Douluo's Dragon Yin Jiuxiao

Chapter 520 There is something, but not much [6000 words]

Chapter 520 There is something, but not much [6000 words]

But even if Chen An's facial expressions are well managed, they cannot escape Qin Ze's perception of mental power.

What he said just now was completely intentional by Qin Ze, otherwise Chen An didn't know when he would have to tell the friend who secretly sold the rare metals in the warehouse.

He remembered that the actual controller of the warehouse was the prince of the Sun Moon Empire, who seemed to be called Xu Guozhong.

Qin Ze said: "Okay, I won't tell you any more. You should be very busy as a striker, so tell us about the rules and betting methods of the third round."

"Yes." Chen An nodded and said, "After the second round of competition, there are still 48 soul engineers who have advanced to the third round. These 48 people will be divided into 24 groups for one-on-one competition .”

"The soul guides manufactured during the period are no longer a fixed requirement, but completely depend on the contestants' own choices. Our organizers will also provide more rare metals and regular metals."

"However, the competition time for the third round has changed. There is only two hours of production time. If the time is up and one party fails to complete the production of the soul guide, then it will be eliminated directly. But if both parties complete the work within the specified time, Then you have to go to the latest regulations, that is, go to the stipulated venues for comparison.”

"When comparing, if you think your soul tool is not as good as the opponent, you can admit defeat in advance, but both sides insist on continuing, then continue to compare, fight without using other soul tools and soul skills, whoever wins out."

"It doesn't matter whether you live or die."

"Life or death?" Huo Yuhao and He Caitou exchanged glances.

There was a mocking smile in Jing Ziyan's eyes, she felt that the person who made this rule must have had his mind caught by the soul guidance elevator door.

Although soul mentors and soul mentors are comparing soul tools, the soul masters themselves have different cultivation bases as soul masters. They are both fourth-level soul mentors. One person's cultivation base is a soul master, but the other's cultivation base may be It is the soul king or even the soul emperor, such a rule will not work at all.

It's okay if you simply compare the power of the soul tool to test, such as using a target or other tools to test.

But let the two sides compete, if a fourth-level soul engineer with the cultivation of the soul sect meets a fourth-level soul engineer with the cultivation of the soul emperor, don't compete, just arrange the funeral for the soul sect.

Jing Ziyan had seen such a competition when she was in Mingdetang, but the two parties did not fight each other, but used the defensive soul tool to test the power of the soul tool she made, and then calculated the result.

But at this moment, everyone is pretending to be the evil soul master of the Holy Spirit Sect, so it is naturally impossible to mock the rules made by the referee sent by the Xishui League.

Chen An didn't see anything, and then explained the third round of betting one by one.

Qin Ze thought about it, and finally handed over the gold card to Chen'an again, and asked him to operate it, but this time Qin Ze's request was very random, no matter how much rare metal he could get.

At the same time, Chen An also revealed the next opponent of Huo Yuhao and He Caitou.

Huo Yuhao's serial number is No. 66, and his opponent is No. 48. He can be regarded as an extremely outstanding fourth-level soul instructor, close to the level of a fifth-level soul instructor.

He Caitou's number is No. 88, and his opponent is No. 21, who is also a fourth-level soul engineer, but he is not as strong as Huo Yuhao's opponent, which is very good news.

However, Qin Ze remembered that Huo Yuhao's opponent seemed to have joined the Tang Sect in the end. It seemed to be called a tall building, and he still had a family-heirloom carving knife in his hand.

But Qin Ze didn't have a good impression of this person, not to mention his greed. What's more, in the original book, he actually procured the elixir made of fairy grass for nothing, but he didn't bring any substantial benefits to the Tang Sect. help.

To put it bluntly, there is some ability, but not much.

After Chen An said this, he left. He was really busy, and when the game was about to start, someone would come to notify him.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the general audience area outside was already full of people.

As soon as Qin Ze's mental power was activated, the entire hall was instantly covered within the range of perception, and the rest of the exclusive VIP rooms were also full of people, almost all of whom were dignitaries.

Not long after, there was a knock on the door, and a maid came to inform Huo Yuhao and He Caitou that it was time to go to the competition stage to compete.

The two followed the maid and quickly went to the competition stage.

The golden hall was still bustling, with all 48 contestants assembled. With the reduction of the number of participants, the competition stage could finally accommodate all the contestants, instead of letting some people go to the stage to make soul guides, which also made the soundproof soul guide Finally got a chance to use it.

At a glance, 48 soul guide manufacturing tables are neatly placed on it, and there are three layers of storage compartments for rare metals and common metals.

The highest layer is conventional metals, and the last two layers are rare metals. There are an astonishing 32 types of rare metals, some of which are strictly controlled and prohibited by the Sun Moon Empire.

