Douluo's Dragon Yin Jiuxiao

Chapter 257 The Best For My Wife Must Be The Best

"This power was born when my martial soul was awakened," Qin Ze said.

Youyou didn't talk to Qin Ze anymore, but communicated with the rest of the fairy grasses. They also didn't speak, but seemed to be communicating with each other.

Youyou: "Should we just let him pass? He has both the power of destiny that soul beasts have, and the means of the power of the Son of Nature. We are also a kind of soul beast, and the method he used this time is sufficient. We will also have great resistance to the catastrophe in the future. This is a great grace."

Gillian: "But if you do this, won't you break the rules left by that person?"

Star Anise Ice Grass: "Rules are dead, we are alive, if I can, I would even be a part of this human being. Back then Tang San absorbed me and Gillian's predecessors and later became gods, and our predecessors also obtained In order to live forever, I feel that this human future must be a new god."


Many fairy grasses that had awakened their wisdom turned pale with fright.

"No, how do you know that Tang San became a god?" Youyou sensed something was wrong.

Gillian glanced at the star anise ice grass speechlessly.

This big mouth just can't control it.

"After Tang San became a god, Bajiao and I had a special feeling. It was the feeling brought by the immortalization of the previous body. Unfortunately, they don't have much consciousness, so they can only be regarded as immortality."

"Hiss." Hearing this, all the fairy grass gasped for oxygen.

Eternal life is not only desired by humans and spirit beasts, but also by immortal grasses.

"Then you decide whether to let this human being directly pass the rules left by that person." Youyou said, "I agree, it depends on his power of fate and the power of nature."

Hearing this, the grass jelly fell silent, as if they were thinking seriously.

On the side, Qin Ze's face remained unchanged, but his heart calmed down a little. He could feel that the other immortal grasses that hadn't communicated with him had a sense of trust in him. Perhaps this was the effect of the rejuvenation of all things.


"I agree."



The grass celestials made a decision very quickly, and finally agreed unanimously.

Seeing this, Youyou shook the flowers, and said to Qin Ze: "You don't need to take the next test, just pass it."

"What?" Qin Ze was stunned for a moment, he remembered that besides the test on Youyou's side, there were other immortal grasses to be tested next.

"You passed." Youyou smiled again.

Qin Ze turned his head to look, but saw that the rest of the fairy grasses were all shaking, and Qin Ze could clearly feel the kindness released by them.

"thank you all."

Youyou said: "There is no need to thank us, maybe you don't know how much the thing you just released is good for us, or in other words, the plants in the whole world are extremely eager for the cloud you released, I don't know much , you will understand in the future."

Saying that, Youyou handed over the ancient tree book left by Tang San in her stamen.

Qin Ze took it subconsciously.

Youyou said: "Take a good look. I will tell you about the specific functions of all the fairy grasses in the valley later. There are a lot of them. It will probably take a long time."

"Okay, sorry to trouble you." Qin Ze nodded.

Youyou's voice fell silent, as if she had fallen into a deep sleep, not only Youyou, but other fairy grasses as well. It seems that the rejuvenation of all things has a great impact.

Qin Ze took a few steps back and sat down cross-legged.

With Youyou's protection, the breath in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi can't hurt him.

Open the ancient book.

There isn't much content on the first page.

"I am very glad that someone can read my message. Being able to pass the test of Youxiang Qiluo Xianpin also proves that you have the qualifications to read this book..."

Then Qin Ze looked away, and then he talked about the distinction between fairy grass and poisonous grass, Tangmen's method of using poison, and Tang San's hope that people who read this book will leave this book behind.

Qin Ze is not interested in using poison, but he is very keen on the distinction between celestial grasses.

Gently turn to the second page.

The beginning is Tang San's self-introduction.

Qin Ze looked at the text below.

Mainly Tang San introduced the origin of the Ice and Fire Yin Yang Eye and how he discovered the description here, but he didn't mention Poison Douluo.

Qin Ze finished reading with a blank face, and his eyes fell behind.

"Xuantian Treasure Record, All Secrets of Hidden Weapons, Medicine Chapter."

When he saw this description, his eyes fluctuated.

From top to bottom, Tang San introduced respectively:
Youxiang Qiluo Immortal Grade, Snow Silkworm, Nine Grade Longzhi, Star Anise Mysterious Ice Grass...

