Chapter 769


Accompanied by a light sound, the strange treasure known as psychic near immortal shattered, but it did reflect a blurry picture.

I saw that in the dark and quiet depths of the great abyss, there was a mist of immortal light transpiring, and the air of chaos was pervasive.

And under the cover of the chaotic fairy light, there is a shocking scene.

The perfect Dao body that originally belonged to the Supreme Heavenly Emperor has now exploded.

Remnants of limbs and broken arms were scattered, and the wounds on the body were filled with sparkling and brilliant chaotic blood, as if there was no breath of life.

Even though, all the venerables only had a glimpse of the momentary scene in the abyss of today's riots with the help of strange treasures, but the people present were all supreme powerhouses of the supreme rank, and naturally confirmed the truth in an instant sex.

In addition, there are many people in the major life restricted areas who have confronted the Ruthless Emperor in the past. If they sense that kind of breath, they must be ruthless.

For a moment, all the venerables were silent, and there were mixed feelings in their hearts, and many unspeakable complex emotions were intertwined.

Although there are some supreme beings who are quite hostile to ruthless people in the restricted area, they are all fighting for crossing the world after all, so it is inevitable that the feeling of "the death of the rabbit and the sorrow of the fox" will inevitably arise in the hearts of everyone.

Throughout the ages, apart from the Immortal Emperor, Yuan Emperor, and Immortal Emperor, there is no one who can become a fairy in the world of mortals.

The ruthless person is amazingly talented, and his talent and talent are obvious to all the Supremes.

Everyone agrees that if one wants to talk about who is most likely to become a fairy in the world of mortals in the future, Ruthless Man and Wang Bo are the first to be recommended.

But now, even such a supreme heavenly emperor, whom all the venerables placed high hopes on, fell into a pool of blood.

It seems to be telling the world that the road to long life is long, no matter how magnificent you are, the arrogance of heaven is astonishing, you will not be able to escape the bleak end in the end.


However, just as the venerables thought of themselves and sighed sadly, a voice of astonishment came from the ancient ruins of the gods.

The master of Shenxu, who attained enlightenment very early, is an ancient venerable from the age of mythology.According to legend, the reason why Emperor Zun failed to teach Feixian in the past was that he existed afterwards.

This is an ancient venerable who has lived for a long time, and now he is one of the few in the restricted area of ​​life, who has survived the fourth life.

Although it is impossible to compare it with the chaotic body that has lived out the fourth life, it can also be called meritorious fortune, unfathomable.

Therefore, when the Lord of the Shenxu used his taboo magical powers and tried his best to deduce it, he finally got a glimpse of the truth.

Sensing the curious gazes of all the venerables and their divine thoughts, the Lord of Shenxu did not intend to hide it, and then said in a deep voice:

"The ruthless man's nirvana may indeed have gone wrong, but it is not a complete failure."

"She should have successfully transformed from the old body into a new body, but the most important primordial god, Xianguang, seems to have disappeared, if there is nothing."

"Now, the person in the abyss surrounded by the nine holy mountains can only be regarded as a living dead."

Hearing this, the hearts of all the venerables trembled, and they couldn't help but tremble.

Immediately, there were other powers involved in good fortune, or the supreme being who was proficient in deduction, and the final conclusion was also consistent with the Lord of the Shenxu.

"This ruthless person is really against the sky! Even if he was transformed into a half-cripple, he still survived tenaciously."

The exclamation of a certain ancient venerable came out, and was unanimously approved by the rest of the lords.

You must know that it is not the physical body that has problems with the ruthless person, but the most important primordial spirit, and now there is still a glimmer of hope.

"Perhaps, it is her obsession, unwilling to dissipate, and this is the only way to resist the erosion of the world of mortals."

Throughout the ages, all those who have become enlightened have a firm heart, except for the ruthless man, whose obsession is so deep that he almost becomes a demon, but he still exists in the world forever.

Thinking of this, Zhu Zun immediately shook his head.

A ruthless person is a ruthless person, unique, and it is difficult for others to copy his glorious trajectory.

It sensed that in the depths of the abyss, there was indeed a tenacious vitality fluctuation, and it might really reappear in the future.

Out of fear and admiration for the ruthless people, the existence in the restricted area of ​​life did not choose to make a move, and fell asleep again.

As for the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, quite a few monks have used their brains.

Of course, they definitely didn't dare to take action against the Supreme Being in the restricted area, they just coveted the divine spring and the magical medicine on the holy mountain.

And when those quasi-emperors who were daring and trespassed into the forbidden area were deprived of their vitality and fell one after another, no one would dare to offend them in the end.

