Chapter 205 Six Paths of Reincarnation, West of Hangu Pass

Within Zhou Luo's body, the newly formed Five Great Divine Treasures had already begun to be filled with immortal brilliance, and the Five Elements' divine power was mighty.

Five Taoist palaces stand in it, and there are mysterious and distant chanting sounds, which is really the supreme fairy land.

However, just like this, the secret realm of the Dao Palace, which was enough to shock countless monks in ancient and modern times, was shattered by Zhou Luo's backhand.

He looked indifferent, as if he had done something insignificant, without any regrets.

Do not break or stand!

Now that he has made up his mind to create the Dao Palace that suits him best, Zhou Luo will never hesitate any longer.

The five continents disappeared in an instant, and the nameless Taoist temples and temples all collapsed, finally smelting into a misty fairy light of five colors.

Although there is no longer the mysterious sound of chanting scriptures, it is still a fairy material that cannot be underestimated.

While Zhou Luo was watching the chaotic scene in his body with satisfaction, his hands kept moving.

With a thought, all the soil and black stone slabs obtained from Kunlun Purgatory and Samsara Road were incorporated into the body.

It first went through the baptism of the golden sea of ​​wheels, and then passed the tempering of the divine bridge on the other side and the cunning ways of the underworld, and finally became Zhou Luo's own.

It was a cloud of gray mist, formed in Zhou Luo's sea of ​​wheels.During the circulation, there is a breath of rebirth and reincarnation.

I saw the high-hanging Yuanshen Great Sun blooming with fairy light, and the golden spiritual thoughts were like water, wrapping the mist of reincarnation, and immediately rising up.

The latter gradually broke away from the range covered by the secret realm of Lunhai, and rose to the position that originally belonged to the Dao Palace.

Juxtaposed with the five colors.

Immediately, Zhou Luo's divine sense revived again, surging like a tide, turning into a sacred furnace, incorporating gray mist and five-color mist into it.

The yin and yang gods of Lunhai can flow, and the yin and yang gods are ignited below them.


It is not a material fusion, but more a new interpretation of the Five Elements Immortal Essence in reincarnation.

There are six reincarnations in Buddhism.

All the heavens and all worlds, all living beings.

According to the good and evil in life, they will reincarnate among the six realms of gods, humans, Shura, hell, hungry ghosts, and animals.

Of course, Buddhism is the way, and Zhou Luo once understood Buddhism on the top of Mount Sumeru and by the pool of the Eight Treasures.But, now, the six realms of reincarnation that Zhou Luo wants to create are not the six realms of Buddhism.

Previously, Zhou Luo had made a superficial attempt on the six realms of reincarnation on Gouchen Guxing.

At this moment, what he wants to construct is the combination of the ultimate principle of the universe based on the circulation of the five elements and his own understanding of the six realms of reincarnation.

At the same time, Zhou Luo's six-way reincarnation boxing learned from the Kunlun core also provided him with a source of inspiration.


With Zhou Luo's evolution, six hazy worlds actually manifested.

Every world is formed by the five elements of immortal essence, plus the divine soil smelted by Zhou Luo from the cycle of reincarnation.

Six prehistoric worlds are juxtaposed, and the highest Dao accumulation immediately circulates.

But Zhou Luo looked at the six real universe-like worlds in front of him, but there was no surprise on his expression.

Somewhere, it seems that something is wrong?
Opening the divine eyes, Zhou Luo observed carefully.

The six worlds occupy the former Dao Palace, and the five elements flow among each other, as if they are really reincarnated.

Yes.Zhou Luo suddenly understood that this was not the real reincarnation of the six realms he had imagined, but just another evolution of the power of the five elements, and if it came to the end, it would turn into chaos.

And the yin and yang divine power already exists in his own wheel sea, and it can eventually evolve into chaos. The two are just different ways to the same goal in a certain sense.

The Six Worlds cannot be allowed to evolve like this.

A flash of light flashed in his mind, and Zhou Luo immediately made up his mind.

Immediately, the six worlds that were almost connected as one were separated with supreme magic power.

Zhou Luo divided the space in the Dao Palace with the condensed spiritual thoughts, so far away.

The six worlds seem to be completely cut off in another space, but there is still the power of reincarnation in the dark.

Between the high and the low, the same existence reincarnates from the lower world to the higher world, and then flows to the lower world again, and the cycle goes back and forth to complete itself.


The moment the Six Paths of Reincarnation was completed, even in the abyss of the East China Sea, where there was no life, Zhou Luo felt the roar of the Heaven and Earth Avenue, the feathers of light falling, and the golden lotus gushing from the ground.

