Douluo's Dragon Yin Jiuxiao

Chapter 29 Battle of the Souls!

Chapter 29 Battle of the Souls!
Qin Ze was very fast, and it took less than 5 minutes to solve everything.

After getting dressed and walking out of the room, he followed the other children and waited in front of his room.

After about 5 minutes, a middle-aged man came up, and his tone was more serious: "Children, follow me in an orderly line according to the door number."

Hearing that, almost a hundred children on the fourth floor immediately lined up according to their room numbers.

Qin Ze glanced at his room number, one hundred!
When everyone lined up, he found that he was actually the last one.

Following the middle-aged man to the outside of the hotel, several carriages were waiting there quietly.

Each carriage can hold 20 people.

Qin Ze was the last in line and was naturally the last to get on the carriage.

Da da!

The sound of horseshoes echoed softly in the quiet street, and the carriage slowly ran towards the Soul Arena.

Unlike the qualifiers, the promotion match was set in the Soul Arena.

The fighting spirit field in Jiubao City is about five kilometers away from the hotel. It is an oval-shaped building covering a very large area.

The entire building can accommodate nearly 20,000 people watching the battle, which is divided into a main battle field and seven other small battle fields.

When Qin Ze's carriage arrived, the flat square was already filled with countless children and a large number of managers of the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile School.

Unlike the preliminaries where the winner is determined by one game, the rules of the promotion competition are that those selected for the promotion competition will be divided into groups, and then they will fight within the group. If they win three games, they can directly advance to join the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile School. The number of people is limited to 50 people.

If you do not complete the record of three wins, you must participate in the play-offs, and a total of 20 people will be recruited in the play-offs.

In fact, everyone's talents are similar, and the battle competition is about the experience of actual combat and whether they have a fearless heart.

If the talent is strong but the mind is weak, such a person will not be able to go far on the road of soul master.

This is also the reason why the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile School did not directly allow some extremely talented people to join the sect.

They have seen too many children who are talented but do not have a strong heart.

Believed, but also disappointed.

Take Mad Saber Douluo, one of the guardian elders of the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, whose innate soul power is no more than level six, but with his own hard work and a tenacious heart, he became a titled Dou Luo at the age of 80 years old. Lo!

After the carriage arrived at the square, the group of 50 people was allocated to the last batch of children who came earlier, just like the other children who came earlier.

Qin Ze was divided into the fifth group.

This group has a larger number of 55 people.

Yesterday, 30 people participated, and half of them were eliminated, leaving 65 people. 15 people were randomly entered into these five teams.

After assigning the groups, in front of Qin Ze's group, a beautiful woman in her forties came over, and she said in a magnetic voice: "My name is Qin Xue, and I am the person in charge of your group. Come down and follow the referee into the fifth combat area, understand?"

Qin Xue's eyes were soft, and the children in the five groups felt a little relieved when they saw it.

Three referees stepped forward, and one of them held a stack of cards, and then walked to the front of the team and put them down row by row.

Qin Ze also received a card. He lowered his head and looked at it. The card was very ordinary, with only a simple number on it, one.

After the last card was handed down, three referees led five groups of 55 children into the spirit fighting arena in an orderly manner.

Walking through a 100-meter-long passage, a battle platform with a height of about [-] meters appeared in everyone's eyes. The length and width of the fighting spirit platform were [-] meters, which was enough for combatants to perform.

After being taken to the viewing area by the referee, the children in the fifth group sat down quietly. Qin Ze glanced over and saw that many people were very nervous, which was normal, after all, they were all seven or eight-year-old children.

Several referees were talking with the person in charge named Qin Xue, and they used the numbers on the cards as to how to arrange the candidates.

Qin Xue nodded to the referees, then turned around to look at the children in the fifth group, and said, "Children, the numbers on the cards in your hands correspond to the order in which you played today, for example, number one versus number 55, if If number one wins, then number 54 will come up next, if number one loses to number 54, then number two will take over, understand?"

Hearing this, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and only then did they understand the meaning of the numbers marked on the card.

"It's not bad to be the first to appear." Qin Ze is number one, so he will face number 55 soon.

Soon, a middle-aged man who looked about 50 years old came out. He stood on the fighting spirit stage and shouted: "Now, number one and number 55 are on stage."

Hearing the sound, Qin Ze immediately got up and walked down the stairs towards the Soul Fighting Platform.

In an instant, countless eyes looked at him, and in the next second, a little boy came out from less than ten meters away from Qin Ze. He looked at Qin Ze with a calm expression, and walked towards the Soul Fighting Stage. .

The two came to one side and stood there, looking at each other without saying a word.

The referee didn't even have anything else to say, and shouted directly: "Start."

The little boy opposite Qin Ze was called Sun Qinian, and he summoned the martial spirit the moment the referee's voice fell.

"Possessed by a shadow wolf!" Sun Qinian yelled, and a yellow soul ring rose from under his feet. After being possessed by the martial soul, Sun Qinian's body became inexplicably illusory, like a black shadow.

The shadow wolf is a very special wolf spirit, which belongs to the agility attack system. It is extremely fast, but its attack power is poor.

Qin Ze reached down with his arm, the blade condensed, and a circle of yellow soul rings also rose up.

"Hoo!" Without words, after the soul ring flashed, Qin Ze rushed out in an instant, closing the distance with Sun Qinian almost in the blink of an eye.

"So fast!" Sun Qinian's pupils shrank, and the speed with which he surprised the opponent seemed to be no weaker than his own.

"The first soul skill, Shadow Wolf Slash!" Sun Qinian's body bent slightly, and an arc of light and shadow appeared on his right arm, like a scimitar. He lifted his heel, and rushed out in a flash, a faint black An afterimage floated beside him, looking blurry.

Qin Ze just wanted a quick fight. He looked at Sun Qinian who was rushing, and immediately threw the blade out. Although the speed of the opponent was fast, he was even faster after using the first soul skill.

Unlike the spectators who could only see blurry black shadows, he clearly captured the opponent's movement.

Throwing out the blade directly blocked Sun Qinian's direction. He was shocked that his attack line was actually seen through.

However, seeing that the opponent had thrown the weapon out, he was puzzled and swung his arm directly to slash on the flying sword blade. With a sound of "clang", the blade was knocked into the air, but before Sun Qinian could make another move , From the blade of the sword, countless thunderbolts shot out, like lightning snakes, directly landed on Sun Qinian.

Immediately, his body trembled, and his reaction speed was half a beat slower, "Not good, it is controlled by the lightning attribute."

Unlike the Zhu Ganglie that Qin Ze met before, Sun Qinian was not paralyzed for too long. He reacted quickly and hurriedly mobilized his soul power to dispel the control brought by the thunder and lightning.

However, with a sound of "shua", a figure had already arrived in front of him.

After Sun Qinian released the control brought by the thunder and lightning, a fist also came in front of him.


Qin Ze punched Sun Qinian in the stomach who was too late to block, and the terrifying force directly sent the latter flying out. At the same time, a flash of lightning crackled and flickered, which looked extraordinarily scary.

Before the thunder and lightning landed on Sun Qinian, the referee directly interrupted the thunder and lightning's follow-up attack, and then announced, "No. [-] wins!"

 Thanks: The monthly pass in the name of the cruel angel, boss, you are here!
  The monthly pass of Dawn and Dawn Dragon.

(End of this chapter)

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