Chapter 180
The long river of time is mighty and flowing.

Throughout the ages, countless monks have longed to become immortals and wanted to escape.

However, no one has succeeded so far, and they are still struggling in the long river of time.

After sending the purple myrtle emperor flower, the white tortoise, and the Taisui magic medicine into the world in the coffin, after witnessing the Kowloon pulling the coffin and setting sail again.

In this world, Zhou Luo really has no one of his kind who can communicate.

He has existed for more than 2000 years.

Even if you don't count Dao Fa Tianzun's two generations as the Venerable, just referring to Zhou Luo, he has been in this world for more than two thousand years, and he can definitely be regarded as an "old generation" figure.

Now, the breath of the end of the great world has permeated the entire universe, and it is full of chills and depression.

Even the octogenarians in the mortal world can sense infinite heights when they raise their heads, as if there is a sky knife hanging high, which may fall down at any time.

And this seems to have nothing to do with Zhou Luo.

He is alone, wandering in the empty and boundless universe.

If someone looked from a distance, they would be able to see that rickety figure, with decayed vitality, white beard and hair, and an old appearance.

Compared with the young Taoist priests before, he was a completely different person.

In fact, when Dao Fa Tianzun proclaimed himself, his lifespan was still sufficient, even if Zhou Luo hadn't taken the Jiuzhuan elixir, he shouldn't be so old at this time.

Only Zhou Luo knew that he had put all his fairy spirits into the bright fairy fetus between the eyebrows of Xiantai.

The latter has already been conceived to the critical point, as if it can break out of its cocoon and become a butterfly at any time, and the world of mortals is only one chance away.

And this physical body, just relying on a stream of energy, barely maintains its vitality.

Zhou Luo dragged such a remnant body, cut through the sky, and traversed the universe.

"That's... Dao Fa Tianzun!"

Zhou Luo didn't show extreme speed, nor did he deliberately hide his appearance, so some monks would recognize him.

The world's attitude towards Dao Fa Tian Zun is complicated.

Since he is one of the most dazzling nine figures in the history of practice, he should be admired by all living beings.

But at the same time, he was one of the driving forces behind the fall of Emperor Zun and the collapse of Heavenly Court, and he was also the biggest beneficiary of this battle.

For the worshipers of Heavenly Court and Emperor Zun, he is undoubtedly a demon-like existence of the Nine Serenities, and they can't wait to eat his flesh and blood alive.

However, in today's world where all the gods are hidden, Dao Fa Tianzun is truly invincible in the world, and naturally no one dares to offend.

"See Tianzun!"

On this day, Zhou Luo wandered to a star field that he had never been to before, and a golden light fell on Zhou Luo's side, and the person in the middle greeted him respectfully.

Zhou Luo raised his head slowly, revealing a pair of extremely confused eyes.

Although Zhou Luo seemed to be very old, the visitor was not disrespectful at all, and he was very polite.

What he did was the cumbersome etiquette of the ancients who had an audience with the Emperor of Heaven in the legend, and then he respectfully invited:
"Not far from here is the ancient star of Fulong. We and other sects have admired Tianzun for a long time. Recently, this star's thousand-year-old fairy-seeking event is happening. This junior has the courage to come here to invite you. If Tianzun can condescend, you will definitely It will make us flourish."

Hearing this, Zhou Luo's eyes flickered with immortal light, as if he came to life in an instant.

In this regard, the person in front of him felt the most, Tianzun seemed to get rid of his confusion, and once again released a majestic momentum that surpassed the heavens and the world.

"Let's go." The voice sounded like the emperor of the nine heavens.

It wasn't until Zhou Luo's figure disappeared into the sky that the man came to his senses, horrified, and hurriedly followed.


The so-called Immortal Seeking Fair was jointly held by many great religions of Fulong Ancient Star, and the participants were at least the core disciples of saint-level forces.

On the fairy mountain, surrounded by mist, stretches of palaces spread out, exotic flowers and plants bloom, and rare birds and beasts can be seen everywhere.

There are celestial maidens and immortal officials dancing and playing music, and the rare and rare dignitaries chat happily.

However, today, when the white-haired Zhou Luo came to this place, all the hustle and bustle fell silent, and immediately burst into overwhelming shouts:

"See Dao Fa Tianzun!"

No one expected that a high and mighty Gu Tianzun could really be invited here.

"Also invite Tianzun to sit up!"

The one who spoke and invited was a great sage, who is hard to be seen even above the quasi-emperor. Now, he is already the strongest on the surface, and he is obviously one of the hosts here.

