Chapter 184 The Dao Fruit That Didn't Die

The cry of killing a pig resounded through the barren mountains and ridges, startling a large number of sleeping birds and beasts.

Although the figure that broke through the source had almost disappeared into the night, but looking carefully, the latter's speed was actually not that fast.

Duan De immediately roared:

"Where to go!"

He picked up the little Taoist priest Fu Xing with one hand, set up Shenhong, and went away through the air.

Duan De was about to catch up, but the figure in front of him was shocked, and immediately burst out with amazing divine power, the speed was no less than him.

At the same time, the man seemed to have displayed some kind of wonderful footwork, and quickly distanced himself from Duan Dela.

"Huh?" Seeing this, Duan De frowned.

Wasn't this kid still almost a mortal just now, why is he so powerful all of a sudden?

But now is obviously not the time to think about these things, if you don't catch up with that person, you will disappear!

Thinking of the possibility that his meals and nights in the past few months would be ruined, Duan De felt as if he had been beaten to death, he gritted his teeth, and took out a few mysterious talisman papers from his bosom.

In an instant, the earth's veins boiled, the mountains and rivers roared, and Duan De's speed also increased a lot, and he chased after him.

On the other side, Zhou Luo watched the changes in his body with great interest.

I saw that in the original chaos, a figure sitting cross-legged emerged. His appearance and attire were exactly that of Dao Fa Tian Zun!
Zhou Luo realized instantly that this is the Dao fruit of Dao Fa Tianzun.

With only a slight sense, the villain's body seemed to contain endless divine energy, with an eternal and immortal aura that could suppress the universe.

However, the Supreme Dao Fruit was isolated by chaos and the many "gravels" around it, so Zhou Luo couldn't sense its existence at first.

It was also because of this that Zhou Luo could use very little divine power at first, and the speed he could display was extremely slow.

However, just as Duan De's aura was chasing after him, Zhou Luo clearly felt that the little man sitting cross-legged was touched, and with a slight tremor, a surge of divine energy that had reached the realm of Immortal Er came surging.

For Zhou Luo today, it is naturally easy to control this level of energy.

In order to get rid of Fatty Duan, he also used Xingzi Mi.

However, worthy of being the reincarnation of Ming Zun, even so, Duan De still has a way to keep up.

It's really difficult...

I thought so in my heart, but there should be no danger in a short time, which allowed Zhou Luo to study his current state carefully.

First of all, he determined that he should have experienced the end of the myth and the sword of God, so he has these memories.

It is not the primordial immortal species bred in the Kunlun Immortal Pond.

Moreover, for unknown reasons, he survived the catastrophe, and the Heavenly Venerable Dao Fruit has not been annihilated.

However, Daoguo is entangled by the fragments of the core of the Heavenly Knife, making it difficult to actively release divine energy.

However, after Duan De's pursuit, he got a glimpse of some of the tricks.

Taking this opportunity, Zhou Luo began to deduce while avoiding Duan De's pursuit.

After a long time, Zhou Luo finally opened his eyes, and he probably understood the current situation.

In the physical treasure body, the five great secret realms were destroyed, and now they are just superficial, and therefore, the Heavenly Venerable Dao Fruit cannot be actively used.

However, if it senses the hostility from others, Tianzun Daoguo will release corresponding divine energy that can counteract it, but this will not be blocked.

As for its upper limit, it is naturally the upper limit of previous life cultivation.


This was Zhou Luo's first thought after understanding the current situation.

With such a trump card in hand, Zhou Luo is confident that he can calmly reshape the five secret realms without being afraid of anyone.

The only downside is that Zhou Luo cannot trigger it actively, which may not be very convenient in many cases.

But at least, he can calmly face opponents of any realm.

After all, there shouldn't be a Supreme Being at the level of a Heavenly Emperor in this world.

After thinking clearly, Zhou Luo's mind instantly became active.

If he can find a Supreme or Dzogchen Holy Spirit, he will capture him alive.

Enclosed in a magic weapon, refining it every day, and carrying it with him, wouldn't he be able to maintain the supreme level of cultivation at any time?
The more Zhou Luo thought about it, the more he felt that this method was feasible, and his eyes suddenly brightened.

He only hoped that there was a restricted area on this ancient planet, and he couldn't wait to try it.

Thinking of this, Zhou Luo took the initiative to stop flying and hang in the void.

Seeing this, Duan De in the rear was suspicious, and stopped within a hundred meters, looking warily at the ancient creature born from the source.

At this moment, the latter has condensed the source energy and dew between the heavens and the earth into a precious garment, covering its body.

The young handsome face showed a smile, looking at Duan De and the little Taoist:

"This Taoist priest, why are you chasing me so hard?"

The words that came out of that mouth went from jerky to proficient, and there was obviously a process of adaptation.

Duan De is even more certain in his heart that the other party is definitely a sealed existence from the age of mythology.

"Hmph! Daoist, I have finally found a treasure land that surpasses the heavens and the earth. I am about to dig it out. I never thought that someone would take the opportunity. Naturally, I want to ask for an explanation!"

Hearing this, Zhou Luo shook his head: "But this is not an excuse for Taoist priest to cook me alive, is it?"

