Chapter 199

On the sky is a "starry sky" composed of countless meteorites and broken weapons.

On the ground, there is an endless wasteland.As far as the eye can see, there is only an ancient city that shines into the sky.

And between the sky and the earth, there is blood red running through everything, dripping with murderous intent, and surging with evil spirit.

What caught Zhou Luo's eyes was such a strange and gorgeous picture.

He didn't even need to sense it carefully, he knew instantly that the formation map hanging high in the sky and the four killing swords were definitely Lingbao killing formations!
That kind of energy mechanism, which I have mastered for thousands of years, will never be forgotten.

And the figure standing in the fairy light is naturally ready to emerge.

It is the legendary Lord of West Kunlun—the Lord of Biyou Palace Tongtian!

The celestial light is shining, and his face can't be seen clearly, but he is wearing a black and white Taoist robe, a purple gold crown on his head, and Liuhe Bahuang boots, wearing a fairy style!

If it weren't for the ups and downs of the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood, and the surging murderous aura, it would really be like a real fairy coming to the dust.

With a little sense, Zhou Luo can be sure that the Master Tongtian is definitely an existence standing on the top of the Zhundi Nine Heavens, and he is not far away from trying to prove the Dao in Dzogchen, and his physical body is a real emperor's body!

However, his full attention is obviously on the Bright City under his feet.

Coupled with Zhou Luo's own miraculousness, he was not noticed by him.

But Tianzun Daoguo didn't feel hostility, so naturally he wouldn't flow divine energy.


Zhou Luo sighed secretly.

It has been a long time since he felt the supreme level of divine energy rushing through his body.

The feeling of being able to recreate the universe with every gesture is really a bit nostalgic.

Even though he was thinking this way in his heart, Zhou Luo still sat down cross-legged, and the sea of ​​wheels was turning, and he was self-sufficient.

It would be a bad idea to attract the attention of Master Tongtian at this moment, why not wait and see what happens, and see how he fights against the city of light.

After making up his mind, Zhou Luo cast his gaze into the void again.

It has to be said that the fact that Master Tongtian can fly here is enough to show that Lingbao Tianzun's Taoism is profound, and his physical psychic psychic is also so heaven-defying.

I saw that the confrontation between the leader of Tongtian and the city of Guangming seems to have entered a fever pitch.

The ancient city glowed, as if a huge sun was rising, which made Zhou Luo look sideways.

And in mid-air, the Lingbao Killing Formation has also reached a state of perfection under the evolution of the Master Tongtian.

The four fairy swords have lost their shape, and turned into a scarlet wandering dragon, criss-crossing the world here.

With a casual flick, a shocking sword light that could split open the universe fell down.

However, such a terrifying offensive could not cause the slightest waves.

The light that surrounds the city of God ripples slightly, and it disappears into nothingness.

Of course, the Divine City of Light in this strange world is not just about defending but not attacking.

In the center of Shencheng, in the bright light that Zhou Luo couldn't see through, there was a slight tremor.

"call out!"

The invisible ripples spread, carrying an aura that seemed to obliterate the heavens and worlds.

It seemed so slow, but it hit the figure above Gao Tian so directly, who looked like a real fairy descending from the earth.


It was as if countless universes exploded, and even Zhou Luo, who was far away in the sky, could feel that the leader of Tongtian had been severely injured.

If it weren't for the Lingbao formation map hanging down the vast Dao Qi at the critical moment, I'm afraid his emperor body would also be broken.


Countless murderous blood spilled, making the already dark red soil even deeper.

In an instant, the Tongtian Sect Master, who was originally mighty and seemed to surpass the heavens, was defeated, and fled away at a very fast speed under the protection of the Lingbao killing formation in a rather embarrassing situation.

With such a serious injury, I think he has to return to Kunlun.

Feeling silently, Zhou Luo couldn't help sighing.

The direction in which Master Tongtian fled was not the same as when he came. He presumably entered this world through another entrance.

Even so, Zhou Luo was still quite patient, and sat cross-legged for about a day and a night, until the brilliance of the mighty heaven and earth of the Bright God City gradually faded away, before he set off.

Slowly walking towards the ancient city, Zhou Luo could already clearly see the rough walls, which seemed to be stained red with blood.

What is more obvious is the pain of strangling flesh and blood.

Even if Zhou Luo's Emperor Body and Tianzun Daoguo protect themselves independently, it will be difficult to advance an inch after they are less than five hundred miles away from the city of God.

This reminded him of the feeling of countless heavenly knives coming to wear away his flesh and blood in the last years of mythology.

