In the depths of the universe, a large water-blue star freezes in the void, with its own majestic and majestic momentum, it is the ancient star.

Perhaps it was out of reverence for Mingzun and Immortal Emperor, although the quasi-emperor died on this planet, but after all, it did not affect the world of mortals.

Haohaotangtang's Jishui Riverside, a small village that was originally ordinary, benefited from the reappearance of Daode Tianzun, and the subsequent practice here, has turned into a fairyland that surpasses heaven and earth.

As for the family surnamed Ji, they have long been famous outside, as the "rising star" of the prehistoric ancient star, a big rising family of cultivation.

Even if Void fails to prove the Tao as emperor in the future, the Ji clan can still stand in the prehistoric and desolate.

The banks of the Jishui River are the place where the Ji clan made their fortunes, so it is naturally regarded as the core secret place of the clan, retaining its original style.

However, at this moment, compared with the joy and excitement in the world, the small village by the Jishui River is bleak.

In the greatest dark turmoil of all time, Ji Xukong, Ji Chengkong and his son sacrificed their lives for righteousness, shrouded in horse leather, and Xukong returned with only half of his body, which is really heroic.

In fact, in the depths of the universe, in the ancient sects of all the powerful clans, the ancestors of the quasi-emperor realm all fell, and the whole world wept.

Ji Xukong's deeds were reported back to the prehistoric world, which shocked the entire ancient star and made the world feel deeply regretful.

Before Void became enlightened, he was able to die together with an existence who could be called the supreme being in the restricted area.

Although there are factors including the help of the god king and the use of Emperor Zun's Immortal Cauldron, it is enough to see the extraordinary and amazingness of Void himself.

Everyone in the Ji family is proud of the void, and even the child Chui Mao cried loudly for his untimely death.

The Taoist Heavenly Venerable came here, and what he saw was such a picture.

"Old fairy!"

Among the high-ranking members of the Ji clan present, there were many children from the village in the past, who had acquainted with Daode Tianzun several times, and now they can recognize them at a glance.

The current glory of the Ji family is not only because of the void, but also because of the protection of the Taoist Tianzun, and everyone naturally respects him very much.

Sensing the breath of Daode Tianzun, the figure of the God King appeared at the first time, trembling with heartfelt excitement, saluted:
"Tianzun, Void he—"

Regarding this, Daode Tianzun still had the same calm appearance, and only raised his hand slightly, interrupting the words of the king of gods:

"Don't worry, Void's fate is not over yet, so let me take a look first."

Hearing this statement, not only the God King, but also the high-ranking members of the Ji Clan who were present couldn't help being shocked.

You must know that the old Taoist in front of you is not only the master of the void, but also one of the famous nine gods of mythology, and the ancestor of the current Taoism.

The words of such a supreme being naturally made everyone feel excited.

So, without the slightest hesitation, everyone came to the core of the secret place in front of Daode Tianzun.

I saw that the celestial light was brilliant, myriads of auspicious colors were transpiring, and amidst the radiant glow, the corpses of Ji Xukong's father and son were sealed in the resplendent divine source, and even submerged in a pool of fairy liquid, which at least preserved the vitality of the physical body.

In order to preserve even a glimmer of hope for the resurrection of the father and son, the God King even went back to the ancestral star of the God Race and asked for the Supreme Divine Spring Immortal Liquid.

At this moment, Daode Tianzun stepped forward and stood beside the fairy pond, only glanced at Ji Chengkong's relatively intact body, and immediately shook his head.

Even though he was prepared in his heart, the God King couldn't help but his eyes were reddish, and tears were falling down.

Immediately afterwards, Daode Tianzun looked at the small half of the head that survived in the void.

Accompanied by the flow of power in the dark, even the dejected God King felt the ups and downs of the supreme majesty, which was far above the ordinary supreme.

After a while, the avenue here returned to calm, Daode Tianzun raised his eyes, looked at the opposite God King, and said in a calm and indifferent tone:
"The life of the void should not die, there is still a ray of immortal Taoism remaining."

As soon as this remark came out, the high-ranking members of the Ji clan and the god king couldn't help showing joy, but the next sentence of Daode Tianzun instantly made everyone's hearts fall to the bottom of the valley.