Duan De was about to quibble, but the innocent voice of the little Taoist priest came from beside him:

"That's right, Master Uncle, he's obviously a human being, we can't eat him."

Made, this kid is rebellious!Elbows always turn out!

After giving Xiao Fu Xing a slap in the face, Duan De looked at Zhou Luo again, blushing without panting:

"Hmph! Even so, Daoist, I can be regarded as a savior who helped you out of trouble. It's fine if you don't say anything, and you just ran away. Look, is this plausible?"

Hearing this, Zhou Luo scolded this shameless and wicked Taoist all over in his heart, but there was an embarrassed look on his face:

"This move is really inappropriate... Why don't I just go back with the Taoist priest and let's have a good chat?"

Huh?This kid is suddenly so easy to talk to?
Duan De is naturally not afraid, but he is suspicious in his heart, and he is still careful to guard against the other party.

Zhou Luo stepped forward with a calm face, and stood side by side with Duan De, and the two returned to the "Gathering of Earth Dragons" hand in hand.

Along the way, Zhou Luo took the initiative to talk, and those who didn't know thought that the two were old friends who hadn't seen each other for many years.

"Master Daoist, I don't know where this place is?" Zhou Luofa asked.

Duan De had a puzzled expression of seeing a ghost, "Don't you even know where you are buried?"

Zhou Luo smiled slightly: "I'm just worried that the name of this mythical age is different from today's."

It really is an old ghost from the age of mythology!

Duan De thought to himself, but said impatiently:

"No change, no name change! This ancient star has been called 'Tongtian' from ancient times to the present."

It turned out to be Tongtian!

Zhou Luo's pupils shrank slightly, and his expression immediately became inexplicable.

Originally, there was indeed a Dzogchen Holy Spirit of the supreme series on this ancient star, but it was a pity that he got it elsewhere to seal it.

What a pity, what a pity.

Duan De naturally didn't know what the other party was thinking, so he asked him eagerly if he knew what happened in the last year of the myth.

Zhou Luo naturally said that when he was sealed, the Emperor Zun was respected in the universe, and the heavens and worlds looked like a scene of peace and prosperity.

Hearing this, Duan De's expression couldn't help but dim.

Zhou Luo saw all this in his eyes, and he understood it.

Although Duan De has no memory of his previous life, he can't help digging into the past, especially what happened after he passed away at the end of the mythology.

Back at the place where the earth dragons gathered, the medicinal liquid in the treasure furnace was brewed to the best, and a strange fragrance wafted from it.

The "Humanoid Magic Medicine" is no longer available, but how can Duan De's character be willing to waste it?

He vented his anger by pouring out the medicinal liquid from the treasure furnace, sharing food with the little Taoist Fu Xing, and even handing Zhou Luo a bowl.

The latter frowned slightly, and was rather insensitive to his "bath water".

But in order to verify a certain conjecture, he still tried to absorb some medicinal essence.

Sure enough, even if Zhou Luo intends to guide it, it will not help reshape the secret realm at all.

This is normal. It is not easy to reshape the secret realm of a Celestial Venerable. Naturally, it needs a fairy treasure that is hard to find in the world.

However, this is exactly what Zhou Luo wanted, and he just took this opportunity to sort out the five great secret realms and create an invincible Dao foundation in this life.

For the time being, suppressing the grand plans in his heart, Zhou Luo asked curiously:
"What era is it now, can anyone become enlightened?"

Hearing this, the little Taoist priest Fu Xing didn't raise his head, and said casually:

"Hi! It's been about 50 years since the end of the Age of Mythology. It's been ten thousand years since the Emperor of the Underworld sat down."

 Let the author explain the current state of the protagonist:

  For example, the protagonist has a full-level queen, but he needs to open five equipment slots in order to actively display his full strength.

  Nevertheless, after the protagonist is impacted by hostility, corresponding energy feedback will naturally occur, so that the protagonist can achieve that corresponding strength (this point will be played out later, you can look forward to it), so the protagonist can fully participate in Go to the events of the Supreme Series.

  Then, the author also needs to explain why this way of writing is adopted:

  One is that the first two chapters sacrificed themselves to save the world, and the next chapter immediately revived in situ, which is not only unreasonable, but also disrespectful of everyone's touch;

  The second is that even if he was severely injured by the core of the Heavenly Sword, it would be too outrageous to completely lose his cultivation base. Now this state is what the author thought of from the beginning, so that the protagonist can not only participate in high-level events, but also rebuild in a similar way. The method of creating a brilliant Heavenly Emperor Dao fruit for a lifetime.

  In fact, as long as there are enough immortal treasures in front of Zhou Luo, he can immediately reshape the five great secret realms and prove himself the emperor.

  But is there any essential difference between this and before?Isn't it that "Tao Fa Tian Zun" lived another life?

  The protagonist must be "himself" and walk his own path.Therefore, the "reconstruction" of this life is essential.Of course, as I said before, it won't be like accumulating practice bit by bit like a real re-cultivation, but in the process of reshaping the secret realm, it will improve a lot faster.

  This is the author's thinking about this setting.

  In the end, I hope everyone can watch it happily and satisfactorily, thank you!

  The second update is still around 23:[-].

(End of this chapter)

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