
In the Central Region of the Eastern Desolation, in the undead mountain that has been the same for thousands of years, today there are waves that are like the beginning of the world.

Immeasurable immortal light boiled, accompanied by chaos and turbulence as vast as a vast ocean.

And in the depths of the chaos of fairy light, it seems that a supreme god is waking up, rewriting the laws of the world of mortals, which is terrifying.

That kind of power is far above the ordinary extreme way, covering the human world avenue, almost making people think that the Immortal Emperor and Yuan Emperor have not left, and now they are reappearing in the world.


Two golden dragon-like bright eyes burst out, tearing apart the void in an instant, and sinking straight into the ancient mine of Taichu thousands of miles away.

In fact, as early as when the majestic voice came from the depths of the starry sky, and the vision suddenly appeared in the undead mountain, the fluctuations in the ancient mine in the early days had calmed down.

And when the extremely blazing eyes fell into it, it made the whole ancient mine tremble, as if it might burst open at any time.

At the same time, many quasi-emperors and great sages in the outside world clearly saw this scene, and their scalps were really numb, and they were cold from head to toe.

If it is said that the former Taihuang and Taichu Great Emperor were only the ancient Weilin mine, then the people in front of them really did not pay attention to the well-known life restricted area of ​​the Taichu ancient mine.

The existence in the undead mountain, the real body has not yet appeared, just a look in the eyes, can make the Supreme in the ancient mine be overwhelmed, and there is no wave of resistance at all.

It is enough to see that his majesty is supreme, and it is no wonder that some people suspect that it is the reappearance of the Immortal Emperor and Yuan Emperor.


After a while, there was another shocking wave in the Undead Mountain.

I saw, in the depths of the chaotic fairy light, a heroic and majestic figure rose up, and his gestures seemed to shatter the void and the universe, and the avenue of time and space was disordered.

He looked around, even if there was no surge of divine power, it still made the Zhundi Dasheng and others who were looking at this place tremble, as if they were about to explode in the next moment.

All the strong men in the world kowtowed and surrendered tremblingly, but that person didn't seem to care about it, and immediately took a step forward, joining the figure from the depths of the universe, and went straight into the ancient mine of primordial beginning.


After a long time, when the desperate coercion that seemed to be suffocating was gone, the quasi-emperors and great sages who were in Beidou were really relieved.

It was clearly just a brief moment of eye contact, but people couldn't help feeling like they were alive after a catastrophe.

"I never thought that it would be him who was born in the Immortal Mountain this time!"

The one who said this was an old Teng Snake who was only a step away from the state of the strongest quasi-emperor in Jiuchongtian.

In his eyes looking at the direction of the ancient mine in the early days, there is awe and respect that cannot be concealed.

At the same time, naturally, there were also quasi-emperor great sages who were born in this world and who were not familiar with the figures in the ancient history of cultivation in the human world, and asked him for advice.

The old snake took a deep breath and said in a deep voice:

"Do you know the Emperor Ruthless?"

Hearing this, the quasi-emperor and great sage present all nodded solemnly.

The prestige of the Ruthless Emperor is so great that no one knows it.

His life was full of legends. With a mortal body, he was able to achieve the achievement of the supreme emperor in the end, which is really fascinating.

Taking a panoramic view of the expressions on everyone's faces, Lao Teng Snake continued:

"The ruthless emperor is amazingly talented and brilliant, shining in the human world for eternity, but that man once fought against him, and he never fell behind."

"It can even be said that for a long period of time, that person beat the Ruthless Emperor!"

Speaking of this, the Zhundi Dasheng and others present all suddenly realized.

Compared with the Ruthless Emperor, his person does not have so many deeds spread, but his brilliance, even if he is as stunning as the Ruthless Emperor, cannot cover up his brilliance.

Because, it is the only chaotic body from ancient times to the present who has attained the Tao—the Chaos Heavenly Emperor Bo!
According to rumors, he is a direct disciple of the Immortal Emperor, so it is not surprising that he lived in the Immortal Mountain.

The time when Emperor Ruthless and Chaos Heavenly Emperor came to Yunei was more than one hundred thousand years ago.

It is a chaotic body, one of the strongest physiques in the human world, and has lived through these long years in the world of mortals.

Even if it is still impossible to reach the realm of the world of mortals as a fairy, his combat power will definitely shock the world.

