Douluo's Dragon Yin Jiuxiao

Chapter 316 You humans are really troublesome

Qin Ze didn't understand the problem of the acupoints, but he could clearly sense that the cold air was not only hitting the acupoints on his body, but also the blood in his body.

Xue Di said: "It is not difficult to activate the blood vessels. If it is a soul beast, the blood vessels will be activated as soon as the original power moves, but you are different as a human being. You must open up all the important acupoints, so that the acupoints in the acupoints can be activated. Find the direction to go, and then pass the qi of the acupoints through your dantian to stimulate the blood vessels hidden in the deepest part of your body. I can feel it, and within ten minutes at most, all your acupoints will be opened."

Qin Ze didn't say anything, and quietly manipulated the cold air to stimulate the acupoints. The closed acupoints were like a solid gate, and the cold air was like a battering ram, constantly hitting.

Outside, Xue Di was suddenly stunned, how did she know this.

Between Qin Ze's eyebrows, a purple light flashed past, covering Qin Ze's whole body in an instant, but the purple light came and disappeared quickly.

Xue Di's eyes instantly became confused, and soon returned to normal.

Time passed little by little.

Bang bang bang!
A series of slight sounds came from Qin Ze's body.

That was the sound of the acupuncture point being opened, and with the protection of Xuedi's spiritual power, Qin Ze didn't have to worry about the cold air damaging his flesh and blood.

The ice element of the ice jade scorpion is indeed strong enough. Although the cold Qin Ze doubts life, the effect is excellent.If it is ordinary cold air, I am afraid that it will not be able to break through some extremely strong orifices.

And Qin Ze only needs to follow Xuedi's operation step by step.

While breaking through some acupoints, Qin Ze inexplicably felt a strange burning sensation.

Is it an illusion?
Qin Ze was a little puzzled, but before he could doubt, a large amount of anger diffused from the opened acupoints on his body, merging with the cold air of the Ice Jade Scorpion, or it could be said that this anger was swallowing the cold air.

Qin Ze's complexion changed, and he could feel that the acupoints in his body were filled with anger. Moreover, this feeling was still spreading. The anger in one acupoint was like a long thread, and it began to connect with the other. The fire in the orifice.

Not long after, in Qin Ze's body, a fine red light pattern like a spider's web appeared in Qin Ze's body, and the outside world, his body, also had traces of white air and bloody light.

This should be the qi of the acupoints that Xue Di said, I can actually control it by myself.

Qin Ze felt it silently, and then secretly thought in surprise.

He remembered Xue Di said that after the orifice is opened, the blood will be drawn out through the dantian.

However, he remembered that there seemed to be three dantians, namely upper dantian, middle dantian, and lower dantian.

"Xue Emperor, which dantian should I attack?" Qin Ze asked.

"Which dantian, isn't there only one dantian?" Xuedi replied in surprise.

What the hell?

Qin Ze was taken aback for a moment, then he realized that the number of dantians of Xue Di was different from his.

"Could it be that you still have several dantians?" Xue Di asked.

"That's right, the top, middle and bottom three." Qin Ze said, "Where do you know the dantian is?"

"Lower abdomen." Snow Emperor said.

"Then it's time to go down to the dantian." Qin Ze said, thinking, he could feel the acupoint energy getting stronger and stronger, and if he didn't take it back in time, his body might be seriously injured by this aura.

After all, even the terrifying cold air of the ice jade scorpion is vulnerable to the air of the orifice.

Immediately, with a thought, Qin Ze forcibly poured the Qi from the acupuncture points in his body into the lower dantian located in the lower abdomen. This action also caused a large amount of blood to flow into the lower body.

Immediately, little Qin Ze might have had a lot of blood, and instantly turned into a giant dragon and stood upright.

Qin Ze felt that his abdomen became extremely hot, and he didn't bother to care about the changes in a certain part.

Gudu, Gudu.

When the majestic acupoint qi continuously penetrated into the lower dantian, there was a sound of boiling bubbles spreading.

Inside the dantian, it turned into a blood-red color.

Qin Ze's mental power also entered the dantian along with the Qi of the orifice.

But soon his expression changed, his dantian world was actually like a sea of ​​blood.

This crimson sea of ​​blood seemed to be boundless, and endless blood was bred inside.

What surprised Qin Ze was that it was clearly a sea of ​​blood, but he didn't feel the blood at all, instead he had an inexplicable kindness.

"Qin Ze, hurry up, my mental strength can protect you for a minute at most." Suddenly, Xuedi's voice came.

"What?" Qin Ze was surprised, he felt that only a few minutes had passed.

"What should I do next?" Qin Ze asked quickly.

"I don't know either." Xue Di said helplessly, "It's almost enough for me to activate the bloodline, there is no other follow-up action.

Hearing this, Qin Ze's face froze.

Just as Qin Ze was thinking about the next steps, there was a reverberating vibration, and it was a change in his dantian.

In the outside world, Qin Ze's lower abdomen has completely turned into a blood-red mass, which seems to be able to penetrate clothes.


Before Qin Ze could make a move, the sea of ​​blood in the dantian suddenly turned up, like a huge wave, spreading violently towards the world outside the dantian.

Qin Ze's face changed, "Xuedi, help me release a soul power mask to block the dormitory."

Hearing Qin Ze's voice, Snow Emperor also felt that something was wrong. Sure enough, the methods of her family could not be used by humans at all.

Thinking about it, Snow Empress hastily used the cold air from the Ice Jade Scorpion's soul bone to build a cold air shield to envelop the entire dormitory.

I don't know if it's because of the cold, but Qin Ze felt that the burning sensation on his body subsided, at least not so exciting.

The clothes on Qin Ze's body were shattered in an instant, and an extremely hot breath spread from his lower dantian, and immediately, the whole room turned blood red.

But as the energy in the dantian came out of the body, Qin Ze instantly sensed something was wrong, the burning sensation completely disappeared, and the smoky blood-red airflow that surrounded the dormitory gave him an inexplicable feeling. a sense of familiarity.

"This is the power of my blood!" Qin Ze quickly responded.

Xue Di was surprised: "Could it be successful?"

Qin Ze said with some uncertainty: "It should be successful, but I always feel a little strange. Why did I succeed so easily?"

Snow Emperor said: "It's fine if you succeed. You humans are really troublesome. There are so many steps to activate the blood."

Qin Ze frowned and looked at the power of the blood that was spreading out. For some reason, he always felt an inexplicable feeling, as if some external force was helping him solve the problem just now.

That is, when he saw the sea of ​​blood just now, when he didn't know the next step, the sea of ​​blood in his dantian erupted by itself.

If Qin Ze is allowed to operate it himself, it may take some time to come up with a solution.

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