Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 738 Nine-color elixir, Thunder Emperor revived

Chapter 738 Nine-color elixir, the resurrection of Thunder Emperor


Somewhere in the Immortal Territory, in the barren star field, there was an earth-shattering explosion of power, the chaotic thunder light intertwined with the Yin and Yang Qi, and the huge divine furnace soared into the sky, as if it would explode in the next moment.

Even, there was a faint roar of Xeon's existence, which made many creatures in the fairyland feel terrified.

But just when the honorable ones were amazed and felt uneasy, a refreshing fragrance spread out immediately.

That kind of danxiang, just a slight sniff, seems to make people reborn, almost making the Supremes have the illusion of transforming into immortals.

The fragrance of this medicine is already so shocking, you can almost imagine how heaven-defying the real medicine is.

In the boundless void, one dharma after another towered into the sky, and the celestial light was gorgeous, showing the unrest in the hearts of the supreme beings.

In fact, whether it is Huanyang grass or the three herbal medicines, they are all rare and supreme fairy treasures in ancient times.

Especially the latter, even after going through the legendary era of Emperor Luo to the present, there are definitely only a handful of three herbal medicines that have appeared in the world, which shows how precious they are.

Not to mention, in the process of refining this elixir, the primordial spirit of the Immortal King is also needed.

Moreover, the Immortal King Primordial Spirit not only has to be robbed instead of this elixir, but also has to be tempered to produce the primordial spirit and fused into this elixir in order to be truly consummated.

Throughout the ages, the existence of the Immortal King series is undoubtedly the strongest in the world.If the existence of this series falls, it will undoubtedly be a major event that shakes the heavens.

What's more, in the current heavens and worlds, the law of the great way is incomplete, and the fairy king has almost become a vague legend, which is really unimaginable.

Now, in order to refine the nine-color elixir, the Immortal Emperor did not hesitate at all, and directly put the souls of An Lan and Yu Tuo into it.

If this matter spreads out, it will definitely make the entire heavens and myriad worlds shudder.

Not to mention all spirits and beings, the faces of Lingbao, Emperor Zun and others guarding here also showed expressions of surprise.

Of course, they were definitely not feeling sorry for An Lan and Yu Tuo.

After all, the three Lingbao brothers could no longer be "familiar" with these two people. As the executioners in the war between nine heavens and ten lands and foreign lands in the last years of Xiangu, they wished they could swallow them alive.

In addition, before the Immortal Emperor refined the medicine, he had already shared the key to refining the medicine to everyone.

However, even so, when they really saw the birth of Baodan, which can revive the existence of the Immortal King series, everyone couldn't help being shocked, and they were stunned on the spot for a while.


The yin-yang furnace cover was smashed open by the contents inside, nine-colored celestial light soared into the sky, accompanied by the overwhelming fragrance of dandelion, and the radiant glow was about to tear apart the universe and escape.

Before waiting for Lingbao, Emperor Zun and others who were waiting around to make a move, the Immortal Emperor sitting cross-legged in the void smiled slightly.

The crystal-like jade palm stretched out, and with a seemingly ordinary palm, it grabbed all the pills without any accident and sealed them in the jade bottle.

Seeing this, Lingbao, Immortal, Yaozun and others immediately stepped forward, and Zhou Luo didn't mind at all, and took the initiative to show the crystal clear treasure pill that was full of nine-color fairy clouds.

It turned out to be really refined!
Among the crowd, especially Daode, Lingbao, and Dizun had the most excited expressions.

The three masters have penetrated the reincarnation of previous lives, so they naturally know that this kind of supreme elixir was only refined once even in the legendary Emperor Luo era.

It is said that the Huangtian Emperors of the later generations also refined it, but it is a pity that they had already fallen at that time, so they had no chance to see it.

Today, everyone was able to see the birth of the third batch of elixir, so they couldn't hide their excitement.

"I don't know, when will Master plan to use this medicine?"

After a while, the Immortal Emperor took the initiative to step forward and asked in a deep voice.

And as his words fell, Lingbao, Emperor Zun and others couldn't help their hearts moving, and immediately raised their eyes, and looked at a certain direction in unison, which was where the Immortal King's battlefield was.

The world may not know it, but the people present are naturally well aware of the two supreme immortal kings who were once on the verge of life and death dormant in the buried abyss and the emperor's tiankeng.

In addition, the Immortal Emperor and the two Immortal Kings obviously have friendship, and presumably he will give the elixir to these two talents.

Hearing this, the Immortal Emperor did not answer directly, but instead smiled mysteriously:

"As a teacher, you have your own considerations."


In the vast sea of ​​stars, in a certain barren star field, the wreckage of a large star lay all over the place, which had lost its vitality thousands of years ago.


A great avenue of fairy light came from the depths of the fairyland, and with the golden light that permeated the breath of reincarnation, it went straight into the void crack.

In the boundless time and space, there is only an illusory and hazy road extending to an ancient cave deep in the void.

There, there is chaos and immortal light gushing out, and myriads of auspicious mist are transpiring, and there is a sacred and peaceful scene.

Here is the mysterious place in the legend, known as the land that reaches the sky. It has been pursued by countless immortal kings throughout the ages, but it is rare to be able to enter it in the end.

However, at this moment, the Immortal Sovereign, wearing an ancient and complicated Taoist robe, is sitting cross-legged in the depths of the mysterious ancient cave.


In the thunder of Myriad Dao Gods, the blazing lightning, the core of the Thunder World, there was no wave on the face of the Immortal Emperor, only the eyes were drooping.

Deep underground, an ancient man was buried, and it was his corpse that caused all these visions.

During his life, he was in charge of the robbery and punishment of the heavens and was the Lord of Thunder.Although he has not really achieved the Dao Fruit of the Immortal King, he has the kind of combat power that is enough to compete with the Immortal King.

The seal of reincarnation has already been conceived in Lei Di's body, and the vitality has surpassed the death, but it has not been able to reappear in the world for a long time.

Thinking of this, a strange expression flickered in the eyes of the Immortal Emperor.

That's right, he came here this time, naturally not to pay tribute to his predecessors, but to prepare Lei Di to swallow the Nine Colors Immortal Pill.

As for why Lei Di was the first to take the medicine, the Immortal Emperor also went through many considerations.

First, Lei Di, as one of the ten evils of the past, was in charge of God's Thunder Tribulation and Punishment. His potential is unquestionable. Reviving such an ancient person will naturally have a promising future;

Second, Lei Di's physical body is relatively intact, and even though he has condensed the seal of reincarnation, but for some reason, it is difficult for the reincarnation of the physical body to reappear in the world.
As for the third, the Immortal Sovereign did have a little thought of letting Lei Di come to test the medicine first.

Although, in the deduction of the Immortal Emperor, the Nine Colors Immortal Pill should have been successfully refined, but after all, it was the first time to use it, and he would definitely do his best to protect Lei Di's safety.

After thinking about this clearly, the Immortal Emperor didn't hesitate any longer, and immediately moved his mind slightly, a crystal clear, nine-colored elixir, filled with a strong breath of life, emerged and slowly sank into the ground.

In the Immortal Emperor's scorching eyes, the nine-color elixir merged with Lei Di's body, bursting out an extremely bright and radiant fairy light.

At the same time, accompanied by the great sound of the sky, the ancient and mysterious mantra reverberated, a little bit of spiritual light sparkled, and the fragments of divine consciousness were brilliant, gathered from the heavens and worlds, and finally sank into Lei Di's eyebrows.


Amidst a huge roar that seemed to open up the world, Lei Di suddenly opened his eyes.

 The second update will still be updated around 23:50.

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(End of this chapter)

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