Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 721 Entering the Immortal Realm and Seeing the Spirit Treasure

Chapter 721 Entering the Immortal Realm and Seeing the Spirit Treasure

In the desolate border of the Immortal Territory, beyond the splendid galaxy, a majestic and majestic Immortal Pass stands.

Since ancient times, this pass has been an important place in the fairyland.

Even though the Immortal Territory has long since been broken and no longer had the glory and prosperity of the past, after Lingbao Tianzun became an immortal, he sent some experts from the Immortal Territory to guard it.

At this moment, at the core of the Immortal Pass, the pair of seemingly plain, simple and rough stone gates suddenly exploded with a power that opened up the world, and the monks guarding here couldn't help being shocked.

Although there is a mysterious and inexplicable dao rhyme flowing on the stone gate, the vast chaos is raging, and the immortal light of the beginning is bright, accompanied by the mighty aura of the supreme immortal king, but it still cannot stop the coming people, and it is about to open.

You must know that this sect was in the heyday of the Immortal Realm in the past, and many immortal kings took action and sacrificed together. It is absolutely difficult for ordinary monks to shake.

In addition, now that the Immortal Territory is broken and the laws of the Dao are incomplete, the Shimen also has a sense of induction. In order to protect the Immortal Territory, it has become more difficult to open.

For millions of years, there were only two exceptions, Xianhuang and Yuanhuang.The two of them actually possessed the combat power of an immortal king in the current practice environment of the heavens and myriad worlds. They forcibly blasted open the immortal gate and broke into this world, making all the powerful families in the immortal domain shudder.

However, today, counting from the time when the Immortal Emperor knocked on the pass, in just over a hundred thousand years, the Immortal Territory has been attacked by people from the "lower realm" several times.

In the past, this was absolutely unimaginable.

Guarding the Xianguan here is still the old lord named Gu He.

At this moment, Supreme Master Furukawa is looking at the real body of the strong man who attacked the Immortal Pass with the help of a certain treasure in the Immortal Pass.

But this time, facing the critical situation of people from the "lower realm" knocking on the pass, Furukawa was much calmer than before.

As for the source of Furukawa's confidence, it is naturally the people around him.

I saw a handsome young man dressed as a Taoist priest sitting on the ground above the tower of Xianguan.

His eyes were slightly closed, as if he was resting, and there was no mighty divine power surging around him, only a fairy sword was sinking and floating behind him, and there was a faint murderous intent pervading.

Withdrawing his eyes from the strong man attacking Xianguan outside the boundary, the Supreme Master Furukawa immediately looked at the young man beside him.

Furukawa looked rather hesitant, but in the end he took the initiative to step forward, bowed his hands respectfully and said:
"Report to God, do we really need to take action?"

That's right, the person sitting cross-legged here is none other than Lingbao Tianzun, who is actually the generation of gods who rule over the current fairyland.

According to Furukawa's induction, although there are several auras that can be ignored among the strong men who attacked the Xianmen, the three leaders must not be underestimated.

The person in the middle seems to be the one who was introduced by the Immortal Emperor and entered the Immortal Realm in the past.As for the remaining two, even across the Immortal Pass, Gu He could vaguely sense their extraordinaryness.

As he expected, they are probably the most powerful immortals of the quasi-immortal king level, enough to compete with the gods.

If such a few existences were allowed to enter the Immortal Realm, Furukawa would naturally be worried.

Hearing this, Lingbao Tianzun opened his eyes with a "swish", in which, the scene of the destruction of the world and the birth of the world, and the rotation of the vast universe flashed by.

Lingbao Tianzun glanced at the reverent Furukawa Supreme in front of him, then shook his head, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and his tone was calm:

"It's okay, they are all old acquaintances."

Due to the consolidation of the Immortal Emperor's Dao Fruit, his cultivation has improved, and his understanding of the laws of the Immortal Domain has become more and more profound.In the future, even if they don't pass through the stone gate of Xianguan, they can open a passage by themselves and bring in the monks from the lower realm.

In addition, Gu He guarded the Immortal Pass all the year round, and rarely traveled around the Immortal Domain, so he didn't know that Yaozun had also entered the Immortal Domain.

