
The Tai Chi Divine Furnace was turned on, and thousands of Taos roared in the void, and there was even more blazing celestial light like a tide, which filled the world with gorgeous light feathers.


Immediately afterwards, wisps of white light steamed up from the divine furnace, and a misty figure rushed out, dancing lightly under the starry sky.

And outside the barren star field, the figures of many quasi-emperors in the world manifested, and they all saw this "flying fairy in the world of mortals" spectacle.

At this moment, there are many visions manifesting between the heaven and the earth, and the golden lotus blooms in the void, which is sacred and peaceful.

And these all show that the refining of the Nine-Turn Immortal Pill has made all monks in this world fascinated.

Although the elixir is destined to have no fate with them, the quasi-emperors in the world will have no regrets if they can see it being refined up close and feel the charm of Taoism.

And at the core of the turbulent fairy light covered by the vast chaos, all the venerables have already come forward and looked into the divine furnace.

I saw that there were nine gold elixirs floating in the yin-yang and taiji god furnace, which contained infinite vitality, and even the extremely mystical and mysterious Dao God spread out.

As the supreme being of a generation, the moment everyone sensed that breath, they knew that this was definitely the nine-turn elixir that could make the supreme being of the extreme way live again.

At the same time, Grandma Xian and Gu Zun couldn't help but slightly frowned.

In fact, the elixir itself was not flawed, but the quantity was much less than they had expected.

One must know that the amount of divine and fairy materials they invested this time was only a lot more than that used by Emperor Zun in the past, and as many as four plants were invested in the elixir of immortality alone.

Although there is no clear record of the number of elixir obtained by Emperor Zun, according to Changsheng Tianzun and others before, it is probably more than [-] pieces, which is far more than the current ones.

But this time, the Daode Tianzun refining medicine, all the venerables are watching, there should be absolutely no problems.

Therefore, Immortal Grandma and the others expressed their doubts immediately, and all the respected ones could not help but show thoughtful expressions.

In the end, it was Daode Tianzun who spoke and answered the doubts of all the venerables:

"Perhaps, it's because of the main medicine of the elixir."

"It is said that Emperor Zun, Daofa Tianzun and others had great fortune in the past, and by chance, they got a real immortal medicine."

"And Emperor Zun used the immortal medicine as the main medicine to refine the nine-turn elixir. The medicinal power is naturally far beyond the ordinary, and it is by no means comparable to the few immortal medicines we used."

After Daode Tianzun's voice fell, Xianlao, Qilinhuang and others couldn't help being shocked.

Even they never imagined that there are such secrets in it.

The value of a true immortal medicine is naturally immeasurable.

However, all the venerables were not very human after all, and they quickly recovered their calm.

Now, more than 200 million years have passed since the end of mythology, and Emperor Zun himself has become history, and it is futile to entangle this matter any longer.

Fortunately, there are not too many supreme beings who responded to the birth of Daode Tianzun and Shengdi this time, and the nine elixir are enough to distribute.

After taking the elixir, I felt the vigorous vitality contained in it, as well as the kind of immortality, even if I was the Supreme, I couldn't help being shocked.

Among all the respected ones, the Holy Emperor's expression was the most excited.

He is the immortal golden body Chengdi who bears the curse of proving the Tao. Although he successfully survived the catastrophe, he was also injured by the innate Tao map, and he was doomed to a short life.

Now that he has obtained the Nine-Turn Elixir, he can live another life to make up for his shortcomings.

"Fellow daoists, please leave now."

Carefully put away the elixir, all the respected ones also bid farewell and left.

And except for the Holy Emperor, most of the supreme beings have full lifespan, so they probably won't choose to take this pill in a short time.

When something happened here, Daode Tianzun also put away the several immortal medicines in his hand, and immediately turned into a dream bubble and disappeared without a trace.

In an instant, the eternal silence was restored in this desolate star field, only the refreshing faint fragrance remained, which made the hearts of the world sway.


