Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 256 The Heavenly Conspiracy, Lingbao's Backhand

Chapter 256 The Heavenly Conspiracy, Lingbao's Backhand

In the world of burial, the shocking battle between Dao Fa Tianzun and the leader of Tongtian has just come to an end.

In the void, there is still the chilling murderous aura of the Lingbao killing array, while on the burial ground, there is still the divine power of the heavenly knife to punish and punish.

As for the grand Sutra of Saving People, it still seems to reverberate in the hearts of all sentient beings.

Standing on the nine heavens, the leader of Tongtian sect heard that the mysterious young man on the opposite side didn't seem to take Tianzun Daofa seriously, so he couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, and said sarcastically:
"Speaking of which, you are really a waste. Back then, you couldn't even deal with a mere Wuliang!"

What Tongtian was referring to was naturally the strange creature's attempt to seize the Dao fruit while the immeasurable heavenly god was transforming into a fairy, but it failed in the end.

Hearing this, the strange creature on the opposite side who has successfully possessed the Immortal Emperor couldn't help but hesitate. Even though his forehead was full of black lines, he still respectfully said:

"Tianzun's words are serious. It is really difficult to deal with the infinite mystery of chaos; and the later emperor's cultivation base is even more unfathomable. Therefore, I have been suppressed by him and have no room to display it."

"Hmph!" Tong Tian's indifferent eyes swept away:
"Incompetence is incompetence, there is no need to say more! If you can achieve things by yourself, why should you ask this deity now!"

Tong Tian's words can be said to be merciless, and the expressions of the strange creatures are also extremely ugly.

I thought he would have an attack, but he seemed to think of something, and finally endured it.

Not to mention the Tongtian in front of him, that is, Lingbao, whose real cultivation level is still higher than his. If he really dies, it will be bad for him.

At the same time, if you want to sacrifice this world, Lingbao's attainments in the formation are indispensable.

Therefore, no matter how harsh Tongtian's words are, he can only endure it temporarily for the sake of the weird ethnic group's plans.

Just when the strange creature's mood was fluctuating, Tongtian seemed to be unaware of its inner fluctuation, and said lightly:
"However, the one you're looking for now is much better than Wuliang, and I'm afraid it's on par with that Emperor Zun?"

The strange creature's expression improved slightly, and it was about to speak, but was interrupted by Tongtian:
"As you said before, sacrificing this world will really make me immortal?"

Hearing Tongtian's inquiry, the strange creature bowed its head respectfully:

"Is it true or not, how can you hide it from Tianzun's deduction?"

"In fact, Tianzun's cultivation base has already stepped into the realm of immortality, what is missing is just an opportunity. Ignite the Dao fire with the aura of sentient beings, and it will definitely help Tianzun to achieve consummation."

Seeing that Tongtian was silent, Wei Wei knew that he had already moved, so he hit the iron while it was hot:

"Tianzun can rest assured that apart from the destruction of this world, the fairyland will not be damaged in the slightest."

The strange voice fell, and before Tongtian could react, he himself showed pain, and his body and soul trembled.

To be more precise, he was touched by the undead emperor possessed by him, and he is struggling and confronting fiercely.

His face was strangely divided into two, one side was indifferent, while the other side was struggling with pain.


In this regard, the strange creature did not panic at all, and the hoarse and dark voice sounded again like a maggot attached to the bone:
"Think about your wife, children, relatives and friends..."

The undead emperor's struggling movements stopped for a while.

Aware of this, Wei Wei continued to whisper:
"Besides, it's been 10 years since you fell into the mortal world from the Immortal Realm. Don't you want to go home? If the Celestial Venerable succeeds, you will naturally be able to take the opportunity to return to the Immortal Realm..."

Under the strange coercion and temptation, and the suppression of spiritual thoughts, the Immortal Emperor finally gradually returned to calm.

And Tongtian on the opposite side naturally had a panoramic view of everything, without the slightest disturbance.

Seeing that Wei Wei seems to have controlled the situation, Tong Tian continued to ask:

"What about the underworld? What is the attitude of Mingzun's inheritance?"

Hearing this, Wei Wei pulled out an expression that could barely be called a smile:

"Tianzun, please rest assured that the corpse emperor has already agreed to wait for us to sacrifice to this world. This does not conflict with the interests of the underworld."

"At that time, the heavenly gods will obtain the spiritual light of all living beings and become immortals, and the underworld will take all the corpses of all spirits, and I will bathe in the emperor's blood and barely nirvana."

"Isn't it just that everyone gets what they need, and the three parties enjoy themselves?"

