Douluo's Dragon Yin Jiuxiao

Chapter 523 Ren Xue Is My Ancestor [86 words]

Chapter 523 Qian Renxue Is My Ancestor [[-] words]

After leaving the Sentimental Hotel, no one checked, and Qin Ze easily took the soul guide elevator to the hotel lobby on the ground.

There were eight guards in the hall. When they saw Qin Ze come out, the guards who were still in charge of holding their posts were all respectful. These days, they all saw Chen'an's performance.

"Are you going to leave, sir?" A guard walked over respectfully.

"Yes." Qin Ze nodded, "You have worked hard."

As he said that, Qin Ze threw a bag over, which contained a gold coupon of almost four thousand gold soul coins.

The guard took the bag, a little curious because the bag was quite light.

After Qin Ze left the hotel, a group of people in the hall hurriedly gathered together.

"Old Chen, look at what your lord gave."

"Don't worry."

The guard called Lao Chen hastily opened the bag, he glanced at it, and immediately froze in place.

"Don't hold your breath, what is it?" A group of guards who were crowded aside and couldn't see became anxious.

Lao Chen's hands trembled slightly, and he took out the gold coupons from the bag. Immediately, four gold coupons worth [-] gold soul coins appeared in front of everyone.

Everyone: "..."

"It's only four thousand if you make a random move. You are indeed a big shot that Director Chen has done his best to entertain."

"Your Excellency, do you mean to give us the money?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense, hey brothers, let's go drink and eat meat when the shift changes."


All of a sudden, the originally quiet hall suddenly became cheerful, and a group of people lost their sleepiness, so they thought about changing shifts to enjoy it.

Outside the Sentimental Hotel, Qin Ze came out, and at a glance, there were still some people walking outside in Mingdu at this time period. It seemed that they were all people going to dance and drink. Probably only a few degrees.

When these people spoke, there was still hot mist dispersing from their mouths.

The sound of laughter, beating and scolding echoed in the quiet street for a long time.

The street at night is like a calm river, and the street lights on the roadside bring a warm light to the dark night, so that people will not feel lonely when they walk in it, because they are accompanied by light.

A bright moon hung high in the sky, and the bright moonlight swayed wantonly. Occasionally, a gust of evening wind blew by, making the plants in the green belts on both sides of the street start to sway with the wind.

Perhaps because of the wind, there was a faint fragrance of flowers in the air.

The high-rise buildings on this street are all equipped with a kind of lighting that is not particularly bright. From a distance, the light flickers slightly, but it is particularly eye-catching.

Qin Ze didn't waste time, and rushed directly to the location of Pingfan Winery in the DC area.

The DC area is considered a civilian area in Mingdu. Basically, the rich people in Mingdu will not live there. However, for the underground forces, it is good for the basic branch to be established in this kind of place. Anyway, there are rich people. People arrive soon in a carriage, and go back after playing.

The distance between Pingfan Winery and Sentimental Hotel is relatively far, and it took Qin Ze some time to arrive at the location called Pingfan Street.

Pingfan Street is five kilometers long and was established 150 years ago. There are countless underground forces gathered here, the biggest of which is Pingfan League.

When Qin Ze came here, all he saw was a crowd of people walking around, as if it was not the middle of the night.

Most of the ordinary streets are various restaurants and entertainment venues. Although it is located in a civilian area, the daily flow of funds here is quite amazing.

The bustling sound of communication has been continuous since Qin Ze came to the entrance of the street, and groups of people continued to pass by.

The restaurants on both sides are brightly lit and bustling, and the tangy aroma of wine and meat is constantly spreading from the windows, not to mention the wanton laughter.

But these have nothing to do with Qin Ze, he walked towards the ordinary winery in a leisurely manner.

There are many routes in the ordinary street, extending in all directions, and the winery is at the most prosperous part of the street.

When Qin Ze walked all the way, the flow of people was increasing, and the originally cold air seemed to be warmed up by the huge crowd.

Qin Ze came to a small shop selling mutton and stopped. Looking into the distance, just 200 meters away from him, a building with an extremely large area came into view.

The architectural style of Pingfan Winery is not the style of high-rise buildings on the side of the Sun Moon Empire, but the kind of ancient garden buildings that are biased towards Lanxing. of light.

On both sides of the gate, there are two strangely shaped statues of soul beasts, which are similar to Lanxing's stone lions.

At this time, people came in and out of the gate from time to time. The Pingfan League was not as strict as the Xishui League, and even the gate was not guarded by guards.