"It's just that, with the ambition to die, Kong Kong burnt everything, and his mind and soul were almost wiped out. Now even if he takes a complete elixir, it may not be able to bring him back to life."

In the eyes of the god king and the high-level members of the Ji clan, the elixir can make the supreme being of the extreme way live another life, and it is already the supreme elixir of the human world.

Now, if even the elixir doesn't necessarily work, isn't it true that Void was sentenced to death?

Just when everyone was in despair, the look in the eyes of the king of gods was extremely firm, looking straight at the opposite Daode Tianzun:
"Also ask Tianzun to try his best!"

Daode Tianzun let out a long sigh, and then continued to add:

"Pindao, there is indeed another way, maybe it can save him."

Hearing this, the Divine King was shocked, and his eyes lit up immediately.

She was born in the Protoss, and after reading many classics, she naturally knows countless secrets, so she said cautiously:

"Could it be that it's the legendary Nine-Turn Immortal Pill?"

In this regard, Daode Tianzun nodded.

Seeing this, the king of the gods was relieved.If he could really refine the Nine-Turn Immortal Pill, Xu Kong would really be saved!
According to many ancient historical records, Emperor Zun had refined the Nine-Turn Immortal Pill in the past, which was a fetish that even the Supreme Being in the restricted area would be tempted by.

And it is precisely because of this that Emperor Zun can invite the Supreme Being to come out of the world, creating a prosperous age where all the Supreme Beings coexist in the end of the mythology.

The miraculousness of the elixir can also be seen from this.

The matter of refining the nine-turn elixir is of great importance, and even the moral Tianzun is not fully sure for the time being.

In order not to cut off the vitality of the void, it can only continue to be sealed.

This time, many supreme beings and alternative enlightened beings were born to quell the darkness and turmoil, and naturally gathered countless beliefs in the world of mortals, which have been praised by the world for a long time since then.

As for Void, although he is not the main object of enshrining by the world, he did not become enlightened, but he killed several people who would become enlightened, and even died together with an alternative enlightened supreme.

With the help of his supreme cultivation and the power of belief in this world, the Taoist Tianzun ignited a divine fire for the void.

Although it can't bring him back to life, it can still keep his last ray of Taoism immortal.


The long river of time is rushing, and the years are ruthless.

I thought that after experiencing the most terrifying dark turmoil in history, the quasi-emperor in the world withered, and it was destined to usher in a relatively bleak time.

However, within a few hundred years, the world has revived its vitality again.

The turmoil in the forbidden area, who can get the approval of the Supreme, and be sealed, is all the former arrogance and heroism.

Although there were not many quasi-emperors who survived the battle with such an existence, they were not without.

In the years that followed, they broke through their original shackles and made great strides all the way, making the world seem to see the rising of the emperor star.

In addition to the "old generation" monks, the rising stars are also amazing, setting off a boundless storm on the only ancient road.

However, after all, these people are still in their infancy, and they are not yet able to compete with the elders.

The descendants of Emperor Yuan, the golden body of returning to the ancestors, etc. have already ascended to the Nine Heavens of the Emperor Zhun, and there is also the God King who was already a Taoist in the past.

Just when the world is looking forward to the birth of a new emperor among these people——

The Holy Emperor and Daode Tianzun, who had disappeared for many years, unexpectedly reappeared in the world.

When it comes to the greatest contributors to quelling the darkness and turmoil, apart from the Immortal Emperor, there are Daodetianzun, Shengdi, Qilinhuang and so on.

Of these two people, one is an enlightened person in this world, and the other is one of the famous nine heavenly deities in mythology, so they are naturally respected by the world.

And the Holy Emperor and Daode Tianzun didn't hide it at all, and entered and exited the Immortal Mountain and the Ancient Emperor Mountain successively.

You must know that these two places are of great significance. They are the places where the Yuan Emperor and the Immortal Emperor were seated respectively.

In this regard, people in the world have speculated that the two masters will make a big move, maybe they will attack Xianlu!
The two changes are over.

The status of the author's code words is not very good in the past two days, and the number of updated words is relatively small. I am really sorry, and the author will work hard to adjust.

Tomorrow there will still be a change around 19:30 and 23:50.

Finally, thank you again for your support!

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