Maybe Youyou fell into a short sleep, which didn't stop Qin Ze from watching the content behind, but Qin Ze didn't have much interest either. Speaking of which, he was curious about what would happen if the people who crossed Shushan Mountain.

Isn't that directly cultivating immortals in the Douluo Continent?

Closer to home.

There are still many things recorded in the medicine chapter.

Cockscomb phoenix sunflower, strange velvet chrysanthemum, fiery apricot, Wangchuan Qiushui dew, Qiluo tulip, lovesickness heartbroken red, narcissus jade muscle bone, bloody swan kiss, eight-petal fairy orchid, nine-grade purple lucidum, cinnabar lotus...

A few minutes later, Qin Ze finished reading the entire book and memorized it in his mind at the same time.

With the help of Wangchuan Qiushuilu, his mental strength has been greatly improved, and his memory is also terrifying.

After doing all this, Qin Ze gave a thumbs up to the back.

This is naturally against Xiao Kuangdao.

Xiao Kuangdao grinned, he knew that Qin Ze had succeeded.

Closing the book, Qin Ze began to think about the seven immortal grasses that could be chosen while Youyou were sleeping briefly.

Xiao Kuangdao is naturally suitable for the kind of fairy grass that simply increases soul power. It is naturally not good to choose a fairy grass with a single attribute. After all, Xiao Kuangdao has too many soul power attributes, a total of nine types , if you take the fire-attribute fairy grass, then the balance of the attributes will be broken. This is what Xiao Kuangdao told Qin Ze at the beginning.

Then, Qin Ze thought of an immortal herb that did not appear in the timeline of the Peerless Tang Sect, and that is the Immortal Primordial Grass!
Hunyuan Xiancao is the most effective fairy grass among all fairy grasses that can increase soul power, and can also compress soul power to form a soul core, and has no other special attributes.

"Teacher is currently level 97. I don't know if I can break through after eating the Immortal Hunyuan Grass, but it's good to compress the soul power to form a soul core."

Qin Ze's eyes flickered, and he finally chose to prepare the Hunyuan Immortal Grass for Xiao Kuangdao.

Then there is Poison Immortality.

Qin Ze knew that Du Bushi would never eat the fairy grass, but would choose to hand over the fairy grass. Although Du Bushi has a weird personality, he is very good to his own people, so it goes without saying.

He remembered that Du Bushi had a disciple in the Heavenly Soul Empire, named Long Aotian, and the martial soul was the skin!It's a pity that in the future, he died in battle to protect Princess Wei Na.

Then choose a Strange Velvet Babel Chrysanthemum for Du Bushi, and Du Bushi will lead him to obtain the soul ring and external soul bone, as well as help him meet his teacher, the reward cannot be small.

As for Mu En, this gave Qin Ze a headache.

To be honest, Mu En's health is not good because he ate a dragon pill in order to break through the Limit Douluo. The Dragon Pill did help him advance to the Limit Douluo, but it also made his body worse day by day. No, at least it is not recorded in the book, which is troublesome.

Is it the same as Poison Immortal, choose a fairy grass for others to bring to Mu En, and then ask him to hand it over?

Qin Ze had a lot of thoughts, and in the end he had to do so.

These are the three fairy grasses.

Needless to say, Ning Tian is Qiluo Tulip.

For Wu Feng, Qin Ze chose Cockscomb Phoenix Sunflower for the time being, but for some reason, Qin Ze always felt that this fairy grass was not suitable for Wu Feng.

After all, her martial soul is a red dragon.

It's time to ask Youyou's opinion.

As for his wife, Di Yueli, even though she hasn't written a word yet...

But Qin Ze thought of a fairy grass.

Acacia heartbroken red!

The attributes provided by Acacia Heartbroken Red are all-round, which is very suitable for Di Yueli's multi-attribute physique.

And for my future wife, it must be the best.

Thinking of this, Qin Ze couldn't help showing a smile at the corner of his mouth, and didn't know what happened to Yueli's fourth soul ring.

As for the last fairy grass, Qin Ze could only choose by looking at it, choosing a fairy grass that also suits him.

Currently he has eaten Wangchuan Qiushuilu and Moyu Shenzhu, but who said he can't eat another one.

It is not good to eat too much fairy grass, but Tang San eats a lot of fairy grass.

The first is looking through the autumn dew, and then the star anise xuanbingcao and the raging fire apricot, these are the three kinds.

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