Seeing that Lingbao Tianzun was calm and calm, Gu He didn't say anything more after all.


In the end, the majestic and simple fairy gate was blasted open by a few mortals from the outside world.Accompanied by the light and rain, the divine light shines through the world, and after accepting the baptism of the fairy gate, three powerful and incomparable figures rushed into the fairyland first.

The majesty and majesty of the Supreme Immortal Dao made all the creatures in the Immortal Pass shudder and surrender, even the old Supreme Supreme Furukawa looked like he was about to be out of breath.

Only Lingbao Tianzun remained calm and indifferent, even raised his head with a smile, looked at the person coming, and pretended to complain:

"Fellow daoists, you really made me wait so long."

And what responded to him was Emperor Zun's hearty laugh:

"Hahaha, Lingbao, you are seriously joking. Just look, who did I bring?"

As the celestial light and mist dissipated, the first thing that appeared in the eyes of everyone in the Immortal Realm were the three majestic and supreme figures filled with immortal immortal aura.

Sensing that aura, Supreme Master Furukawa became more and more firm in his judgment that these three people were indeed existences on the same level as God.

After realizing this, Furukawa couldn't help but slander while feeling horrified:
How do you feel, since the Immortal Emperor broke into the Immortal Domain, more and more quasi-Immortal Kings were born in the Lower Realm? Could it be that the cultivation environment in the Lower Realm is really far better than that in the Immortal Domain?
The gaze of Lingbao Tianzun only stayed on the Immortal Emperor and Yaozun for a moment, and then fell on the moral Tianzun beside him.

In fact, some kind of mysterious and mysterious induction also came into the heart of Daode Tianzun.

This feeling became more and more intense after meeting Emperor Zun, and now seeing Lingbao Tianzun in Immortal Realm.

However, before everyone could speak again, they were interrupted——


The thunder of the gods descended into the world, piercing through the heaven and the earth, and the vast sea of ​​calamity rose and fell, accompanied by the aura of destroying all ways.

Seeing this, the eyes of Yaozun shrouded in hazy golden light froze, but immediately without any hesitation, he took the initiative to leave the area where the Immortal Pass was located, and sank into the sea of ​​calamity.

The light of becoming a fairy is so bright that it almost illuminates every corner of the vast and boundless fairyland.

Everyone realized in an instant that although Yaozun had undergone nirvana transformation and became a fairy in the world of mortals, he had not survived the catastrophe of becoming a fairy.

Now re-entering the Immortal Realm will naturally make up for this shortcoming.

"It seems that Fellow Daoist Yaozun may still need some time, I will just wait one step ahead."

Lingbao Tianzun withdrew his gaze and looked at Emperor Zun and the others beside him, and the latter nodded.

In the end, Emperor Dapeng, Guzun Feixian and others were entrusted to Furukawa to lead them to visit the Immortal Realm.

As for Emperor Zun, Immortal Emperor, and Daode Tianzun, under the guidance of Lingbao Tianzun, they came to a certain place in the fairyland.

Ahead is a life-forbidden place in the Immortal Realm, where there are fighting sounds that shake the heavens and worlds, and there is even more time for a long river to rush, and the supreme law is turbulent, as if it wants to obliterate everything.

"This is an immortal king's battlefield from the past."

Although Emperor Zun had gone deep into this place, Lingbao Tianzun still took the initiative to introduce it to the Immortal Emperor and Daode Tianzun who came here for the first time.

As the most powerful person in the realm of the Red Dust Immortal, the Immortal Emperor had already sensed it in the dark, and immediately raised his eyes and looked into the depths of this place.

Immediately afterwards, under the leadership of Lingbao Tianzun and Dizun who "know the road with ease", the four of them quickly passed through many dangerous areas, even crossed the scope of the outer fairy king battlefield, and arrived at the core of the inner Emperor Luo Tiankeng .

I saw, there, a figure with long hair in a bun and wearing a Taoist robe of the mythical god sitting cross-legged.

Immortal Emperor!

 The two changes are over.

  Tomorrow there will still be a change around 19:30 and 23:50.

  Finally, thank you again for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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