Chapter 201
In the city of light, the huge millstone in the center is like a big sun, shining with endless light.

If one ignores the corpses all over the city, this place really looks like an ancient and quiet city of gods.

Zhou Luo jumped off the city wall and walked among countless corpses.

There are common races such as divine birds and dragons, as well as strange plants, and even some stone-like holy spirits.

Most of the essence and blood have been lost, but there are still some, the body is extremely fresh, as if it has just passed away.

Feeling the wanton atmosphere of death, Zhou Luo was unmoved.

After all, I used to be the lord of the underworld, even if I didn't like it, I was used to it.

Not only that, when he came to the interior of the City of Light, he got closer to the millstone, and the mysterious runes in his body also vibrated, resonating with the millstone, as if he would sink into it at any time.

Standing under the millstone, Zhou Luo raised his head and could see corpses falling into the hole in the center one after another.

No matter what race or cultivation level, the millstone that seems to destroy the world treats everyone equally.

The flesh and blood were decomposed and turned into light rain.

Zhou Luo's dusty memory has long been awakened.

He knew clearly in his heart that there was a cycle of reincarnation and a place of rebirth behind the millstone.

At the same time, the vibrating runes in the primordial spirit reminded him that he came to the Shrouding World through this path!

Are you going to take reincarnation now?
After figuring out what is going on here, Zhou Luo also understands that if there is no plan to reincarnate, there is no opportunity to touch the immortal road on the road of reincarnation, except for - that person.

If Zhou Luo's expectations are correct, there is that one on the other side of the road to death.

Immediately, he recalled that he came to the Shrouding World from the original universe for no reason.

Thinking of the weird creatures that shouldn't exist today but have caused waves several times, he finally decided to set off.

Even if it's just for the possible confirmation, it's not a loss.

Of course, he was not reckless, but the rune bestowed by the Immortal Killing Sword in his hand, and the tadpole-like golden light in the primordial spirit.

If there is no accident, it should be able to protect him from harm on the road of reincarnation.

What's more, before Kunlun entered purgatory, he used the supreme method of Dao Fa Tianzun to predict, which was a sign of good luck.

Hold your breath and concentrate, and adjust your body and soul to the best state.

And in front of him, the huge stone millstone seemed to be waiting for his choice.

The rest of the many corpses are no longer submerged.

Zhou Luo raised his eyes, couldn't help but smile and heaved a sigh of relief.

If he was really ravaged by the stone mill together with many dead bodies, even if his life was not in danger, that kind of feeling would not be good.

After making up his mind, Zhou Luo jumped forward.

And the stone mill on the opposite side also had an induction, an irresistible suction came, and a mysterious vortex emerged, immediately sucking him into the hole of the stone mill.

As he expected, the golden runes in Zhou Luo's body shined brilliantly, forming a hazy mask that completely enveloped Zhou Luo, forming a protective film that seemed weak but was difficult to break through.

In addition, Zhou Luo's metamorphic body of the Heavenly Lord was extraordinary, and he passed through the tunnel of the hole before he even had time to feel the discomfort.

The only pity is that inside the millstone, there are more than a dozen golden runes shining and resonating with the runes in the body, but Zhou Luo had no chance to identify them carefully, so he left that area, and it was difficult to turn back.

Ahead is a quiet ancient road.

There is no one there, only the empty soul floating in the distance, heading towards an unknown destination.

Zhou Luo is probably one of the rare creatures who can come here with flesh and blood since ancient times.

He even suspected that it was the only one so far.

The strange emotion was fleeting in his heart, Zhou Luo stepped forward until he reached a beautiful door of light.

Zhou Luo had already made a decision in his heart, and without hesitation, he fell into it.


The sky and the earth are gray.

Even though there are countless phantoms following each other on the long road, there is no trace of life coming from them.

Perhaps it was because of Shi Mo's temporary "strike" for him that there was a large gap in Zhou Luo's front and back.

But with the subsequent arrival of the soul body, it will be made up sooner or later.

At the end of the road, there was a melodious singing.

It is said to be a song, but it is actually more like the whimpering of the evil spirits under the Netherworld.If it falls into the ears of strangers, it is like a divine comedy, but it seems to have an extraordinary attraction in the soul body.Numerous soul bodies followed the arrangements in the dark, and marched on the black stone road in an orderly manner.

Seeing this, Zhou Luo frowned slightly.

Because, it is too slow.

Although he is not urgent, he also has clear goals.

It would be a waste of time to follow these strange-looking guys honestly.

After all, not everyone can get along with these guys.

Perhaps sensing Zhou Luo's inner thoughts, the golden rune actually responded.

In the sea of ​​wheels, in the great sun of the primordial spirit, the golden tadpole reflected the radiant light, enveloping him completely.

In an instant, Zhou Luo felt an invisible shackle break, and the long-lost ability returned to his physical body.

With a thought, he floated up in the air, hanging above all kinds of silent souls.

Zhou Luo flew casually, and quickly rushed several miles.

Compared to the outside world, this is considered a slow speed.But on the road of reincarnation, it is like a miracle.

Is this what cheating feels like?Love love love.

Zhou Luo rarely showed joy from the bottom of his heart.

Glancing at the souls of the group of soldiers on the ground who were still obedient, they immediately turned into a golden light and disappeared into the sky.

Along the way, Zhou Luo surpassed countless soul bodies with ease.

But there were a few times among them, there were dead Xeon creatures, even after being stone-milled, they still maintained a certain amount of divine power, and they stretched out their hands suddenly, trying to pull them down.

Fortunately, Zhou Luo's senses were sharp and he easily dodged.

Besides, if it is true that the strength of the soul body is head-to-head, then Dao Fa Tianzun, who specializes in cultivating the primordial spirit, will have something to say.

In my memory, the Gobi desert that appeared on the road of reincarnation, and the Yin soldiers wearing standard long knives also emerged one by one.

But they all chose to turn a blind eye to Zhou Luo, who obviously existed "outside the theory".

Finally, Zhou Luo arrived at the end of the cycle of reincarnation without any risk.

It was a bottomless cliff.Just like the following dumplings, the souls and bodies have devoted themselves to it one after another, rushing to the afterlife.

Zhou Luo paused for a moment, and his eyes were already on the other side.

There, there is no terrain manifested.

Although he was very confident in the golden light surrounding his body, he also experimented cautiously, and only tried to leap over the cliff after confirming that it was effective.

He was not disappointed, the golden light of the bodyguard made him fly as usual, and landed safely on the opposite side.

What caught my eye was nine ancient stone steps.And above the stone steps is a shrine, in which there is a clay placenta sitting, as if it has been in this state for tens of thousands of years, and it is covered with a thick layer of ash.

Zhou Luo stepped forward and imitated the mud tire, sitting cross-legged facing each other:

 Two changes completed

  I'm a little busy this evening, sorry for the lateness.

(End of this chapter)

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