Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 285 Immortal Road Opens, Emperor Tribulation Appears

Chapter 285 Immortal Road Opens, Emperor Tribulation Appears
The end of the ancient road, in the heaven on the other side.

Although the Heavenly Palace and Immortal Tower are dilapidated, they are still majestic and majestic.

After being repaired by the supreme mana and countless treasures of heaven, material and earth, it finally reproduced the former prosperity.

Today, there are densely intertwined Dao patterns, 36 towering chaotic stone pillars, running through the universe, releasing the supreme aura that overwhelms the heavens and shocks the ancient and modern.

And among the 36 huge stone pillars, sits an old and haggard figure with decaying blood and vigor. He seems to have never left for hundreds of years.

The man's hair was white from root to root, but extremely gloomy, his face was covered with wrinkles, and he could vaguely see his "young" appearance, it was Zhou Luo.

Of course, he wasn't really aging.

In fact, in this world alone, he has practiced for less than a thousand years, and he can even be called "vigorous" and "the future is promising."

For hundreds of years, he sat cross-legged in the ancient Tianting ruins, but he had a panoramic view of what happened on the ancient road.

Someone embarks on the journey with longing, and in the end, in front of the blood of his loved one, he can only stretch out his powerless hands, but his soul returns to silence;

Some people are innocent and innocent, but after hundreds of years of bloody battles, they become ruthless and ruthless;

Some people are born with a head and a head, singing and making strides, beating countless opponents along the way, with high spirits.But before entering a certain grand pass, he was affected by the young "supreme" who launched a life-and-death duel, and fell under the rules he played casually;

Zhou Luo uses the supernatural power of the six paths of reincarnation he created to return from the virtual to the real, using the life of others to reflect his own body, and to understand the law and enlightenment.

He seems to have truly lived hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of lives, and he truly understands the joys and sorrows of everyone who has set foot on the ancient road, and feels their glory and loneliness.

Not only that, his physical body and soul also seemed to be broken and annihilated thousands of times, like rotten wood and buildings about to collapse, struggling between life and death.

However, in the depths of the Sea of ​​Wheels, the bottom of the Sea of ​​Suffering, and the Great Sun of the Primordial Spirit, there is a thriving vitality and a huge amount of divine energy hidden, just waiting for an opportunity to reborn and transform into a butterfly!

On this day, there seemed to be a big bang in the depths of the universe.

The huge roar resounded through the heavens and all worlds, and all spirits and sentient beings were induced.

At the same time, in all parts of the universe, countless ancient restricted areas exude a god-like and demon-like aura, with rays of light resplendent in the sky, submerging into the blue sky.

That is the unsurpassed Dao fruit that symbolizes the supreme, and all the supremes who have not fallen into deep self-appointment wake up and watch with cold eyes.

Zhou Luo, who was sitting cross-legged in the Tianting ruins, was no exception, and suddenly opened his eyes.

There is a sky-reaching golden light that tore through the void, and spreads out to the outside world, criss-crossing the sky.

After a while, the golden light faded away, revealing his clear and flawless eyes, which were incompatible with his extremely old figure, and there was an incomparably mysterious Dao rhyme flowing.

Not paying attention to these trivial matters, Zhou Luo directly cast his eyes on the core of the explosion, seeing through all the fog.

I saw a majestic big star fixed in the void, surrounded by wisps of fairy mist, changing nine colors from time to time, extremely strange and magnificent.

To the sky!

Seeing this scene, the supreme beings in the restricted area were all stunned.

Unexpectedly, the so-called chaotic ancient fairy road in the underworld turned out to be in Tongtian ancient star.

Unexpected, but reasonable.

It is rumored that in the chaotic ancient times, or even earlier times, there was a tree that reached the heavens in the area where the star is located, reaching directly to the fairyland.

Even mortals with no cultivation level can enter the fairyland and enjoy immortality by climbing along the sacred tree.

Time flies, and time is merciless.

It is impossible to test the truth of the legend, but the theory of Tongtian Shenmu has become a fairy tale widely circulated in the mortal world.

Today, the army of the underworld invaded the boundless void outside the ancient star Tongtian, but it awakened the dusty memories of many people.

"Could it be that the records in the chaotic ancient scrolls are true? Can this place really reach the Immortal Realm?"

There is no supreme being whispering, spread out of the restricted area, and spread to the nine heavens and ten places, causing all living beings to be in an uproar.

The myths and legends that mortal children listened to with gusto before going to bed turned out to be true. For a while, many practitioners felt unreal.

No matter what they think, at this moment, in the ancient forbidden areas all over the universe, there are already countless immortals shining in the world, permeating the world with extreme divine power, suppressing the world.

Even the Zhunhuang, who was aloof in the past, is now as insignificant as dust, and he dare not make any mistakes.

Zhou Luo's expression was indifferent, and he swept across those figures lightly.

As he had expected, those who chose to be born at this moment were all "stunned youths" who had only become enlightened in ancient times, and they wanted to take the lead by relying on their abundant blood.

As for the "old fritters" who have survived since the age of mythology, they are still alive and unmoved.

Not to mention anything else, Emperor Zun had attacked Xianlu twice in the past, and each time was more thrilling and exciting than the previous one.

In the end, besides the ancient star Tongtian, apart from the men and horses of the underworld, a total of four supreme beings were born. Coming here is also a force that should not be underestimated.

The celestial brilliance here is eternal, and many dharmas tower to the sky, and the extreme divine power is raging, smashing the void and making time confused.

In the boundless mist, a bearded man holding an immortal bow appeared, who was the corpse emperor of the underworld.