"Guest, would you like some mutton soup? It's very comfortable to drink in the cold weather." Just as Qin Ze was standing on the spot watching, a questioning voice came from behind.

Qin Ze turned around, only to see the owner of the mutton shop looking at him with a smile.

Qin Ze smiled and said, "Then please give me a mutton pancake and a large portion of mutton soup. By the way, please pack it up."

"Okay." The shopkeeper nodded with a smile, and then went to work. There are still quite a few people eating in the shop at the moment, a total of seven people, all sitting together, obviously know each other.

"This Ordinary League is indeed the underground force with the most beauties. Have you seen the soul engineer in the yellow dress just now? It's so beautiful."

At this moment, a conversation in the mutton shop fell into Qin Ze's ears, his expression moved slightly, and he found a seat at random to sit down.

In fact, he is not in a hurry to enter the ordinary winery. If Ye Guyi also wants to compete, then he must still participate at this moment, and there is no rush.

"Although there are many beauties in Pingfan League, we don't have the money to enjoy them." The speaker was a middle-aged man sitting on Qin Ze's right. With a pleasant smile on his face.

He was communicating with a middle-aged man with a square face sitting directly opposite. Hearing this, the middle-aged man with a square face sighed, "It's worth dying to be able to spend the spring night with such beauties."

These words resonated with several LSPs, after all, the quality of beauties mastered by Pingfan League is definitely recognized as good.

Qin Ze originally thought he would overhear some good news, but it turned out to be an LSP exchange meeting, and he shook his head immediately.

"Guest, your mutton soup and mutton biscuits are ready." At this time, the store handed the packed bag to Qin Ze, "A total of twenty copper soul coins."

Qin Ze casually took out a silver soul coin and gave it to the shopkeeper. He had no choice but to have no copper soul coin with him, and he only had a few silver soul coins.

The shopkeeper took the silver soul coin, "Guest wait a moment, I'll go exchange the money."

Qin Ze nodded.

But at the same time as the shopkeeper left, the previous lsps spoke again, this time Qin Ze's eyes moved slightly.

"By the way, I remember that this yellow-clothed soul engineer didn't participate before, so does this count as joining in the middle?"

"Who knows, it's impossible for you to dare to refute why some people can join in the midway of doing things in the ordinary league? I'm afraid that the bodies of little people like us will float in the stinky ditch the next day."

"This is really... drink drink."

The lsps happily raised their wine glasses and began to drink. The mutton was paired with wine, and it lasted forever.

The soul engineer in yellow clothes?
Join halfway?
Qin Ze became thoughtful. He remembered that Ye Guyi was wearing yellow clothes when he appeared in the original novel. Could it be that this group of LSPs were talking about her?
"Guest, your money." The shopkeeper happened to come over and handed the money to Qin Ze.

After collecting the money, Qin Ze rushed towards Pingfan Winery.

"Walk slowly, customers." The shopkeeper knew at a glance that Qin Ze was planning to go to the underground soul mentor competition.

Like everyone else, Qin Ze walked directly into the gate of Pingfan Winery.

After walking a distance of about ten meters, a cobblestone road came into view. On both sides of the cobblestone road were planted some plants that Qin Ze didn’t know. crossroads.

There are three intersections, leading to three different directions. The intersection in the middle made Qin Ze look a little more, because there are more than a dozen guards guarding the intersection in the middle, and if you keep looking forward, you can see the intersection in the middle At the end of the road is a huge and majestic building, probably bigger than the Green Hotel.

There is an ordinary winery open to the aristocrats, and the two forks on the left and right are open to ordinary people. Qin Ze chose to go to the left.

Following a group of people, they walked towards the depths. The vegetation here was dense. Fortunately, there were soul guide lights for lighting, otherwise it was so dark that we couldn't see anything.

Finally, after walking 200 meters and turning several turns, Qin Ze came to a building that was only one-third the size of the main building at the end of the fork in the middle.

This building is almost the same as the restaurant in Lanxing, but the appearance is the same, but the inside is different. After all, Qin Ze has been here before.

Entering inside, there are also guards here. Qin Ze let the guards in after showing the identity certificate that he had previously applied for at the Ordinary League.

The interior decoration style of the restaurant is very similar to that of a bar. You can understand that the outside is a restaurant, and the inside is a bar, or the kind of bar with a dance floor for striptease.

But the place where the Pingfan League held the competition was the same as the Sentimental Hotel, which was underground. Qin Ze quickly came to the soul guide elevator, and then entered the underground together with the rest of the audience.