But now, there are no sentient beings here that he is willing to give everything to protect, so Zhou Luo retreated step by step until he came to an area where he felt comfortable physically.

It is about fifteen hundred miles away from the city of God.

Just when Zhou Luo was about to think about what to do next.

A scarlet red fairy light came through the sky, and the sound of fairy sword clanging was heard.

In the end, it manifested in front of Zhou Luo, ups and downs like a sea of ​​blood.

The scene of killing immortals loomed on the body of the sword. Although the evil spirit was overwhelming, it was not aimed at Zhou Luo, but there was a sense of closeness.

Zhou Luo smiled slightly, it was this sword that guided him all the way here.

However, the one in front of me is not the body of the fairy sword, but the incarnation of its killing intent.

"You recognized me?"

Zhou Luo stroked the blade and asked softly.

The killing sword in front of him shook his head like a nod, expressing his affirmation.

The Lingbao Killing Formation is considered a special imperial weapon, so the spirit wisdom of the gods in it seems to be slightly different.

"How about I just call you Immortal Killing Sword?"

Suddenly, Zhou Luo blurted out on a whim.The killing sword on the opposite side was also taken aback.

The four killing swords of Lingbao Tianzun are integrated with the array, so naturally there is no name to distinguish them, they are just attached by later generations.

However, the killing sword in front of him suddenly burst into a dazzling fairy light, obviously he likes it very much!

Feeling the joyful spiritual fluctuations from Sha Jian, Zhou Luo also smiled heartily.

But immediately, he asked straight to the point:
"Then why did you direct me here?"

The Killing Immortal Sword in front of him seemed to be taken aback when he heard the words.

Immediately, the Immortal Killing Sword circled around Zhou Luo in a very humane manner, as if thinking about how to speak.

Zhou Luo seemed very patient about this.

After a long time, a slightly jerky peaceful divine thought came out:

" can...stop him."

This surprised Zhou Luo:
"Who? Master Tongtian? Isn't he your master?"

However, no matter how Zhou Luo asked, Killing Immortal Sword remained silent.

Suddenly, Zhou Luo thought of Tongtian Mingbaolai, maybe it was the same situation.

Well, don't ask if you don't ask.

Zhou Luo didn't need to break the casserole and ask the end.

Originally, if the other party also planned to become enlightened in this world, there would probably be a battle between the two of them.

It's just that he was surprised that the Killing Immortal Sword came to him.

Seeing that Zhou Luo stopped asking, and the Immortal Killing Sword continued to transmit the sound, it was obviously much smoother this time:
"Retrieve, two Dao beads...and, Ming III Ghost Lamp..."

There was a big question mark on Zhou Luo's forehead, and he really wanted to ask what the "Ming III Ghost Lamp" was, but then he realized that the other party might not be able to answer.

So I had to be silent.

The Immortal Killing Sword didn't get a response, and it dangled anxiously in front of Zhou Luo.

In the end, his slightly weak voice came from the sword body condensed with killing intent:
"If there is no doubt, I will go."

Seeing Zhou Luo nod his head, the Immortal Killing Sword immediately turned into a streak of crimson and disappeared into the sky.

However, in less than half a second, the scarlet red fairy light came back immediately.

The body of the sword trembled, and something fell from it.

Zhou Luo didn't sense the danger, so he took it immediately.

I saw that a rune completely composed of killing intent slowly emerged.

Without waiting for Zhou Luo to ask, Killing Immortal Sword explained:
"He found it, but he couldn't get in. You, maybe, can."

Immediately afterwards, the Immortal Killing Sword turned into immortal light and fled away again, this time naturally there was no turning back.

After a long silence, Zhou Luo fell into deep thought.

He wasn't confident enough that he could make a fairy sword turn against him just by virtue of his charisma.

Moreover, it was able to avoid the eyes and ears of the leader of the Tongtian Church and find itself with killing intentions. There are too many suspicious things.

But His performance is definitely not like a disguise...

Perhaps, he also wants to get rid of the shackles of his master like Tongtian Mingbao?Or like the god baby in the original book, wanting to become a real person?
But no matter what, since others have sent benefits, he has no reason not to take them.

Zhou Luo smiled, holding the rune composed of killing thoughts, and looked at the shining city of light in the distance.

 Four changes are over.The usual update will resume tomorrow, and there will be an update around 18:23 and [-]:[-].

  However, the author still insists on adding updates every weekend!

  The next plot will continue to be high-energy, everyone can look forward to it!

(End of this chapter)

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