At the same time, in the middle of the Eastern Desolation, in the endless black mountains, three supreme figures manifested, all staring at the abyss with burning eyes, and took a long time to look away.

"Master, tell me, did the Ruthless Emperor really fail in his transformation?"

The heroic man who was the first to speak out and ask curious questions was naturally the founder of the supreme dynasty in Zhongzhou - the Taihuang.

And standing beside the Taihuang is the Emperor of Chaos, Bo.

Compared with before, Wang Bo's face was slightly older, and his blood was also slightly weakened.

However, perhaps because of his racial talent, Emperor Xuanwu was still heroic and vigorous.

Hearing this, an extremely complicated expression appeared in Wang Bo's eyes, and he immediately shook his head and said:
"Even the supreme being is completely confused by appearances, and only sees the misery of the ruthless man's flesh exploding."

After a pause, Wang Bo said with emotion:
"As everyone knows, ruthless people have great courage. This time, they not only want to live out their fifth life, but also use this to get rid of their chaotic body!"

Hearing this, the Emperor Taihuang couldn't hide his horror, while the Emperor Xuanwu on the side nodded appreciatively:
"Although the chaotic body is miraculous, it is not the way to be cruel after all."

"After four lifetimes, she has already understood most of the mysteries of this extremely strong physique, and now she has returned to the original source, which is naturally a higher level."

Fortunately, the Taihuang was not very human after all, he quickly regained his composure, and said with a thoughtful expression:
"In this way, Emperor Ruthless is deliberately showing weakness to the enemy this time, in order to attract potential enemies in the restricted area to take action?"

Combined with the scene in the abyss just now, it is indeed reasonable for Taihuang to make such a guess.

Hearing this, Wang Bo's eyes were deep, and it was extremely complicated and difficult to understand, so he sighed:

"No, it is true that most of Ruanren's Yuanshen Daoguo disappeared, but this should be done on purpose by her."


What Wang Bo said was shocking to the world, not only the Taihuang, but even the Xuanwu Emperor beside him hadn't noticed it, and everyone was surprised at the moment.

Glancing at the two people beside him, a smile finally appeared on the corner of Wang Bo's mouth:

"The ruthless person separates his own Dao fruit. Although the physical body under the abyss is muddled, it will follow the instinct in the dark and continue to practice and transform."

"As for the Dao fruit of the ruthless, I think I have already thrown myself into the world of mortals. With my true Dao, I will fight for survival in the world and personally engrave the trajectory of longevity."

"And this is her road to the world of mortals!"

After Wang Bo's words fell, the Emperor Taihuang and Emperor Xuanwu couldn't help being silent for a long time.

The two raised their heads and looked at each other, seeing the sincere shock in each other's eyes.

The two opened their mouths, wanting to say something, but in the end it only turned into a long sigh:
"Worthy of being a ruthless emperor."

Taking a full view of the expressions on the faces of the two, Wang Bo immediately raised his head, looked deeply at the abyss surrounded by the nine holy mountains again, and said with emotion:

"Although the cultivation base and combat power of the two of us have always been almost the same, but now they have stepped out of their own mortal world. It seems that I am not as good as her after all."

Saying this, Wang Bo seemed to shake his head regretfully.

Seeing this, the Taihuang on the side thought for a while, then took the initiative to step forward and said:

"Master, if you realize the method of the true phoenix's nirvana, you will be successful, and you will surely be able to live the fifth life successfully."

"As for the subsequent creation, who can say clearly."

"Not bad!" Wang Bo's eyes were blazing, and his whole body was full of high-spirited will.

Obviously, his Dao heart is firm and resolute. Although he was sentimental for a while, he did not really sink after all.

"Being a fairy in the world of mortals is by no means the end of the road of practice. There will be an immortal king in the future, and even higher realms!"

Ruthless Man's current performance in the realm of the Red Dust Immortal is really amazing, making it difficult for the world to hold a candle to him, but Wang Bo is also extraordinary.

He was not discouraged, and when the two reached a higher level, they would definitely compete with the ruthless man again.

After this day, all the venerables in the Immortal Mountain, including Wang Bo and Taihuang, practiced harder and harder, needless to say.

And this ruthless man's nirvana and the changes in the restricted area are after all just a small episode in the glorious world.

The long river of time is rushing, the years are ruthless, and they are fleeting.

 The two changes are over.

  Tomorrow there will still be a change at around 20:23 and 50:[-].

  Finally, thank you again for your subscriptions, rewards and votes!

(End of this chapter)

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