After the words fell, Wei Wei seemed to think of something again, and continued to add:
"As for the supreme beings in the forbidden areas, the underworld has already released rumors of chaotic ancient fairy roads, so I'm not afraid that they won't be fooled by then."

"Huh!" Hearing that Wei Yi mentioned the Supreme Being in the restricted area, Tong Tian immediately showed an extremely disdainful expression:
"If the Dao and fruit of the deity are united, and then climb to the top, what kind of storms can some self-defeating wastes cause?"

"What Tianzun said is very true."

To this, the weird creature would not refute, but only responded respectfully.

Tongtian glanced at the other party indifferently, and said lightly:

"Since that's the case, let's prepare to go separately."

Immediately, without waiting for Wei Wei to make any reaction, Tong Tian waved his hand and shattered the scene reflected in the void.

Looking back, looking at the messy world of burials, Tong Tian was thoughtful.

If someone else had discovered his secret before, Tong Tian would definitely chase and kill that person to the ends of the earth.

But now, he has recultivated to the peak of quasi-emperor, which can be called a different kind of enlightenment.

Even if there is an enlightened person with a perfect state, he will not take it seriously.

The only thing worthy of vigilance is that Dao Fa can actually hurt himself by saving others, if he sees him again in the future, he needs to be careful.

Thinking this way, with a wave of Tongtian's sleeve, the boundless burial earth, and even the broken small world disappeared without a trace.


Big Dipper, Immortal Mountain.

A golden avenue of light rises from it, and the sky and the earth roar, running through the star field and reaching the depths of the universe, making all living beings in the Big Dipper excited.

However, until the celestial light faded away, nothing strange came from the Immortal Mountain, and all kinds of speculations finally came to nothing.

Enlightened under the ancient tea tree, the moment Emperor Yuan saw the rather embarrassed Zhou Luo, his first reaction was:

"Good guy! Did you get attacked by Little Phoenix?"

Hearing this, Zhou Luo raised his eyes with a solemn expression:
"It's almost... No! It should be said that it is even more terrifying!"

Zhou Luo looked convinced.Immediately, without any intention of selling off, he informed Emperor Yuan one by one of the ins and outs of the trip.

"Tongtian is actually Lingbao's last life, it's really a good trick."

Emperor Yuan sighed, before, he was like Zhou Luo, preconceived, thinking that Tong Tian was a spiritual treasure with a physical body, but he didn't expect to be deceived by him.

"But—" Yuanhuang showed a puzzled expression on his face:
"Tongtian will be restrained by the mantra created by Lingbao. Is he really Lingbao's deity?"

Zhou Luo had expected this question a long time ago, so he expressed his own understanding:

"Tongtian and Lingbao should indeed be the same existence."

"It's just that in order to live out this life, Lingbao should have paid a price so that the same primordial spirit can be born after the reincarnation of the physical body."

"I suspect that it was Lingbao who deceived the way of heaven, turned the world around, and used the ancient burial earth to allow it to reappear in the world under the guise of the Yin God."

"Thus, although Tongtian and Lingbao are the same existence, they are also the body of Yin God, so it makes sense to be restrained by the Salvation Sutra."

At the same time, Emperor Yuan on the opposite side was also stunned, and nodded in agreement, but the doubts between his brows did not disappear, and he asked another question:
"Then, why does Lingbao Tianzun leave scriptures against himself? This is very intriguing."

"If it is said that he is simply living a new life with the method of the Yin God, there is absolutely no need for Lingbao to leave a means of restraining himself, unless—"

Speaking of this, Zhou Luo's eyes became deeper and deeper, and he said in a very serious tone:

"Lingbao knows that once he chooses this path, there will be great terror after he is reborn!"

In an instant, a flash of light flashed in the minds of Yuanhuang and Zhou Luo:
"The two Dao beads and Ming III's ghost lamp are the real backers of the Lingbao!"

No wonder the Killing Immortal Sword had repeatedly warned Zhou Luo to retrieve the two Dao beads and find the ghost lamp. Its purpose was to truly restrain Tong Tian—a Heavenly Emperor-level powerhouse with at least five generations of cultivation!
"Now, with two Dao beads in hand, as long as we find Ming III's ghost lamp, we will be invincible."

The two had the same idea, so they made up their minds and immediately started to deduce.

Sitting cross-legged under the Enlightenment tea tree, suddenly there is a mysterious and mysterious power flowing.

The three Dao fruits gathered together, using the two Dao beads as a guide, to jointly deduce the whereabouts of the ghost lamp.


In the dark, there is a sudden sound of divine thunder, and the roar of the void avenue.

Suddenly, Emperor Yuan and Zhou Luo opened their eyes at the same time:

"Changsheng Tianzun!"

 Two changes completed

(End of this chapter)

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