Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 263 The Change of Climbing to the Immortal Land

Chapter 263 The Change of Climbing to the Immortal Land

Beidou Zhongzhou, in a cemetery of saints of an ancient religion.

The power of the sun gently sprinkled, covering the vast earth with a layer of silver frost, making it dreamy and blurred.

And Fu Xing, who had just emerged from the ground and was still ashamed, was surprised to see a "ghost" sitting cross-legged beside the hole, as if waiting for him to come up.

Fu Xing was terrified for a moment, and before he could run away with oil on the soles of his feet, he was "beaten hard" head-on.

However, when he heard the reprimand from the person opposite, Fu Xing was pleasantly surprised, and immediately exclaimed respectfully:


Surrounded by the moonlight, it was Zhou Luo who was looking at Fu Xing with a smile on his face.

Now, he is sitting cross-legged beside the cave, without the slightest strong aura circulating around him, as if he was meditating in the mountains and enlightened, he is truly integrated with this world.

Every move can affect the general trend of the world, making Fu Xing in front of him feel as vast as the ocean, and he is a little afraid to look directly at it.

"Hmph!" Zhou Luo pretended to be angry and scolded:
"The deity asked you to practice on your own, but you just followed your master uncle to rob graves everywhere?"

Hearing this, Fu Xing was so excited that he stood on his head covered in hairs and hurriedly kowtowed to the ground:
"I also ask the ancestors to be clear. Fu Xing did not come here to rob the tomb. I came here to punish them just because the teacher uttered wild words and was disrespectful to Kunlun and the ancestors."

With just a glance, Zhou Luo instantly understood the ins and outs.

It turned out that this kid kept his name incognito, traveled all over the world, and clashed with the successor of the sect. The other party insulted his sect with unscrupulous and rude words, but it was not really disrespectful to Zhou Luo on purpose.

However, Zhou Luo still appreciates teaching such domineering people a lesson.

Seeing that Zhou Luo didn't say anything, Fu Xing couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

Although "Brother Zhou" seems to be young, in fact he is the patriarch of crossing the gods, one of the nine famous heavenly gods in the age of mythology-Daofa Tianzun.

If you really offend the other party, there are probably not many people in the entire universe who can bear their anger.

After pondering for a moment, Fu Xing took the initiative to explain:
"The disciple's visit to this cemetery this time is not really for the purpose of digging graves. He just wants to destroy the Feng Shui layout of this place, and punish the sect for minor punishments."

Hearing this, Zhou Luo nodded.It is indeed the secret technique recorded in the source code of the Mingjing, which caused the dragon energy to leak out here. Although it is not enough to severely damage the sect, it can still make them bad luck in a short period of time.

"You are very proficient in the secret technique of Mingzun."

Fu Xing was on pins and needles with Zhou Luo's half-smile expression, so he hurriedly said:

"The disciple's Heavenly Skills have already achieved some success!"

Raising his eyes to Zhou Luo's scrutinizing gaze, Fu Xing, regardless of whether this place is another family's cemetery, evolved the profound meaning of "Fighting the Way of Heaven" on the spot.

All of a sudden, one can see the clearness of his celestial platform, the blazing divine fire, and the circulation of mysterious and sublime powers, obviously he has obtained the heavenly skill and a trace of the true meaning of the former word secret.

The celestial light here is splendid, and there should have been fluctuations that would have caused the Dao to resonate, but everything was covered up by Zhou Luo, and no one noticed.

"not bad."

Although it was just an ordinary evaluation, Fu Xing was already ecstatic to make Patriarch Tianzun open his mouth.

Glancing at him, Zhou Luo said lightly:
"I came here this time not only to test your cultivation, but also because I haven't seen your uncle for a long time, so I just took you to visit him together."

Hearing this, Fu Xing was stunned for a moment, and then became very excited.

Although Duan De is only his uncle in name, but his master died young, Duan De is actually his master.Not to mention raising him up, but also imparting his many supreme scriptures and unique knowledge, his kindness is as great as a mountain.

