Covering the sky: At the beginning, the emperor invited me to become a fairy

Chapter 981 The three descendants, the battle between the heavenly emperors

Chapter 981 The three descendants, the heavenly emperor battle

In the Beidou Five Regions, all the powerhouses above the holy level in the world, including the supreme beings in the several life restricted areas of the Eastern Wasteland, all set their sights on the direction of Zhongzhou.

At this moment, in the mysterious world of Immortal Mansion, the supreme majesty and majesty spread, accompanied by terrifying and strange fluctuations, which made all spirits and sentient beings tremble.

Sensing that kind of breath, even many restricted zone supreme beings who have lived out their third and fourth lives could not help but frown slightly.

And just as you were thinking——


I saw a road of immortal light across the sky, piercing the sky of the Big Dipper, coming from the ancient emperor mountain in the northern region of the Eastern Desolation, and pointing directly to the source of the fluctuations in the Zhongzhou Avenue.

Originally, among the supreme beings in the restricted area, there were quite a few people who sensed the weirdness of what happened today, felt a slight movement in their hearts, and couldn't hold back their moves.

However, when he saw the figure born from the ancient emperor mountain, he abruptly stopped moving.

Of course, if we only talk about personal cultivation and combat power, the restricted area supreme will definitely not pay attention to that person.

However, the gods of the venerables were keen, and they clearly sensed that the man had the aura of the emperor's supreme immortality.

Thinking of the change in Zhongzhou just now, they naturally didn't dare to act rashly, and still just looked at each other from a distance, deducing silently.

At the same time, in the ancient Shenxu, in a quaint and vicissitudes-filled heavenly palace with mysterious Taoism, the face of the Lord of the Shenxu has a particularly dignified expression.

For that strange and inexplicable breath, even after more than 200 million years, he is still deeply impressed.

In the last years of mythology, Emperor Zun taught Feixian, and the Lord of Shenxu was also born, and his comrades defeated Tianzun and others to suppress it.

At that time, after Emperor Zun fell, his "strange real body" appeared.

At this moment, from the direction of Zhongzhou, it is a similar aura that is transmitted together with the majesty of the Immortal Emperor.

As for Emperor Zun and Immortal Emperor, they are both immortals in the world of mortals now, so I don't know if they have anything to do with this matter.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the Lord of the God Ruins flickered, and he made up his mind, which immediately turned into a dream bubble and disappeared invisible.


At the infinite height, there is the roar of the myriad Taoist Hearts in the human world, and countless divine splendors are falling down, which is the manifestation of heaven and earth's recognition of its supreme Taoist fruit.

At the same time, the real dragon, white tiger, Xuanwu and other fairy phantoms manifested, opening up the way for the person standing on the avenue of immortal light.

There is no doubt that this must be one of the most powerful people in the world, the true ultimate supreme!

He became a true emperor nearly ten thousand years ago, avoiding the birth of the supreme beings in the forbidden area, covering the nine heavens and ten earths, and turned into a real emperor, respected by all living beings of all heavens and all races.

As an enlightened person in this world, with just one step, he crossed an endless distance and landed among the majestic and continuous ancient mountains.

As the fairy light and mist dissipated, the real body of the person in the middle appeared.

It was a heroic and majestic young general, wearing a silver battle armor and holding a Tian Ge.

As long as he stood there, he would naturally interweave myriad ways, causing the law of the void to wail.

At the same time, there is even more extreme emperor power overwhelming the sky and covering the earth, demonstrating his supreme majesty.

As for the saints of various religions who were originally guarding here, they sensed the presence of another most powerful man in the world, and naturally immediately bowed down respectfully, without any hesitation:

"Meet the Emperor!"

Regarding this, the silver-robed general's dignified gaze only stayed on the ancient sages for a moment, and immediately fell on another figure standing in front of the fairy gate.

Perhaps sensing his gaze, the man immediately raised his head, with a sincere smile on his face, he cupped his hands and said:

"Fellow Daoist Ning Fei hasn't seen him for a long time, but he's as gorgeous as ever."

Hearing this, Ning Fei smiled and waved his hand:
"Friend Daoist Gai was joking, but it's just a skin."

When he said this, Ning Fei's eyes were extraordinarily deep, and he looked straight at the ordinary-looking old man opposite him, as if he wanted to pierce through all illusions.

And Gai Jiuyou stood with his hands behind his back, as if he didn't care about the other party's observation at all.

Immediately afterwards, Ning Fei withdrew his gaze, as if he had discovered some secret, took a deep breath, and said with sincere emotion:

"Fellow Daoist is really bold."

Hearing this, Gai Jiuyou's slightly aged face was still calm, and he immediately raised his eyes, looking in the direction of Donghuang, and sighed leisurely:

"In order to have a chance to take a look at the legendary road to immortality, I have to fight hard."

Regarding this, Ning Fei was noncommittal, but his eyes fell on the immortal gate that exudes a supreme yet strange and inexplicable aura.

Seeing this, Gai Jiuyou smiled slightly:
"This time, the old man is in Zhongzhou, so naturally he can't sit idly by."

Hearing this, Ning Fei nodded, and immediately took the initiative to invite:

"Since that's the case, fellow Taoist will go with me."

