Chapter 502
Chen An said casually, "Everyone, sit down as you please."

Qin Ze and the others were not polite. There are still a lot of sofas here, so there is no problem with one for each person.

"You came to us because you plan to cooperate, right?" Qin Ze said straight to the point.

Chen An didn't speak yet, but was stunned because of Qin Ze's direct words.

Qin Ze smiled, and his mental power spread instantly, enveloping the entire room. Perhaps it was intentional. Qin Ze deliberately made Chen An feel that everything around him was blocked, and there was even a little destruction in the air. breath.

Chen An's body trembled suddenly, and his back felt a little chilly, but after all, he had been in the Jianghu for many years, and he instantly understood that the strength of the group in front of him was beyond his ability to mess with.

He hurriedly said, "My lord is right."

None of Huo Yuhao and the others spoke, they just watched.

Qin Ze said: "However, for cooperation, you have found the right person. Speaking of which, we can be regarded as fellow travelers."

Chen An was taken aback for a moment, all the way?

Qin Ze looked at Huo Yuhao, "Junior brother, show him."

Huo Yuhao's gaze met Qin Ze's, and he nodded lightly. His pupils turned gray in an instant, and a deadly silence spread out in an instant, heading straight towards Chen'an, but this deadly silence did not reveal any aggressiveness. .

After noticing Huo Yuhao's eyes and the atmosphere around him, Chen An's expression changed dramatically, and he asked in a low voice, "Are the adults from..."

"Hush." ​​Qin Ze made a booing gesture with a smile. His appearance after changing his appearance was that of a paler skin color. Such a smiling expression, falling into Chen An's eyes, already showed everything.

"We also came here to participate without telling the elders, so don't expose it, otherwise." Qin Ze didn't finish speaking.

Chen An swallowed her saliva, her brain shaking like a rattle, "Don't worry, my lord, it will never happen. The identities of the lords will not be exposed even if they are small."

"This is the best." Qin Ze said with satisfaction, "This time we are just here to make a little money and get some rare metals for use. As long as you do well, I can guarantee that you will get a reward that you can never imagine Yes, even being a part of us is no problem."

Hearing this, Chen An's eyes lit up. Although he is a supervisor, he is actually better than Xiao Xiami. If he gets close to the big man in front of him, a better life in the future will be at his fingertips.

"My lord, if you need something small, just ask." Chen An almost swears to the sky.

"I like to deal with smart people." Qin Ze smiled, "Next, you make a list of the rare metals and bets that will appear in each round, and you can give it to my junior or senior before the first round."

"Oh, by the way, they are all sixth-level soul engineers, so I don't need to say anything. With their strength, maybe before I give you a reward, the higher-ups will give you an extra reward first."

"Yes." Chen An said excitedly.

Qin Ze took out a card casually, and threw it in front of Chen An, "There are 50 gold soul coins in this gold card, you can bet it, or the same sentence, what I need is rare metals, you should also know what to do."

"This subordinate understands." Chen An said respectfully.

Qin Ze nodded, "If that's the case, that's fine. It's getting late, and we should go back."

"My subordinates will give you a ride." Chen An hurriedly got up.

"There's no need to send it off." Qin Ze waved his hand, "Let's go."

Soon, Qin Ze and the others left the underground auction room of the Sentimental Hotel under Chen An's respectful gaze.

The reason why Qin Ze was very direct was because Chen An was a greedy person for money and power, and he also concealed Huo Yuhao's identity in the original book.

In the original book, Huo Yuhao gave Chen An hundreds of thousands of gold soul coins and told him to buy rare metals. Just earn the difference.

In fact, what Qin Ze wanted was not the rare metals exchanged for these bets. His goal was still Prince Sun Moon, the warehouse in charge of Xu Guozhong.

The soul guide there, the metal, is the real key.

This money is just to let Chen An know that he has money, as long as you can do good things, the promised benefits will naturally be true.

After leaving the Sentimental Hotel, the group returned directly to the way they had come without any lingering.

First, he went to a hidden street corner to change his appearance back to his original appearance, and then walked back to Mingyue Hotel.

On the way, He Caitou asked with some doubts: "Aze, what did you just say? Why do I always feel that I don't understand."

Not to mention Hecaitou, Ji Juechen and Jing Ziyan are the same.

Qin Ze smiled and said: "This Sentimental Hotel is actually the territory of the Holy Spirit Church. Didn't I tell you before that Mingdu has three underground forces, among which the Sentimental Hotel is the property of the Xishui League, and this Xishui The League happened to be founded by the last two words of Ye Xishui, the leader of the Holy Spirit Cult."

"I just deliberately decorated us as people of the Holy Spirit Church. This morning, I will naturally obey my words."

Hearing this, the three of them finally understood the situation, but they were a little surprised to learn that the Xishui League was established by the Holy Spirit Sect.

Ji Juechen hesitated: "But this person will really hide our identities?"

"Don't worry, Brother Ji, nothing will go wrong." Qin Ze said.

Seeing this, Ji Juechen didn't continue to ask.

"But these things are over for the time being. What's the matter with the aura released by Yuhao just now? I feel that it is too similar to an evil soul master." He Caitou touched his big bald head suspiciously.

Huo Yuhao said: "I will tell everyone about this later, but I can't explain it clearly for now."

He Caitou smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you say it or not, after all, everyone has a secret."

Qin Ze glanced at Huo Yuhao. In fact, under the arrangement of Electrolux, Huo Yuhao had already told him about these situations, so he just let Huo Yuhao use his abilities.

The reason why Electrolux took the initiative to let Huo Yuhao reveal his identity was mainly because when he was in Haotian Castle, the Snow Emperor entered Huo Yuhao's body to reminisce with the Ice Emperor, and happened to encounter the gray light group that Electrolux turned into.

Facing Snow Empress' questions, Ice Empress would never hide anything, so...

Anyway, it was all exposed, so Electrolux simply asked Huo Yuhao to say it directly.

With the help of simulated soul skills again, they finally returned to the hotel.

Everyone dispersed, and today's mission is a perfect end.

It's just that when Qin Ze returned to his room, he found that the light was still on, and Di Yueli was lying on his bed and sleeping, holding his pillow in his arms.

Perhaps because she was not asleep, the sound of Qin Ze opening the door woke her up.

"Are you back?" Di Yueli opened her beautiful eyes and said very lazily.

"Yeah." Qin Ze walked over and kissed Di Yueli on the forehead, "I'm going to take a bath."

When Qin Ze came out of the shower, Di Yueli gave up the pillow and put it in Qin Ze's arms as soon as he was lying on the bed.

"Go to sleep." With the warm and soft jade in his arms, Qin Ze completely relaxed his mind.

"Hmm." Di Yueli seemed to answer his words.

(End of this chapter)

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