Ten seconds later, the elevator door opened. In an instant, the noise was as heavy as the sea beating against the shore. The interior light was very dim, and the underground hall of an ordinary winery looked like a large auditorium.

The innermost is the competition platform, and directly opposite the competition platform are rows of seats.

And on the ceiling, there are a large number of VIP rooms, which is very similar to the Sentimental Hotel. Qin Ze can feel that all the VIP rooms are full with a sweep of mental power.

What these VIP rooms have in common is that each VIP room is served by five or six beautiful maids. These beauties have different shapes, but their eyes are all indifferent, like string dolls.

Qin Ze shook his head, Douluo Dalu is like this, the dark side can never be eliminated.

"Everyone, please see that soul engineer No. 55 has already completed four soul tools. Her strength is really too strong."

Suddenly, a soft voice came from the amplified soul guide.

Qin Ze's complexion changed, he quickly walked out of the aisle, and walked towards the interior of the hall.

When he came to the periphery of the hall, he saw the audience sitting densely on the sofa, and then the six soul engineers on the large competition stage.

Qin Ze's eyes quickly locked on a girl in a long yellow dress. This person's face was extremely beautiful, almost at the level of Ning Tian Wufeng's beauty. Her tall and slender body was outlined with extremely soft curves by the long skirt. Right now, she is concentrating on making the soul tool.

Beside the girl in the long yellow dress, there were four completed soul guides. It was obvious that the host with a charming face on the high platform was talking about this person.

"It really is you, Ye Guyi, I finally waited for you." Qin Ze thought to himself, his mental power penetrated the sound-proof soul guide, and he sensed an extremely strong sacred aura on this girl.

Although the sacred attribute is not as rare as the destruction attribute, it is definitely one of the rarest attributes in Douluo Continent.

Qin Ze casually walked to a dark corner, and he took out the biscuits and started eating. At this time, there were no seats left, so he could only stand.

The reason why he intends to win over Ye Guyi is that the most important point is that Ye Guyi's holy angel Wuhun is definitely a good hand against evil soul masters. Besides, Ye Guyi already hates evil soul masters very much, so he happened to reach an agreement with him. consensus.

Qin Ze will not allow the Holy Spirit Cult in Douluo Continent to survive into the legendary era of the Dragon King ten thousand years later. In the era of his existence, all evil soul masters must be eradicated.

Of course, some people who have awakened the evil spirit but are not bad in nature naturally have other uses. Qin Ze is very clear about this. He will not see a person with an evil spirit and say that he is an evil spirit master and then kill him. over him.

Otherwise, Ade and Cain of Ming Yuzong would have died long ago. Of course, these two people may have become evil soul masters, and the next time they meet, the situation may be different.

Qin Ze doesn't plan to go back to the Green Hotel tonight. Huo Yuhao and the others just need to act according to the previous discussion. In this life, the kid's soul tool technology is actually better than the original book, maybe it's because of the absence of the Snow Emperor. sake.

But Qin Ze was actually a little puzzled. Logically speaking, Ye Guyi should have a family, but why did the holy angels not become an aggregate, but scattered individually in the Douluo Continent.

After the death of Qian Renxue, the god of angels, how many members of the angel family are still alive.

Qin Ze had previously suspected that Ye Guyi was Qian Renxue's descendant, but he couldn't find any specific information to prove it.

There were noisy exchanges in his ears, and Qin Ze was chewing on mutton biscuits, quietly waiting for the time to pass.

At the same time, in the branches of the three major underground forces in Mingdu, the boring manufacture of soul tools was going on.

The time passed by one minute and one second, and the five-hour production time was finally over, and then it was the six-to-three match of the Ordinary League.

Qin Ze also watched the follow-up game, and the three winners in the Ordinary League were the same as the original book.

They are girls in blue long skirts and Lan Ruoruo.

Red dress girl, red dress.

Ye Guyi, a girl in a yellow skirt.

Maybe the leeks voted for the right player, because if the player wins, he will also be rewarded. For a while, the entire underground hall cheered and whistled one after another.

Qin Ze twisted his neck and finally made it through.

At this time, Ye Guyi seemed to have received some notice, quietly left the competition stage, and walked towards the dark corridor.

As soon as Qin Ze's mental power was activated, he followed Ye Guyi's side. Most of the titled Douluo might not be as strong as him in his current mental power state, so naturally he didn't need to worry about being perceived as fluctuating in his mental power.