These 48 soul tool manufacturing tables are all facing each other, which just corresponds to the rule of one-to-one comparison.

As for the competition table that Chen An said was used for one-on-one comparison of soul tools, it was just behind the soul tool manufacturing competition table, which was a metal platform suspended in the air, about five meters above the ground. It is stabilized in mid-air by many metal cables.

Under the guidance of the staff, each contestant came to his own position and stood still.

Qin Ze also saw the two soul mentors of the Holy Spirit Sect who had conflicted with them before. They seemed to be a little interested in Huo Yuhao and Brother He Caitou, and they looked around from time to time.

Qin Ze wanted to find a time to kill these two people, after all, it was not easy to get a carving knife.

The opponents of Huo Yuhao and He Caitou also appeared.

Opposite He Caitou was a young man wearing a mask. He couldn't see his face. He was about 1.7 meters tall, with a strong figure and a gray robe.

And the person opposite Huo Yuhao was that tall building, and this person's face was a little messy, and it was sloppy and ugly to sum it up.

Yellowed and dull hair, with uneven buck teeth when you open your mouth, you are only about 27 years old, but you are about to go bald.

However, Tall Building has a pure vision of rare metals.

Most of the contestants are quietly admiring the rare metals in the storage compartment. There is no way. After being a soul engineer for so many years, it is the first time to fight such a rich battle. Some people have not even seen many rare metals.

The audience also cooperated with each other and communicated in a low voice, making this place not like a competition venue, but a place where upper-class society communicates.

Soon, the three soul engineers transferred by the three Xishui League executives to serve as referees also appeared.

Just in front of the competition platform, three circular platforms rose up from the ground, and an old man stood on each platform, and finally the circular platform stopped when it was one meter higher than the competition platform.

When the referee arrived, whether it was the contestants who were admiring the rare metal or the audience who were whispering, they all looked over at once.

The most powerful seventh-level soul engineer referee in the middle nodded, and said to the amplified soul guide in front of him: "Good evening, everyone, the third round of our Xishui League Soul Engineer Elite Competition is about to begin. , the time for this competition is two hours, all contestants must create soul tools within this time, otherwise they will be eliminated."

"After I announce the start of the competition, the timer will start. I need to inform all the participants that your task is to create a powerful soul tool to defeat your opponents and complete the promotion. I think you will be quite satisfied with the rewards after the promotion." satisfying."

Facts have proved that rewards are the real attraction. As soon as these words were said, the contestants on the field immediately turned their attention to their opponents, and their eyes became hot.

Others don't know, but He Caitou and Huo Yuhao, who know the inside story, know that the winners of the third round will get 32 ​​kinds of rare metals, and each metal is in the amount of two kilograms. The value of these rare metals is very high amazing.

In an instant, the sound of heated conversations taunting the opponent and disturbing the opponent's emotions rang out on the competition stage.

Anyway, everyone hides their identities in the competition, and others don't know who you are if you scold the other party. It is impossible to kill solo offline, right?
The audience also watched this scene with great interest. After all, making soul tools is quite boring, and watching some music can also express their boring emotions.

The faces of the three referees froze. You are here to compete, not to check whether the opponent's family is here.

"Ahem." The seventh-level soul engineer judge coughed a few times, interrupting the contestants who were still greeting each other's family members.

The referee glanced at the crowd, and he said coldly: "Get ready, the sound-proof soul guide is turned on, and the game will start in five seconds."

As soon as the referee finished speaking, the lights in the golden hall suddenly softened a lot, and the audience area became even darker.

A layer of invisible fluctuations rose from the edge of the competition platform, isolating the competition platform from the audience area. At the same time, the twelve hourglasses used for timing also began to turn, and the sand began to drip slowly.

In an instant, all the contestants started to move.

I have to say that this time the Xishui League has indeed invested heavily. Among other things, it will take the rare metal that has excited many contestants, Star Silver Steel. The price of one kilogram of this thing is [-] gold souls Coins, don't look at the [-] gold soul coins that are sprinkled in front of Ning Tian.

But in front of most people in Douluo Continent, this is definitely a huge sum of money.

Of course, for tens of millions of people participating in the underground soul engineer elite competition, this investment is nothing.

Both Ji Juechen and Qin Ze were watching the game seriously, while Jing Ziyan was lying comfortably on the sofa, throwing a crystal clear fruit into his mouth from time to time.

"Sister Jing, where do you think the match between the Ordinary League and the Odu Chamber of Commerce will be?" Qin Ze suddenly turned around and asked.

Jing Ziyan was holding a grape-like fruit in her hand and was about to throw it into her mouth. When she heard this, she stopped, shook her head and said: "I don't know, although I have lived in Mingdu for a long time. It’s been a long time, but I seldom know about the underground forces.”

"By the way, do you have any ideas?"

