Douluo's Dragon Yin Jiuxiao

Chapter 385 Qin Ze's Bad Thoughts

Chapter 385 Qin Ze's Bad Thoughts

Qin Ze said: "It's a matter within their Sun Moon Empire, we don't have to..."

Suddenly, Qin Ze froze. He lowered his head and thought for a while. Soon, a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He remembered that Juzi, Keke and a group of small teams were chased and killed by the mutinous pursuers of a duke's mansion in the Sun Moon Empire. In the original book, it was Huo Yuhao who rescued them.

But with his arrival, this life changed.

Because of Keke and the others beating Huo Yuhao, Huo Yuhao's friendship with Juzi never developed at all. In other words, Juzi was likely to be killed by the pursuers.

But what Qin Ze wants is not for Juzi to die, but for her reinforcements to be destroyed. Juzi can die, but not now, because Xu Tianran will become even crazier after she dies.

He could take advantage of this opportunity and use the custom-installed soul guide shells to send a few rounds to Juzi's reinforcements.

The old emperor was not in good health, and he didn't want to make a big move. This time, Xu Tianran took the lead in suppressing the rebellion, and his direct descendants also fully supported him.

It's very simple, as the crown prince, if he can suppress the rebellion easily, his resume will become more powerful, and it will directly overwhelm the other competitors.

And these pursuers were led by the duke's son named Zhao Yang.

According to the progress of the original book, the latter must have been resolved, and even after Zhao Yang's death, all these soldiers were killed, leaving no one alive.

But this life is different, as long as Qin Ze uses a fixed-installed soul guide shell to explode in Juzi's reinforcements, if the reinforcements retreat and lose, it will definitely be the best counterattack sound for Xu Tianran's opponents.

At that time, if Xu Tianran wants to obtain the throne, I'm afraid it will be much more difficult.

Even if the soul-guided cannonball explodes, the reinforcements still win, and that's not a loss. Anyway, eliminating the military power of the Sun Moon Empire is a profit no matter how you look at it.

And according to the thinking of the defeat of the reinforcements, Zhao Yang has already rebelled, and the Sun Moon Empire must not tolerate him. If the Sky Soul Empire intervenes at this time and only wants cooperation, then there is absolutely a certain degree of confidence to win him over.

In this way, the Sky Soul Empire is equivalent to inserting a knife in the territory of the Sun Moon Empire.

Thinking of this, the corner of Qin Ze's mouth showed a hint of indifference. He, unfortunately, happened to bring a full three fixed-mounted soul guide shells, including one for level six and two for level five.

This is all thanks to the inspiration brought by the evil soul master who used this thing to blow him up. This thing is always carried around, and it is absolutely refreshing to use it when necessary.

"Wang Dong, you and the mouse fly directly to the east for a certain distance, stay away from here first, and I will follow behind." Qin Ze said coldly.

Huo Yuhao recovered from his state after hearing the words, and asked in puzzlement, "Brother Ze, what do you want to do?"

"Watch the fireworks explode." Qin Ze replied indifferently. After speaking, Qin Ze's figure flashed and disappeared in place.

Wang Dong was stunned for a moment, then looked at Huo Yuhao, and the two of them could only nod their heads in agreement.

Qin Ze ran towards the side of the mountain. He didn't use the flying soul guide or wings, but put on a gray robe that covered his whole body.

It's a pity that there is no khaki robe, otherwise it would be an auspicious suit.

After arriving at a hill, Qin Ze's eyes were fixed. Sure enough, there was a constant roar less than four kilometers away from him.

The black chasing army was heading towards the team of hundreds of people in front of them.

After a while, the team of hundreds of people finally became clear, and Qin Ze's eyes instantly fell on a woman in a white dress.


And this hundred-person team is obviously all soul masters, and they are also the lowest third-ring soul masters. They are all equipped with soul guides, and they look like they are definitely an elite group.

But what puzzled Qin Ze was that he didn't see Keke beside Juzi.

Could it be that Keke didn't follow in this life?
But Keke is a little bit of a trick, so if she isn't there, she won't be there.

At this time, Qin Ze noticed that the team that pursued Juzi and the others most closely was a group of soul engineers, and the rest of the soldiers surrounded them like pliers. Dumplings will be made.

Qin Ze quietly sat on a rock as a cover, watching Juzi and the others gradually approaching.

the other side.

Everyone in the fast-running soul engineer team ran forward eagerly.

Ju Zi was at the front of the team, with an unspeakable sigh on her pretty face. This time, she made a mistake and miscalculated the number and strength of the rebel army.

Unexpectedly, a duke's mansion could gather a soul engineer team of a hundred people with an average soul sect cultivation level.

Phew, boom...

Suddenly, a soul guide shell exploded on one side of the team, and the dust and shock waves splashed directly sent several soul engineers flying. Although they were not dead or disabled, their internal bodies suffered great damage.

The people around hurried forward to support them and stop the bleeding at the same time.

The roar of the shells also awakened Juzi. When she turned her head, she saw that the pursuit team of more than [-] soul engineers was eyeing and narrowing the distance, while the rest of the soldiers surrounded them in an outflanking manner.

At this moment, she knew that this group of people wanted to make dumplings.

Seeing this, Juzi's complexion became very ugly, but her excellent quality forced her to calm down.

"Captain, what should we do? My soul power is only at [-]%." At this time, someone asked, his face was full of anxiety.

Can live, no one wants to die.

Apart from counterattacking and launching soul-guided shells to prolong the enemy's pursuit, the rest of the people looked at Juzi. At this moment, everyone put their faith in Juzi.

Juzi said in a low voice to the young man beside him: "Hong Shujian, immediately fire a red flare to notify the reinforcements that the situation is urgent."

"Yes." Hong Shu replied immediately, and then took out a cylindrical soul guide from the storage soul guide, and fired a slender cannonball at the sky. The thruster quickly raised to hundreds of meters, and then exploded, and the rich red light cluster was as dazzling as a red sun.

Orange glanced at the flare, not sure if the reinforcements could see it.

Immediately, she turned her head and told the others: "Immediately find a hill that is big enough to place a defensive position, and act."

"Yes." Everyone said in unison, orderly looking for a suitable mountain bag to establish a line of defense.

Not to mention, although the terrain of this place is complicated, there are still places that are easy to defend and difficult to attack. After a while, the team of hundreds found three mountain buns connected together. The mentor team arrives.

Soon, Juzi commanded some people to fight back, repelling the chasing soul engineer team with shells, and then took out a full five milk bottles, keeping one for himself, and then distributed it to the other four strongest soul engineers.

Ju Zijiao shouted: "When the reinforcements see the red emergency flare, the army will be able to arrive within a quarter of an hour at most. Some soul engineer squad reinforcements will arrive even sooner. We will be rescued then, everyone hold on."

"Yes." The people distributed on the three hills immediately checked their remaining soul power, thinking about how to delay for a quarter of an hour.

(End of this chapter)

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