Ye Guyi followed a middle-aged beautiful woman towards the VIP room, and finally came to the one in the middle of the entire VIP room.

Qin Ze remembered that the VIP room was full of women, not a single man.

"Guyi, congratulations on entering the top three." In the VIP room, a beautiful woman in a long red dress smiled and said to Ye Guyi who had just entered.

The beautiful woman has long chestnut hair, but it is now tied into a cloud bun. Her figure is not hot, but there are seductive curves under the outline of the long skirt, which faintly reveals a trace of her hair. With white and greasy legs, the whole person is like a ripe peach. For most men, such a woman is the most attractive.

She is the leader of the Ordinary League, Shangguan Weier.

Just looking at her appearance, one might think that she is around 30 years old, but in fact, Shangguan Weier is over 80 years old, and she is a level 91 Title Douluo.

Facing the beautiful woman's smile, Ye Guyi just asked plainly: "How long does it take for the finals to start?"

Shangguan Wei'er knew that Ye Guyi's personality was like this, so she was not angry, but said: "The night before the final of the Soul Master Elite Competition."

Hearing this, Ye Guyi's pretty face showed a trace of coldness, "I see."

Shangguan Wei'er said: "Guyi, you should rest well these few days and accumulate energy for the finals. The Xishui League has sent two evil soul masters as seed players. They are your biggest enemies."

Ye Guyi nodded, "I hope to meet them, and thank you Shangguan for giving me this opportunity."

A smile rose on Shangguan Weier's face, "We are partners, so we can't say thank you, but you, after the competition, do you plan to join us, or still choose to travel the mainland alone?"

Ye Guyi was stunned for a moment, with a look of loneliness on her pretty face, "I'm used to being alone, let's continue to travel around the mainland, and kill more evil soul masters in the future, even if I die in the future, it won't be a loss."

Shangguan Wei'er didn't ask any more questions. In fact, she had already asked the other party many times, but Ye Guyi still didn't plan to join them.

"Leader Shangguan, then I'll leave first." The loneliness on Ye Guyi's face was no longer there, and calm was restored.

"Okay." Shangguan Wei'er nodded slightly.

Ye Guyi didn't stop at all, turned around and left the VIP room. There was obviously a special passage where she left, and she didn't leave the normal passage.

In the hall, Qin Ze withdrew his mental strength and rushed outside in a flash. Fortunately, there were many soul guidance elevators, otherwise so many people would have to wait for a long time to leave.

After leaving the building that looked like a restaurant, Qin Ze left quickly along the way he came. His speed was like a gust of wind. People who also left could only inexplicably feel a gust of cold wind blowing around them, but they didn't notice anything unusual.

At this time, Mingdu has come to five o'clock in the morning, but because of the season, the sky is still dark. After the leeks left Pingfan Winery, they each left towards home. It was too cold at this time. Some of them are ordinary people, and they don't have the ability to resist like soul masters.

Qin Ze's mental power spread, and he began to look for Ye Guyi's location, but there was obviously no main entrance.

When Qin Ze was walking around Pingfan Winery, a tall figure came out of a restaurant near Pingfan Winery.

She was wearing a bamboo hat and a long dark yellow dress. After leaving the restaurant, she first looked around and found no one, then walked slowly towards the deserted street on the left.

But what she didn't expect was that a wave of mental power happened to land on her body.

In the distance, Qin Ze's eyes moved slightly, and he rushed towards Ye Guyi's direction in a blink of an eye. Others couldn't see Ye Guyi, he could do it, and the sacred attributes on the other party revealed the information.

Ye Guyi kept walking, and her figure was mixed into the darkness. She lived about five kilometers away from Pingfan Winery. It was considered a temporary residence, which was also provided by Pingfanmeng.

It's too early, walking all the way, there are no other passers-by on the road, but some breakfast shops on the side of the road are already lit, not everyone has spare money to participate in betting, there are so many people in Mingdu, and many are busy making a living .

Ye Guyi finally came to an extremely quiet residential area, where the houses are all detached, with excellent privacy.

She glanced at the cold and closed metal door, took out the key and opened it. After the iron door made a slight sound, it automatically moved to one side.

Ye Guyi walked in calmly, and the metal door was closed and closed. When she came to the quiet and lifeless house, she sighed. She had been alone for many years, without a partner or family.

"Holy angel, good spirit."

Just when Ye Guyi was about to enter the room, a leisurely voice came from behind her.

Ye Guyi's pupils shrank suddenly, a bright golden light rose from her body, two yellow, two purple, two black, six soul rings appeared on her body.

