Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 235 Breaking into the ancient mine in the early days

Chapter 235 Breaking into the ancient mine in the early days

The round face, sharp beak, sharp claws, and feathers are no different from the sparrows that can be seen everywhere in the world.

Its appearance is not gorgeous, and it is impossible to have any bloodlines.

However, this creature was completely born from Zhou Luo's hands, and he saw it with his own eyes, so Yuanhuang was not shocked.

This is almost a miracle out of nothing.

"Fortunate Immortal Light." Zhou Luo proudly handed the bird to Emperor Yuan.

"This?" Suddenly, Emperor Yuan frowned slightly.

What kind of cultivation he has, and he also specializes in the way of the primordial spirit, so it can be seen at a glance that although the bird is lifelike, there is no primordial spirit in it, it is just an empty shell.

If it's just that, it's nothing.

Seemingly seeing what Emperor Yuan was thinking, Zhou Luo smiled slightly:
"Although the things I can create at present are only in shape, this is because my Sendai has not yet been reshaped."

"If I wait until my five great secret realms gather together and my understanding of the power of good fortune improves, I'm afraid I will be able to 'make people out of earth' as ​​in the legend."

Hearing what Zhou Luo said, Emperor Yuan's doubts disappeared instantly, replaced by deep shock.

Mixed with amazement and envy, he looked straight at Zhou Luo:

"The way of good fortune... In this way, you have really stepped out of your own path."

A long sigh contained an unknown number of complex emotions.

Seeing Emperor Yuan's deeply moved expression, Zhou Luo immediately joked:

"Ahem, everyone is a family, so there's no need to see outsiders like this."

Emperor Yuan is also very human, he quickly recovered from his temporary gaffe, and said with a look of disdain: "Huh! That's right. If it weren't for this emperor, you might still be lying dead in the undead mountain. If you think about it this way, I have at least half of the credit for it." !"

After the two joked, Emperor Yuan said solemnly:
"Are you going to the ancient mine in the early days?"

Hearing this, Zhou Luo nodded:
"On this trip, one is to confirm whether the immortal fetus in the early days was killed; the other is to test the tone of the supreme over there, what is their attitude towards the invitation from the underworld."

"Three, it would be nice if you could 'borrow' some life stones from the beginning."

For the reincarnation of the chaotic body and the purple-gold dragon, reshaping the physical body, the Life Stone of Absolute Beginning can obviously play a miraculous effect.

Hearing that he has made up his mind to go, Yuan Huang on the opposite side will naturally not stop him, he just glanced at him lightly, and immediately smiled:

"Based on your current cultivation base and Daofa Tianzun's Dao fruit, even if the supreme master of the ancient mine in the early days wants to do something, I'm afraid he has to weigh himself carefully."

Before Zhou Luo could answer, he added:

"That being the case, are you going to go to the ancient mine in the early days in silence, or—"

Zhou Luo immediately raised his hand to stop it, with a confident smile on his face:
"Of course it's going to be done with great fanfare! After all, I'm the incomparable supreme of the human race. Is it just an ancient mine in the early days, and those 'old things' that are dying in the past are worthy of my attention?"

Although he knew that Zhou Luo was acting exaggeratedly, Yuan Huang somehow felt that he deserved a beating.In the end, it was because of that face that he held back his hands.

Emperor Yuan glanced at Zhou Luo indifferently:
"You have just reshaped the Dragon Transformation Secret Realm, you need to consolidate and digest it, and go to the Taichu Ancient Mine after you complete your work."

After the words fell, Emperor Yuan turned into a fairy light and dissipated.

Zhou Luo and Emperor Yuan naturally had the same idea, so he still sat cross-legged under the ancient tea tree of Enlightenment, digesting and absorbing the gains from Enlightenment.


Some time ago, the Human Race Supreme who was born out of nowhere stirred up the Big Dipper, successively caused the three royal families to break their halberds, entered and exited the Ancient Emperor Mountain without incident, and finally threw themselves into the mysterious Undead Mountain.

Fortunately, no news of him was heard from again.

Many people in the Ten Thousand Clans were delighted and hoped that he would be buried in the Undead Mountain.

But more ancestor kings and most of the human race believed that the supreme human race would definitely not be silent.

