Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 292 Dao and Fruit Unite 1, Battle of the Supreme Heavenly Venerable

Chapter 292 Dao and Fruit Unity, Supreme Heavenly Venerable Battle ([-]-character chapter!)
As soon as this remark came out, the minds of the Supreme Beings in the restricted area exploded.

In all the heavens and myriad realms, almost all creatures could clearly hear the words that reach the heavens.

Looking at the supreme figure that overwhelms the human world and makes the heaven and the earth avenues avoid, all beings trembled, their faces were full of disbelief, and they whispered in horror:
"The meaning of the ancient emperor Tongtian... Could it be?"

The same idea appeared in countless people's minds, but it was too amazing.

Even if there are secret records in some ancient sects, they know what kind of existence is in the restricted area of ​​life.

However, the two worlds proved that they were both supreme and powerful, but they had never heard of it before.

Only in the legend, Emperor Zun at the end of the mythology has similar anecdotes.

In contrast, the restricted area supremes obviously know more.

"Lingbao Tianzun! You are still in the world!"

In the depths of the universe, in the Big Dipper, in the fairy cemetery with rolling hills and towering ancient monuments, there came a roar of supreme majesty, expressing the astonishing guess in the hearts of all beings.

When the voice fell, it seemed as if it had touched the power in the dark, and the universe was full of gods and ghosts crying.

And there seemed to be a big hole in the sky, the world was raining blood, and there were black lotus flowers blooming in the blood rain, which was very strange.

Hearing this, Tong Tian, ​​who was merging the Dao fruit of the previous life, also raised his eyes. His blazing eyes were like two real dragons, tearing apart the void in an instant, shooting into the fairy mausoleum, and immediately sneered:
"Changsheng, you are always the same. You are half dead, but you actually buried yourself in the grave. It's sad, sad."

Tong Tian shook his head, seeming to be quite regretful.

It's really Ran Jun Tianzun!
The Changsheng Tianzun, who is also the Four Little Tianzun, seems to be still in the world, but the attention of all living beings is under the sky.

Because, the gods only reappear in the world, and at the same time prove the Tao in this world, creating a "precedent"!
The gods are also a small sage enshrined in Taoism.

All of a sudden, in countless Taoist temples all over the universe, the statues of gods and deities glowed.

In the dark, countless mortal beliefs and thoughts gather together.

Seeing this, Tong Tian frowned slightly, and immediately moved his mind.

The overwhelming ocean of belief was instantly isolated in several star fields, condensed in the void, and turned into a vast and small auspicious cloud, which was difficult to disperse.

Strange, I shouldn't have actively summoned the power of faith accumulated in later generations?

Such a thought flashed through my heart, but I didn't sense what was right, I just thought that it was Chang Sheng's words that revealed my true body, which aroused the Taoist thoughts that had been accumulated for a long time in the heavens and myriad worlds.

Putting aside those trivial thoughts in an instant, Tongtian's eyes were hot.

It can be seen in his field of vision, in the universe, celestial lights are rushing straight to Xiaohan, which is the manifestation of the supreme being who had the fruit of the lower path in the past.

"It's life and death!"

Like a ruthless and affectionate immortal emperor, Tongtian announced the judgment on all living beings.


A huge palm sticks out, covering the sky and the sun, and traverses the sky, making countless creatures under the ancient stars along the way think that the legendary doomsday is coming.

The palm like a sacred mountain tore the void in a roundabout way, and suppressed it back into an ancient chaotic divine soil.

There was a roar in the void, and immediately, the breath of the vast trail came overwhelmingly, and the fairy light was there, filling the entire universe.

The existences in the remaining restricted areas are silent. We know that this is the fruit of the restoration of the ancient gods in the chaotic divine soil.

Theoretically, at that moment at most, I should have an enemy in this world, someone who can surpass me.

However, the reality is cruel and merciless.


A heart-piercing roar came, accompanied by the eruption of a terrifying boundless aura, which actually annihilated the trail aura that had since filled the entire universe into nothingness.

The huge palm was retracted from the chaotic divine soil, and between the palms, there was no celestial light that shocked the human world.

The result was horrifying. A supreme being who had recovered from his former glory was picked up in an instant like a big chicken.

The former struggled with all his strength, and played the supernatural powers that were rare in ancient times.

However, one point is enough to see.


Master Tongtian's palm is crystal clear, and when he closes it slightly, there will be no earth, fire, water, wind, and sharp murderous intent.

Under the horrified eyes of the onlookers Yuanhuang, the flesh body of this Gu Zun exploded in an instant, and was refined into a ball of divine energy.

At the same time, his primordial spirit was also detained and released, like a small sun shining on the world.

Even so, Tong Tian's face was calm and calm, as if he was crushing an ant.

In fact, so do I.

Throwing it casually, the primordial spirit and the physical body were imprisoned and fell into the two formation hubs in the depths of the universe respectively.

