Chapter 211

The Kunlun mirror is truly extraordinary.

Even in the face of the majesty of the ancient royal family, the immortal light is still immortal, and the radiant light almost penetrates the dark cloud of magic.

In the end, it was a long chant that sounded like a real dragon from the magic cloud, which made the Kunlun mirror dim immediately as if it had been hit hard.

However, at any rate, it did not fall directly, and was still hanging above the head of Kunlun's head teacher.

Moreover, the Kunlun Mirror faintly gathers the power of faith from all directions, and the water-like mirror surface becomes more and more mysterious, as if it wants to reflect the heavens.

Seeing this, the holy kings of the three clans sitting on the clouds couldn't help being surprised.

In the face of the extreme imperial soldiers, even if it is just the insignificant wisps of aura overflowing from them, not to mention the holy weapons, even the quasi-imperial weapons have to avoid the edge temporarily, otherwise there will only be the only end of cracking.

Shrouded in black robes, the existence revered as a general by several royal families was also alarmed.

The sun, the moon, and the stars were rotating in his eyes. He carefully looked at the magic mirror hanging on the ancient city below, and said indifferently:

"Will you bathe in the power of faith? Although it's not as good as one ten-thousandth of the emperor's, it's still extraordinary."

The three royal sage kings looked at each other and replied respectfully:

"The Kunlun religion has always been known as the mother religion of the Beidou people. It is admired by the people all over the world, and it naturally gathers the power of faith."

"And the Kunlun Mirror is their godly soldier of the town religion. It has protected the human race since ancient times, and it is of great significance."

"Hmph!" The figure in the black robe made a disdainful voice:

"How can the light of rice grains compete with the real bright moon? Hurry up and blast the city of God with the ancient emperor's soldiers."

He was invited by the three royal families to sit here.Naturally, it was because they were worried, in order to prevent possible accidents.

In this birth, it would be best if he didn't make a move, and he could get a share of benefits for nothing, so why not do it.

Hearing this, the three holy kings on the opposite side showed embarrassment. They didn't dare to underestimate Kunlun, a powerful force that has been passed down since ancient times, and they were going to take it slowly.

But facing the "teaching" of the person in front of him, no one dared to refute.

After making up his mind, the three holy kings manifested their real bodies in the clouds, which caused an uproar among the monks below.

It turned out to be the Guangming Clan, the Golden Cave, and the Ten Thousand Dragons' Nest, the three ancient royal families with great reputations!
Even if they did not bring the imperial soldiers of various races, they have already expressed an attitude.

On the city wall, the mood of Headmaster Kunlun suddenly fell to the bottom.

"I waited for the three major royal families to show up, but the gate of Kunlun City is still closed. Is it true that the human race doesn't take the ancient emperor seriously?"

As soon as these words came out, the matter in front of him was unexpectedly brought up to the confrontation between the human race and the supreme emperor, and the survivors in Kunlun City dared not speak out.

But they didn't dare to speak, but it didn't mean everyone didn't dare.

"Bah! You bastards, don't come here to make big banners with tiger skins!"

With a shout of anger, he rolled towards the sky, as if he wanted to pierce the dark cloud, expressing the hearts of countless people.

Immediately, a gray-haired old sage appeared next to Master Kunlun.

"It's him!"

Someone recognized the old man:
"He is the youngest junior brother of Kunlun's previous head teacher!"

Even, in a certain corner of Kunlun City, there was the same old voice whispering: "I still can't change his violent temper..."

The old sage didn't care about the discussion behind him, his eyes widened with anger, and he looked up to the sky:
"Throughout the ages, all those who have proved themselves as emperors have cared for the common people of all races and protected all souls. Their minds are broad enough to make all creatures of all races pay homage to them."

"But! The descendants of the ancient emperor are bullying the weak and doing evil. I want to ask, who is insulting the prestige of the supreme emperor!"

"Bold!" "Arrogance!"

The three saint kings yelled angrily, pressing down with a wisp of extreme divine power, as if they wanted to tear the world apart.

If it hadn't been for the Kunlun Mirror to bloom with immortal light at a critical moment, covering the ancient city, otherwise the entire city of God would be reduced to powder under this blow.

Even if this is just an ancient imperial soldier who has not really awakened, it is already terrifying.

Enduring the coercion in the dark, the head teacher of Kunlun raised his head and said loudly:

"If a distinguished guest comes to the door, if he is willing to put away his weapon, I, Kunlun, will naturally treat him with courtesy."

Hearing this, there was a smirk in the dark cloud:
"Old head teacher, are you really confused?"

Immediately, another majestic and magnificent voice came out:

"The Kunlun Sect is disrespectful to the ancestors. From today onwards, the three royal families including me will take over the Kunlun God City."

The thunder-like roar reverberated in the sky, announcing coldly and mercilessly, without any regard for all the races on the ground.