The void is full of light and shadow, and the figure of Daode Tianzun manifests. It is the familiar ancient star, the bank of Jishui.

And at the moment when Daode Tianzun descended, the figure of the god king appeared, with an extremely excited expression on his face:

"Heavenly Venerable!"

As a person who will become a Taoist in this world, he is only a thin line away from the Supreme Realm of the Ultimate Dao. The king of gods has naturally been aware of the visions between heaven and earth.

She knew in her heart that the elixir of nine revolutions had already been refined, and the void might really be able to "return to life"!
Without any delay, Daode Tianzun and Shenwang came to the bank of Xianchi again.

It has to be said that the wonderful uses of sentient beings' mind power are indeed infinite.

With his supreme cultivation base and the power of belief in the world of mortals, Tianzun ignited a divine fire for the void.

And the remaining dao thought of the latter, under the nourishment of the power of the world of mortals, not only has not been extinguished, but has grown faintly.

People can't help but imagine that if it is enshrined in this way for hundreds of thousands of years, it is possible for the void to reappear in the world even without the need for fairy medicine.

The God King carefully raised his head and fed him the Nine-Turn Immortal Pill.


In an instant, there was a vigorous source of life surging from the void body like a vast ocean.

At the same time, the void body began to reshape at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the divine energy contained in the new body was even greater than before.

Of course, for almost all monks, the physical body is important, but the soul is the most important thing.

I saw that there was a blazing celestial light at the immortal platform between the eyebrows in the void, and the nine-colored divine glow was enveloping.

Accompanied by the bang of the avenue and the sound of heaven, the law of longevity flickered, and the spiritual thoughts that were originally vague in the head were nourished until they were as bright as the sun.

In the end, the void opened his eyes with a "shua", and the light in his eyes pierced the sky.

Seeing this, two lines of tears ran across the face of the Divine King, who was really weeping with joy.


In this life, the greatest dark turmoil in history broke out.

The world witnessed the birth of the existence in the restricted zone, and the reappearance of the emperor who ruled in the universe in the past.

Among them, there are even figures like the Immortal Emperor who have already become immortal monuments in myths and legends.

Even if no one proves the Tao in this world, it is destined to be recorded in the ancient history of practice in the human world, leaving a rich and colorful stroke.

However, although this life has gone through darkness and turmoil, and withered for a hundred years, it quickly recovered its vitality in the follow-up, and it was even far better than the past.

And the news of Ji Xukong's reappearance in the world caused an uproar in all the heavens and ten thousand regions, and the whole world was in an uproar.

Although there was news that Ji Xukong had been imprisoned by the Great Dao of the Forbidden Zone and had already become a useless person in this life, many people expected him to break the shackles and achieve greater glory again.

While the world was discussing enthusiastically whether it was the veteran powerhouses such as the God King who came out on top, or the late comers, or the return of Emperor Ji Xukong, another major event happened in the universe.

Its influence is far-reaching, even far above the "mere" extreme dao fruit.


On this day, there was a huge sound like a cosmic explosion, the sky cracked, the avenue of the human world resonated, and the heavens wailed.

Not only the quasi-emperors in the world were inspired, but even the Supreme Being in the restricted area was awakened, and immediately raised his head, looking at the infinite height with a face full of horror.

There, a majestic and majestic fairy gate opened wide, and there was a sea of ​​chaotic fairy light, and the tide of divine splendor swept across, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth, as if to drown the entire world.

What shocked the world even more was that behind the fairy gate, a vast and boundless world of longevity was ups and downs in it.


And just when the world was longing for the hazy fairyland, a radiant fairy light that illuminated the nine heavens and ten earths fell:
"The decree of the Immortal Emperor—"

The two changes are over.

Tomorrow will still be around 19:30 and 23:50 respectively.

Finally, thank you again for your subscriptions, rewards and votes!

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