Douluo's Dragon Yin Jiuxiao

Chapter 532 A Lingchi-like Death [6 words]

Chapter 532 Ling Chi's Death Like Death [[-] words]

Perhaps it was because the wraiths were tortured and killed too painfully during their lifetime. After they were purified and returned to their last sliver of wisdom, their revenge on the perpetrator Wang Xiaolei reached an astonishing level.

On the competition stage, Wang Xiaolei was torn into pieces by two hundred wraiths. His black robe became torn, with dark red blood seeping underneath. This scene looked scary, but he was killed If it is an evil soul master, then it is different.

The audience obviously also knew the origin of these resentful spirits, and the hatred for the evil soul master in their hearts was getting higher and higher. For a while, the words "killed well" came and went like waves.

On the rostrum, Zhongli Wu's face turned cloudy and uncertain, and he was now wondering what the blue-green light that Qin Ze possessed was there.

Divine attributes are clearly not.

The Thunder attribute is obviously not the same.

What else could it be?
"If this son is not dead, the future must be a serious problem for my Holy Spirit Cult." Zhongli Wu frowned and whispered in his heart.

As the person closest to the "demolition" scene, Qin Ze calmly watched the wraiths dismantling Wang Xiaolei. At this time, the wraiths seemed to have avenged their revenge, and illusory figures seemed to appear around them. They all expressed their deep gratitude to Qin Ze, and then quietly disappeared.

But suddenly, Qin Ze's heart skipped a beat, because invisibly, there seemed to be some kind of aura that merged into his spiritual sea and merged into the body of the green dragon.

Yes, Qinglong wants to grow into the third stage, relying on eliminating evil to obtain the energy of evolution. He saved the souls of two hundred people, which can be regarded as a reward.

Taking a last look at Wang Xiaolei's body, Qin Ze casually threw a mass of destructive energy over it. In an instant, a pitch-black light screamed and was completely eliminated. It was Wang Xiaolei's soul.

After doing all this, Qin Ze looked directly at Bupo Douluo.

Bupo Douluo quickly announced: "In the second round of the individual knockout round, Shrek Academy won."

The announcement of the results instantly ignited the passion of the audience, killed two evil soul masters in a row, and made these evil soul masters feel pain. This kind of process is the most refreshing from the bottom of my heart.

Qin Ze walked aside indifferently. His soul power consumption was not serious, or even negligible. The main reason was that he used a lot of the power of the green dragon and the power of destruction to fight. This thing consumes mental power to control.

Bupo Douluo took a few more glances at Qin Ze, but he didn't expect him to be very good at dealing with the evil spirit master. The two battles were extremely easy, and both of them left the evil soul master with no bones left. That's fine too.

Everyone in the Holy Spirit Sect's battle zone stood up at the same time, and the young man who was the captain stared at Qin Ze with cold eyes.

"Zheng Dashu, come on." Scorpion Tiger Douluo's voice was cold.

Hearing the shout, a young man in the Holy Spirit Religion battle area walked quickly into the competition stage.

He was about 1.8 meters tall, and the place not covered by the black robe was as dry as a dead tree, and his skin was even more dry and cracked into countless lumps.

After walking not far from Zheng Zhan, he slowly took off the hood on his head. In an instant, a face with only a mouth and eyes was revealed in front of everyone, even his eyes were still pitch black. It seems that there are no eyeballs.

This scene immediately frightened countless audiences, because the picture on the light guide screen happened to be enlarged a lot, and the appearance of this person could be seen more clearly.

Zheng Dashu stared at Qin Ze with dark eyes, and a dark red light flashed strangely in the dark eyes. If ordinary people were stared at by such eyes, they would probably be a little timid before fighting.

However, Qin Ze only had one thing on his mind, and that was how to deal with him.

Bupo Douluo said in a deep voice, "Both sides report their names to each other."

"Shrek Academy, Qin Ze."

"Holy Spirit Sect, Zheng Dashu."

When Bupo Douluo heard that this evil soul master had the same surname as his own, he immediately felt unlucky, and he hurriedly said, "Both sides stand back and wait for the password."

Qin Ze turned around and left without delay.

Zheng Dashu also retreated, but he kept staring at the floor strangely, as if he was thinking about something.

Soon, the two sides came to the designated place to stand.

The audience outside had quieted down, but everyone wanted to see how Qin Ze would deal with this Zheng Dashu.

Qin Ze suddenly thought of one thing. He had already won two games in a row. If he had another game, it would mean that the team battle could start.

Subconsciously, Qin Ze glanced at his hands, as if a special idea had condensed in his heart.

"The game begins." Bupo Douluo didn't give Qin Ze a chance to continue thinking.

