Douluo's Dragon Yin Jiuxiao

Chapter 650 Eliminate 1 thing related to Sea God, Qin Ze's beheading plan

Chapter 650 Eliminate everything related to Sea God, Qin Ze's beheading plan
However, when everyone returned to the martial arts arena collectively, they met Yan Shaozhe standing there with his hands behind his back.

"Teacher?" Ma Xiaotao called out in surprise.

Yan Shaozhe glanced at the crowd with a smile. As a level 97 Super Douluo, except for Qin Ze and Di Yueli who couldn't see through him, he could clearly perceive the changes in the rest of the people.

That is a kind of improvement in cultivation.

"I'm here to wait for Aze." Yan Shaozhe looked at Qin Ze, "Aze, come with me to the Sea God Pavilion. We need to hold a meeting to decide on something."

Hearing this, Qin Ze frowned, "Okay."

Soon, Qin Ze and Yan Shaozhe left the martial arts arena together, while everyone separated temporarily to go about their own affairs.

As for Ma Xiaotao, probably because of her soaring cultivation base, she directly dragged Di Yueli to a duel. Ye Guyi had nothing to do anyway, so she just stood by and acted as a spectator.

When he arrived at the Sea God Pavilion, Qin Ze glanced over, only to see that most of the bosses had already taken their seats, and there were almost 15 of them. Of course, they didn't finish.

"Sit down." Elder Mu glanced at Qin Ze with a gentle tone.

Under the gazes of the elders, Qin Ze sat calmly in his seat. In fact, he was still a little confused at the moment and didn't know what the meeting was specifically discussing.

Immediately afterwards, Elder Mu spoke, and he said: "The content of this meeting mainly has three aspects. First, there is news that the Holy Spirit Sect has sent a large number of evil soul masters to infiltrate the major cities of the Sun Moon Empire to destroy , the current civilian death toll has reached tens of thousands, I need to see what everyone thinks, whether the academy should send some strong men to help the Sun Moon Empire."

Hearing that tens of thousands of civilians died, everyone's eyes turned cold in an instant.

"Secondly, from now on, the Sea God Pavilion and Sea God Lake will be renamed."

"Thirdly, regarding the definition of an evil soul master, what type of person is a real evil soul master, we need to renegotiate this point."

After the three questions, everyone present looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Old Mu, send someone to the Sun Moon Empire to help, does the royal family know about it?" Elder Xuan asked.

"This news was sent to us by the Sun and Moon Imperial Family." Elder Mu replied.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. It stands to reason that the internal strength of the Sun Moon Empire is also extremely powerful, and the soul masters are quite powerful. Although it is not easy to face evil soul masters, they definitely do not need support That's right.

Elder Mu seemed to see everyone's puzzlement, and explained: "The Sea Soul Empire has assembled hundreds of thousands of troops on the border, and at the same time mobilized countless military supplies. Currently, it even launches attacks on the border of the Sun Moon Empire from time to time. Clearly a large-scale war is not far away."

"The evil soul masters taught by the Holy Spirit are responsible for making trouble for the Sun Moon Empire. If the Sun Moon Empire wants to completely destroy this group of unpredictable evil soul masters, or send people to guard the city to prevent riots, it is necessary There are quite a lot of people, so this will cause their strength on the border to be weakened, and this has fallen into the trick of the Holy Spirit."

"Don't forget, the Sea Soul Empire is a split part of the Sun Moon Empire. They dare not use weapons of mass destruction to counterattack the Sea Soul Empire's army, because even if the Sun Moon Empire wins in the future, it will be almost impossible for them to regain the hearts of the people. It’s also impossible.”

"At this time, the Sea Soul Empire will be able to carry out a protracted war with the Sun Moon Empire perfectly, and even with the help of the powerful combat power of the high-level inside the Holy Spirit Cult, it can attack the Sun Moon Empire from time to time and cause great damage, so the Sun Moon Empire often Discuss and decide to ask us for help."

After Elder Mu finished his speech, everyone present immediately understood.

"Old Mu, when are we going to leave?" Qin Ze's heart ignited a flame. He has already reached Super Douluo. It's time to seek revenge from the Holy Spirit Cult. It is difficult for outsiders to find the Holy Spirit Cult's residence. He doesn't have this aspect troubles.

