Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 784 The chaos ended and finally entered the restricted area

Chapter 784 The chaos ended and finally entered the restricted area

In the Eastern Desolation and the Southern Territory, crossing the divine way.

There is no doubt that this is a legendary and transcendent great religion, inherited from the distant myth age, one of the nine heavenly gods, Dao Fa Tianzun.

According to many ancient historical records, the original ancestral land of the religion is not actually Beidou, but another ancient source of life in the depths of the universe - Gouchen.

What's more, the religion once encountered a catastrophe, not only the inheritance was cut off, but even the Tianzun Taoist soldiers were lost.

It wasn't until the middle of the ancient times that the way of crossing the gods revived, and then came to the Beidou ancient domain, which is located on the land of the southern domain, and it has been nearly 200 million years ago.

Today, Du Shendao is juxtaposed with the aristocratic family left by Emperor Void, and they are the two immortal inheritances of the Eastern Desolation and Southern Territories, and are respected by all the powerhouses who descended from the Big Dipper and even the Star Territory of the Heavens.

The world of mortals changes, and the sea changes.

You must know that throughout the ages, there are definitely not a few extreme forces submerged in the long river of history.

However, Du Shen Dao has been able to stand in the world for nearly 200 million years, which is enough to show its extraordinaryness, and it is by no means just a simple inheritance of Tianzun.

In fact, many powerful clans and great religions with equally long inheritances are also well aware of the secrets behind Du Shendao.

The Dao Fa Tian Zun in the age of mythology has not actually passed away, but reappeared in the ancient times, proving the Tao one after another.

With this reliance on Du Shendao, it is no problem to be able to look down on Beidou and stand upright for millions of years.


However, today, this ancient inheritance seems to have ushered in a "crisis" that is rare in all ages.

I saw a fairy light avenue across the sky, piercing the vast void of the southern region, and above it stood a majestic figure that seemed to be majestic in the past, present and future.

At the same time, the laws of the heavens wailed, and hundreds of millions of radiant rays of light fell down, accompanied by the overwhelming power of the emperor, making all living beings in the southern region tremble with fear.

In the past, many quasi-emperors and great sages of Beidou had gone to meet the enlightened people in this world. Now they sensed that kind of aura, and they did not hesitate at all, and they immediately confirmed that it was the Great Emperor Chaos Ancient!

And the leaders of many great religions, as well as the most powerful quasi-emperors, are very clear about Du Shendao's heels.

Now, Emperor Chaos Gu is here in person, pointing directly at Du Shendao, could it be that he wants to challenge the supreme majesty of Immortal Emperor and Yuan Emperor?
Such thoughts flashed through everyone's minds, and they were immediately rejected by them.

Although the Immortal Emperor and the Yuan Emperor have already transcended the world of mortals and flew away to the immortals, how can the mere supreme beings in the human world dare to compete with the two supreme beings?
Furthermore, even if the Immortal Emperor and the Yuan Emperor do not care about worldly affairs, the Immortal Mountain is still in the world, and the Emperor Chaos Gu is not afraid of the birth of the supreme being in the mountain?
You know, the supreme being in the undead mountain has a real case of suppressing the current emperor.

As for Luan Gu himself, naturally he didn't care about what the world thought in his heart, he just took one step and entered the Crossing Shinto, no matter how rare it is for outsiders to see.


There was a world-shattering fluctuation spreading in the dark, and it spread, causing Luan Gu's brows to be raised, and he immediately looked into the depths of the Duan Shendao.

There, there is a golden bridge across the other side that is full of celestial rosy clouds and immeasurable divine light.

It straddles the boundless void, like a real life body, while absorbing the essence of heaven and earth, it also opens up the vast chaos.

Obviously, sensing the arrival of the Great Emperor, the Dao soldiers of the ancient Tianzun recovered spontaneously and confronted him.

As for this legendary Taoist soldier, Luang Gu did not despise him at all, and said with a slight smile:

"The emperor came here this time without malice."

There was only a moment of silence, and with the mysterious and inexplicable flow of power in the void, the golden bridge on the other side disappeared immediately.

Of course, Chaos Gu can still sense the existence of the Golden Bridge on the other side, and the latter seems to be connected to the Immortal Mountain not far away.

It seems that as long as there is something wrong with the chaos, it is ready to rescue soldiers from the undead mountain.

Realizing this, Luang Gu couldn't help laughing, and shook his head helplessly.

"Meet the Emperor!"

On the other side, under the leadership of Du Shendao's contemporary head teacher, Du Shendao's core executives took the initiative to come forward to have an audience, and all respectfully saluted and kowtowed.