"Shua." Zheng Dashu quickly prepared an invincible shield to prevent Qin Ze from attacking. At the same time, he made an extremely hoarse voice. In the next second, two yellow, two purple, and two black soul rings came from It was released from his body, and at the same time he chose to possess the martial soul.

The moment the spirit possessed him, his fifth spirit ring also shone.

A strange thing happened. A lot of dark red mist appeared from Zheng Dashu's body. His original human body gradually twisted, and finally turned into a four-meter-high tree with countless branches.

This big tree is completely like a dead tree, and the whole is dark red, but if it is like this, obviously it will not give people a strange sense, but at the same time as the big tree is formed, the center of the trunk of the big tree , a grimace stood out impressively.

The dark red airflow permeating around the big tree all shrank to the claw-like branches, and after a while, the branches condensed into sarcomas-like balls.

These tumor-like meat balls quickly fell off to the ground, and then merged into the alloy floor and disappeared.

Qin Ze's eyes flashed, and he whispered, "Corrosion of the Ghost Tree Martial Soul?"

After Zheng Dashu activated the Martial Soul Possession, the ghost face above the main trunk stared at Qin Ze. Under his control, the fleshy balls that melted into the alloy floor completely dispersed. In the end, countless tentacle-like branches moved toward They gathered around where Qin Ze was.

The movement under the floor could not escape Qin Ze's perception. He was well aware of the defect of the Corroded Ghost Tree Martial Soul, that is, when facing enemies in the air, all attack methods would be relatively weak.

"Shua." In an instant, a pair of incomparably pitch-black wings protruded out of Qin Ze's back. With the appearance of the wings, the surrounding light instantly dimmed a lot. When the wings moved, Qin Ze was taken into the air.

And the moment he flew into the air, countless tentacles protruded from where he was originally standing. The tops of these tentacles were extremely sharp, like spikes, and there was a little bit of dark red corrosive poison on them.

Zheng Dashu never expected that Qin Ze's perception was so fast that he could detect the movement under the floor, which also disrupted his layout.

But thinking about it, Zheng Dashu didn't panic, the first soul ring on his body suddenly lit up, and in an instant, gas with corrosive properties leaked out from the dry and cracked bark on his body, hiding his body in the in.

The area covered by these gases exceeded hundreds of square meters, and it was extremely dense, as if his mental strength was not strong, it would be impossible to find his exact location.

But unfortunately, Qin Ze's mental strength is really strong, at least stronger than Zheng Dashu imagined.

In the sky, Qin Ze's left leg had already condensed an incomparably thick black streamer. It was dark around him because of the appearance of the wings of the dark devil tiger, but with the activation of the soul skill of the left leg bone of the devil killer whale, it became even darker. .

"Not good." In the corrosive gas, Zheng Dashu's heart trembled, but he remembered this move, that Xiao Hongchen didn't dare to be careless in the face of this move.

Thinking in his heart, Zheng Dashu quickly manipulated the dense tentacles under the floor to combine them in the floor under his feet. With a "boom", an extremely thick tentacle branch protruded from the floor like a giant python, and headed into the air. Qin Ze hit him.

At the same moment, Qin Ze moved, and made a kicking motion with his left leg. In an instant, a huge dark battle ax pierced the sky and fell towards the ground suddenly.

The space along the road seemed to be split, with countless cracks like spider webs.

"Swish" a smooth cutting sound suddenly sounded in mid-air, and it was the thick tentacles colliding with the dark battle axe.

But the 8-year-level spirit bone skills can be resisted just by resisting?

Soon, within the speed visible to the naked eye, the thick tentacle branches were torn apart from the middle area, and the corrosive gas contained inside did not affect the fall of the battle ax in the slightest, and finally the battle ax roared and fell to the ground.

"Boom..." There was an astonishing roar in the thick dark red corrosive gas, and all the corrosive gas was torn apart by the sharp aura carried by the dark battle axe, turning into nothingness.

The battle ax left an extremely deep cut mark in the middle area, as if the competition platform had been chopped into pieces, with a large number of cracks appearing.

However, the place that was originally covered by corrosive gas has a strange dark red luster, which is obviously extremely severely corroded.

Everyone stared wide-eyed and looked over, wondering if the evil soul master on the field was dead or not.

But where the cut marks appeared, there was no trace of the evil soul master, only the broken competition platform.

What about people?

The audience thought in puzzlement.

But in the next second, where Qin Ze was originally standing, dark red gas spread out from under the floor strangely. Finally, when the dark red gas dispersed, the intact figure of Zheng Dashu's martial soul appeared there.

And on his body, the third ranked soul ring is flickering, this move is his only life-saving soul skill, called ghost tree hiding shape, as long as it is attacked by him, it will leave a mark The same point, as long as he continues to use the third soul ability, he can complete the transfer.