Even though Duan De was usually out of shape, he still had nothing to say to Xiao Fu Xing.

Seeing the expectant expression on the latter's face, Zhou Luo smiled, and then waved his sleeves, and the figures of the two disappeared into thin air and disappeared without a trace.


In the west of Zhongzhou, there are endless towering mountains, steaming dragons, and gorgeous celestial clouds.

Decades have passed, and today coincides with another suitable time node. With Zhou Luo's cultivation, he is enough to enter the Land of Immortals again.

However, when he came to the barren mountain in the Qinling Mountains, he couldn't help frowning slightly.

I saw that the mountains and plains were filled with dark and dead energy, while the water of the underworld was continuously dripping from the void, and even Zhou Luo felt a sense of threat spreading from the inexplicable atmosphere.

If it hadn't been bound by the supernatural power of Dengxian Land itself, it's likely that not only this mountain, but a million miles around would be turned into a purgatory on earth.


Fu Xing, who was beside him, had already seen the tragic situation below, and was worried about the current state of his uncle, so he couldn't help looking at Zhou Luo in a daze.

This time, Zhou Luo came to the Land of Immortals, firstly to find Duan De, and secondly because he thought that there was also an immortal corpse here, and the corpse emperor's claws had already been stretched out, and he was worried that the undead emperor would be attracted later, so he came here One view.

Now that Zhou Luo has achieved good fortune, his divine sense reaches directly to the Netherworld of Nine Heavens, and he doesn't have any ominous premonition, so he is quite calm in his heart.

"Don't worry, don't you still believe in your uncle's ability to save his life? I'll just go in and see."

As soon as the words fell, the ghost fog and the underworld under their feet seemed to have encountered something extremely terrifying. They trembled and separated automatically, manifesting a road leading to the sky. The two immediately stepped in without thinking.

In Dengxian Land, it was supposed to be a majestic and extraordinary fairy land, but now it is covered by a strong breath of death, and its vitality is bleak.

However, the moment he set foot in this world, Zhou Luo's divine sense pierced through the Eternal Dragon Cave, seeing the immortal corpse ups and downs in the boundless sea of ​​yin, but he did not lose it.

With a little peace of mind, Zhou Luo went straight to the burial pit left by the former Mingzun.

A fat Taoist priest in a Taoist robe sat upright with his upper body straightened, his brows furrowed, amidst the confluence of yin and yang, which surpassed the heavens and the earth.There seemed to be two rounds of black sun circulating in his eyes, and his whole body was filled with a faint aura of invincibility that was supreme and surpassed the heavens.

There is also a green and red fairy sword hanging above his head, and there is a sharp aura that seems to be able to shatter nine heavens and ten earths.

"Uncle Master?"

The aura exuding from the man in front of him was intimidating, Fu Xing only called out tentatively.

Hearing this sound, the fat Taoist priest slowly turned his head, the aura of an extraterrestrial master that he had created before instantly disintegrated, and various expressions appeared on his face.

With a flash of light and shadow, Duan De appeared in front of the two in an instant, grabbed Zhou Luo's sleeve with his backhand, and howled ghostly:
"My immeasurable stepping horse Tianzun! Why did you come here! Woooooooo——"

He didn't even care about the presence of the younger generation, so he started crying with snot and tears.

Good guy!Can you stop going crazy when you see the deity?

Zhou Luo glanced at Duan De with a little disgust, and was about to pull his sleeves off, but he didn't move at all.

It was only then that Zhou Luo looked at Duan De seriously, and saw that his body was shining brightly, as if he had recovered the Taoist body.

No wonder he couldn't get rid of the latter's hand with a random tug.

At the same time, Zhou Luo could clearly see that there were two imprints exuding holy radiance in Duan De's body, which seemed to be vast and boundless, containing a whole world.

 There will be two more updates around 19:[-] in the evening
  Sorry, the last few chapters are still a bit transitional, maybe the plot is not very tight, but it will be more interesting next time
(End of this chapter)

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