Chapter 294


Accompanied by the infinite height, the voice of the leader of Tongtian fell, the sky and the earth were suddenly bright red, and the mountains of corpses and seas of blood emerged.

Boundless evil spirit, piercing murderous intent, overwhelming.

The quaint and mysterious formation moved slowly, flowing with the immortal Taoist rhyme, and the four dark red killing swords hung upside down, as if they had just been bathed in immortal blood.

The sword energy is boundless, crossing the sky, tearing apart the void, making all things empty.

This is the immortal soldier representing the highest achievement of Lingbao Tianzun. In this life, he was summoned by the leader of Tongtian and sacrificed for thousands of years.

Even if the opponent is the invincible Taoist body that was cut out in the past, logically speaking, it cannot be shaken at all.

The killing sword and the formation map were integrated into one, and feeling the fluctuation of the divine sense coming from it, Tongtian's heart was settled.

At the same time, the allies of the underworld are guarding the ancient star Tongtian, the core of the Ten Thousand Immortal Formation, for him.

All the heavens and all realms, the divine energy of the Dao, is continuously absorbed by the power of the great formation, and added to the sky.

The fairy glow on the latter's body is radiant, and there is an invincible aura that overwhelms the past, present, and future, and aspires to win the world.

His eyes were as bright as torches, and Tong Tian stared at the two invincible Taoist bodies opposite him.

"Hmph! It's useless to talk too much, I will get rid of you, a big devil, today!"

The young Taoist priest opened his eyes wide with anger, and immediately transformed into one hundred and eight divine forms, each of which was his real body.

Although they couldn't show their full strength, one hundred and eight spirit treasures drew their swords at the same time, and slashed at Tongtian with an incomparably gorgeous and shocking divine light.


After the intervention of Ming III's ghost lamp, the two Taoist bodies shared the fruit of Ji Yi Tianzun's Eighth World Enemy from the point of reaching the sky.

Therefore, logically speaking, the eight are now in the same realm, and should be evenly matched, so the young Lingbao's offensive can naturally be underestimated.

And the eight people came from the same origin, Tong Tian would naturally be familiar with this ultimate move, and he was still calm and calm, so he had to mobilize the Lingbao to kill the formation and use the edge sword energy to resolve it.


At that moment, the middle-aged Lingbao moved.

Just now, I did not launch an attack. I fought against the enemy together with the young Lingbao. I only held the Ming VIII ghost lamp and watched the battle from the sidelines.

At this moment, seeing Tongtian Xiaoyi, trapped in one hundred and four sword qi, she wanted to break out of the encirclement with the Lingbao in her hand.

Seeing this good opportunity, the middle-aged Lingbao immediately urged the ghost lamp in his hand with the authentic power of the Lingbao.

In fact, what is burning in the ghost lamp today is the essence and blood left by Lingbao Tianzun in the past, and even the holy oil that I refined from the old body.

Now being urged by his Dao body, there is no boundless mysterious power emerging, and countless phantoms of gods and demons appear in the world, and the path resonates.

"The fairy sword is now, when will it be!"

Ji Yi Tianzun's Taoist shout is like the thunder of the gods rolling under the four heavens, and it is mighty to the heavens and the world, making all living beings tremble with fear.

Hearing the majestic and majestic voice of the middle-aged Lingbao, a haze appeared in Tongtian's heart, and his body froze.


Originally consummated and free, in the spirit treasure killing formation that released a piercing murderous intent to cover the sky and cover the sun, a fairy sword rose into the sky, blooming a bright fairy light that illuminates the ancient, modern and future.

The body of the sword is dark red.

Underneath, the scene of Wulu Immortal is looming, and the vast and majestic fluctuations of spiritual thoughts come from it.

The moment the Immortal Killing Sword broke free, Master Tongtian sensed that the former was out of his control. At the same time, the entire Jiyi killing formation was affected by the Immortal Killing Sword and fell into confusion.

There seemed to be no sun, moon and stars passing by in the eyes, deducing the secrets of the sky, and doing all the tricks, Tong Tian understood the cause and effect in an instant, and shouted angrily:
"How daring! This sword has already been enlightened by you, giving birth to your own consciousness!"

"Yes, he was wrong." The middle-aged Lingbao said solemnly:

"It's not 'you', everything is done by himself in the past."

Hearing this, Tong Tian was extremely angry, and his face was even more colorful, with an inexplicable expression.

However, this moment is not the best time to make small moves.

Today, I am still deeply trapped in the one hundred and four gods transformed by the young Ji Yi, and I am in danger.

Ji Yi's killing array is definitely hopeful.

The mood calmed down, Tong Tian's eyes returned to the heat, and he said with a low voice:

"Zhu Xian!"

