Chapter 193 Strange, Immortal Flame

Fortunately, it is clear that the ancient emperors of later generations did not spend their time changing the layout of the sealed place.

Otherwise, Zhou Luoke would really be "nowhere to go".

Because of this, he successfully entered the secret place where the evil spirits were once sealed by relying on his past memories and his understanding of the Daode Tianzun pattern.

However, appearing in that strange space, Zhou Luo's first reaction was——

clean!It's too clean!
I saw that at the core seal, the dense golden dao pattern originally arranged by Daode Tianzun disappeared.

This is definitely not the effect that years of obliteration can achieve. After all, the formation at the entrance has not expired yet.

What's more, not only the pattern of Daode Tianzun, but also the brand left by Zhou Luo, as well as the evil soil soaked in the monstrous evil energy of the evil spirit, all "disappeared".

It can really be said that it has dug three feet into the ground!
Seeing this, Zhou Luo was speechless, you are still amazing, and it is true that you will never leave empty space.

At this moment, he secretly made up his mind, if he was told which supreme ancient emperor did good deeds, he would absolutely "take care" of him when he had the opportunity.

But right now, Zhou Luo naturally has nothing to do about it.

The "doorway" was already like this, and he continued to go deep into the underground space without any expectations. Sure enough, the raging demonic energy that had been raging was gone.

If people from later generations come here, they will definitely not be able to link it with the place where the evil spirits are sealed.


Suddenly, there is a fairy glow in front of you, and the divine light is shining, and you can tell that it is extraordinary at a glance.

Is there any fish that slipped through the net? !
Zhou Luo was overjoyed, set up the Shenhong, and headed towards the place where the fairy light rose.

After a while, I saw a towering white jade pillar towering to the sky, on which flowed the supreme Taoist rhyme that defied the heavens.

Well, there is a familiar smell.

Coming to the front, as expected by Zhou Luo, there are several golden inscriptions branded on the stone pillar:

"My teacher beats the gods here to suppress the evil spirits"

The five-color immortal light was transpiring, leaving no suspense about the identity of this person.

Good apprentice, you are really embarrassing to the teacher!

Seeing this white jade stone pillar, Zhou Luo's mood was complicated, with mixed feelings inside.

He should have thought of it earlier.

Since Little Phoenix has already arrived at Tongtian Ancient Star, and even helped him protect the Clothes Tomb, there is no reason why he would not come here to have a look.

At the same time, Zhou Luo also sensed that before the white jade stone pillar, there seemed to be several other auras that had stayed for a long time.

Obviously, it was the ancient emperors of later generations who paid homage to the remains of the emperor here again.

To some extent, it can be said to be an alternative "matryoshka".

Perhaps, it was precisely out of respect for the Immortal Emperor that they "showed mercy" and did not remove the white jade pillar.

In the huge space, only Zhou Luo and the white jade pillar were left staring blankly.

This trip seems to be doomed to nothing.

But Zhou Luo had a feeling in his heart, secretly thinking that this place is definitely not as simple as what he saw in front of him.

Immediately, he turned into a ray of fairy light and explored around in this strange space.

It was finally determined that only this white jade pillar existed here.

After making up his mind, Zhou Luo sat down cross-legged, his eyes were clear and his expression was indifferent.

And the next moment, from his mouth, the mysterious and supreme scriptures were revealed.

Immediately, the heaven, earth, and avenues were all induced, and the light rained, and the ground gushed out the divine spring.

The scriptures all over the sky made the five colors of the white jade pillar in front of him shine brightly, and there was a faint sense of closeness and docility, which made Zhou Luo feel that he could move at will.

What he is reciting at this time is naturally the scripture created by Fufeng in the last years of mythology, which is the predecessor of the Immortal Emperor Sutra.

At this moment, it resonates with the stone pillar erected by the Immortal Emperor.

On it, densely packed divine patterns flicker, and inexplicable Dao aggregates flow.


Here, as if the chaos of heaven and earth was opening up, a huge roar sounded.


Accompanied by an inaudible sound, the white jade pillar finally cracked, revealing the scene inside.

First of all, what Zhou Luo sensed was a scorching heat coming to his face.

Immediately, he saw a mass of five-colored fairy light transpiring, strange and magnificent.The divine flame burns almost to the point of destroying the void. It is definitely an incredible treasure!
However, seeing Xianyan, Zhou Luo didn't feel any joy in his heart.

Because, at the moment when the white jade stone pillar shattered, the Heavenly Venerable Dao Fruit in his body trembled violently, and the Quasi-Emperor Divine Energy that far surpassed the holy realm emerged.

The Xianyan in front of him is far from showing this level of power, there must be another existence!

At the same time, Zhou Luo's keen sense of spirit also sensed something, as if he was being targeted by an evil spirit that escaped from the Nine Netherworld.

Do the gods read it?

There were many thoughts in Zhou Luo's mind, such an idea flashed by, and was immediately rejected.

The time and place are not quite right, the god Nian in the original book appeared in the small world of Beidou, and the coffin was taken away by the emperor in later generations...

Of course, the ending of Taihuang is not glorious.

Is that an undead Taoist?

The time is right, but the cultivation level is wrong.

Even if the undead Taoist is suppressed here, he is definitely an existence of the supreme level, and it will definitely not make the gods of the quasi-emperor level emerge from the heavenly Taoist fruit.

But no matter what, the other party must have come in a bad way, and Zhou Luo couldn't even determine his location, which is obviously not to be underestimated.

Fortunately, Tianzun Daoguo is miraculous, and the other party should not guess that he has recovered the power of the quasi-emperor realm.

If it still treats itself as a Dao Slayer King, it will definitely let it eat and walk around.

After making up his mind, Zhou Luo remained calm, and carefully concealed his realm with the supreme divine sense of returning to the quasi-emperor realm.

He pretended to be ecstatic, looking at the ball of five-color fairy fire, his heart was full of joy.

Of course, he didn't really lose his mind, but first tried with a spell.

After confirming that there was no arrangement around Xianyan, Zhou Luo immediately turned into a ray of light and landed on the place where Xianyan was.

The blazing celestial light illuminates this place as if it is going to be a world of mortals.

Zhou Luo stretched out his hand tremblingly, wanting to put Xianyan into the magic weapon.


As if to destroy the world and rebuild the universe, a dark and deep light fell down.

The void is torn apart, the time is confused, wherever it passes, the laws of the heavens are mourning, and the divine power is withered.

Found out? !
Zhou Luo was surprised.

This is the only possibility, otherwise the person who launched such an offensive against a king who is in the eyes of the Dao Slasher may have some serious illness.

It's too late to think too much, no matter who the opponent is, he is also confident that he will never lose if he fights at the same level!

The incomparably gorgeous divine light shot out, and the power of yin and yang rotated, endlessly, but it seemed to obliterate everything.

As soon as he made a move, he used the harvest of reshaping Lunhai in this life.

However, the moment he came into contact with the black light, there was a smell of decay and decay, which made one's hair stand on end, and immediately turned its attack into nothing.

Zhou Luo's heart trembled.

It wasn't because the offensive was resolved, but because he actually sensed the strange aura again after many years!

 There will be two more changes at around 19:[-], and he will leave Tongtian at that time. You can guess where the protagonist will choose to go first?
(End of this chapter)

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