She turned her head and shouted coquettishly, "Who is it?"

In the darkness, a figure slowly came out, and the light from Ye Guyi's body also fell on the figure, illuminating his face clearly, it was none other than Qin Ze who followed.

Seeing Ye Guyi's extremely vigilant gaze, Qin Ze smiled and said, "Don't be nervous."

Ye Guyi gave Qin Ze a vicious look, being followed at night, tell me I'm not nervous?
Fortunately, the other party didn't show any hostility, otherwise she would have done it right away.

"Who are you?" Ye Guyi doubted that Qin Ze was an evil soul master. With a slight movement of her right hand, the soul power in her body moved rapidly, ready to attack at any time.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Qin Ze, I am from the Nine Treasures Glazed Tile School, and from Shrek Academy." Qin Ze introduced himself.

Hearing the name of the sect and the name of the academy, Ye Guyi was stunned for a moment, "Do you have any proof?"

Qin Ze didn't talk nonsense, and directly took out the school uniform from the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy. This school uniform is custom-made, and it is almost impossible for the outside world to imitate it.

In order to stabilize Ye Guyi, Qin Ze said again: "A school uniform doesn't mean anything, but your goal and mine are the same, to hunt down evil spirit masters."

The school uniform really didn't work, but Ye Guyi's eyes changed a bit when he heard Qin Ze say that they were all for hunting evil soul masters.

"Actually, if I really came to deal with you, you won't be able to escape." Qin Ze laughed.

Ye Guyi said indifferently: "You have to try it to know."

Although Qin Ze was tall, he would never look older than her. She didn't believe how strong the opponent was.

A dark blue light flashed across Qin Ze's eyes, and in an instant, two purple, one purple red, one black, two red, and one dark blue, seven soul rings rose from under his body.

An extremely terrifying aura instantly covered the entire courtyard, but Qin Ze sealed his aura in the area of ​​the courtyard and did not let it out, so there is no need to worry about alarming the surrounding residents.

The golden sacred light spreading from Ye Guyi's body receded to her body in an instant, and the light that could have been released had actually shrunk at this moment.

Her pretty face suddenly changed, and she exclaimed: "Soul Saint, a 10-year soul ring?"

Qin Ze looked at Ye Guyi and said, "Can you believe me now?"

Ye Guyi's eyes flickered, and he resisted the shock in his heart, "What do you want from me?"

"It's quite cold outside, why don't you go inside and talk?" Qin Ze smiled and said, he quickly withdrew his soul ring, and the trembling terror suppressed by this area disappeared in an instant.

Ye Guyi took a deep look at Qin Ze, then put away the soul ring, and opened the door, "Follow me."

Qin Ze followed.

Ye Guyi first turned on the light in the room, and when the light illuminated the dark room, she said casually, "You can find a sofa to sit on."

Qin Ze didn't intend to be polite either, and just sat down on the single sofa.

Ye Guyi glanced at him, "What would you like to drink?"

"Hot water is fine." Qin Ze looked at the living room of the house.

Ye Guyi nodded and left directly.

Pingfanmeng is a rich owner after all, and the house arranged for Ye Guyi is also very good. The overall decoration is more warm, the walls are even light pink, surrounded by several sofas, and a simple coffee table is placed on the In the middle of the living room, the top is empty.

After a while, Ye Guyi came back, put a steaming cup in front of Qin Ze, and sat down opposite Qin Ze.

"How do you know that my martial soul is a holy angel?" Ye Guyi was very puzzled, she had never released her martial soul during this period of time.

Qin Ze took a sip of water, and said casually: "It's nothing, I have a very keen sense of breath, you exposed your own breath when you made the soul tool in the ordinary winery, and I happened to be aware of this sacred breath. That's all."

Ye Guyi frowned and said, "This reason is too far-fetched."

Qin Ze glanced at her, and said: "Sacred attributes, there are only six types of martial spirits that can appear. Although these six types of martial arts carry sacred attributes, they are different in more detail. This is a common practice in Shrek Academy. There are records, and I analyzed it from here.”

When Ye Guyi heard this, he showed a dubious expression.

A smile appeared on the corner of Qin Ze's mouth, he really didn't say that nonsense, that's what Shrek Academy recorded.

He just used that record as a reason.

Ye Guyi barely believed Qin Ze's words, she asked curiously: "You said before that you are hunting evil soul masters just like me?"

