Douluo's Dragon Yin Jiuxiao

Chapter 599 Ditian: It doesn't matter, I will make a move

Chapter 599 Ditian: It doesn't matter, I will make a move


Nangong Wan, who was acting with Qin Ze, received Qin Ze's instructions. He also knew about the death of the three priests. On the surface, he repelled Qin Ze with a blow, and then roared. Without any hesitation, he retreated first, and his figure flashed , away quickly.

The rest of the elders of the Holy Spirit Cult who were being entangled by the three Shrek elders did not delay either, and retreated quickly after performing a powerful attack each.

The three elders only stopped him symbolically, and then let him go. However, three of the original seven elders of the Holy Spirit Sect were still dead.

It was the three people titled Worm, Ghost Dog, and Underworld Fire. Speaking of which, they were promoted to the elders of the Holy Spirit Cult not long ago, but their plan failed and they died completely.

Seeing their figures going away, Qin Ze turned his gaze, looked in the direction where Di Yueli was, and said, "Three elders, let's go over and see the situation first."

"Okay." Hearing this, Chen and the elders nodded one after another.

Then the four quickly rushed to the valley where the fierce battle was taking place at another location.

When they arrived at the valley, they could see corpses lying on the grass all over the ground. Most of the corpses of the evil soul masters looked extremely miserable, with some broken limbs and some broken bones.I'm afraid the number is more than one hundred.

Qin Ze's gaze caught sight of Di Yueli who was waving the Golden Dragon Spear in an instant. The latter's fighting spirit had reached its peak at the moment. Every time he stabbed out, a large number of spear shadows would be released. Can't escape the fate of being pierced.

The loud dragon chant spread in the valley.

"Death." Di Yueli yelled coquettishly, and a golden dragon's light and shadow flew out of her hand with a long spear, directly strangling and killing the five evil soul masters around.

Not far from Di Yueli were Jing Ziyan and Ji Juechen.

Jing Ziyan carried a large number of soul guide ray tubes on her body, like a nozzle, and the densely packed soul guide rays were shot out by her. In terms of suppression force, it was no less than Di Yueli.

Some weak evil soul masters will be pierced by rays if they are not paying attention, and then they will be slashed by Ji Juechen's sword.


Just after Di Yueli shot and killed an evil soul master who was cultivated by the Soul Sect, a "dead corpse" suddenly moved seven or eight meters away from her, her eyes were bloodshot, like a ghost, and a pair of black hands were thrown out. Bloodclaw attacks with a bloody smell.

"Yueli." Jing Ziyan hurriedly reminded.

Di Yueli frowned, she didn't expect that there would be someone who faked her death to sneak attack, she was just about to smash the blood claw with a punch, suddenly, a cold blade flew from nowhere, directly chopped the blood claw, At the same time, it cut the sneak attacking evil soul master in half.

Di Yueli looked back abruptly, and immediately smiled, "Did you solve it?"

Qin Ze flew to Di Yueli's side, nodded, and said with a smile: "It's settled, the three major priests of the Holy Spirit Sect have been killed, and three elders have also been killed."

A trace of regret flashed across Di Yueli's pretty face, "Those people didn't come."

Qin Ze knew that Di Yueli was referring to the strong man of the Sea God family, so he was helpless, but let's forget it if he didn't come, he was going to the Dou Ling Empire when the time came, don't forget, there are two Sea Gods there The powerhouses of the family are all at the level of super douluo.

"How's it going, did you kill quickly?" Qin Ze looked at Ji Juechen, who was holding the sword of judgment and full of sharp sword intent.

Ji Juechen smiled and said: "Satisfied, this is more enjoyable than competing with other students."

Jing Ziyan rubbed her shoulders, "Don't mention it, I'm exhausted, there are too many evil soul masters, and each soul skill is more strange than the other."

Ji Juechen took back the sword of judgment with a smile, walked behind her, and began to massage her. Jing Ziyan immediately accepted it cheerfully.

"Where are they?" Qin Ze didn't see Ma Xiaotao and Beibei.

Di Yueli explained: "On the other side, I guess we should be able to keep about four or five hundred evil soul masters this time."

Qin Ze nodded, "It's over here, let's go there together, the three elders and teachers have already rushed over."

"Okay." Several people agreed, and then mobilized their soul power to leave the place quickly, leaving only a dilapidated grassland full of corpses.

"Hey." A high-pitched phoenix sounded, and a huge flame phoenix flew outside the valley, and a large number of phoenix flames poured down, burning all the evil soul masters, and the air was full of burnt flames. Smell.

This time Ma Xiaotao had a blast, with a powerful burst of soul skills, the evil soul masters who forced her to fight back had no choice but to passively defend and be beaten.

But it is not Ma Xiaotao who fears the evil soul master the most, but Ye Guyi who is holding the angel sword. When this girl's sacred attribute is facing the evil soul master, her power will increase several times. Any evil soul master who is hit by an attack , the sacred flame will always stick to the body and burn, and it can't be shaken off at all.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ye Guyi's soul power level has reached level 73, and he even has some soul power to absorb later.