That is the secret technique that Tongtian once demonstrated in the ancient burial ground. Now, I, who has penetrated the cultivation base of the eighth generation, can perform it again, and the power is even greater!
Between the heaven and the earth, a rain of blood poured down.

The path in the dark trembled, and the laws and principles wailed.

There are endless phantoms of gods and demons crying, and all kinds of strange visions come overwhelming.

The chilling murderous intent spread to the inner world, turning the countless star fields in the wilderness of the universe into ashes.


Before the immortal-killing blow was struck, there was no strange magical power, and all the [-] figures around him were ignited, stained with bright red, as if they were bleeding.


The young Lingbao let out a muffled hum, and immediately the celestial light was brilliant, wiping away the deep red.

But it was still affected after all, and there was a gap in the one hundred and four Tiangang Disha sword array in Yusha.

Even though it would be made up for in an instant, Tongtian is not ordinary, he seized that flaw, and struck out a blow that was like opening up the world and breaking the ground again.


The sword formation disintegrated, and Tongtian escaped dangerously and dangerously.


Although he still received a sword and spilled dripping blood, after all, there was still too much damage to the original source.

Tong Tian, ​​who was wearing a white and seven-color Taoist robe, stood in the void with an inexplicable expression and remained silent for a long time.

"Hmph! It's a pity that you still let that guy escape with his life."

The figure of the young Lingbao reappeared, and his face was not so good-looking.Obviously, it was a pity that Tongtian was caught off guard by instigating against the Immortal Sword, but he still regretted whether he had achieved substantial results.

Tongtian Youwu ignored the noise of the young Lingbao, and turned around to look at the Jiyi array and the seven killing swords nearby.

At this moment, how can they have recovered? Before the Immortal Killing Sword negotiated with the remaining Immortal Swords and formation diagrams, the two sides reached a consensus-the two are to help each other!
After the small battle between Tongtian and Lingbao came to an end, Lingbao's killing array would help either side.

At this moment, they were far away from the core battlefield, but approached Zhou Luo's position, making it easy for Tongtian to make a move.

"Hmph! It's ashamed that the things refined in the next life are indeed reliable."

With only a deep glance, Tongtian immediately withdrew his gaze and looked at the two hostile dao bodies on the opposite side:

"Do they think that if they lose the spirit treasure killing array, this deity will be captured without a fight? It's just wishful thinking!"


Under countless little stars, at the same time Wujie taught his disciples to chant scriptures, linking the heavens and myriad worlds.

The aura of the trail is vast, and there are no billions of rays of immortal light transpiring.

One after another divine energy was absorbed and poured into Tongtian's body together, allowing me to surpass the two of them and show a boundless power.

Feeling the divine power in his body far surpassing that of the future, Tongtian was in high spirits, and he was about to take the two Taoist bodies behind his eyes and turn them into the most splendid foil on his way to immortality.


In the depths of the universe, vibrations from the heavens came from without shaking.Tongtian, who had been so successful, almost staggered, with a horrified look on his face that he had never seen before. Looking back calmly, the scene in my eyes made my eyes tear open:
"Corpse Emperor!"

I saw that in the ancient star of Tongtian, in the huge and small cracks we opened up later, the corpse emperor looked fierce, grabbing the Tongtian Shenmu made of white jade with one hand, and reciting mysterious incantations in his mouth.

Following the corpse emperor's movements, Tongtian Shenmu, who had already penetrated into Haoxiao's real "immortal world", hurriedly pulled away.


Accompanied by a huge roar, this vast and boundless world went away, and became hazy again in the chaos.

Seeing that scene Tongtian was furious.

Sacrifice this world to become an immortal, and then use this strange world as a springboard to reach the real fairyland.

Now, seeing the corpse emperor's betrayal, the plan is about to fail, how can Tongtian be angry?
Just when the corpse emperor was about to succeed, a warm and jade-like palm seemed to hang down from under the sky.

Carrying a biting murderous intent, not to mention an incomparably weird aura of prosperity and decay, he dealt a fatal blow to the corpse emperor.

Just when the palm was about to fall under the corpse emperor's body, a figure shrouded in immortal brilliance emerged, and eight hazy worlds came up with the suppression of the Mieshi millstone.

All of a sudden, there is no chaos and turbulence, and thousands of auspicious colors are surging.

Xianxia dispersed, revealing Zhou Luo's expression that seemed to be a smile but not a smile:
"Good apprentice, wait for him to be young!"

 The two changes are over.

  Tongtian will be resolved in the next chapter, please rest assured.

  Thank you very much for your rewards, subscriptions and votes!

  There will also be additional changes this weekend, one at 13:30 and two at 19:30!

(End of this chapter)

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