Ji Juechen also looked over.

Qin Ze looked at the competition stage with deep eyes, "I am very interested in someone from the Ordinary League. If possible, I can win him over."

Upon hearing this, Jing Ziyan instantly became interested, and walked up to Qin Ze in a few steps, "Male or female?"

Qin Ze said casually, "Female."

Jing Ziyan's eyes widened, "You have to take it easy, don't let Yueli know, or her golden dragon gun will stab you to death."

Qin Ze's forehead went dark, and he gave someone a blank look, "Where are you going, the person I'm talking about, I mean her martial spirit makes me very interested."

Jing Ziyan curiously said: "The martial soul that can make you interested should be very good."

Qin Ze said with a little deep meaning: "It is indeed very good. This person's martial spirit may have a great connection with the Martial Soul Hall ten thousand years ago."

Spirit Hall?
Ji Juechen and Jing Ziyan looked at each other. In fact, they didn't know the history of Douluo Dalu ten thousand years ago, or the entire Sun Moon Empire was not familiar with that period of history.

The people of the Sun Moon Empire don't care about Wuhun Temple or Sea God, after all, at that time, their Sun Moon Continent hadn't floated over to collide with the Douluo Continent.

"This person's martial soul is a holy angel." Qin Ze said.

"Holy Angel?" Jing Ziyan's eyes flickered, after all, she had spent a lot of time in Shrek Academy, and she was very clear about the division of martial arts.

Martial spirits like angels are the top ones in Douluo Continent, no wonder Qin Ze is interested in this person.

Ji Juechen interjected: "Why don't we find some time to look for the Pingfan League's stronghold, and then go and have a look."

Qin Ze's eyes lit up, "This is a good choice. But we don't need to look for it, we just need to find someone to ask. After all, there are quite a few people visiting the underground soul mentor competition."

After a short chat, Qin Ze and the three of them decided on this matter.

In fact, Qin Ze didn't know that he planned to win over Ye Guyi, and he unintentionally matched the arrangement of a certain boss.

With the existence of the sound-proof soul guide, the audience can communicate freely, mainly discussing whether the person they bet on is really right, or complaining about the level of rubbish of some contestants.

As time passed by every minute and every second, after an hour, finally the first person who made the soul guide appeared. It was one of the soul mentors of the Holy Spirit Sect who had conflicted with Qin Ze and the others before. His number It is number 96.

No. 96 glanced at the others casually, and then handed over his soul guide to the referee. As for his opponent, he immediately announced his surrender, because No. 96 made a fifth-level soul guide, and the gap was too obvious , the comparison is meaningless.

And most of the rest of the soul engineers completed the production in about an hour and a half, but most of them were not arranged to compare in the battle zone, because sometimes the result can be directly judged after the referee's determination .

Only a small number of contestants walked into the battle zone, and then fought each other. Some were seriously injured, and some were even blasted into blood mist by a cannonball in full view of the public.

The underground world is mostly dark, so the bloody scene didn't make the audience feel uncomfortable, on the contrary, it made the audience even more excited.

He Caitou didn't go to the battle zone, his opponent directly surrendered.

And Huo Yuhao is still the same as the original book, and entered the battle zone with the tall building for comparison.

Maybe it was because he added some Tangmen's mechanical skills, which made several referees jealous.

The final winner is still Huo Yuhao. He still competed in a wheelchair in the original book, and his limbs have not been disabled in this life, let alone.

However, Huo Yuhao still became interested in tall buildings, and finally invited him to the bar for a drink. To put it bluntly, the reference value was not worth it to lure tall buildings into Tangmen.

Today's Tangmen is different from the original book, Xu Sanshi, Jiang Nannan, Xiao Xiao, and Caitou didn't join it, that is to say, Tangmen's personnel are actually much worse than the original book, especially the soul guide staff.

In the end, after He Caitou and Huo Yuhao received the rewards for qualifying in the third round, Qin Ze and his party left the Green Hotel.

But when they left, Chen An didn't stop, because Huo Yuhao's soul tool was so good that the three referees became interested, and finally pulled Chen An to question him.

Chen An is also a talent. After explaining Qin Ze's false identity in a simple and cryptic manner, the three referees were afraid to ask more questions.

The Xishui League was founded by the Holy Spirit Church, so the referees naturally didn't dare to ask more questions, lest they get burned.

Besides, Chen An doesn't want others to intervene in it, what he wants is to monopolize the benefits, as long as he takes these adults seriously, his future will be bright.

After leaving the hotel, a group of people randomly found a bar with a good atmosphere and walked in.

The bar is relatively large, with an area of ​​about [-] square meters. The decoration is not very good, but there are many people. As soon as you enter, you can see all kinds of people drinking and bragging together.

