Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 751 The end of immortality, another great world

Chapter 751 The end of immortality, another great world

In the boundless universe, in the huge and boundless void, there is a surging aura that surpasses the world of mortals, and it is surging into the great universe of the human world.

And the bright and gorgeous fairy road among them, seemed to be unable to withstand the coercion, and burst into pieces.

The supreme fluctuations then spread, and the stars swayed all over the sky. I don't know how many dead stars fell, and all spirits and sentient beings trembled.


Immediately afterwards, from the shattered fairy road, one after another embarrassed figures rushed out.

Countless celestial lights enveloped those figures, resplendent to the extreme.

There is also a faint aura of immortality and immortality permeating, almost making people think that it is a true fairy coming to the dust.

It's a pity that among the people looking at this place from a distance, there are many supreme beings who have lived out the third life, so they can see through all falsehoods at a glance.

Those who were surrounded by fairy light were not real immortals, but the supreme beings who had just broken into the fairy road.


At the same time, with the collapse of the fairy road, endless fairy light danced, turned into crystal petals and scattered, sprinkled to every corner of the nine heavens and ten places.

Seeing this, in the Starfields of the Heavens, the dying old Zhundi took action, snatched the petals, and absorbed them desperately, which actually made the body and soul that were about to decay glow with a sliver of life.

"It's really the breath of longevity!" The old Zhun Emperor looked excited and couldn't help exclaiming.

Although it is difficult to become a fairy in the world of mortals, occasionally there will be fairy lights on the fairy road, and they will be obtained by the world.

Therefore, the monks of many powerful clans and great religions are no strangers to this substance.

And realizing this, the eyes of many quasi-emperors in the world looking at the fairy light in the sky also changed, and they were extraordinarily hot.

Apparently, none of the Supremes took the initiative to collect these magic eyes that have not yet entered the restricted area, but they can already be regarded as invaluable treasures for ordinary monks.

Seeing that Chengxian is destined to lose their share, it would be good to be able to grab some fairy light.

In the Starfield of the Heavens, similar scenes emerged one after another.

In fact, at this moment, the supreme being awakened in the restricted area of ​​life, and the few quasi-emperors of the nine heavens in the world, all set their sights on the crack in the fairy road, not wanting to miss any changes in the latter.At the same time, they were also curious about whether any of the supreme beings who had just fought on the road to immortality became immortals?

After a while, when the last Supreme figure rushed out, the Void Avenue finally returned to calm.

And where the crack in the fairy road was, there came the supreme's unwilling roar.


It was as if the gods in the Nine Heavens were angry, shaking the avenues of the world, and all living beings could only tremble and surrender.

Obviously, it was Supreme who failed in the battle against the Immortal Road, and it was hard to hide his loneliness.


At the same time, the location of the Beidou ancient star field also heard the sigh of the existence of the restricted area:

"After all, it's the wrong time. Wanting to fly into the world of mortals is nothing more than a wish after all."

Hearing this, the quasi-emperors and great saints in the world couldn't help nodding their heads in agreement.

After all, whether it is the records in many classics or the joint deduction of emperors and emperors throughout the ages, there is still a long time before the real opening of the road to immortality.


However, beyond the expectations of the world, from the crack in the fairy road, there was a rebuttal from the supreme being.

Sitting cross-legged in front of the gradually closing fairy road, a majestic and majestic figure suddenly opened his eyes, it is the Jiuli Emperor who is the current enlightened person.

Its deep voice came, without any concealment, echoing in the nine heavens and ten earths:

"Although I was a step behind when I waited for the latecomers, the group of Void and the others have successfully entered the mysterious world."

After the words of Emperor Jiuli fell, the human world was silent for a moment, but immediately afterwards, the whole world was in an uproar, and all living beings were uproarious.

The rest of the Supremes did not refute, obviously acquiescing to the statement of Emperor Jiuli, Emperor Void and others have really become immortals!

Even though, the demon emperor couple, the immortal emperor, the Yuan emperor, the undead emperor, etc. had already flown away, but the world is still excited.

It is precisely because of the existence of these characters that they are like lighthouses in the lost way, illuminating the way forward and igniting hope for the monks of later generations.

While the monks in the world were excited and talking about the immortality of Emperor Void and others, the brows of many quasi-emperors and saints were slightly frowned, and they looked at the edge of the universe with anxiety. The supreme beings who failed in the fairy road.

The quasi-emperors and great sages were worried, worried that these supreme beings would set off another dark turmoil.

After all, it has not been too long since the last dark turmoil broke out, and the world still has lingering fears.

However, their concerns are clearly unfounded.

In fact, after the turmoil of the Emperor's Peace, the remaining supreme no longer had the idea of ​​launching a dark turmoil.

Almost all those born this time are supreme beings who have survived the third life, with strong blood and sufficient lifespan.

Moreover, none of the venerables chose to penetrate the Dao Fruit of the previous life, even if they broke the immortal source and were born, they can still be self-appointed in the future.

In addition, now, apart from waiting for the road to immortality to open, the Supremes still have another "shortcut", and that is the Supreme Battlefield.

According to the will of the Immortal Emperor, the Supremes can also be connected to the Immortal Realm by accumulating "achievements" by honing the talents of future generations.

Therefore, although it is a pity that you failed to enter the immortal road this time, you are not too pessimistic.

After the gap in the fairy road is completely healed and it is difficult to find it in the human world, all the gods will naturally go back the same way.

Immortal light after another spread across the sky, and the aura of the supreme avenue was overwhelming, and finally submerged into the forbidden areas of Beidou and Feixian.

And when the venerables are born again, I am afraid that it will be tens of thousands of years later.

In the thousands of years since then, there is only one Jiuli Emperor alive in the human world, and his king lands in Yunei.

Compared with the previous glory of the coexistence of the four emperors, it really looks bleak.

Of course, at the same time, the matter of Emperor Void and others becoming immortals still firmly occupied the mainstream of public opinion in the practice world, and it was talked about by the world for a long time.

Although there are too many brilliance in this life, the four flying immortals are undoubtedly a major event that will be recorded in the ancient history of cultivation in the human world.

Hundreds of years later, the great emperor of Jiuli sat down, marking the end of a golden age that would glorify the past, present, and future.

The autumn wind is bleak, the winter is bitter, and the world is a little bleak.

Fortunately, time flies and time is merciless.

Time is running like a river, and it will never stop for someone or something.

Ever since the Immortal Emperor fed back the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths in the past, making people reborn in the Dao of the World, the source energy in the world has been abundant, and it has almost returned to the age of mythology.

Therefore, the quasi-emperors and great saints in the human world are endless, and the ancient stars and origins of all major life are still prosperous.

Finally, when the dao marks belonging to Emperor Void and others were about to disappear, there were signs that a new emperor was about to be born in the world.

 The two changes are over.

  Tomorrow there will still be a change after 19:30 and 23:50.

  Finally, thank you all for your rewards, subscriptions and votes!

(End of this chapter)

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