Qin Ze nodded, his eyes were cold, "When I was young, nearly a hundred people were massacred by evil spirit masters in the village I lived in. From that day on, I decided that as long as I met evil spirit masters in the future, I would definitely not Let it go, there are dozens of evil soul masters who have died at my hands."

Ye Guyi noticed the change in Qin Ze's gaze, and she didn't say anything but asked, "What are you going to do with me this time? To cooperate or win?"

Qin Ze was a little surprised, he didn't expect Ye Guyi to say it directly.

"Win you." Qin Ze didn't talk nonsense.

Ye Guyi smiled, she shook her head and said: "To tell you the truth, the leader of the Pingfan League also planned to win me over, but unfortunately I refused, I am used to being alone."

"Are you alone? Where's your family?" Qin Ze didn't believe Ye Guyi's words. Didn't this guy in the original book join the Tang Sect?

When mentioning his family, the smile on Ye Guyi's face suddenly disappeared, and he said coldly: "My family members are all dead. People have been chasing me since I was a child. When I was 15 years old, my parents tried to protect me. I'm dead, killed by an enemy who doesn't know who it is."

"Sorry, I talked too much."

Hearing this, Qin Ze was still a little puzzled, but he didn't know how to speak. After all, the original book didn't mention Ye Guyi's background.

Ye Guyi shook her head, a trace of sadness flashed in her eyes, until today she doesn't know who killed her parents, and she can't even avenge her.

Suddenly, the living room fell silent.

After a while, Qin Ze was thinking about the problem, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he quickly asked: "Your spirit is a holy angel, so what is the relationship between you and Qian Renxue from the Spirit Hall thousands of years ago?"

"Qian Renxue can be regarded as my ancestor." Ye Guyi said it very casually, these things are not unreasonable things,
"But she is not my direct ancestor. My direct ancestor is the Ye family who belong to the same line of angels. When I was young, I heard from my parents that the ancestors of our Ye family were members of the church at first. The Hall of Souls was replaced, the Seraphim line was in charge of the Hall of Spirits, and our Ye Family followed their Qian Family."

"Later, we left the Hall of Spirits for some reason. As a member of Shrek, you should be very clear about it. Now I am the only one left in the holy angel line of the Ye family."

"Back then, the two empires never spared people from the Angel lineage. We killed people when we saw them. We wandered around like savages without a place to live. In the end, it ended completely after the Tiandou Empire split. We actually changed our surnames. After the pursuit, we changed back to the surname Ye, and with the arrival of the Sun Moon Empire, our ancestors moved to the Sun Moon Empire to settle down."

It all happened ten thousand years ago, thousands of years ago, and today it is like telling a story, Ye Guyi does not shy away from it.

This paragraph can be regarded as something that has never been recorded in history. Qin Ze still had a very strange feeling, but suddenly, Qin Ze was stunned.

Ye Guyi's parents were killed in order to protect her, but how can a child of Ye Guyi be remembered by the enemy and hunt her down?And tm started chasing and killing from a young age.

Qin Ze's eyes became serious, and he thought of something, maybe it was the reason why Ye Guyi was hunted down.


Yes, the Holy Angel Martial Soul is most likely the reason why she was hunted down.

Who else can hunt and kill this Wuhun in Douluo Continent?

That must be the "pure and clean" sea god.

Don't forget, just now Ye Guyi said that the latter two empires have not given up on chasing and killing people from the Angel line.

But this is just Qin Ze's guess, and we can't make a conclusion yet.

Ye Guyi glanced at Qin Ze. In fact, she talked quite a lot today. She hasn't had such a conversation with anyone for a long time. Maybe it's because Qin Ze took the initiative to guess her martial spirit, or it's because of other reasons. Otherwise, she would never have chatted so casually.

"It's getting late, I've made the soul tool for ten hours, I'm tired, you should leave too." Ye Guyi said wearily.

"If I can help you find the murderer who killed your parents, would you like to join the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile School?" Qin Ze asked.

Ye Guyi smiled and said: "Okay, don't use such words to trick me. I have traveled around the mainland all these years and didn't find it. How could you know? The matter of painting big cakes should be forgotten."

"The person who chased you, what is the spirit?" Qin Ze asked solemnly.

Ye Guyi was thinking of issuing an order to chase away guests, but seeing Qin Ze's serious expression, Ye Guyi hesitated, and she said slowly, "I only know two, namely starfish and seahorse."

Qin Ze's eyes froze, and he exclaimed in his heart: "It really is you, pure and pure."

 I still owe you ten chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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