Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 281 Deceiving me that there is no one in the Immortal Mountain?

Chapter 281 Deceiving me that there is no one in the Immortal Mountain?
The majestic chaotic mountain and the mysterious and complicated polar pattern are the last barriers where the Celestial Palace is located.

However, today, the intruders are far beyond expectations, and they are all extremely powerful. I am afraid that only the revived emperor of the past can sit here safely.


In front of the majestic but half-destroyed Heavenly Gate of Ancient Heavenly Court, Zhou Luo and Emperor Yuan stood proudly.

Ahead, there is a surge of extreme laws, and immortal light blooms.

Countless pieces of gorgeous magical artifacts traverse the sky, piercing through eternity, as if reopening the world, bringing this place back to chaos.

All of them are extremely magical weapons, including golden mace, immortal seal, jade ruyi, fairy gold bottle and so on.

Every imperial weapon represents a supreme will.Behind him, a huge dharma image manifested, and it exploded in the void.

Announcing the return of the supreme being who was once worshiped by all living beings, the invincible breath made the heavens and the earth mourn, and all the living beings in the heavens and the world surrendered.

Not only that, but in front of the heavenly court, there are densely intertwined divine patterns, which outline one hazy phantom after another.

More people did not use the emperor's soldiers to show their dharma, but came here with their spiritual thoughts and dao bodies, which is no less than coming here in person.

In the void, it is like a supreme fairy coming to the world, and it is like a supreme god traveling.

It has been rare since ancient times for so many supreme beings to gather in one place.

The Heaven and Earth Avenue was also shaken by it, endless rain of light fell, golden lotus bloomed, and the fairy light was bright.

Zhou Luo couldn't help being surprised when he took a quick look.

There are no less than a dozen people who come here only with the emperor soldiers and the Taoist body.And more, choose to sit cross-legged in the ancient forbidden area, looking at this place from a distance.

That kind of sharp eyes, as well as the murderous aura, made all the heavens and the world terrified.

However, Zhou Luo and Emperor Yuan, standing in the heavenly court, seemed to be unaware of this, their expressions were indifferent, and their eyes swept over the emperor soldiers and Dao who came here one by one.

Immediately, Zhou Luo smiled and took a step forward:
"I don't know fellow daoists, what is the meaning of this?"

"Huh!" From the mouth of a phantom like a god and demon, came a roaring sound like thunder:
"Undead Mountain has a big appetite!"

A majestic and indifferent question came from a hazy shadow:

"If you and the others just want to build the ancient road of thousands of races, that's all they need to hone the powerhouses of future generations. They want to leave behind the inheritance of the fairy scriptures. Do you really want to collect the supreme beings in the world?"

Hearing this, Emperor Yuan and Zhou Luo first showed a thoughtful look, then they cupped their hands and said:
"Fellow Daoist said this, but I misunderstood me."

Zhou Luo smiled slightly, with a calm expression on his face:

"All fellow daoists present here have risen from the humble beginnings and defeated many great enemies on the Emperor's Road before they can finally stand on top. The bitterness is self-evident."

"In the long journey of practice, without the guidance of the Supreme Dao, there are often things that go astray."

"Now, we are leaving the fairy scriptures as a reference for future generations to reflect our own body. Isn't it a great thing?"

As the voice fell, all the phantoms of gods and demons in the void flickered, and an inexplicable aura permeated the air.

All the people present had been through the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood. They were used to seeing all kinds of things in the world, so naturally they would not be easily dismissed by the two of them.

"You guys don't want to quibble!"

The divine thunder roared, obviously the Supremes did not buy their words.

"Those who have walked through the ancient road and arrived here are all dragons and phoenixes among the people, and they are the pride of the world. Don't you leave the exercises as gifts, isn't it intended to solicit?"

At the same time, another majestic voice sounded slightly low:

"Hmph! If your wish is true, is there any need for me to wait for the existence of many restricted areas? All of them will be merged into the Undead Mountain!"