His eyes swept over the four supreme beings one by one, and he nodded immediately without saying much.

As if he felt that the number of people was enough, the corpse emperor immediately took out something, which immediately made the place glow with celestial clouds and auspicious colors.

It was a sacred tree whose whole body was carved out of white jade. As soon as it appeared, it was filled with a refreshing fragrance.

Even if it is the most precious, it is refreshing to smell it lightly.

"Tiantian Shenmu!"

There is an exclamation in the restricted area, making an unbelievable sound.

Zhou Luo's gaze was like a torch, staring at the sacred tree without missing anything.

I saw that the end was missing a piece, as if it had been broken off endless years ago, which was exactly what it had obtained before.

However, compared with the main body of Shenmu, it is obviously insignificant.

"Shenmu", "Tongtian"...

The long-lost Tongtian Shenmu reappears today, which inevitably arouses people's imagination.

The corpse emperor in the field looked indifferent, and threw the sacred tree in his hand, chanting ancient and mysterious spells in his mouth.


The small tree that was only a few feet long began to grow wildly, and it took root in the void, absorbing the essence of heaven and earth from all heavens and myriad realms.

The army of the underworld behind the corpse emperor had already prepared, and took out countless treasures of heaven and earth for his growth.

As a kind of elixir of immortality, Shenmu is growing rapidly at an incomprehensible speed visible to the naked eye.

And what happened next surprised everyone even more.

I saw that the Shenmu hadn't grown to be as huge as the legend said, but the branches at the top disappeared without a trace.


In the next moment, there was a huge roar from the void, and a big explosion occurred at the top of the Heaven-reaching Sacred Tree and where the branches disappeared.

As if touched by Mo Ming, the speed at which the Shenmu absorbed the essence of heaven and earth accelerated, and its branches and roots became thicker and thicker.


A huge gap opened in the universe, from a few feet wide, it quickly expanded to tens of thousands of feet, and it continued to expand at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Looking through countless mist, all the venerables saw that the branches of the Heaven-reaching Sacred Tree did not disappear, but went straight from the mortal world into a vast and strange world.

Between the two, through the chaos and the robbing light, one can vaguely see that there are towering ancient trees, and there are existences similar to immortals flying into the sky and escaping from the ground.

The corpse emperor and the four supreme beings entered the chaos instantly without hesitation.

Dao Qi is vast, covering everything, and occasionally the roar of the Supreme comes.

Seeing this situation, even the oldest Supremes couldn't sit still.

No one expected that the Tongtian Shenmu really penetrated into a vast world that was suspected to be a fairyland.

In an instant, immortal light swept across the sky, and one after another the tall figures rushed to the outside of the ancient star Tongtian.

With the lessons learned from the failure of the emperor in the past, no one wants to miss the opportunity to truly enter the fairyland.

Zhou Luo sat cross-legged in the ruins of the Heavenly Court, silently looking in the direction of Tongtian.

When the fairy light boiled to the extreme, and there was an aura that overwhelmed the heavens and made the Supreme Being terrified, Zhou Luo moved.


As he got up, a dull voice resounded throughout the entire universe, echoing in the hearts of all beings.

It was like the heavenly soldiers above the nine heavens were beating drums, and it was also like the chariot of the immortal emperor going out, rumbling.

That is?

All spirits and sentient beings are induced, and they can't help but look up and look in a certain direction at the same time.

There, an extremely old figure stood in the void.

But in front of him was a monstrous huge wave.

Thunder and law are intertwined, and Jieguang resonates with the way of heaven.

Take a closer look, even the Supreme is terrified.

Where is the sea water that is overwhelming?
It is one after another brilliant and majestic big stars, carrying the wrath of the heavens, wanting to bury the person in front of them.

Enlightenment calamity!
It's unbelievable that someone actually chose to cross the catastrophe when the fairy road opened.But in any case, the facts are in front of us.

Moreover, the beginning of the catastrophe was the highest catastrophe that had never been heard before, as if the ruler of the heavens was angry and wanted to kill him.

The first wave hit, like countless universes exploded on his body, but Zhou Luo's figure still stood upright.

However, this is just the beginning.After that, one wave after another was far more violent than before.

Immeasurable divine calamity!

No one doubts that if it is allowed to break into the universe, countless star fields will probably be reduced to ashes.

After being baptized by nine terrifying waves, Zhou Luo finally moved.

The venerables thought that he was about to start using secret techniques to resist, so they nodded in understanding.

Previously, he only resisted with his physical body, and the tempering effect had already been played.Next, as long as he survives the rest of the catastrophe, he can become another supreme existence throughout the ages.

It seems that just as everyone expected, Zhou Luo displayed extreme speed and moved quickly with the help of Heavenly Tribulation.

All the venerables nodded, and immediately stopped looking at him.

For them, becoming a fairy is the most important thing above all else!

However, Zhu Zun gradually noticed something strange.

This person, why is there something wrong with the direction of avoiding the catastrophe?

In the end, in the stunned expressions of all the venerables.

Surrounded by the endless light of catastrophe and punishment, Zhou Luo crashed straight into the huge crack opened by Shenmu outside the ancient star Tongtian.

 It's numb, I didn't update it on time today, the author slipped on his knees and begged for forgiveness, woo woo woo~~
  But the author guarantees that the number of words is absolutely full of sincerity. Today's three chapters add up to more than [-] words. I hope you can read it to your satisfaction!
  Three changes completed.


  thanks for your support!The author will also work hard to write the follow-up plot well!
(End of this chapter)

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