Zhou Luo nodded, looking extraordinarily accommodating.

What he did today was on a whim.

"Hmph! Isn't he the chief culprit for the death of Emperor Zun and the collapse of Heavenly Court?"

A whisper sounded.

In an instant, the entire Immortal Seeking Fair was completely silent and completely silent.

Not to mention Zhou Luo, among the people present, there were quite a few saint kings and above, and those who uttered wild words did not even hide it at all.

In an instant, that person was locked by the eyes of the saints.


The center of the conference fell to their knees in an instant.

The leader is an old man with immortal demeanor and a great saint:
"Tianzun calm down, the ignorant and fearless villains dare to collide with Tianzun, and they deserve death!"

Zhou Luo didn't say a word, and looked directly at the young man in brocade clothes. The latter's face was pale, and he looked like a catastrophe was imminent.

He couldn't help shivering under the gaze of Tianzun, but he still persisted, looking back.

It was also because of Zhou Luo's restraint, otherwise he, a junior who had just become a king, would have already prostrated himself on the ground.

"Hey, the little girl just realized that the Xianxia faction has such a deep grudge against Tianzun?"

Next to it, a beautiful and elegant woman in white clothes said with a hint of contempt.

But what she said is not unreasonable, the young man in front of him is only over a hundred years old, he has never experienced the era when the emperor ruled the heavens, he must be instigated by someone from the elders of the sect.

If you really look into it carefully, everyone in the Xianxia faction...

Hearing this, Zhou Luo glanced back at the woman in the realm of the great sage, and said lightly:
"Human desires are the great way, but practitioners are often confused by the six desires, so it is difficult to reach the ultimate way."

"Thank you for your teaching." Zhou Luo glanced at the woman, who felt like a thorn in her back, and her mind was about to split, and she quickly kowtowed.

Zhou Luo's eyes flicked across the kneeling Xianxia Sect members and the young man.

The latter gritted his teeth, immediately bowed to the ground, and said loudly:
"It's all my fault and has nothing to do with the sect!"

Zhou Luo stared at him like a big universe crushing him, making the latter almost collapse.

After a long time, Zhou Luo looked away:

"Head up."

Seeing his face ashen, Zhou Luo smiled slightly:
"Have you ever met Regal?"

The young man froze for a moment, as if he didn't expect Tianzun to ask him such a question, he subconsciously shook his head.

"It's not just you, I'm afraid few of the people present have seen it."

An indifferent voice came from Zhou Luo's mouth.

"I've never met Emperor Zun, and I don't know the way of Emperor Zun. Just because of this stranger, you used your quick tongue to put the relatives and friends of the sect in an unrighteous place. Thanks to you, you survived the calamity of beheading the Tao!"

Tianzun was furious, and the avenues of heaven and earth trembled together, as if to send down divine punishment.

A ray of celestial light came out, directly entering the young man's eyebrows.

"I teach you a method. If you can't cultivate to the quasi-honor state, you will never be able to return to the ancient star of Fulong for the rest of your life!"

Naturally, that is not the supreme way, but Zhou Luo's accidental reverie, which still needs to be perfected by himself.As soon as the voice fell, Zhou Luo waved his big sleeve, and the young man disappeared, obviously he didn't know which desolate star he was assigned to.

Zhou Luo once again looked at the people of the Xianxia faction who were kneeling on the ground, and said indifferently:

"Xianxia Sect, all the members are not allowed to leave Fulong Ancient Star for ten thousand years, and those who have disciples outside will be recalled or expelled from the sect!"

As soon as Zhou Luo's words fell, there seemed to be some shackles falling from somewhere.

Hearing this, everyone in the Xianxia Sect trembled, and immediately kowtowed:
"Thank you Heavenly Venerable!"


Although there was a small episode, Zhou Luo still lectured for the monks of Fulong Ancient Star for several days before leaving gracefully.

In the boundless void, Zhou Luo still looked like an old man, but his eyes were agile and his spirit was completely different from before.

Being offended by that kid, Zhou Luo was not really angry, but rather helpless.

In short, amused.

Therefore, Zhou Luo swept away his former sluggish state.

He made up his mind that even if he was destined to abandon this body, he would spend the last period of time as usual.

However, God seems to be deliberately against him.

There was only a roar coming from an infinite height, as if a universe had exploded, shaking all the heavens and myriad realms.

Zhou Luo raised his head slowly, his eyes were serious:
"The end of the robbery has begun."

(End of this chapter)

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