Facing the words of the Supreme Being who was obviously extremely angry, Zhou Luo showed a serious expression of thought, and nodded emphatically after a while:

"Well, that's a good idea!"

"You!" "How dare you!"

One after another, shouts of Taoism rang out, as if an immortal emperor above the nine heavens was furious, and many mystic gods with a sense of destruction swept in, trying to drown Zhou Luo in it.

Seeing this, Zhou Luo just nodded slightly, and immediately shot out an incomparably gorgeous good fortune fairy light.

Fairy light has two sides.

At this moment, what it shows is not the divine power of creating thousands of things, but the taboo attack that makes all things return to the original point and all worlds become empty.

The extreme law tore apart time and space, overwhelming the earth.

However, when it was submerged in the celestial light of good fortune, it melted slowly like a mud cow into the sea, and finally returned to nothingness.

No matter how mysterious you are, I will make it by myself.

The supernatural power of "Guiyuan" has just appeared in the world, and it has left an indelible impression on the Supremes.

Seeing that the other party easily dispelled their gods, some of the Supremes looked awe-inspiring and suspended their attack.But more Xeons don't care, and they will organize an offensive again.

"This place is really lively."

It seemed that the rather emotional words came from outside the heavenly court. The man seemed to be still very far away, but it seemed to be whispering in the ears of the gods.

Among the crowd besieging the Heavenly Court, many Supreme Ones could not help but frown slightly when they heard this voice.

I saw a bright and gorgeous bridge coming from the depths of the universe, from the direction of the Big Dipper.

The end of the world is so close, with the snap of a finger, that person has already appeared in the sight of all the venerables.

The visitor's appearance is not handsome, but he has a unique charm, and his facial features are sharp, which is impressive.

As soon as he appeared under this starry sky, the stars seemed to find the center and consciously revolve around it.

At the foot of that Yingwei figure, there are traces of god marks intertwined, the avenue ups and downs, and wailing.

Even the dao marks of the venerables seemed to be oppressed by it, so they could only settle in a corner.

As soon as that person appeared, he became the only one in the heavens and the world, suppressing all ways.

Looking at that resolute face, the Supreme whispered:

"East Emperor."

This name seemed to have some kind of strange magic power, which awakened the long memories of many people present.

In the past, a peerless genius was born, whose appearance was the same as that of the original emperor, and was suspected to be the reincarnation of the emperor, so he attracted the attention of the forbidden zone.

It's a pity that when the venerables noticed him, the latter's cultivation had already reached the quasi-emperor realm, and he was not far from Jue Dian.

Even so, he was attacked and killed by many Supreme Beings.

Among them, some have grievances with Emperor Zun, but most of them are unwilling to see the birth of another supreme being who surpasses all the Zun.

Although the process was embarrassing, in the end, that person still attained the Supreme Dao Fruit, calling himself Donghuang!

During the years when he ruled the world, all restricted areas were dormant, and he dared not make any changes.

After attaining enlightenment, the Eastern Emperor went deep into the forbidden areas, awe-inspiring all the nobles, and settled karma, leaving an indelible shadow on the people present.

It is said that a rare battle of gods broke out in ancient times, and some Supreme Beings fell.

And it is such an invincible emperor who has grudges against many restricted areas, even if he "kills himself" and enters the undead mountain in his later years, no one dares to liquidate it, which shows that his power is unrivaled.

Facing the reverent or resentful gazes of all the respected ones, Donghuang's expression was flat, and he walked straight to the gate of heaven step by step, standing side by side with Zhou Luo and Yuanhuang.

Immediately, Donghuang turned around and faced the Dharma incarnation of the Supreme Beings without any fear on his face.

Even his eyes were cold, and he glanced at all the intruders one by one, and mercilessly scolded:
"Did you really deceive me that there is no one in the Immortal Mountain?"

 The third one will wait for a while
(End of this chapter)

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