At the junction of Donghuang and Zhongzhou, in the vast and boundless ancient battlefield.

The blood phoenix has a slender body and a heroic posture, standing tall in the void with its head held high.

His long, blood-red hair naturally fell loose, and his eyes seemed to have two rounds of sunlight. The light in his eyes was terrifying, making the Beidou monks who were watching not far away, as well as the Tianjiao wizards who came from outside the territory, shudder and shudder.

The blood phoenix stood in front of the silver-white dragon transformed by Xue Qingyuan, compared to the real dragon that was like a snow mountain, the figure of the blood phoenix was really insignificant.

However, the majesty emanating from his body is far better than that of the opponent.

At the same time, the calm and indifferent voice of the Blood Phoenix resounded in the void, it really seemed like a teacher was admonishing and giving careful advice.

If it is said that at the beginning, people didn't care about the arrogance of the blood phoenix, thinking that it was too flamboyant and did not have the grandeur of an emperor, but now it seems that what is really ridiculous is the short-sighted onlookers.

Now, many of these monks are completely convinced by the Blood Phoenix, and their awe and admiration cannot be expressed even if they cast their eyes on the ground.

Of course, this is the prestige that the blood phoenix forcibly created by relying on its own combat strength and cultivation.

Thinking of this, everyone raised their eyes again and looked at the three people in the ancient battlefield.

At this moment, Wushi seemed to have just recovered from the great truth demonstrated by the blood phoenix for him, his eyes were shining brightly, and he looked thoughtful.

After a while, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he took a step forward, appearing beside Xue Qingyuan, and cupped his hands towards the opposite Blood Phoenix:
"Thank you."

Seeing this, Blood Phoenix just waved his hand casually, signaling that he doesn't need to do this.

After a brief ceremony, Wushi naturally looked at Xue Qingyuan, and the latter's expression was calmer than he had imagined.


There was a deafening sound coming from Xue Qingyuan's body, it was like a divine thunder exploding from the nine heavens, and it was like a river rushing with great waves.

Accompanied by the surging blood energy that was as exuberant as the ocean, Xue Qingyuan's whole body was permeated with an unrivaled immortal force in the world.

Under the scorching eyes of everyone, the silver-white giant dragon was shrouded in immortal brilliance, and finally disappeared slowly.

And the handsome young man in white clothes Shengxue, with outstanding demeanor, naturally manifested again.

Seeing that Xue Qingyuan had chosen to appear in human form, the crowd watching were full of thoughts, feeling that this battle might be coming to an end.

The three of them in the ancient battlefield didn't have any thoughts or thoughts in the unexpected world.

I saw that Xue Qingyuan and Wu Shi raised their heads tacitly, looked at each other, confirmed each other's plans and thoughts, and immediately looked at the blood phoenix, saying in unison:
"I would like to fight with the predecessors again!"

The expressions of the two are firm, and the tone is sonorous. Compared with before, although there is less crazy fighting spirit, there is some inexplicable dao rhyme flowing in the dark.

Hearing this, many monks outside the ancient battlefield showed a slightly puzzled expression.

Although the blood phoenix is ​​powerful, with one enemy against two, it easily suppressed Xue Qingyuan and Wushi, but sensing the aura emanating from his physical body and Xiantai, he is definitely young, why do they call him senior?

However, what is even more puzzling to everyone is that the winner and loser have already been divided between the two sides, so why do the two continue to challenge and humiliate themselves?
Among the onlookers, probably only a few kings with extremely advanced cultivation bases, and a few saints who concealed their own supernatural powers, were aware of it and showed thoughtful expressions.

The gazes of these strong men could not stop flicking across the body of the blood phoenix, and finally seemed to think of something, and couldn't help trembling all over, their faces full of shock.

At the same time, in the ancient battlefield, facing the challenge launched by Xue Qingyuan and Wu Shi again, the Blood Phoenix not only showed no disdain, but also showed a rather appreciative expression, with a hearty smile on the corner of his mouth:
"Okay! Then let me see if you have improved!"

After the words fell, the Blood Phoenix didn't hesitate at all, and immediately made a sharp move.

His fingers and palms were crystal clear, drawing mysterious and mysterious dao marks in the void, and falling down with a majestic force of hundreds of millions.

There is no gaudy celestial light and shimmering glow, nor is there a surge of blood that is as exuberant as the ocean, everything is so simple and unpretentious, returning to the basics.

Obviously, the blood phoenix didn't use heavenly skills or forbidden supernatural powers this time, but just confronted with pure morality.

On the opposite side, Xue Qingyuan and Wu Shi had the same tacit understanding, they didn't choose to cast any magical and mysterious spells, they just stood where they were, and it seemed that they didn't even intend to fight back at first.


Just when everyone was puzzled, some kind of strange fluctuations spread from Xue Qingyuan and Wushi's bodies.

The wheel seas of the two were shining, blooming with immeasurable divine brilliance, and then moved the Taoist palace, the four poles, and the spine dragon one by one...


