Douluo's Dragon Yin Jiuxiao

Chapter 51 Beibei and Zhang Lexuan

Chapter 51 Beibei and Zhang Lexuan (recommendation ticket requested)
Two years later.

The outer area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest.

Two figures appeared in this ancient forest filled with countless years.

One of them was older, with all white hair, a faint smile on his face, a casual gown, a tall and straight body, and an aura as sharp as a sword emanating from the old man inadvertently.

The other was a boy who was only about ten years old, and he looked at the long-dead soul beast with wings on the ground with a calm expression.

The body of this dead soul beast is very special, it has the body of a lion and the head, beak and wings of an eagle.Brown-yellow feathers cover the neck and ribcage.

At this time, a gorgeous purple soul ring was suspended on its body. Purple, a noble color, made people a little addicted.

It's just that a sword blade with a water-blue cold light inserted into the soul beast's body destroyed this layer of beauty.


The boy stepped forward and stepped on the body of the griffin, and then pulled out the blade. Immediately, a lot of blood gushed out from the fatal wound of the griffin.

The boy seemed to have been on guard for a long time, and turned his head slightly to avoid the impact of the blood.

"This griffin has a lifespan of 900 years, can it last?" It was the old man who spoke.

"Teacher, my attribute training in the past two years is not in vain." The boy looked at the griffon spurting blood, and replied with a smile.

The old man and the boy are naturally Xiao Kuangdao and Qin Ze.

Xiao Kuangdao nodded, and said: "Okay, the teacher will protect you, you can absorb the soul ring with peace of mind."

"Trouble teacher!" Qin Ze nodded, then sat cross-legged.


The same is the Star Dou Great Forest.

On a gravel stand near a creek, two groups of people were confronting each other.

The side near the creek is a man and a woman.

The man has an elegant and handsome appearance, with short dark blue hair, and a slender and tall figure, but he doesn't look very old, only twelve or thirteen years old.

As for the woman, her long black hair hangs down to her waist, her delicate face is fair and flawless, and the most attractive thing is her temperament, which gives people an extremely gentle feeling.

Opposite the two, there were three adults and a teenager, all wearing uniform black and gray long clothes.

The pupils of the leader's eyes were actually gray and bloodshot, and his exposed arms were like dead branches, skin connected to bones, like a zombie.

"I didn't expect to meet the famous Shrek inner court disciple Zhang Lexuan here."

"Sister, what should I do!" Beside Zhang Lexuan, the soul power in the young man's body became more and more violent. His name was Beibei.

Zhang Lexuan frowned slightly, she didn't expect that she just came to the Star Dou Forest to obtain a soul ring, and unexpectedly met three evil soul masters and a new born evil soul master to obtain a soul ring.

"Old Xuan is not here right now, so you have to stabilize yourself first." Zhang Lexuan's mind was spinning rapidly, and her soul power was transmitted to Beibei, "If they want to launch an attack, I will hold them back. You take the opportunity to escape, don't worry about me .”

Beibei shook his head, expressing his attitude.

"You!" Zhang Lexuan gave Beibei a stare, but this stare has no deterrent effect.

Seeing that Zhang Lexuan didn't answer, the skinny evil soul master smirked a few times, "Your Shrek Academy has a big enmity with us."

"Hmph!" Zhang Lexuan snorted, seven soul rings of different colors instantly rose from her body, and a terrifying aura emanated from her body.

"Soul Saint!" The pupils of several evil soul masters shrank.This number one disciple in the inner courtyard is only in his early twenties, he is already a soul sage.

"Soul Saints, we really can't win alone, but unfortunately, the three of us are all Soul Emperors." The skinny evil soul master sneered, and a ghostly green soul power shook from his body, white, yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black six The soul ring lights up.

The two evil soul masters beside him also showed their soul rings, even the configuration of the soul rings was the same.

Among the evil soul masters, only a young man who looked similar to Beibei did not cast his soul ring, but his gaze was fixed on Zhang Lexuan, full of evil desire.

Beibei was naturally aware of this scene, his face turned cold, countless thunder snakes spread out from between his eyebrows, and these thunderbolts surrounded his right arm, a strange scene happened, Beibei's entire right arm flew It swelled up, and the bursting thunderbolt was full of violent aura.

At the same time, the arm was covered with blue-purple scales, and the hand became like a dragon's claw, every joint became thicker, blue-purple lightning wrapped around the arm that turned into a dragon's claw, and the three yellow, yellow, and purple soul rings were different. Usually suspended on the body, but suspended between the arms.

"Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus!" Seeing Beibei summoning the martial spirit, several evil spirit masters frowned. This martial spirit has a strong restraint effect on most of the evil spirits.Although the kid in front of him is no more than Soul Venerable, he doesn't pose much of a threat to them.

"Then get rid of you first!" The skinny evil soul master thought to himself, he nodded to his colleagues, and the next second.

Fourth and fifth, the two soul rings lighted up, and the body of the skinny evil soul master turned into countless blood-colored crows and flew into the air. A strong fishy smell emanated from these crows.

On the other side, the other two evil soul masters also activated their martial souls. Both of them have very special martial souls, namely the ghost book and the evil spirit tree.

"Field of the Moon!" Zhang Lexuan has experienced too many battles, and she was not frightened by the attack of the three evil soul masters at all. It became a faint ray of moonlight.

The area covered by these moonlights is very large, fully covering a range of [-] meters.

"No, my soul power has been suppressed." In the air, groups of blood-colored crows froze, as if they were restricted by some special existence.

The power of purification actually exists in the moonlight.

"Domain!" A trace of astonishment flashed in the eyes of the two evil soul masters, but the soul sage actually had a domain.

"Ten Ghosts Walking at Night!"

"Road of Thorns and Blood!"

A purple soul ring lit up on each of them.

"Quack quack!" In the air, there was countless smoke from the crow's body, and the breath weakened a bit, but some crows still flew in front of Zhang Lexuan and Beibei.

The originally pitch-black pupils of the Scarlet Crow instantly burst into a rich blood-red light. They gathered together and pecked towards the two of them.

"These crows can actually devour soul power in the air." Beibei sensitively noticed that the soul power on his body was actually being torn away by the blood-red eyes of these crows.

Zhang Lexuan's face turned cold, and the second soul ring on her body lit up, "Yue Chong!" The yellow soul ring quickly condensed into a waning moon in the air, and the waning moon released a strong brilliance of soul power. With a sound of "shua", under Zhang Lexuan's control, The crescent moon directly crashed into the group of crows.

The impact of the waning moon is extremely terrifying, and the accompanying moonlight also has a powerful purification ability. This is completely the nemesis of evil soul masters. The waning moon wiped out these crows almost in the blink of an eye.

"call out!"

A bloody light flashed past, and hid in the distance, revealing the frightened side face of the skinny evil soul master.


Suddenly, there was a hoarse mourning sound, and Beibei looked sideways, but saw a dozen or so ghost-like shadows flying towards them in the air at some point.

At the same time, the ground is still wriggling, and there seems to be something strange.

 Thank you list: A monthly ticket for book friend 20200525125704236.

  A monthly pass made by refining.

  A monthly ticket for wandering.

  A monthly pass for Diao Jun.

  Two monthly tickets for the Dragon God's Fury in the Setting Sun.

  Shan has two monthly tickets for Mu Xi.

  Shuhuang has two monthly tickets for book friends.

  Two monthly tickets for book friend 20220528205514293.

  One hundred point reward for time (I can't type your name, I can only type an abbreviated version, sorry!)
  Shepherd's [-]-point reward.

(End of this chapter)

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