The corroded ghost tree does not exist in the world of soul beasts. He is a mutated martial soul. The real ghost tree soul beasts only live in the demon forest in the Sun Moon Empire. Countless evil spirit masters have long recorded these special mutant spirits in books, so Qin Ze knows them.

Zheng Dashu glanced at the place where he was standing, and his whole body became numb. Everything over there was destroyed by the tomahawk. If it really fell on him, his whole body would be destroyed Instantly shredded.

Qin Ze in the air turned around slowly. He was not surprised that Zheng Dashu dodged the attack of the shadow battle axe, but the soul skill of transferring the body, the cultivation base of the soul emperor, had a relatively long cooling time, a total of 2 minutes. In other words, Zheng Dashu no longer has the soul skill to save his life.

Zheng Dashu obviously also knew his current embarrassment, the first and sixth spirit rings on his body lit up at the same time.

Once again, a large amount of corrosive gas emerged from the bark, which also covered his figure. At the same time, an incomparably sharp howling sound erupted from the gas. In an instant, densely packed tentacles flew towards the sky like chains. Qin Ze.

But no matter how far these tentacles flew, they all shattered. Immediately, ghosts flew out with claws and claws. If you look carefully, the number may exceed one hundred.

In the competition stage, the laughter and screams brought by the ghost were spread all over in an instant.

There seems to be some kind of psychedelic in these voices, and people may be tricked at any time.

The sixth soul skill is full of ghosts.

In the outside world, most people were surprised. The picture of Qin Ze easily solving the wraith appeared in front of everyone's eyes. How dare this Zheng Dashu use this move?

Of course Zheng Dashu knew that these ghosts were not resentful spirits. These ghosts were cultivated by him from the blood of ordinary people who had been killed combined with his own soul power.

If it is said that the big trees in nature need the nourishment of rain, then the spirit of the ghost tree needs the nourishment of blood to grow, and the same is true for Zheng Dashu.

Since the day he awakened his martial soul, he has never drank a sip of water, and all he drank was blood.

These ghosts have 50.00% immunity to physical attacks, and the same is true for soul attacks. Ghosts will not actively attack, but will continue to launch mental shocks to stimulate the mind of the attacked. Once the person let go of the defense , the ghosts will instantly rush up to eat the attacked body.

At that time, life or death depends entirely on one's own luck.

Of course, the ghost image also has the ability to corrode, once it is bitten, the consequences can be imagined.

Looking at the ghosts around him, Qin Ze didn't care about the psychedelic voices coming from his ears. The spiritual power at the peak of the Lingyuan realm could have made him ignore these mental attacks long ago.

To be honest, he doesn't like the operation of killing these evil soul masters in an instant. In this case, these evil soul masters will make too much money.

Only torture is the most suitable method for them.

Thinking about it, the first and second soul rings on Qin Ze's body lit up one after another, and his aura suddenly rose sharply. At the same time, there was a faint flash of thunder and lightning.

And on his right hand, eight whirling blades condensed, and the howling cold wind brought by the rapidly rotating blades blew Qin Ze's clothes.

He glanced at the corrosive gas below, and with a wave of his right hand, the blade instantly left his palm and flew directly into the corrosive gas. During the flight, the volume also increased, and finally each blade had a diameter of two about ten centimeters.

What's even more palpitating is that the blade also has the power of thunder and lightning, so the restraint of thunder and lightning against evil soul masters is naturally unnecessary.

A very strange picture then appeared in the eyes of the audience.

Qin Ze was suspended in the air without moving, surrounded by scary ghosts shaking, but no matter how the ghosts moved, Qin Ze didn't move, and the ghosts didn't attack, as if they were in a stalemate.

But when the audience couldn't figure it out, there was a change in the corrosive gas on the ground.

Zheng Dashu was expecting his strongest soul skills to cause harm to Qin Ze, but before the picture he thought of appeared, he felt a palpitation coming from him.

Turning his gaze, his pupils shrank immediately, and he saw that the dark red corrosive gas released around him was being crushed by some unknown existence, and it was getting closer and closer to his position.

After seeing it clearly, I realized that it turned out to be a pair of blades carrying lightning.

Before he had time to react, there was a sharp pain in his body. The blade seemed to be intentional, focusing on the branches on his body, and a large number of branches were cut off in an instant.

And when the power of thunder and lightning on the blade also attacked Zheng Dashu's body, it directly clung to him. For a moment, the upright aura of thunder and lightning made him flustered.

But if Zheng Dashu wants to move, he can only do it if he undoes the spirit possession, but this is the biggest flaw of the spirit that corrodes the ghost tree. The difficulty for plant spirits to grow is that he cannot move around. I was almost killed because of this, and one can imagine the troublesomeness of this defect.

The main body was attacked, and the corrosive gas that was still spewing out from Zheng Dashu's body was cut off at once, the second soul ring on his body lit up, and the skin of his whole body became extremely tough, like steel.

