Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 715 9 Emperor Li Cheng, Ancient Emperor Mountain Changes

Chapter 715 Jiuli Cheng Emperor, Ancient Emperor Mountain Changes
At the end of the only ancient road, in the ruins of the mythical heaven.

The chaotic stone pillars towered into the sky, straight into Qingming, accompanied by the surging aura of the supreme being, intertwined with fairy light, and the sound of the avenue and heaven.

Daode Tianzun was sitting cross-legged in front of the chaotic stone pillar, looking calmly at the opposite void.

At this moment, his peaceful and indifferent voice still echoed in the fairy tower of the Heavenly Palace, causing the world to resonate.

Hearing the words of Daode Tianzun, Emperor Void also seemed to have a clear understanding, and there was a gleam in his eyes.

Let it be, the time will come...

From Kong Kong's point of view, Daode Tianzun will definitely not be aimless. Since the old man said so, it is obvious that he has already deduced something, and I am afraid that there will be major events in the future.

And being able to be treated so seriously by a Celestial Venerable... Thinking of this, Kong Kong couldn't help but look forward to it.

However, there should be some time before the so-called timing of Daode Tianzun.After all, Kong Kong is the great emperor of the world, with a firm heart, and when it comes to the desire for the great way and longevity, he is by no means inferior to any emperor.

Looking at the supreme "treasure house" in front of him, Kong Kong finally closed his eyes again, and the primordial spirit plunged into the vast and boundless avenue.

As a matter of fact, in the Supreme Battlefield, many Nine Heavens who will become enlightened not only have to accept the tempering and guidance of the Supremes, but also often break out wars with each other in order to make further progress.

Therefore, for thousands of years, no one in this world has become enlightened.

The three respected the outside world, looked at Jiuli who had just passed through the catastrophe, could not help but smile on his face, and nodded with satisfaction.

A divine map unfolds, as if it can swallow everything in the world, accommodate three thousand great worlds, and sink and float in the vast sea of ​​calamity.

On this day, the ancient star of the Big Dipper, the Eastern Desolation and the Northern Territory.

Thinking of this, the three statues raised their eyes at the same time, and looked towards the infinite height.

Although, just judging from the performance of Jiuli crossing the catastrophe, it is not outstanding, but it is also compared with the previous Void Emperor.

And the fact is that it is.

Although the Holy Emperor has not reappeared in the world for thousands of years, there is no news of his sitting down, and there is no such phenomenon in the world.


However, even if he was injured, the person who survived the tribulation was not afraid at all, and instead became more courageous as he fought.


And just when the world thought that the glory of this life would stop here——

The world once again clearly realized that the extreme barrier is difficult to break through, and it must be a rare talent in the ages.



Logically speaking, the number of enlightened people in this world should relatively usher in a "blowout".

What's more, Jiuli Chengdi marks that the ultimate fruit position in this world has been completely occupied, and the hard work of the three gods for thousands of years has finally paid off.


In this way, thousands of years passed by.

But in the world of practice, in this life, there are many heroes who have ascended to the supreme realm of the quasi-emperor Jiuchongtian, and the immortal emperor opened up the supreme battlefield, and a real emperor was born to sharpen and guide the current generation.

Generally speaking, as an extreme supreme being, Jiuli is fully qualified, not weaker than a god emperor.

Fortunately, since the Emperor Void and the God Emperor successively proved the Tao, there has been no catastrophe or disaster in the world, and there has been peace and tranquility.

But precisely because of the miraculous power of the Supreme Battlefield, which has the effect of isolating the catastrophe, in order to truly undergo the baptism of the catastrophe and complete the transformation, the person who crossed the catastrophe took the initiative to leave.

The catastrophe ended, the majestic Myriad Ways and the imprint of Tianxin manifested, and Jiuli merged his own imprint with Myriad Daos, becoming a real emperor.

