Chapter 245

In the ancient mine in the early days, there are silver-white life stones everywhere, with celestial light surging and life breath surging.

In the endless years before the age of mythology, there used to be real immortals entrenched here, leaving indelible traces of the Dao.

Later, the fairy fetus conceived in it was forced by the old ghost, and had no choice but to escape and abandoned this place.

The ancient mine in the early days was also turned into a supreme forbidden zone of Beidou, where many supreme beings hibernate.

However, it is such a forbidden place that is enshrined by thousands of peoples and no one dares to approach it on weekdays. Now, Zhou Luo is walking in it, and the four ancient emperors beside him dare not speak out.

Because, the killing god in front of him was attacked successively by two supreme beings from the ancient mine in the early days, but they both slaughtered them, which made him famous.

Now, it is here to "blackmail".

In order to appease their anger, the four ancient emperors also chose to turn a blind eye to Zhou Luo's robbery of taking away about a third of the life stone of the aboriginal life.

However, when Zhou Luo stretched out his magic palm to the Supreme Immortal Vein in the depths of the ancient mine, they finally couldn't sit still.

In an instant, the celestial glow here is gorgeous, and the laws of extreme dao are intertwined, covering up the celestial veins.

"Fellow Daoist, this is the root of the ancient mine fairy essence, so don't act rashly!"

Seeing this, Emperor Dapeng, who had always been taciturn, couldn't help but speak.

"If this vein is taken away, it will never be possible to give birth to a new Life Stone of Absolute Beginning." The Wanlong Emperor also whispered.

Hearing this, Zhou Luo smiled slightly: "What does this have to do with this deity?"

After the words fell, Zhou Luo slapped the ancient emperor and god here with a palm, and was about to grab the fairy treasure.

Four majestic and majestic divine thoughts immediately pressed against Zhou Luo.

Immediately, the avenue roared, and gaps opened in the void, as if a war of gods would break out at any time.

The light in his eyes was as cold as lightning, and Zhou Luo's eyes swept over the four ancient emperors who had sealed themselves in the fairyland one by one.

Feeling the overwhelming killing intent, while the latter was helpless, he also secretly groaned in his heart.

The four ancient emperors had already killed themselves, and their combat power was not at the perfect imperial level.

Although the current blood energy is still abundant, but if it is sublimated to the utmost, it will definitely hurt the enemy eight hundred and self-damage one thousand.

Prior to this, the end of Emperor Guangming was still vivid in his mind.

However, the immortal vein is also the foundation of the ancient mine, if it is lost, the longevity breath here will gradually dissipate, and it will no longer be able to help him proclaim himself eternal.

Because of this, the four ancient emperors couldn't help but fell into a dilemma.

In the end, it was the ancient blood phoenix who considered it and said:
"Fellow Daoist, you have been involved in good fortune and are reasonable, why bother to do this thing of extinction?"

"If I had waited to discuss it carefully, there is really no need to be so tense."

Hearing this, Zhou Luo raised his eyebrows, he didn't really want to push the ancient emperors to a desperate situation, he had to master a degree.

After making up his mind, Zhou Luo withdrew his hand reaching for the Supreme Immortal Vein, and glanced at the ancient emperors opposite with a smile on his face:

"Then it depends on what fairy treasures fellow Taoists can come up with?"

Previously, when the Guangming Emperor fell, the ancient Golden Emperor and the Ancient Blood Phoenix Emperor who had awakened at that time naturally took advantage of the opportunity to divide up his "relics".

Now, not only spit it out, but also added a lot.

As for the Wanlonghuang and Dapenghuang who were on the side, they secretly said "bad luck" in their hearts.

When I woke up, not only heard the "bad news", but also wanted them to spend money to eliminate disasters, I was really speechless.

After harvesting a few undead medicinal fruits, as well as the golden fairy material, Zhou Luo stopped being aggressive, and instead politely said:

"Fellow daoists are worthy of being the supreme emperor in this life, you are really generous!"

Regardless of whether it was true or false, the four ancient emperors only looked indifferent.

