Douluo's Dragon Yin Jiuxiao

Chapter 250 The surprise of Qian Duoduo and his wife.

When Qin Ze finished the design, it was already bright outside.

It took one night for Qin Ze to describe everything.

"I don't know if I made this thing right or wrong." Qin Ze looked at the precise parts and machine gun assembly patterns on the drawings, and whispered to himself.

After breakfast in the morning, Qin Ze went to find Mu Jin and asked for a period of vacation. Although Mu Jin didn't understand, she still accepted Qin Ze's request for leave.

In fact, Mu Jin also knew that the current Qin Ze couldn't learn much in the outer courtyard.

People under 13 years old have a soul power level of 38, which can be called terrifying.

As for Di Yueli, she left after school yesterday and also asked for leave.

The reason is naturally to obtain the fourth soul ring.

Qin Ze also knew that Di Yueli didn't need a soul ring from a soul beast to obtain a soul ring, she could condense it by herself, but the strange thing was, after how she transformed, her soul power level was about the same as his.

Everything can only be watched later.

When Qin Ze came to the building of the Soul Guidance Department again, it seemed that he had been notified in advance this time. As soon as Qin Ze came, he opened the door directly.

He entered the deepest experimental base yesterday without hindrance.

Qian Duoduo didn't seem to sleep last night either. When Qin Ze arrived, he was still fumbling with the failed burst-type soul guide.

As for Xian Lin'er, she was by Qian Duoduo's side.

Speaking of which, these two people have been a spiritual couple for so many years, and they haven't even made a breakthrough at all. It was only when the beast tide came later that they changed, allowing the two to truly unite.

However, a series of developments in this life have changed. As for the beast tide, Qin Ze thinks it will never appear again.


Qin Ze stood outside the door and knocked lightly.

In the room, Xian Lin'er looked over in an instant, but Qian Duodaze was still in deep thought and didn't react.

Xian Lin'er nodded to Qin Ze through the transparent glass window.

Qin Ze immediately opened the door and entered.

"Hello, Deans." Qin Ze greeted.

Xian Liner greeted with a smile.

"Hey, why are you here, kid?" Qian Duoduo was still a little confused.

The corner of Qin Ze's mouth twitched: "Didn't I design the idea of ​​the burst-type soul guide, so I came here."

"Get it out so soon?" Qian Duoduo put down his work, "Come on, show me."

Qin Ze nodded, then took out a bunch of blueprints from the soul tool that he had made last night, and handed it to Qian Duoduo.

"Look slowly." Qin Ze said.

Qian Duoduo glanced at the blueprint, and was startled, good guy, it's all drawn, I dare say this kid is playing for real.

Immediately, Qian Duoduo let Qin Ze sit on the sofa, while he came to a spacious table and spread out the blueprints on it.

The desktop is also a soul guide, and it can be expanded. It is not afraid that there will be too many drawings and it will not fit.

Qin Ze sat quietly on the sofa.

Qian Duoduo's attitude became serious in an instant, and he stared intently at the content on the blueprint.

Qin Ze's division is very careful.

Complete part patterns, assembly process patterns, and complete weapon patterns, each part is annotated alongside what it does.

Qian Duoduo frowned more and more.

On the side, Xian Lin'er saw that her husband's expression was not quite right, so she walked over in confusion.

The couple began to observe together.

Similarly, Xian Lin'er's expression was not right anymore.

The six-tube rotary launcher, the core magic circle as the main control to compress the soul power, and then push the tubular launcher, and every subsequent step, are too delicate.

"You came up with this." Qian Duoduo's expression gradually changed from serious to excited.

Qin Ze said: "Yes, it took a whole night to figure it out yesterday, and I don't know how the two deans feel."

"That's right, that's right, that's what a bursting-fire soul guide should be. Six rotatable launch tubes will solve the problem. Why didn't I think of going here. This can completely eliminate the fort." Qian Duoduo said with a smile.

Qin Ze was actually a little surprised. It stands to reason that the principle of the M134 machine gun is not particularly delicate. Douluo Dalu has invented all kinds of outrageous soul guides, so why didn't they find these simple problems.

Qin Ze didn't know that the research on ray-type soul tools in Douluo Continent had already been solidified. The powerful ones scare people to death, while the weak ones make people laugh.

For example, the human-shaped soul guide turret He Caitou used before is to transform a person into a turret, and each barrel is a soul ray launcher.

This is indeed very powerful, but the disadvantage is also obvious, that is, the more rays you shoot out, that is because there are many barrels, and dozens of barrels are fired together, which is naturally amazing. The key is this thing That is to say, the suppressive power is great on the stage, but on the battlefield, the enemy will kill you first.

And dozens of gun barrels are mounted on the body, except for very large people, who can hold so many guys.

Of course, Qin Ze also knows that the machine gun he made has obvious shortcomings. If he fires the soul ray with all his strength, it may consume a lot of energy, but what he wants is to come up with a beginning to give a reference for subsequent development.

There are advantages, of course, and that is convenience. After all, you can carry it with both hands, and then aim at the enemy and shoot fiercely. Compared with the trouble of having to fire all the barrels of the turret at the same time, the machine gun has only six barrels. It is rotating, and the frequency will not be slower than that of the fort.

In addition to the weight of the M134 machine gun, it is basically nothing to the people of Douluo Dalu.

"However, this shortcoming is also very obvious." Qian Duoduo then explained the shortcoming of the machine gun.

Qin Ze nodded, "Yes, the weapon on this blueprint is not perfect. Its shortcomings are obvious, and it consumes a lot of soul power. But we can expand and develop an alternative weapon based on this weapon. New weapons."

"Also, Dean Qian, have you two ever thought about the deterrent power of this weapon on the battlefield and the controllability of this weapon in the soul master team of the squad? There are a lot of materials, and more importantly, although it doesn't do much harm to high-level soul masters, our Douluo Continent is full of ordinary people and low-level soul masters after all."

"Spirit masters at different stages naturally need different weapons to deal with. As I said, we can extend this to other weapons. And I still have other weapon concepts in my mind."

Qin Ze finished his long speech.

After listening to Qin Ze's narration, Qian Duoduo and Xian Lin'er fell into deep thought for a moment.

In fact, among Qin Ze's words, what made the two of them most excited was that the materials consumed were less.

Yes, less material consumption is the most important thing. If a weapon with the same power costs me less material and is easier to manufacture, why not make this thing.

Except for the Sun Moon Empire, the other three empires in the Douluo Continent lack materials, that is, those metals. This is why the Sun Moon Empire has extremely strict supervision in this regard.

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