Sure enough, a few days ago, news spread from Kunlun City that the Supreme Being of the Human Race had manifested his real body there.

But at the same time, there are rumors that the Supreme also entrusted a son of God to Kunlun to take care of him.

When this news came out, Beidou was in an uproar, and everyone became dubious.

It is suspected that the Kunlun Sect wants to use the name of Supreme to reproduce its former glory.

But no matter what, there are different opinions about the whereabouts of the Supreme Human Race.


In the end, what breaks the groundless guesses of all living beings is a divine way that traverses the heaven and earth, and the power of the extreme way is undisguised, and it is mighty and powerful.

This is definitely an existence trip of the supreme series, with the phantom of the fairy spirit descending into the world, and the thunder of the void god roaring.

A great sage with a high level of cultivation risked his life to approach, and felt that unique blood:
"Yes, it is the supreme being of the human race!"

The Big Dipper is full of noise, and the human race is even more rejoicing.

Compared with low-level monks, holy existences are more concerned about the whereabouts of the supreme beings of the human race.

"That...direction is the ancient mine of Taichu!"

Some saints of the older generation exclaimed.

Supreme actually wants to break into the ancient mine in the early days!

In a short time, this news has spread to many great religions in the Beidou Five Regions.

Zhou Luo's trip this time was far more shocking than his last visit to Ancient Emperor Mountain and Undead Mountain.

After all, the real body of the Immortal Emperor is no longer here. This is not a big secret. Although the Immortal Mountain is mysterious, there are no anecdotes circulating.

But the ancient mine in the early days is different. It has a supreme status in the hearts of all races, and is enshrined and worshiped by all races.

So far, there are still rumors that many royal families are inextricably linked to the existence in the ancient mine.

Previously, the news of the birth of the Supreme Being of the Human Race had already spread to the ancient mine, but there was no response.

"Yes, we must be wrong."

An ancient sage king made a guess:
"The Supreme Being of the Human Race didn't intend to offend many restricted areas. He went deep into the Ancient Emperor Mountain and the Immortal Mountain just to look at the relics of the ancient emperors. At his level, only the traces of the ancient emperor can move him. "

"Furthermore, after entering the Ancient Emperor Mountain and Immortal Mountain, the fact that the Supreme God War did not break out is the best evidence."

Another ancestor king added that it seemed that this guess became more and more reliable.

Regardless of how the Beidou sentient beings guessed, Zhou Luo stood on the divine way and arrived in the Northern Territory in an instant.

A mysterious ancient mine stretches across the sky, the silver glow is as vast as a sea of ​​smoke, and the mist is pervasive. Every moment, the stars are falling down from the sky and sinking into the ancient cave.

Zhou Luo took a step forward, and the world was close, and he was about to step into the rumored forbidden land.

"Human race, you have crossed the line."

The indifferent and majestic voice came out, and the mighty Beidou heaven and earth made the listeners tremble.

Such a voice came from the ancient mine that had been silent for many years, which excited some existences and made all beings terrified.

Sensing more than one strong gaze focused on him, Zhou Luo smiled slightly:
"Is this the way of hospitality in the ancient mine in the early days?"

"Guest?" Another supreme voice came out, as if hearing a big joke, it seemed like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood descended in an instant.

"It's nothing more than an unenlightened quasi-emperor, yet he dares to put on airs in front of us!"

The third extremely majestic wave came out.

The ancient mine in the early days was really unfathomable. In just a few breaths, there appeared three existences capable of confronting the supreme beings of the human race. It is really awe-inspiring.

Hearing this, Zhou Luo asked back:

"Then is it possible that there is some kind of ancient emperor with perfect realm hidden in the ancient mine in the early days?"


A giant palm that was completely condensed from the source energy of heaven and earth fell down, completely ignoring Zhou Luo, and was just about to pinch him and humiliate him.

In this regard, Zhou Luo just raised his eyes, and suddenly an extremely sharp light burst out, crushing the giant palm and annihilating it into nothingness.

"Now, am I eligible?"

 Four more completed.

  Tomorrow there will be one update at 18:23 and one at [-]:[-].

  Thank you very much for your support!During this period of time, everyone's comments and suggestions have been seen by the author.

  Please rest assured, the author will do his best to write the follow-up plot well!
(End of this chapter)

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