Turn the dead land into a paradise on earth.

At the same time, there are six huge phantoms floating above the six reincarnation worlds.

The phantoms have different postures and expressions, but all of them are majestic and sacred, and their appearance is the same as Zhou Luo.

As soon as it appeared in the deep space of the world of reincarnation in the six realms, there were supreme scriptures all over the sky, as if they wanted to penetrate the present world.

Zhou Luo knew in his heart that this replaced the godlike existence in the Dao Palace.

If they live in the six realms of reincarnation, they will be able to communicate with the heaven and the earth, create the Dao, and make the body detached.

Satisfied, he looked at his physical world. Although the world of the six realms of reincarnation was far from the Taoist palace formed by the five sacred treasures, it perfectly replaced the role of the latter, making the secret realm of Zhou Luo Taoist palace complete.

So far, Zhou Luo has completed the reshaping of the two most important basic secret realms, and built a solid road foundation that is rare in ancient and modern times.

In order to consolidate his cultivation, Zhou Luo was neither arrogant nor impetuous, sitting cross-legged in the depths of the Eastern Sea, devoting himself to cultivation.


In the vast expanse of blue waves, on a small island in the East China Sea, two tortoise spirits who have practiced Taoism for nearly a thousand years, looking at the patrolling Yaksha menacingly passing by not far away, couldn't help but sigh with emotion:
"I don't know what kind of madness the Master Tongtian of West Kunlun is going to turn our East China Sea upside down like this."

When the old turtle next to him heard the words, his expression became solemn, and he quickly reprimanded:
"Shut up! Don't dare to talk about the Great God!"

Immediately, it quietly lowered its head again, lowering its voice and saying:
"It's not just the Dragon King of our East China Sea. It is said that the gods of the three mountains, five mountains, and five lakes and four seas have been imprisoned by the leader of Tongtian, and sent orders to the world, just to find one person."


The old turtle stared: "How would I know?"

"Here, look! In order to prevent that person from getting away, Master Tongtian even used the Heavenly Venerable Killing Formation to cover the entire ancient star, and he would be able to detect any changes."

"Damn, who cares, that kind of character can't hinder us anyway, so what should we do!"

As soon as the words fell, the two old turtles turned over with a tacit understanding, and continued to bask in the sun beautifully.

On the side, Zhou Luo, who had just come out from the bottom of the East China Sea, naturally heard their conversation. The corner of his mouth could not help but smile slightly, and he looked up at the sky that was covered by the Lingbao killing array and turned into a sea of ​​blood.

Want to catch me?
Zhou Luo shook his head, not to mention his inner ghost in the Lingbao killing array.

Now that he has reshaped the two major secret realms, he can definitely leave calmly even in a confrontation with the fully armed Master Tongtian.

However, the previous warning from the Immortal Killing Sword, as well as the hidden induction, made Zhou Luo understand that the Master Tongtian might still have a trump card that could threaten him.

After thinking about it, Zhou Luo smiled.

Anyway, he is also preparing to leave, at worst, he will send a big gift to Tongtian before leaving.

However, before that, there was one more place Zhou Luo wanted to visit.

After making up his mind, his figure disappeared, turned into a ray of fairy light, and headed towards the central and western parts of the mainland.

Hangu Pass.

This is a legendary name.

In the world of mortals a million years later, it is a battleground for military strategists of all dynasties.

And as early as today's Taikoo, it has already existed. It is a supreme secret land in the practice world. Even the heavenly leader dare not touch it. It seems that there is a great horror hidden in it.

But today, Zhou Luo easily passed through the ancient Heavenly Venerable Formation and landed here.

He strolled in the courtyard, looking at the Xiongguan in the distance.

Suddenly, a burst of mighty purple energy rushed out from Hangu Pass, manifesting in front of him.

Zhou Luo looked indifferent, he didn't sense any hostility from the follower.

The purple vortex dissipated, and what emerged was an old man in a Taoist robe, with white eyebrows and beard, and a fairy-like bone.

His body is crystal clear and full of energy, and he should be in the quasi-emperor realm.

However, this powerful monk, who is enough to be called the quasi-emperor, was extremely respectful in front of Zhou Luo.

He bowed solemnly first, then cupped his hands and said:

"Senior, my teacher would like to invite you to meet me."

 (The author was attacked by a strange surprise, and the number of chapters was typed wrong! I will find an editor to revise it tomorrow! I am very sorry!)

  The two changes are over.We will arrive at Beidou tomorrow.

  Sorry, the author has been busy recently, and the state is also a bit bad, and the update is a bit stretched... But I will still insist on adding updates on weekends!

  Finally, thank you all for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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