Chaotic fairy light surged, huge and boundless thunder pierced through the sky and earth, and the aura of destruction and killing was mighty, permeating several star fields, shaking the world of mortals.

Many quasi-emperors among them are no strangers to that miraculous place, which is the supreme battlefield opened up by the Immortal Emperor.

Even regardless of other things, the sense of accomplishment just personally teaching a Supreme Being of the Supreme Dao made the three respectable sincerely gratified.

It's a pity that, apart from Void and the God Emperor, none of the heroes of heaven who were alongside the two in the past has proved the truth, and the rising stars are also bleak.

The Supreme Battlefield was created by the Supreme Immortal Sovereign, so it is naturally impossible for it to be destroyed by a mere enlightenment robbery.

More than [-] years have passed since the time when the Holy Emperor proclaimed the Dao, and he is still in the world, and even participated in the suppression of the dark turmoil before.

For the existence of the supreme series, often the moment of enlightenment, the world of mortals is already full of vicissitudes.

Enlightenment calamity!
Feeling that breath, all the quasi-emperors and great sages in the world raised their eyes and looked at the land covered by the calamity light.

Among them, the descendants of Jin Hou and Lu Lingxiao performed extremely well.

In the depths of the universe, there is a powerful and boundless aura spreading, and the thunder of the myriad gods roars, and the countless divine calamities cover the sky and cover the earth, all of which hit a vast area covered by the chaotic fairy light.

It never occurred to him that after thousands of years of silence, in the Supreme Battlefield, there would finally be an enlightened person trying to take that step again.

A stalwart and majestic figure rushed out from the supreme battlefield, and sank into the terrifying sea of ​​catastrophe in the boundless void.

Even if there is the factor of the Immortal Emperor feeding back the Dao of the Human World, it is an indisputable fact that the three emperors are side by side. This life is already enough to be compared with the few great worlds in the ancient history of practice.

But helplessly, the former is an indestructible golden body bearing the curse of proving the way, while the latter is deeply influenced by Yuandi's way, and it is difficult for them to take that step.

Moreover, in that battle, the lineage of the Immortal Golden Body was born for the first time, and it really went forward, sacrificing its life and forgetting to die, which shocked all the living beings of all races and remembered the achievements of this clan.

Of course, he would occasionally be hit by Jieguang, spilling crystal clear blood.

However, in the follow-up, before the three gods were allowed to wait for the Immortal Emperor's praise, another major event happened in the world——

At this point, all the extreme fruit positions in the human world belong to them, and the four extreme supreme kings came to the universe, creating another supreme glory, and the heavens and ten thousand realms were noisy.

Later, he was no longer satisfied with only sharpening his own body, but took the initiative to attack, attract Jieguang, and sacrifice his Taoist soldiers.

At this moment, in the mysterious Supreme Battlefield, three majestic and supreme figures stand side by side, they are the Emperor Dapeng, the Emperor Corpse, and Ancient Venerable Feixian.

Fighting in the sea of ​​calamity, he was really brave and extraordinary, and he displayed many taboo supernatural powers at will to fight against the things that evolved in the calamity.


Even, many quasi-emperors and great sages in the world are guessing in their hearts that in this life, there may be a glorious and prosperous age of the four emperors.

And when it comes to this world, there have already been Void Emperors and God Emperors who have become enlightened successively, which can be said to be extremely resplendent.

And it is precisely because of the appearance of this divine map that the world has confirmed the identity of the person who crossed the catastrophe——Jiuli!
It turned out that it was not the "old generation" who competed with the Void Emperor and the God Emperor in the past, but such a rising star who rose up.

From a purple mountain that looked like an angry sword soaring into the sky, there was a monstrous sound, not only from the Big Dipper, but also from the depths of the starry sky.

Accompanied by the long cry of the fairy phoenix, there are five colors of radiant glow, the immortal auspicious color is transpiring, and the vast blood is surging to the sky, and all Taoism in the world surrenders.

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(End of this chapter)

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