Chapter 232 Underworld moves, chaos will start

Beyond the Immortal Mountain.

Although there is still a long distance, the current Zhou Luo can always maintain the cultivation base of the supreme level, and his spiritual sense is penetrating.

With just a random look at the divine eye, it can reveal its real body.

The figure hidden in the black mist is an ancient corpse filled with a strong breath of death. It has been dead for tens of thousands of years, regenerated spiritual wisdom, and now it has cultivated to the quasi-emperor realm.

At the same time, the aura of the underworld and the underworld emanating from his body made Zhou Luo instantly judge that he definitely came from the underworld.

Although he had just destroyed the plan of the underworld in the ascending immortal land, and confronted the corpse emperor, those who wanted to come to the underworld should not act so quickly.

At the moment when many ancient venerables are beheading themselves and sleeping deeply, the underworld will choose to stand still and wait for the opportunity.

For example, give him a fatal blow when he tries to prove the Tao.

Moreover, Zhou Luo's current identity on the surface is the strongest of the human race from outside the territory, and has nothing to do with Undead Mountain.

Numerous thoughts flashed through his mind, and Zhou Luo ruled out the possibility that the underworld came to revenge him.

Then the rest, of course, is that the underworld simply came to visit the restricted area, perhaps for Yuanhuang, or Donghuang.

All in all, no matter what it is for, won't it be clear if you directly ask yourself later?
After making up his mind, Zhou Luo turned into a ray of fairy light and sank straight into the ancient and majestic black mountains.

Sensing his breath, along the way, the gods, vines, flowers, and all kinds of powerful weapons were silent, not daring to offend at all.

Before that, Emperor Yuan had already brought him to familiarize himself with the layout of Undead Mountain, so Zhou Luo returned to the deep ancient cave where Emperor Yuan retreated.

The inner world suddenly changed, and the vast and majestic atmosphere rushed towards the face, and the Kunlun core fairyland where thousands of dragons soared stood upright.

As expected by Zhou Luo, in the Kunlun Immortal Pond, Yuan Huang, who was supposed to proclaim himself himself, did not fall into a deep sleep, but was frowning slightly, as if thinking about something.

Sensing Zhou Luo's aura, Emperor Yuan was not surprised, and said lightly, "Are you back?"

And when he raised his head and looked at Zhou Luo who was facing him, a look of astonishment flashed across his eyes, and then a powerful aura that shook the heavens filled the air.

Emperor Yuan's eyes seemed to be radiant with celestial light, and his almost condensed eyes seemed to penetrate Zhou Luo's physical body.

The two primordial spirits are originally one, and Zhou Luo didn't deliberately conceal it, the Yuanhuang suddenly realized, and sighed:

"It turns out that the Hedao Flower is actually in the Land of Immortals. No wonder we couldn't find it when we deduced it starting from Kunlun."

"I didn't expect to find so many big dragons in the Big Dipper this time, and there are so many gains." Yuan Huang in Xianyuan couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"The experience of this trip is far more 'exciting' than you think." A mysterious smile appeared on the corner of Zhou Luo's mouth.

He didn't say much, but directly transformed into a spiritual body, and immediately submerged into Yuanhuang's immortal platform.

The latter closed his eyes slightly, and opened them suddenly in the next moment, looking at Zhou Luo in disbelief.

Because there are too many worldly secrets and supreme treasures involved, for a while, Emperor Yuan didn't know where to start.

"Tell me, who will take the fairy corpse away?" In contrast, Zhou Luo who was opposite was more calm and asked the question first.

Emperor Yuan thought for a while, and replied, "It should be a ruthless person."

Immediately, he sighed again, and then began to analyze:

"According to what Zijin Shenlong said, the immortal corpse buried in the dark eyes of Dengxiandi is related to the Big Dipper Heaven and Earth Avenue. If it is taken away, it will inevitably lead to great changes in the world. Thinking about it, only in the ancient times, the Big Dipper World gradually deteriorated until Ye It is most suitable for the sages of all times to be invisible."

"Besides, since Hedao Flower and Immortal Sword are both in the Immortal Land, they all fell into the hands of ruthless people in the end, so the possibility of ruthless people is greatly increased."

Hearing this, Zhou Luo nodded, he also thought the same.

"Actually, what surprised me even more was Duan De. He actually found the burial place of Mingzun and started to transform again."

"Perhaps there is a hidden attraction." Zhou Luo guessed: "He pursued all the way, from Tongtian to Beidou, and then to Dengxian Land... It is destined that he will eventually discern the source of himself."

Emperor Yuan also agreed with this.

After a moment of silence, Emperor Yuan opened his mouth again and said, "Hell, the movements are very frequent these days."

"It's nothing more than trying to dig up a fairy corpse. It's just commonplace for the underworld. But they actually came to pay a visit and took the initiative to tell a shocking news. It really makes people have to think about it."

Seeing this, Zhou Luo also became curious, and he actually reacted like this. It seems that the underworld has a big plan.

Sensing Zhou Luo's curiosity, Emperor Yuan raised his head and said calmly:
"Going to the gate of the underworld, pay homage to us and other Beidou's many restricted areas. It is said that the ghosts under him discovered an ancient fairy road when they were digging some chaotic ancient ruins. Therefore, the Supreme Lord of the Underworld wants to invite me to go and explore together. .”

Hearing this, Zhou Luo was silent for a moment, there was no joy or shock on his face, instead his brows were furrowed, and immediately he said in an incomprehensible tone:
"Would the underworld be so kind? If it's really the road to immortality, they don't keep it for themselves, and they will tell me? Unless, they have other plans."

"Besides, you and I know very well that from ancient times to the present, in all the journeys to immortality, except for the one where Feixianxing was taken, no one became immortal."

Yuan Huang on the opposite side obviously had the same idea:

"For some reason, after visiting the gate of the underworld, I suddenly remembered something—"

Emperor Yuan and Zhou Luo looked at each other and said in unison:
"Battle in the restricted area!"

The two minds are connected, so they naturally thought of one place to go.

"If that's the case, then it's hard to say whether this fairy road is real or not." Zhou Luo frowned slightly, lost in thought.

"If you want to deceive the Supreme, then it must be 'true'." Emperor Yuan smiled: "But, as I know, no one will become immortal in the end, and the Supremes will kill so much blood."

"However, it's all right if the blood flows like a river," Yuan Huang's voice turned low. "If the Supreme Being lacks blood at that time, I'm afraid there will be a dark turmoil."

Dark turmoil.

This is a heavy topic.

No matter in any era, becoming an immortal is too far away for ordinary creatures and low-level monks.

However, every price has to be borne by them.

"If that's the case, I'm afraid there is still Little Phoenix behind the scenes." Yuan Huang guessed.

"The weirdness of possessing him must be to hope that as many supreme beings in the universe will die as soon as possible, then no one can stop its actions. And if the little phoenix wants to transform itself, it also needs to be bathed in the blood of the supreme being." Zhou Luo's voice Also very heavy.

Although it is still all their guesses at present, the two of them know that they may not be far from the truth.

In the end, Emperor Yuan broke the silence and showed a relieved smile:
"You don't need to think so much now. The key is that you have to rebuild the secret realm as soon as possible. When the time comes, you and I, as well as the Eastern Emperor of the Heavenly Emperor rank, and the barren tower may not be able to quell a dark turmoil."

 The second one will have to wait a little longer, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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