Chapter 191 Zhou Luo's Sea of ​​Wheels
The divine sea is boundless, and the golden waves seem to break the sky.

If it is placed horizontally in the great universe, the waves of chaos and thunder intertwined can sweep down all the sun, moon and stars in the heavens.

But now, the golden ocean spreads out in the tomb of Dova Tenzun, tamed by the supreme emperor, and turned into the most loyal guardian of the tomb.

The five-color fairy light swayed with the scriptures all over the sky, and Zhou Luo sat cross-legged in front of the golden sea of ​​gods.

Naturally, the power of the seal left by the Immortal Emperor was also used by him.

Slowly opening his eyes, there was a bright light flickering in his eyes, and his spirit was radiant.

At this moment, in his newborn body, there is chaos, and there is no trace of the five great secret realms.

And that, the supreme Dao fruit belonging to Dao Fa Tianzun, was also wrapped in countless nebula-like gravel.

That is the core fragment of the catastrophe that was cut out by the knife of God's will in the last years of mythology.

To this day, it still remains in his physical body.

Although there will be no fear of life, it still prevents the integration of the physical body and the Taoist fruit, which prevents Zhou Luo from consummating.

Of course, this isn't all bad.

After traveling to this world, he inherited everything that originally belonged to Dao Fa Tian Zun.

The opportunities and accumulations from the previous life have been extremely profound, but Zhou Luo is still stuck at the doorstep before the realm of the Emperor of Heaven.

The root cause is that he lacks the experience of rising from the humble beginnings that the rest of the Heavenly Venerates have.

There is no invincible heart that is forged by fighting all the way.

And in this life, taking the opportunity of reshaping the five great secret realms, Zhou Luo is determined to embark on his own path to immortality!

I don't know how many years have passed, so long that he himself thought that there might be no more touches in the future.

But, today, Zhou Luo's fresh blood boiled up!

What the ancient Tianzun can do, so can he!
Emperor Zun can climb to the top after beheading himself, so can he!
At this moment, Zhou Luo is confident that even if all the arrogances of the past, present and future are standing in front of him, he is definitely the most dazzling sky!

Endless fairyland, starting today!

With firm belief, Zhou Luoxuan cast his eyes on the golden sea of ​​gods in front of him, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

It is not easy to reshape the five great secret realms.

Since it is necessary to forge the strongest Dao fruit, it is not enough to rely on self-cultivation alone, and it also needs to be assisted by rare divine materials from ancient times.

In front of him, the golden chaotic sea of ​​thunder, after being recognized by the emperor, Mingzun, and Immortal Emperor, has naturally become the best choice for Zhou Luo to reshape the sea of ​​​​lunars.

Sensing that Shenhai was extremely "tame" under the suppression of the gorgeous five-color fairy light, he nodded in satisfaction, and immediately decided to incorporate it into his physical body.


With a blank expression on his face, Zhou Luo cut open his own body in front of him.

However, the expected bloody scene did not emerge.

It can be seen that his body is a haze, clear and muddy, very much like the scene before the opening of the world.

In the center of the universe, a nebula-like gravel envelops a villain exuding a powerful aura, which is the Dao fruit belonging to Dao Fa Tianzun.

Zhou Luo recited the scriptures created by the little phoenix, and the golden god Hai suddenly made waves, and immediately came towards its direction.

The golden liquid slowly submerged into its body.


A piercing sound sounded, as if two repelling universes were rubbing against each other.

Wanting to reshape the secret realm is not as simple as directly containing it, but to turn the foreign objects into a part of oneself with one's own way.

This process is the most dangerous, even Zhou Luo, the supreme treasure body that was born out of the Supreme Heavenly Venerable, now makes a "click" sound, as if it is about to burst at any time.

Even he, who has gone through many trials, is covered with sweat on his forehead and body at this time, which shows how difficult it is.

However, everything is difficult at the beginning, and when you have withstood the initial tribulations, the follow-up will be a matter of course.

Hundreds of rivers finally reach the sea.

The golden divine liquid surged and poured into Zhou Luo's body.

In the end, in the burial ground of Tianzun, the vast golden ocean dried up, leaving only the island in the center standing alone.

Zhou Luo looked inside the body, and saw a tsunami in the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, with hundreds of millions of rays of light blooming, and the sky above the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness was even more thunderous and lightning.