Accepting everyone's gift frankly, Luan Gu immediately cut to the chase and said:

"The emperor came today to return this thing."

As the voice fell, a rotten sacred tree appeared in the void.

Under the astonished gazes of everyone in Du Shendao, Luan Gu also briefly explained the ins and outs of this matter.

However, the reaction of the old head teacher was beyond the expectation of Luan Gu. He firmly stated that the former word is mysterious and unpredictable, and only with the real destiny can it be refined.

Since Emperor Chaos Gu had a destiny with him, they naturally had no reason to take it back.

Seeing Du Shendao's insistence, Chaogu no longer insisted.

After a little thought, Luan Gu also left the Luan Gu holy formula in the way of crossing the gods.

This is a kind of unrivaled magical technique created by Luang Gu. It is consistent with the secret of the previous word, and it can also show extraordinary power.

Even, to a certain extent, it can be said that the existence of the former word secret is indispensable in order to exert the true power of the chaotic ancient inheritance.

Therefore, Luangu is now exchanging the holy formula created by himself, and there is a tacit understanding on the side of Du Shendao, and he will definitely not trouble the heirs of Luangu in the future.

Furthermore, the two sides exchanged secret techniques, and the relationship naturally became closer, which is really a win-win situation.

Perhaps to make up for it, Luan Gu left a complete set of Ji Dao formation patterns in the Crossing God Dao, and then left.

The world is naturally full of curiosity about what happened between Chaos Ancient and Crossing the Shinto.

It's a pity that Du Shendao, one of the parties involved, kept a secret about this, and it was impossible for everyone to question the emperor of chaos, so in the end only a few words spread, making the world full of reverie.


The long river of time is rushing, and the years are ruthless.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, thousands of years have passed.

Except for the chaotic ancient emperor of the past and the supreme heavenly pride who proclaimed himself from ancient times, there is no one who has become enlightened in this life.

However, during this period, the road to the sky reappeared, and it was still the Emperor Yuan who shot down the immortal bridge, connecting heaven and earth.In the end, the Supreme who sits in the Supreme Battlefield was introduced into the Immortal Realm, which made many powerful people in the world of mortals envy from the bottom of their hearts.

Fortunately, in the long remaining years, the human world will have two great emperors side by side. Although it is a bit bleak and desolate, the heavens and myriad domains still enjoy peace and tranquility after all.

In the northern region of the Eastern Desolation, in a mysterious cave, a stalwart figure stood tall. It was the Emperor Chaos Ancient, one of the most enlightened people in the world.

Although his blood energy is still so strong that it overwhelms the current world, it is difficult to hide the weakened energy.

Obviously, the chaos of ancient times is no longer grand, and it is about to enter the second life's old age.


Chaos Gu had already left his own inheritance in Beiyuan, and the reason why he came here now is to return the Heaven Swallowing Demon Jar to its place.

But at the moment when Luan Gu was about to unite the magic pot and the magic cap, there was a wave of resistance from the simple and rough magic pot, and it turned into a bright fairy light immediately, breaking away from the chaos. The shackles, broke through the air, and did not choose to return to the burrow.

Seeing this, even Luang Gu couldn't help showing a look of surprise, and immediately made a little deduction, shaking his head helplessly.

Forget it, the Heaven Swallowing Demon Jar is not a dead thing after all, nor is it his imperial soldier, it has its own ideas, so let it go.

After making up his mind, Luang Gu recorded the Art of Slaying My Wisdom created by his comprehension of the way of ruthless people in the Immortal Art of Heaven.

After doing all this, Luan Gu re-sealed the underground palace and left it for future generations to reopen.

Standing on the vast land, Luang Gu took a last look at the place that changed his life's destiny, and immediately turned into a dream bubble, disappearing invisible.


Revisiting the Eastern Wilderness and the Southern Territory, of course, Luan Gu is not planning to visit the Shinto again, but is pointing directly at the only restricted area of ​​life in this domain.

As an enlightened person in this world, he showed the extreme speed in the world.With just a snap of his fingers, the nine majestic holy mountains and the great abyss within them had already appeared in Luan Gu's field of vision.

And the mysterious power that can change the color of the quasi-emperor in the world and can deprive all spirits of their life energy, naturally has no effect on him.

As the inheritor of the ruthless man, how could Chaogu not know who the master of this place is?
As soon as his eyes turned, he stepped into the forbidden area without any hesitation.

 Sorry, this chapter was updated a little later.

  The second update will still be updated around 23:50.

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(End of this chapter)

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