange creatures at this time, so it was naturally impossible to allow the strange creatures to enter his "rear".

I just don't know, where in the world of Shrouding Heaven, this strange creature that wanted to possess the Immeasurable Heavenly Venerate and the Emperor successively came from, it is really weird.

Zhou Luo was lost in thought, but suffering from no clue, he had to suppress it for the time being.

"This matter doesn't seem to be directly related to Emperor Zun's choice to invest in the immortal weapon, does it?"

Zhou Luo looked up suspiciously.

Emperor Zun smiled easily: "I just thought of it by the way, and I want to discuss it with you, Tianzun."

Immediately, Emperor Zun said seriously:

"At that time, Changsheng Tianzun didn't know the origin of the deity, and only thought that I would be able to pass through the stone gate and become an immortal."

"Therefore, in order to prevent me from entering the Immortal Realm, he used the reincarnation lake left after the transformation of Mingzun to interfere, delusional to mess with my Dao heart, and made me see the 'similar flower' of the later generations—"

Emperor Zun has already said this, Zhou Luo didn't understand why, he reacted instantly, and exclaimed:

"The one reflected is not a similar flower, but you, Emperor Zun!"

"Yes." Emperor Zun admitted frankly:
"In the lake of reincarnation, I saw the scene where I escaped from the cauldron of all things and embarked on the road of practice again after a million years, so I no longer have any worries."

It turned out to be the case.

No wonder Emperor Zun dared to try this method and was not afraid of sinking.

It turned out that he had already read the "script" and knew that he would be able to break through the shackles and escape.

After a long silence, Zhou Luo suddenly said:
"Samsara Lake was lent by me to Changsheng, and it was obtained by me and Tongtian Mingbao on the way to find the burial place of Mingzun."

Hearing this, even Emperor Zun was stunned for a moment, not expecting the truth to be so.

Immediately, Emperor Zun laughed heartily and said:
"In this case, the deity should thank Dao Fa even more."

"To untie the bell, the person who tied it has to be done. Do not refuse."

After pondering for a while, Zhou Luo solemnly said:

"Since you trust me so much, Emperor Zun, it doesn't matter if I try my best!"

In the void, Emperor Zun's newborn Yuanshen Dao Nian cupped his hands:
"Then please ask the Heavenly Venerable!"


On the fairy road, chaos is surging, fairy light is flying, and it is accompanied by light rain from time to time.

If an old monk who is dying can take a sip, it will definitely prolong his life.

An unimportant figure sat cross-legged in the void, his eyes slightly closed.

The man was dressed as a young Taoist priest, just sitting there quietly, densely packed supreme Taoist patterns emerged around him.

The whole body exudes an invincible momentum of suppressing the eight wildernesses in the universe and pushing the past, present and future, which makes many laws on the fairy road mourn, and all Taoism surrenders.

It was Zhou Luo.

Swapping Emperor Zun Yuanshen with the God of All Things Origin Cauldron, this matter is simple to say, but it is extremely dangerous.

The first thing to bear the brunt is to take out the gods from the cauldron of all things.

Even if both are voluntary, the performer must be careful to avoid damage, otherwise the immortal artifact may burst apart if one is not careful.

When it was time to implement it, Zhou Luo couldn't help feeling dizzy.

He is now acting like a first-time physician.

Fortunately, since Emperor Zun and Luding are of the same origin, he doesn't have to worry about the "rejection" reaction after the exchange between the two.

Zhou Luo repeated the deduction in his mind countless times when the immortal platform between his eyebrows was on and off.

Finally, Zhou Luo opened his eyes.


Two bursts of golden light burst out, breaking up the chaos, and the scene of birth and death of all spirits and the changing of the galaxy flashed by, and everything returned to calm immediately.

Zhou Luo looked indifferently at Emperor Zun and Luxia's gorgeous All Things Origin Cauldron on the opposite side:
"let's start."

After the words fell, Zhou Luo raised his hands and drew mysterious traces in the void.

Immediately, there was a nine-color fairy light transpiring here, and the auspicious colors were colorful.

One after another, golden runes jumped out from between Zhou Luo's palms, and sank into the body of the cauldron of all things.

With the accumulation of more and more runes, the green copper tripod was also dyed gold.


With a roar that resounded through the fairy road, the source of all things shook, and a group of fairy lights that were as hard to look at as the sun were restrained by the golden god chain.

 Thank you for your subscriptions, rewards, and votes. The author will work hard to write the follow-up plot!
(End of this chapter)

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