As for Beibei and Tang Ya, the two couples work together perfectly. Although Tang Ya's attack power is not particularly strong, she wins by surprise. With the help of Beibei's main attack, she also solved a lot of evil soul masters. .

The five ninth-level soul instructors of the Sun Moon Empire were also smart. They chose Contra evil soul masters to fight, so that the Shrek students could fight easily without the threat of Contra.

With the defeat of the battle, the surviving evil spirit masters also knew that if they didn't escape, they might all stay here, so facing the hot pursuit, they didn't hesitate at all, and they all chose to escape quickly. The angry Ma Xiaotao didn't even know Who should be chased and killed.

While the evil soul masters were running around like wild monkeys, no one knew that just outside the valley area, five figures approached quietly.

The leader has aqua-blue hair, a cold temperament, and extremely attractive eyes. People with weaker strength may get lost under such eyes.

"It seems that they have already started a fight. As expected, Hai Longfu guessed correctly, and the actions of the Holy Spirit Cult have been seen through long ago." Haiwan Douluo frowned and looked at the other side of the valley, he saw the rising flames, They also saw Ma Xiaotao who was killing all directions.

As a water attribute soul master, he doesn't like fire attribute soul masters very much.

"Shall we go over and help?" A slender, pale and handsome Douluo with the title of the Sea God family asked.

Haiwang Douluo's eyes were deep, and he said: "It is the greatest benefit for us to have more people from the Holy Spirit Cult to die, so that they will rely on us more, and the patriarch has given orders, unless we find someone who is a threat to the Lord. Otherwise, I would never take the initiative to help the Holy Spirit teach.”

"Yes." The Seagod Family Titled Douluo who asked the question earlier replied respectfully.

Just as Hai Wang Douluo was talking to this titled Douluo, the voice of another titled Douluo sounded, he was surprised at first, and then very pleasantly surprised, "Prince Hai Wang, that person seems to be Hai Long Enshrining the goals passed down to us,"

As soon as these words came out, the bodies of the other four people on the scene shook suddenly. Sea Delusion Douluo turned his eyes and stared at the fighting area. Soon he saw several streamers flying towards him. One of them had a pair of The black wings and its appearance are exactly the target passed down by the family.

Seeing this, Sea Delusion Douluo immediately became short of breath, he almost couldn't hold back and went up to kill this person, not even him, but the other four.

You know, the family has given out great rewards. Once you kill the target, you will get a full set of god-bestowed soul bones. That's a set, not a piece.

Not to mention that the status in the family will rise in a straight line, second only to the patriarch.

"No, let's retreat for a certain distance first, there are too many strong men around the target." Only then did Sea Delusion Douluo notice that hundreds of meters above the battlefield, there are still many strong men whose aura is no worse than him , in order to avoid being exposed, he hurriedly ordered.

The other four people are not fools, they naturally know the advantages and disadvantages. First, they each put on a crystal-like card necklace. For a while, the breath of the whole body was covered, and then the body moved backwards, away from this place.

When the last evil soul master who hadn't escaped was killed, this plan was successfully concluded.

The three major priests of the Holy Spirit Church, the three elders were killed, and at least 500 of the [-] evil spirit masters died. It can be said that the loss is heavy. Even if the Holy Spirit Church can create new evil soul masters in an assembly line, it is definitely It hurts.

"It's cool."

Ma Xiaotao canceled her spirit avatar form, and returned to the grass, her cold face was full of excitement, in front of her were all Shrek's colleagues, and everyone was smiling at the moment.

To be honest, I have been in the monitoring group for so long, and this is the first time I have killed an evil soul master so happily.

Ye Guyi nodded to Qin Ze, saying nothing else, she just made a profit. Not only did she take this opportunity to directly improve her cultivation by one level, but more importantly, the power accumulated in her body was enough for her to go back to refining and then The breakthrough was made, thanks to Qin Ze's willingness to bring her along.

"It seems that you have all gained something." Elder Song, Du Bushi, and Xiao Kuangdao fell from the sky. In fact, the three of them had already arrived, but they just stayed in the air and watched without making a move.

"Old Song." Ma Xiaotao laughed and hugged Elder Song's arm.

Elder Song stretched out his hand and tapped Ma Xiaotao's brow, and then smiled and appreciated Bei Bei and the others.

"Everyone, what's the next arrangement?" Starry Sky Douluo and the other four ninth-level soul engineers flew to the battlefield outside the valley.

Here, a bunch of people are standing.

Qin Ze said in a deep voice: "The matter has been resolved, let's go back to Mingdu to discuss."

Starry Sky Douluo has completely convinced Qin Ze at this moment. You must know that the more people killed by the Holy Spirit, the better it is for his country, and the safer the common people of the empire will be.