Immediately, there were no quasi-emperors on the gate of Biyou Palace, who refined the Supreme Primordial Spirit and physical body, which actually made the so-called Ten Thousand Immortal Formation even more powerful.

Then, under Yuanhuang's desperate and horrified eyes, Master Tongtian was like an agent of Ru Cang, walking around the world, harvesting one plant after another of "small medicines".

Seeing that scene, Ran Jun felt powerful.

It's not that no one resisted, and at the same time, no seven emperors broke through the fairyland and were born.

The seven statues are juxtaposed, and this kind of breath makes the heavens and the world sway, as if connecting the past, the present, and the future.

However, Tong Tianshao just let out a palm, which eventually turned into supplies for the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation.

Tongtian is not completely arrogant.Now, my clutches haven't reached out to Beidou and Feixian, but only cleared the large forbidden areas scattered in the universe.

However, that was too much of a quick nibble.In the end, the supreme beings of Beidou and Feixian will also become dishes on the plate.

The lips are dead and the teeth are cold, Ran Jun has no intention of fighting, but the special gap between the two makes us desperate.

Since then, Emperor Yuan has not done any research on how to work together to retreat, and it is difficult to achieve the effect of one plus one less than seven.

Moreover, many people were lucky, relying on their past encounters with the venerables, and were not worried.

Even, few people think that it is possible for Tongtian to kill all the supreme beings in the world.

If the heart is aligned, how can it fight against Tongtian at this moment.

Just when Tong Tian was full of high spirits and ambitions, and felt that the Tao of Feixian was just around the corner——


The divine power of the extreme dao surged and tore apart the sky; ten thousand dao merged and finally ignited the most blazing dao fire;

This incomparable aura overwhelms Ran Junkejie, as if all the past and present have been made into reality, just to create the only truth among them!

Tong Tian felt an induction, squinted his eyes, and stared closely at the desolate place on the edge of the universe, which was sheltered by Zhou Luo's gourd and the longevity sword.

The coke-like corpse had long since disappeared, but what emerged were two extremely low figures!

One of them is naturally the Lingbao. I have not passed away, and I also proved to be the emperor, surpassing all Taoism.

And the other person was actually Ran Jun.My real body has already left the dead mountain, and came here under the cover of Taoist soldiers.

Enveloped in splendid celestial splendor, Lingbao opened his mouth, and the majestic and grand voice rang out to the Eight Thousand Worlds:


"Do you really think there are enemies in the sky!"

Dare to reprimand the current leader of the Tongtian religion face to face, I am afraid that there is no other Daoist who can prove the Dao as the emperor in this world.

Emperor Yuan of the restricted area pinned his hopes on Tianzun Daofa, hoping that I could compete against Tongtian Yiqi.

"Just rely on him?" Tongtian's tone was disdainful, but he shot subconsciously, but it was still less solemn than facing the group of wastes like the supreme being in the restricted area.


The killing array of all the lords shook, and the seven killing swords hanging under the sea of ​​blood shot out fierce killing intent at the same time.

The celestial light was stunning and extremely sharp, tearing apart the universe in an instant, descending to the edge of the universe.

Faced with such an attack, Lingbao didn't look down, but looked solemnly and swung his fists hastily.

The aura of the eight paths of reincarnation intertwined with the millstone of extinction, giving birth to a Tao rhyme that wants to break through eternity and ask whether it is immortal.


The collision of the seven almost caused the weakest destruction and attack that can appear in this world.

The universe is desolate, a small piece of star field is affected, countless stars are turned into ashes, trails are wiped out, and all laws and principles are lost.

The result of the head-to-head confrontation also made Emperor Yuan despair.


The figure of Lingbao shrouded in fairy light flew out backwards, smashing back into the endless chaos of the universe.

Although the physical body and soul seemed to be in trouble, one side only controlled the Taoist soldiers to make a move, while the other side did everything possible to make a judgment.

Lingbao rushed out of the chaos, his breath was a little weak, but there was indeed something small.

Seeing this, Tongtian, who was far away on the other side of the universe, swept his piercing eyes across the restricted areas, and let out a hearty laugh:
"Compared to us, you are indeed wrong, but you are just a smaller ant."

Affectionate and indifferent words, but desperately, what I said is indeed the truth.


Zhou Luo's figure followed and appeared beside Lingbao.Seeing this, Tong Tian had a wonderful premonition in his heart.

Lingbao smiled, and his hearty voice spread throughout Ran Junke's world, looking down at the other party and saying:

"It's not that without him, there will be no future generations."

Just when all living beings were in doubt, in the last moment, we saw the extremely bright celestial light blooming, and the void and myriad worlds were instantly darkened, but there was no eternity.

Between the heaven and the earth, countless laws are flying, the thunder of the void god is roaring, two figures at the bottom and bottom are manifested, and the breath of King's Landing is overwhelming.