In the minds of the world, even if someone said that Wang Bo alone could level the ancient mine in the early days, they would firmly believe in it.

Thinking of this, everyone looked at the Taichu Ancient Mine with anticipation.

After all, with Wang Bo born to sit in charge this time, they don't have to worry about Beidou and the human world being destroyed by the Supreme War.

But at this moment, in the depths of the ancient mine in the early days, there was a strange silence.

In this restricted area of ​​life that is feared by all spirits and beings in the world, there are silver-white life stones everywhere, accompanied by wisps of fairy light and mist transpiring, and there is even a strong and extremely strong breath of life surging.

Towering, simple, and extremely rough ancient Taoist platforms emerged one after another.

On it are huge fairy sources one after another, and the ones sealed in them are naturally the supreme beings in the ancient mine in the early days.

At this moment, all the supreme beings in the ancient mine woke up, opened their eyes, and looked at the few people opposite them as if they were facing a big enemy.

I saw that Bo, the Emperor of Chaos Heaven, stood side by side with Emperor Xuanwu who descended from the supreme battlefield, supremely majestic and majestic, surpassing all the respected ones on the opposite side.

As for Taihuang and Taichu, they stood behind the two supreme beings.

On the side of the ancient mine in the early days, the ancient golden emperor who was the leader sighed, and then said helplessly:

"Fellow daoists, I am equivalent to a restricted area, so why do you have to push me so hard?"


Hearing this, Emperor Xuanwu on the opposite side let out a cold snort, and Wang Bo's indifferent eyes flashed across, and then his cold and indifferent voice came:
"How did you get the ancient mine in the early days? Is it possible that you really don't know anything?"

As soon as Wang Bo's words fell, the chaotic celestial light flooded the entire Taichu Ancient Mine in an instant, disintegrating the Supreme Formation all over the place, and the entire ancient mine shook violently.

Now, I can really feel the power of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor. If there was a trace of luck in the hearts of the venerables, it is now extinguished.

But after hearing Wang Bo's words, the faces of the supreme beings on the opposite side instantly changed their colors, and the rest of them even glanced at the Golden Ancient Emperor indiscriminately.

A rather bitter look appeared on the latter's face immediately.

Fortunately, the ancient golden emperor was well prepared for what happened today, so he immediately took out a lot of divine materials and bowed his hands in the direction where Taichu was:

"Fellow Daoist in the early days, although the old ghost was indeed the mastermind of what happened in the past, the emperor has also taken action after all, so it is hard to escape the blame."

"A little gift, just to express my apology, please accept it."

In this regard, Taichu naturally did not hesitate at all, and immediately put away the pile of divine materials.

It has to be said that the Golden Ancient Emperor was indeed very sincere, and most of the things he gave away were precious and precious materials that were also useful to the Supreme Being.

Adding all these together, even if compared with the full wealth of an ancient emperor, I am afraid it is not much inferior.The Golden Ancient Emperor was really bleeding profusely.

Just casually glanced at the golden ancient queen, Wang Bo's tone was still indifferent:
"not enough."


The golden ancient emperor on the opposite side suddenly widened his eyes, and his eyes were really red from anxiety.

Seeing this, Wang Bo still looked calm, looked around, and said lightly:
"Except for the Golden Emperor, do you think you can stay out of it?"

So it wasn't about him...

Hearing this, the Golden Ancient Emperor breathed a sigh of relief, while the rest of the venerables felt that they had suffered an indiscriminate disaster, and one of them bit the bullet and said:

However, before he could finish speaking, the heroic and majestic Emperor Xuanwu stared angrily, and said unceremoniously:

"Hmph! This ancient mine originally belonged to my apprentice. You have occupied this place for such a long time. Is it possible that you really want to 'eat for nothing'?"

Hearing Xuanwu Emperor's words, the supreme opposite was stunned for a moment.

According to Emperor Xuanwu's intention, they should also be asked to pay "rent"?
At the same time, Emperor Xuanwu seemed to have remembered something, and immediately added:

"Besides, you need everyone to provide a few drops of the purest true blood."

Good guy!
At this moment, the supreme beings of the ancient mine in the early days finally came to their senses.

Dare to say that the few of them are not here to clear the restricted zone today, but to collect rent.

Three changes completed.

Tomorrow Monday, two more changes will be resumed.

There is still a change at 20:23 and around 50:[-].

Finally, thank you again for your subscriptions, rewards and votes!

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