However, this was just the beginning, and his intentions were much more than that.

Traversing the past, present and future, all the high-achieving celestial beings, ancient emperors, and great emperors have gone back to the past before reaching the peak, and deduced the five great secret realms to the extreme.

Since Zhou Luo wants to reshape the secret realm, he must do his best!
In the last years of Mythology, he once thought about how to achieve perfection if he only practiced a single secret realm.

But no matter how he deduces, the final conclusion is that the five secret realms go back and forth, inseparable and indispensable.

If one wants to achieve the true consummation of the realm, it is absolutely impossible to only cultivate a single secret realm.

Naturally, Zhou Luo would not be arrogant enough to abandon the rest of the secret realm, but he also had his own ideas.That is, can each secret realm be able to rely on itself to achieve a small consummation even if it is separated from others?
This is not to create another path of practice, but to adjust and improve on the basis of the five secret realms, so that each secret realm has the possibility of reaching perfection independently.

He has deduced it before, and now he is really excited to implement it on himself.

After making up his mind, Zhou Luo moved his mind and cast his gaze to the deepest part of the golden sea of ​​bitterness.A huge wheel of life emerged, which represented the vigorous vitality of this new body.

The wheel of life rotates slowly, and the crystal bright spring gushes out from the depths of the sea of ​​suffering, rushing wantonly.

Next, of course, is to build the bridge of God.And Zhou Luo was already prepared.

I saw that a bright golden bridge with the whole body as if made of gold from the Dao robbery rose from one end of the sea of ​​bitterness and reached the other side, illuminating the pure land on that side.


In this way, the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, the Spring of Life, the Bridge of God, and the other side all appeared. For ordinary monks, the secret land of Lunhai is considered a great achievement.

At this moment, in his eyes, it seems that the universe is flowing and the galaxy is disillusioned.For him, the real test begins now.

The figure of a golden villain manifested above the sea of ​​bitterness, which was the incarnation of Zhou Luo's divine sense.

I saw that the villain looked serious, pointing to the sky with one hand and pointing to the ground with the other, and the majestic and grand voice resounded here:


As he finished speaking, when he raised his head, he saw a huge gap tearing open in the sky of Lunhai, and the radiant primordial spirit slowly emerged like a radiant sun.

The primordial spirit who was supposed to guard Sendai actually fell into the sea of ​​suffering? !

Really unheard of!

No matter how difficult it was, Zhou Luo's will could not be defied, and the resplendent primordial spirit finally completely entered the wheel sea.

But it didn't fall into the boundless ocean, but hung high above the divine bridge that looked like the golden bridge on the other side, illuminating the entire sea of ​​suffering.

Seeing this, Zhou Luo nodded in satisfaction, but his movements did not stop, and his eyes turned to the depths of the sea of ​​bitterness.

There is a great sun and a divine bridge above the sea of ​​bitterness; at the bottom of the sea of ​​bitterness, there is naturally a wheel of life and a way of the underworld.

With the same thought, Zhou Luo's mind flashed, and the figure of Tongtian Mingbao flashed past.

In the depths of the undulating sea of ​​bitterness, a dark and crystal-clear path stretches from the other side to the other end of the sea of ​​bitterness, with the wheel of life crossing in the middle.

In the end, the jet-black and translucent Hades was completed, forming a perfect whole with the divine bridge above.

Above the sea of ​​bitterness, there is the divine bridge on the other shore, on which hangs the immortal light of the primordial god.

At the bottom of the sea of ​​bitterness, there are sinister ways, which connect with the wheel of life.

The two reflect each other from a distance, yin and yang, the great sun of the primordial spirit and the life wheel of the physical body.

And the turbulent divine energy flows between the divine bridge on the other side and the dark and cunning way.

On one side is the blazing celestial light, on the other side is the power of the Nine Netherworlds, the two can transform freely and become perfect on their own.


Lunhai Secret Realm, success!

 Reshaping the sea of ​​​​wheels today, the content of the writing is a bit complicated, so it is a bit late, sorry.

  Here, the author is very grateful for everyone's rewards, subscriptions and votes!

  I don't know how do you feel about this new wheel sea reshaped by Zhou Luo?

  The author thinks he can still justify himself.

  As a preview, there will be additional updates on weekends, still two at around 13:19, two at around 8:[-], four in a day, and a total of [-] in two days.

(End of this chapter)

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