Since the two are still familiar with each other, they didn't talk too much, and they were about to enter the world of Immortal Mansion——

Suddenly, Ning Fei and Gai Jiuyou couldn't help frowning at the same time, turned their heads to look into the void in the distance, and said in a deep voice:

"I don't know why the master of the restricted area is here?"

As the voices of the two fell, the void was colorful, and the figure of the Lord of the God Ruins slowly emerged.

Facing such a Nirvana-transformed master of the forbidden zone of life, Ning Fei and Gai Jiuyou are naturally afraid.

However, the Lord of Shenxu didn't seem to notice it at all, and there was a rather kind smile on his face:
"Two fellow Taoists, don't misunderstand. This deity came here this time only because he had faced similar things with Dao Fa Tianzun in the past, so he came here to help two fellow Taoists."

Although the cultivation of the Lord of the God Ruins is undoubtedly higher than the two, Ning Fei also has something to rely on and is not too worried.

In addition, the strong who are also in the Supreme Series have their own pride and disdain to cheat.

After a little thought, Ning Fei finally nodded:
"Since fellow daoists are interested, let's come together."

After making up their minds, the three of them stopped hesitating, and immediately took a step forward and entered the world of Xianfu.


What came to his face was the supreme majesty that seemed to surpass the world of mortals.

Ning Fei is very familiar with that kind of breath, it is the Immortal Emperor.

But following it, there was an extraordinarily eerie aura, making one feel like falling into the Nine Nether Abyss Prison.

Even the Lord of the Shenxu with the highest cultivation base among the crowd could not help but have a solemn expression on his face at this moment.

The three didn't say much, and immediately came to the core of this world's fluctuations and manifested in front of everyone.

"First God General!"

The first time he saw the person coming, the emperor's face revealed a sincerely excited expression, and shouted.

"Emperor Jiuyou!"

At the same time, the ancient sages from the major inheritances in Zhongzhou couldn't help but exclaim.

Gai Jiuyou, as one of the most powerful people in the world, rose from Zhongzhou.

In the past, when Gai Jiuyou became enlightened, some of the ancient sages who were present also went to see and congratulate him, so naturally he recognized him at a glance at this moment.

Among the crowd, the young man brought by the Kunlun Sect had the most complex expression, a little dazed.

For thousands of years, Gai Jiuyou has already climbed to the peak, the king of the nine heavens and ten lands, but he himself is still struggling in the world of mortals...

Fortunately, he was not very human after all, and soon recovered his clarity, his eyes were even more blazing, and his fighting spirit was high.

Originally, everyone was still worried because of the change in the god's mind.

Now, seeing the arrival of two current great emperors and a Supreme Being who is obviously of the same level, I feel a little relieved.

As for Ye Fan, the evil spirit in his mind seemed relieved, and said with emotion:


"It's okay, it's okay, I feel relieved when I see them coming, I almost wanted to run away just now."

Hearing his words, Ye Fan asked curiously:
"Several great emperors are here in person, old man, don't you hide for a while? Aren't you afraid they will find out?"

Regarding Ye Fan's doubts, the evil ghost couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and looked at him with the expression of looking at a fool:
"You don't think that the current seat can escape their divine sense detection?"

Well, that's right.

Just as Ye Fan was bickering with the evil ghost, the emperor had already stepped forward:
"God general, my father's god misses him..."

"Don't worry, we're here for that."

After Ning Fei comforted everyone present, he and Gai Jiuyou looked at each other, both of them had expressions of rejoicing in their eyes.

The mutated god's mind was far beyond their imagination, and if there were only two of them, it would be difficult to suppress.

Thinking of this, the two immediately turned around and bowed their hands solemnly to the Lord of the Shenxu Market.

The Lord of Shenxu nodded, not only did not refuse, but also kindly reminded:

"This beast is indeed powerful, but your two cultivation bases are still relatively shallow, so let's protect them first."

As soon as the words fell, the Lord of the Shenxu raised his head immediately, and looked at the god Nian on the opposite side with burning eyes, with a fighting spirit.

His appearance is almost the same as that of the real Immortal Emperor, except that there are strange magic patterns all over his body, exuding a terrifying aura.

Fortunately, although he tried to awaken the Dao fruit of his previous life, an accident happened, and he only recovered part of his power. Naturally, he could not match the real emperor, so it would not make people despair.

As the mythical ancient venerable who lived out the fourth life, he has not known how many tens of thousands of years, and he has never shot with all his strength like today.

Thinking of this, the supreme divine energy surged in the body of the Lord of the God Ruins, and a thunderous bang erupted.

At the same time, accompanied by the wailing of the Heaven and Earth Avenue, countless visions manifested, and the power of the Supreme Heavenly Emperor was undoubtedly manifested.

Perhaps, sensing the strength of the person in front of him, the eyes of the god Nian Evil Ghost were also fierce and evil, and immediately chose to take the initiative to attack.


 The two changes are over.

  Sorry for the late update of this chapter.

  Tomorrow there will still be a change around 20:30 and 23:50.

  The author decided to arrange to make up the two chapters that were owed before this Friday and next Monday. In addition to the weekend that would have been updated, there will be three updates in four consecutive days.

  Finally, thank you again for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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