One of them was Zhou Luo, while the other was a Taoist with a vague appearance.

At the same time, chaos erupted from above.Among them, Ran Jun and Zhou Luo merged together hastily.

What he saw behind his eyes made the restricted area Supreme also dumbfounded.

Immediately, the secret deduced, and gained insight into the cause and effect.

"Zhou Luo, it's actually the former hand of the resurrection left behind by the Dao Fa Tianzun in the past!"

"The seven are actually the same existence!"

As soon as this remark came out, the world was in an uproar.

It turns out that no one has done it before proving the Dao twice.

Before realizing that point, Emperor Yuan was overjoyed.

"Combined with Zhou Luo's dao fruit, he should be able to fight against the gods now!"

"That's all, there is no such thing as the Heavenly Venerable Dao Fruit of Dao Fa in the past!"

Wuzhizun cultivated the eyes of the sky, seeing through the vast chaos and seeing through the truth.

In fact, if it was for the fusion of many Dao fruits, Ran Jun would have been able to reappear in the world long ago.

Since we were young, Zhou Luo and I have not been idle.

Afterwards, we opened up ancient roads and saw the born chaotic creatures, and we were deeply moved.

In addition, there is no real chaotic body to observe in the dead mountain.

Finally, the two of them found a path, based on the chaotic path, which could temporarily integrate the eight paths and fruits, and burst out with great power.

As for Dao Fa Tianzun's Dao Fruit, Lingbao didn't really want to blend in.

Therefore, we found the compromise method, which can not only borrow its power, but also lead to the final legal separation.


The chaos exploded, the celestial light dissipated, and only the figure of Lingbao stood on the spot.

Combining the Dao fruit of Ran Jun and Dao Fa, today's Lingbao boasts that it is absolutely comparable to the Emperor Youxia who lived eight or seven lives.

Every gesture of his hands and feet seems to be able to complete the world and ascend to the fairyland with great power.

Finally able to fight Tongtian.

Thinking that way in his heart, Lingbao raised his eyes, his fighting spirit soared, and immediately looked at Tongtian at the other end of the universe.

The former has serious eyes, no longer looking down at insects.


The world is so close.

Lingbao punched out, and immediately after his real body appeared in the sky, he delivered the most violent blow in his life.


Tongtian seemed to have reacted in time, but he seemed to have no intention of probing, so he just stretched out a palm and responded hastily.

Unimaginable fluctuations spread, and the void distorted. In the last moment, it was like a mirror, and it exploded, breaking into countless pieces, and everything became empty.

Immortal light shines in the world, and the two figures are separated.

Tong Tian's palm is slightly undistorted, but there are blood and cracks.

On the opposite side, Lingbao stood with his hands behind his back, apparently showing the slightest injury.

However, Tongtian made a smile:
"This deity thought he was not weak, that's how it is!"


In the last moment, all the lords flew towards the killing formation, and the formation diagram and the killing sword were twirling sharply above their heads, and the killing intent to destroy all dao came overwhelmingly.

A mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood emerged, and now, there are no immortal corpses floating in it.

Obviously, Tongtian pushed his killing path to another peak.

The sword qi is boundless, criss-crossing the sky, and the seven killing swords have turned into wandering dragons, hidden in them, ready to strike a fatal blow at any time.

And Tongtian's main body condensed one hundred and four changing god forms, and once again turned into a figure like a fairy emperor.


With or without a way out, Lingbao and Tongtian fought together again.

The immortal light that destroys the primordial god and Zhou Luodao sword blare together, Guiyuan and good luck bloom together, and there is no mythical sky sword reappearing, resisting the offensive of the killing formations...

It was a peaceful little collision, the only one seen in ancient times.

It would be an exaggeration to say that it was the weakest confrontation between the two before the chaotic ancient times known to anyone!

The two pierced through the void, and fought until the trail was wiped out, and the chaos turned to ashes.


In the end, it was Lingbao who flew out of the chaos and landed in the small universe again.


Tongtian is above all Dao, overlooking Lingbao, as if looking at an ant.

Lingbao's eyes were full of fierce fighting intent, but the more he fought, the more courageous he became.

But in the small universe, the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation has already been completed, and the breath under the Master Tongtian is becoming more and more terrifying.


Suddenly, a sigh came from the void.

The moment he heard that sigh, Tong Tian's expression changed drastically.Immediately, following the induction in the dark, he looked into the boundless void in front of Lingbao.

I saw an ancient bronze lamp with mottled green rust, ups and downs in the sea of ​​stars in the universe.

With a ghost face and a green candle burning, it is evil and mysterious.

The sigh that echoed through the heavens came from the lamp.

 Second update is complete.

  Unknowingly wrote [-] words, the author feels drained, I hope everyone can forgive me for being late... I am really sorry!
  Thank you very much for your rewards, subscriptions and votes!

(End of this chapter)

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