When the blade cuts on it, there will only be harsh friction sounds, and even sparks will jump away.

In the sky, Qin Ze glanced impatiently at the ghosts around him. A dark blue aura of destruction suddenly erupted from his body, enveloping the ghosts in an instant, and then with a thought, the aura of destruction directly engulfed the ghosts. Hundreds of ghosts were completely destroyed.

This surprised the evil soul masters in the Holy Spirit Sect's battle zone. Zheng Dashu's sixth soul ability was so powerful that even they didn't dare to rely on it. Why was it broken so easily?
Scorpion Tiger Douluo said coldly: "His spiritual power is very strong, ignoring the confusion of ghosts, I am afraid that many soul masters at the Contra level are not as strong as his spiritual power. And the dark blue breath should be An extremely rare destructive attribute."

"What?" Everyone was shocked.

"The corrosive gas has dissipated, Zheng Dashu is in trouble." The leader of the Holy Spirit Sect frowned and shouted.

The rest of the people all looked over.

At this moment, everyone could see that the corrosive gas on the competition stage dissipated and became very thin. Slowly, Zheng Dashu's figure and the blade cutting his body were revealed.

There are a lot of branches scattered under Zheng Dashu's body, and there are traces of being cut on his body, "Bang bang bang" Zheng Dashu keeps making the strengthened branches counterattack the attacking blade .

The entanglement of the blade really annoyed him to the extreme. If the martial spirit was removed and transformed into a human body, he could hide, but if the blade could not be broken in time, subsequent counterattacks would be a problem. The toughness of this thing completely surpassed his imagination.

But when Zheng Dashu fought back against the whirling blade, Qin Ze raised his left hand at some point, and the third soul ring on his body also flashed.

A purple-red vortex wave erupted from Qin Ze's left hand. These waves dimmed the surrounding light a bit, and countless purple-red streamers flickered.

The vortex fluctuations instantly covered Zheng Dashu's body, and the body that was still counterattacking the blade was suddenly shaken, and his body that was deep in place was sucked up abruptly by a terrifying suction force, and finally he was suspended above the ground two meters away.

"What's going on?" Zheng Dashu exclaimed. When he noticed Qin Ze, he was shocked. Why did he lose his sixth soul ability?
But the feeling of being off the ground made him rush to fight back, but Zheng Dashu was horrified to find that the soul power in his body was blocked by an inexplicable force and could not function at all.

And the second soul ability he had released was also rapidly dissipating, and the originally hardened skin gradually became fragile.

At this moment, several whistling sounds came, and Zheng Dashu's heart shook. He was familiar with this sound, it was the sound of blades spinning.

"Shua." The second after the sound came, Zheng Dashu's eyes suddenly widened. The branches formed by his right and left hands had been cut off, and dark red blood spurted out from the neat gaps.


A piercing pain quickly spread throughout his body, but he had no ability to resist, because he was being pulled continuously by the Soul Devouring Sealing Demon Slash.

"Shua Shua." Immediately afterwards, more blades rushed up, and in a blink of an eye, all the branches on Zheng Dashu's body were cut off, making him look like a bare stake.

The screams kept coming from Zheng Dashu's mouth.

The audience collectively exclaimed, this way of killing is like executing Ling Chi to death.

This is really...

It's so cool to watch, that's what you should do to deal with evil soul masters.

"Is the referee dead?" Scorpion Tiger Douluo stared angrily.

On the side of the competition stage, Bupo Douluo noticed Zhongliwu's icy eyes on the rostrum. He knew that he should make a move to end the competition, but before he did, he transmitted his soul power to Qin Ze in advance, "Boy, hurry up and solve it!" , I'm going to terminate the game."

A smile flashed across the corner of Qin Ze's mouth. Just at this time, the vortex fluctuations disappeared. Zheng Dashu could already feel that the soul power in his body could be activated. He hurriedly wanted to release the invincible shield and admit defeat at the same time. Anyway, if his hand is broken, he can reattach it. But if you die, you will lose a lot.

But Qin Ze would not give him this chance, the sword energy damage of the second stage of Soul Eater Sealing Demon Slash came suddenly.

A huge purplish-red sword energy slashed at him fiercely. In an instant, Zheng Dashu hadn't shouted out yet, and his whole body had already perished in the sword energy, leaving no bones left.

Just at this time, Bupo Douluo came to Zheng Dashu's original location, and the rescue was unsuccessful.

Zheng Dashu died.

The wings on Qin Ze's back gradually brought him back to the ground.

 Tomorrow, I will see if I can end the semi-finals. My cousin is getting married, and I am going to help blow up balloons and decorate the room. Let me tell you in advance. If there are fewer updates later, I am really sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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