I don't even want to pretend.

Hearing this, the hearts of all the people in Shencheng could not help but sink.

"Kunlun is the foundation of our human race. From ancient times to the present, it has never been left behind after more than 50 years. Even if you come to the gate with the emperor's soldiers today, we will never give in!"

The divine mirror hangs high, resonating with the words of Kunlun's head teacher, and seems to awaken something in the blood of all the people present at the scene.

Those are the traces left by the ancestors, who once overcame thorns and thorns, fought bloody battles, and forgot to die.

However, a more majestic and sacred aura emanated from the magic cloud, which crushed the sky, shook the avenue, and made the laws of this place groan.

The spread of extreme divine power wiped out the slight resistance raised in everyone's hearts, and even the saints were fighting with each other, wanting to bow down.

The royal way is invincible!
In the magic cloud, seeing the ugliness of the human race in the ancient city below, the creatures of the three races couldn't help laughing wantonly.

Suddenly, the leader, the Golden Sage King, gave a pause. He seemed to have other plans.

Then, I heard an indifferent and majestic voice from within the magic cloud:

"The ancestor of our family has the virtue of being good at life. If someone is willing to turn to the light and scold the Kunlun Sect at this moment, he can leave safely and save his life."


This is a blatant insult!
As the mother teacher of the Beidou human race, Kunlun is regarded as a thorn in the side of all races. Not only has he suffered such a disaster, but now he is still infamous?
All of a sudden, anger rose in the hearts of countless people.

But as time passed, the extreme divine power above his head remained the same, like a fairy sword that could fall down at any time.

Kunlun City fell into an eerie silence.

Finally, a divine rainbow soared into the sky and rushed to the outside world.

That is the king of the three immortals, who is looking at the Kunlun sect with an angry face at the moment:

"If you didn't bring disaster, how could you hurt the innocent people in Kunlun City, you deserve to die!"

Immediately, the king easily passed through the range covered by the magic cloud, and with a happy face, he went away at a high speed.

Can really survive!

When someone takes the lead, more people will follow suit.

One, two, three... Countless divine rainbows flew up and rushed to the outside world.

Of course, there are also people left behind, but they are a minority after all.

Seeing this, the ancient kings of the three clans laughed heartily from the magic cloud.The human race is so ugly.

Later, even if those people did not insult Kunlun, they chose to let them go.

In the end, the huge Kunlun really turned into a dead city, full of desolation and twilight.

Seeing that the headmaster of Kunlun was still standing on the city wall, the saint kings of the three royal families felt a little strange in their hearts and couldn't help shaking their heads:


The first thing to hit was a cyan magic pot.It is cast from feathered green gold, the fairy glow is bright, and the power is immeasurable.The aura of the ancient emperor spread, as if it wanted to sink the land of Zhongzhou.

Faced with this unrivaled blow, everyone in Kunlun City couldn't help showing a look of despair.


The Kunlun mirror that was standing in front of it shattered, but immediately burst into a more dazzling divine brilliance, causing the heavens to mourn.

For a while, even the aura of the refining pot was overwhelmed by it.

"Quasi-imperial weapon!"

The surprised voices of the three holy kings came from the clouds.

"No, just a quasi-imperial weapon will definitely not be able to compete with the imperial soldiers!"

The god general shrouded in black robe whispered, and the sun and moon rotated in his eyes:

"It's a complete pole pattern!"

"It turned out to be such a treasure!" The three holy kings had no doubts that the one in front of him had definitely come into contact with the real and complete extreme divine pattern.

Thinking of this, the holy kings of the three clans couldn't help showing greedy expressions.

Just such a quasi-imperial weapon can be called a priceless treasure. The complete pattern of an unknown enlightened person is inestimable.


A golden mace is crushed, and the extreme divine power is pervasive, accompanied by the transpiration of hundreds of millions of celestial light, eternal and immortal.

Another ancient imperial soldier!Everyone in Kunlun, who saw a ray of dawn just now, fell into despair again.

How can I be against you!

Just when everyone was ashamed and ready to face the most splendid death.

Two huge fingers protruded from the chaos like a jade pillar supporting the sky, and flicked on the two supreme ancient imperial soldiers respectively, and the latter made a pleasant fairy sound.


In the demon cloud, the three holy kings were all shocked, and the mysterious man called the general was also shocked:

"Receive the extreme emperor's soldiers with bare hands!"

What happened in front of them was simply beyond their imagination, even if the Kunlun Sect had a quasi-emperor who survived, it shouldn't be the case.

And the people on the ground were also shocked.

It wasn't until the mist cleared that they saw clearly that the towering figure standing in the void was actually a young man who didn't look very old.

 (It's numb, the title is wrong, everyone can laugh at the author to their heart's content...)
  Sorry, this chapter is a bit too long, so it's a little late.

  There are two more updates tonight around 19:[-]

(End of this chapter)

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