I thought that Zhou Luo would accept it when he met, but unexpectedly he said:

"I don't know where the retreat of the Lord of the Beginning is?"

Hearing this, the four ancient emperors all changed color.

The old ghost has a great reputation and is the master of the beginning. Even if he has not been seen for decades, they dare not trespass into his retreat.

Now that Zhou Luo has returned safely, it is expected that the old ghost must have lost his life, and several people have already planned in their hearts.

But now Zhou Luo's words dispelled their thoughts.

Taking a panoramic view of the expressions of the four ancient emperors, Zhou Luo already understood in his heart, and immediately said lightly:
"Also ask fellow Taoists to lead the way."

Although he was unwilling, Zhou Luo slaughtered the old ghost who wanted to plot against him, and now he came to collect the "trophy", which was reasonable and reasonable, and the ancient emperors really couldn't refute it.

In the end, under the guidance of the Wanlong Emperor, Zhou Luo came to the most turbulent place in the early days, where an ancient mottled stone palace was located.

Zhou Luo could tell at a glance that it was incompatible with the ancient mine, and it was not left by the real immortals here. It must have been obtained by the old ghost from other places and placed here.

Leaving aside the four ancient emperors behind him, Zhou Luo easily broke the restriction of this place and entered it.

Only then did he notice that there was a vacancy in the center of the hall, which directly led to the underground fairy vein, making the place shrouded in fairy light.

Zhou Luo suddenly realized that this place must be the place where the fairy fetus was conceived in the beginning, and it was connected to the underground fairy vein, just like the fetus and umbilical cord in the mother's womb.

After the old ghost forced the fairy fetus away, he naturally occupied this place of good fortune that surpassed the heavens and the earth by himself.

Seeing this, Zhou Luo was finally able to confirm that the immortal fetus in the early days was safe, so he was relieved.

Averting his eyes from the source of the immortal veins, Zhou Luo looked around the hall and nodded.

He browsed through the old ghost's memory, and there is no shortage of treasures here, obviously no one has been preempted.

However, the usual materials of gods and immortals could no longer move him. The reason why he rushed to the Taichu Ancient Mine so eagerly was because he was worried that the old ghost's special collection would be taken away by others.

Thinking of this, Zhou Luo thought, and took out something from the mountain of treasures.

It was a piece of animal bone as white as jade, and it was unknown what kind of animal or fairy it came from.

Although it has been dead for countless years, and the essence of withered bones has almost been lost, when Zhou Luo sensed it with his spiritual sense, he seemed to be able to see an extremely terrifying beast. With a long howl, countless universes followed. Shattered, shocking.

Regardless of other things, just this animal bone can be called a priceless treasure, far surpassing the materials of gods and immortals.

Zhou Luo immediately made up his mind that he would train it into the Supreme Dao Soldiers in the future.

And being so treasured by the old ghost, apart from the preciousness of the animal bone itself, it is also because it came from the ancient burial ground where the old ghost was bred, which is of extraordinary significance.

The old ghost is a born ghost, destined to practice by seizing the body of all spirits.

But as his Taoism became more and more sophisticated, he could no longer find a body that could bear his soul, and in the end he could only wrap his soul in a cloud of dead mist, lingering on his last breath.

It stands to reason that if it fell into this field, it would definitely be a better choice for the old ghost to return to the burial place and hibernate there.

It's a pity that it's not that the old ghost doesn't want to, but that he can't do it.

In fact, as early as more than 60 years ago, the burial place where he was conceived had been taken away by others. If it weren't for his own advanced state, he might not have escaped death.

And the person who took away the burial ground was one of the nine heavenly deities in the age of Megatron myth——

Lingbao Tianzun!

 The third update will be later, and it will definitely be after 0 o'clock. You can watch it tomorrow.

  Regarding weekend updates, more will be added.But recently, due to the weather changes, the author has a little illness, and his condition is really not very good, so there are only three shifts, and the time is still around 13:19 and two shifts around [-]:[-].The author is very sorry for this.

(End of this chapter)

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