The implementation of these plans was all constructed by Qin Ze. Without Qin Ze controlling the second elder of the Holy Spirit Sect, no one would know about today's plan. I'm afraid that when the time comes, the evil emperor will obtain the Blue Silver Emperor and launch a direct attack on Mingdu. Even if the attack can be blocked, who can guarantee that it will not be damaged.

"It's possible." Starry Sky Douluo nodded in agreement.

Elder Song also nodded.

Soon, the group first dispersed the flames in the valley, and then returned to Mingdu quickly.

Wild fire, in spring.The valley area, which was originally like a paradise, has been destroyed a lot, but the flowers and plants will grow back in a short time.

After waiting for everyone to leave, the Seagod family and his party, who were far away from the valley, reappeared.

Hai Duan Douluo looked thoughtful, "Let's go back too, and tell Hai Long about this as soon as possible. With the exact location of the target, we won't be considered as headless chickens."

"Yes." The four titled Douluo of the Sea God family behind said in unison.

"Haixuan enshrines, and the inheritor of the God of Angels is also here, so why don't we clean it up together?"

"Let's go back and talk about it. The target that the Lord named to kill is the most important thing."


Not long after, the five quickly returned to the way they came.

However, when they left, they didn't notice that the space squirmed slightly at a height of a thousand meters in the valley, and then subsided.



Inside the Sun Moon Palace, Xu Fu was dealing with state affairs, but he was shocked when he heard the good news from Jing Hongchen.

"Annihilate hundreds of evil soul masters of the Holy Spirit Cult in one fell swoop, including the three major priests and elders?" Xu Fu stared at Jing Hongchen who was slightly bowing in amazement.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Jing Hongchen didn't dare to delay, and quickly explained, "Xingkong Priest and the elder from Shrek Academy are returning to Mingdu, the distance is not far away, and I just received the soul power communication from Xingkong Priest. "

Xu Fu looked overjoyed, "Okay, this time it can be regarded as a serious injury to the Holy Spirit Sect, Hall Master Hongchen, you give orders, I will go to meet them in person."

"I obey." Jing Hongchen responded, turned around and left the imperial study.

Standing on the steps, Xu Fu shook his head and sighed slightly.

On the other side, the people who had obtained the flight qualification were not locked by Mingdu's air defense system, and entered Mingdu city very casually.

In order not to affect the public, after receiving Xu Fu's order, Star Douluo secretly went deep into the Ming capital and went straight to the imperial palace.

But, Qin Ze and Di Yueli temporarily separated from Song Lao and the others on the way. After all, the soul beast hadn't left yet, so he had to go there.

As for Xiao Kuangdao and Du Bushi, they also didn't go, they went to Jiubao Hotel to drink and eat meat.

In the Mingyue Hotel, in the conference room, a group of people sat casually.

"This time, I will trouble you seniors."

With a smile on the corner of Qin Ze's mouth, he bowed his hands to the people in front of him.

They were none other than Ditian, Bi Ji, Xiong Jun, Wan Yao King, and the Blue Silver Emperor who sat shivering and dared not speak.

The Scarlet King didn't come, he was kept by Ditian in the Star Dou Forest...

"You're welcome, but thanks to your help, the strength of life in our Star Dou Great Forest is now several times stronger than before, and with your self-condensing soul ring method, there are far fewer people coming to hunt and kill soul beasts now. , Speaking of it, you are still our benefactor." Wan Yao Wang replied with a smile.

Just as Qin Ze was about to say something, Ditian's tone became serious, "When I was in that valley today, I found a group of people, neither from the evil soul master nor from your side."

Hearing this, the smile on Qin Ze's face froze.Even Di Yueli who was beside her suddenly thought of something, her beautiful eyes widened and she stared at Di Tian, ​​she said: "Could it be..."

Brigitte said: "If there is no accident, it should be the people from the Sea God family that you specifically told us to pay attention to. There are five people in total, all of whom are at the Title Douluo level among you humans."

"This group of people is cautious. Maybe they noticed that there are many strong people following you, so they didn't act rashly."

Qin Ze frowned. He thought that the Sea God Clan didn't come, but they did. He just didn't attack him because he was worried about his lack of strength.

Di Yueli's beautiful eyes fell on Qin Ze, and she said in a condensed voice: "Since you have been listed by them as the target to kill, they have no chance to attack this time, but it also means that they will definitely come back to make trouble in the future. It's troublesome."

Qin Ze nodded, and he knew this very well. Now the enemy is in the dark, but he is in the light.

"Don't worry." Di Tian said.

Qin Ze and Di Yueli turned their eyes to Di Tian.The latter smiled and said, "This time, I didn't plan to just go back so casually. We plan to spend more time in your human world."

Hearing this, Qin Ze frowned, and said in astonishment, "Senior."

Di Tian smiled and said: "If that person from the Sea God family wants to kill you, I will do it."


(End of this chapter)

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