Today's Douluo Continent has a pretty good grasp of the bar atmosphere, all kinds of fancy lights and music, and even some women with heavy makeup and extremely revealing clothes dancing on the dance floor, attracting all the lsp's attention, but No loud DJs like bars.

In the air, there was a mixed smell of various drinks, and even the unpleasant smell of some vomit was mixed in it.

Qin Ze frowned. He actually hated places like bars, even if he had never been there in his previous life.

I went straight to the waiter and threw him a money bag. Qin Ze asked for a private room.

Money can turn ghosts around, the waiter quickly arranged a room with a decent environment for everyone, and soon a few people sat in, and then casually called for some drinks.

Gao Dashang was not too polite, and he started to drink as soon as the wine arrived. During this period, Huo Yuhao kept asking him questions, whether the reference value was worth wooing him to join the Tang Sect.

Qin Ze and the four of them kept silent, drinking indifferently. Ji Juechen bumped into Qin Ze from time to time. This guy is also an alcoholic.

The final result is naturally the same as the original book. Huo Yuhao moved the idea of ​​letting Gao Mansion join the Tang Sect, but it is still uncertain because Gao Mansion's character is really a bit disliked.

After drinking for three rounds, Qin Ze, who hadn't opened his mouth, shouted to stop the tall building who was getting more and more excited after drinking.

Facing Qin Ze was different from facing Huo Yuhao. Qin Ze's aura radiated invisible. The tall building seemed a little nervous, and his face, which was flushed from drinking too much, calmed down a lot.

Qin Ze said in a deep voice, "I'm going to ask you a question. If I'm satisfied, you can continue to shout and drink later."

"What's the problem?" Gao Lou's eyes lit up when he heard that he could drink casually.

"Do you know where the Ordinary League holds the underground soul mentor competition?" Qin Ze asked.

Gao Lou hurriedly nodded, "I know."

"Tell me." Qin Ze glanced at him.

Gao Lou quickly said: "The Pingfan League also has a lot of strongholds in Mingdu, but the place where this competition is held is a place called Pingfan Winery, and the specific location is Pingfan Street in DC."

Hearing this, Qin Ze nodded slightly and did not reply.

Gao Mansion thought that Qin Ze was not satisfied with this answer, so worried that he didn't dare to drink.

"Okay, we should go back." Qin Ze stood up and said.

Ji Juechen and the others also stood up together, Qin Ze pushed open the door of the private room, looked back at the tall building, "You can use all the money in the purse you gave the waiter to drink, you should be able to drink a lot .”

"Thank you, my lord." Gao Lou said respectfully with a happy face.

Huo Yuhao frowned, and suddenly he didn't want to win this person to join the Tang Sect. He was still holding a note in his hand, which was originally intended to be handed over to Gao Building, but after thinking about it, he put the note back into his pocket .

Qin Ze and the others left.

And Gao Mansion was still enjoying the drink with a smile, but he didn't expect that he would lose the opportunity to go to Tangmen with a simple understanding, and his life would also be changed.

On the way back, Qin Ze also knew that Huo Yuhao didn't intend to win over tall buildings, so he didn't say anything. Now that he knew the base of the Ordinary League competition, he could go there and see if he could meet Ye Guyi.


The days that followed gradually calmed down, and the Underground Soul Engineer Competition was progressing steadily. Huo Yuhao and He Caitou went further and further away step by step, and finally entered the ranks of the top six.

Qin Ze also went to the ordinary winery during this period, but what puzzled him was that Ye Guyi never appeared during this period, as if he was hidden.

And the Continental Young Advanced Soul Master Elite Competition is still going on in full swing.

Shrek Academy has already eliminated the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy and Ming Yuzong, the two biggest opponents in this group, so there is no need to think about the follow-up competitions, and they will all win the next four rounds.

A total of six rounds, Shrek Academy won all of them. With their impressive record, they directly ranked first in this group, and they have already entered the quarterfinals.

During this period, Qin Ze and Beibei didn't play once, and completely left the opportunity to the Women's Army.

As for the Shrek Academy group, the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy ranked No. 2 in record. Except for losing to Shrek Academy, they won all the other five games.

But Ming Yuzong was surprised. Their captain, Cain, had never appeared since that day, not even his younger brother Ade.

Qin Ze knew without thinking that Cain and Ade must have been taken away by the Holy Spirit Cult.

 Thank you for the [-] starting coins rewarded by Long Lovexuan, thank you boss, thank you very much!I wish the boss a happy new year, and wish the boss a fortune every year.

  I would also like to thank you for your monthly ticket rewards and support. Tomorrow will be 2023. I wish you all a happy new year and your wishes come true.

  PS: I will make up the twelve chapters owed to you in January. Currently, my normal update is [-] words a day.

  New year, new atmosphere, thank you all book friends for your support along the way, the author bows to thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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