In the end, when the mysterious fluctuations spread into the most mysterious place between the eyebrows, there was a huge roar like a yellow bell, accompanied by a shocking celestial light, and the distant sound of chanting.

The great avenue of heavenly sounds resounded, and in the interweaving of the Dao patterns of the heavens, Wushi and Xue Qingyuan's pulses were in unison, and they slowly swung their fists, meeting the palms of the Blood Phoenix.


The void avenue wailed, as if it wanted to reopen the world and rebuild the earth, fire, water, and wind.

This time, everyone onlookers could clearly see that although Xue Qingyuan's and Wushi's physical bodies trembled and retreated a long distance in the void, they finally resisted the blow of the Blood Phoenix. Compared with the strength of the power, it is already a huge improvement.

"how is this possible!?"

On the faces of the people outside, there was an expression of disbelief, and they didn't understand why the two had progressed so quickly.

However, the facts were placed in front of everyone like this, making them clearly realize the difference between the peerless genius and ordinary people.

In the following thousands of rounds of battle, Xue Qingyuan and Wu Shi fought fiercely with Blood Phoenix, and the two even gradually gained a firm footing, their performances became even more extraordinary.

At the same time, the mysterious dao charm on the two became more and more intense, as if they were about to turn into a fairy cocoon, wrap the two young supreme beings in it, and undergo a deep transformation.

"Not only have I touched the edge of the Dao, but I am about to step out of my own path."

The edge of the ancient battlefield was really crowded with people. I don't know how many monks from the Beidou Five Regions gathered here.

In an inconspicuous corner, a white-haired, unkempt old man stared straight at the opponents in the arena, and said with emotion.

There is a faint majesty far beyond the three realms of immortality pervading around him, and he is obviously a saint.

In fact, there are not a few saints who came here secretly, and they are all amazed by Xue Qingyuan and Wushi's performance at this moment.As for the blood phoenix who was fighting with them, there was nothing but awe.

The two have come to this point before they have cut their way, and they are stronger than many emperors and emperors in the past and present.


In the ancient battlefield, it was the real dragon's long chant, accompanied by a shout, majestic in the world.

The talents of the two are astonishing, and their foundations are extremely profound. Even if they have traveled through the ancient history of practice in the human world, no one can match them.

In truth, after undergoing the baptism of the Immortal King's blood, the physiques of the two are undoubtedly still higher than that of the Blood Phoenix.What they lack, after all, is nothing more than the accumulation of experience and the understanding of the Dao.

Today, under the oppression and guidance of the Blood Phoenix, Xue Qingyuan and Wu Shi's comprehension of the origin of the Dao can be said to be advancing by leaps and bounds after going through honing.

Although the realm has not improved, it is really like being reborn.

In the end, maybe the two had inflated self-confidence and felt that they could do it again, or they just fought to the point of madness and threw away all restraints.

All in all, the two of them once again tried their best to unleash a world-shattering attack, and they all rushed towards the opposite Blood Phoenix.

The celestial light is bright, and the law is shining in the world.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that compared to before, both Xue Qingyuan and Wushi have faintly stepped up to a higher level, but they don't know whether the Blood Phoenix can still reproduce the glory of one against two.

Fortunately, the performance of the Blood Phoenix did not disappoint the world.

He raised his head to the sky and screamed, and the phoenix roared to the nine heavens, but his real body was blurred in an instant, as if he had merged into the void.


What caught the eyes of the world was a pair of immortal phoenix with blood wings flying across the sky, cutting up the Qingming Ninth Heaven, and striking down the Eighteenth Floor of Hell, shattering the heavens and the earth.


The immortal phoenix wings connected with the body of the real dragon and the immortal golden body, and a huge wave broke out like the opening of the world.

But immediately, two slightly embarrassed figures were thrown into the chaos.

Obviously, although the two have improved, they are still far behind, and still lose to the Blood Phoenix.

Seeing this situation, the surrounding audience looked up, and their eyes were full of sincere awe when they looked at the only majestic figure standing tall in the field.

As for the young generation of heroes, they have already become numb and feel lost.

In fact, the blood phoenix's heart is far from being as peaceful as it appears on the surface.

I'm going, almost overturned!

He never imagined that Xue Qingyuan and Wushi were so amazing, and in this battle, they actually made rapid progress and made great strides forward.

Although, there is still no suspense in one-on-one, but in the case of two-on-one, the Blood Phoenix has to deal with it seriously now, in order to suppress the two at the same time.

But no matter what, the Blood Phoenix still defeated the two emperor-level Tianjiao with one against two, and continued the myth.


Accompanied by a hearty laugh, two figures rushed out of the chaos, it was Xue Qingyuan and Wu Shi, both of them said the same thing by coincidence:
"He will definitely come back to ask for advice someday!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present realized that the peak duel of the young generation had finally come to an end.

Moreover, in a way that was completely unexpected before.

Sorry for the late update of this chapter.

There will be two more updates after 19:30 p.m.

Finally, thank you all for your support!

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