Elder Mu glanced at Qin Ze, knowing that he was in a hurry, but he didn't let it go, and said directly: "Five days later, I plan to send six people to the Sun Moon Empire to help, and these six people must be Super Douluo. I have already arranged the selection of personnel, and it depends on whether you are willing to go there."

"Of course I am willing." Elder Song said with cold eyes. For the disgust of evil soul masters, Elder Song is absolutely at the forefront of all the elders in Shrek, because her husband was severely injured by the evil soul master, which caused his death. fall.

The elders and several deans nodded in agreement with what Elder Song said.

Elder Mu nodded slightly, "Since this is the case, the plan to support the Sun Moon Empire has been finalized. Then there is the second aspect, the name change of the Sea God Pavilion and Sea God Lake."

As for this problem, it can be said to be big or small. The big one will alarm countless powerful forces, and the small one will not attract the attention of any ordinary people.

As for why the name was changed, it must be attributed to this incident of the Dou Ling Empire's Sea God family.

"How about changing the name of Sea God Pavilion to Golden Pavilion and Sea God Lake to Shrek Lake?" Qin Ze said tentatively, "The place we are in is within the ancient golden tree, why not use it as a name? As for Shrek Lake, what I was thinking of was the name of the academy. The ancient golden tree has made the academy's world so full of vitality, we should have publicized it to the outside world."

Qin Ze's proposal made everyone's eyes brighten. In fact, in the past few days, they also thought about changing the name to be more pleasant, but they were afraid that it would not be suitable. Although Qin Ze's proposal did not sound particularly domineering, it was just right. It corresponds to the name of the college and the ancient golden tree.

"I think it's feasible." Qian Duoduo spoke louder, and immediately agreed with Qin Ze's proposal.

"Second." Elder Lin, Elder Xuan and Yan Shaozhe also nodded.

"What do you think?" Elder Mu turned to look at the rest of the elders.

"Yes..." All the elders smiled and nodded.

Elder Mu chuckled softly: "In this case, from now on, whether it is the martial soul department or the soul guidance department, we will vigorously promote the renamed Golden Pavilion and Shrek Lake. From then on, any existence related to Seagod, we must Remove them one by one."

"From this day on, Shrek will completely abandon the past."

These words carried a lot of weight, except for Qin Ze, everyone couldn't help but feel a little dignified.

"Then, the next step is the third aspect. What do you think of the definition of an evil soul master?" Elder Mu continued immediately.

In fact, the current definition of evil soul master is very messy. The name evil soul master did not even exist ten thousand years ago. What kind of evil soul master was it at that time? It was 6000 years ago.

This is what Qin Ze saw from an ancient book.

When the name "evil soul master" was first born, many people directly put the hat of "evil soul master" on the opponent's head, and then took this opportunity to get rid of some opponents, which also caused a lot of waves at that time.

By the way, the first force to use the word "evil soul master" is none other than the Tang Sect, which has long been torn apart and is now being rebuilt!

Speaking of this question, Qin Ze has a lot to say. Others are still thinking, but he said directly: "I have a question I want to ask all the elders."

Hearing this, everyone looked at Qin Ze together.

Qin Ze said with a calm expression: "Scorpion Tiger Douluo Zhang Peng, he relies on drinking the blood of soul beasts to enhance his cultivation, but before he joined the Holy Spirit Cult, there was no record of him drinking human blood for cultivation. Before joining the Holy Spirit Cult, were you considered an evil soul master?"

"Of course." Elder Song said, frowning.

Qin Ze shook his head.

Elder Mu looked at Qin Ze meaningfully, "Ah Ze, keep talking."

Qin Ze nodded and said, "Then I would like to ask again, Ma Xiaotao's actions of unconsciously killing people when the evil fire broke out, can it show that she is also an evil soul master? At least we need to remember that Scorpion Tiger Douluo Zhang Peng will never die just because he didn't drink blood. Riot lost his self-awareness, and he sucked blood to improve his cultivation, just like we eat some elixir."

Hearing Qin Ze mention Ma Xiaotao, the faces of all the elders present changed, especially Yan Shaozhe.The first time Qin Ze was brought to the inner courtyard by Xiao Kuangdao, the phoenix fire in Ma Xiaotao's body erupted. If Qin Ze hadn't been protected by the power of luck, he would have died that time.

So is someone like Ma Xiaotao an evil soul master?
Don't look at Ma Xiaotao as just an eruption of evil fire, but there are some people who are usually very normal, but accidents occur during the cultivation process, causing confusion in consciousness, killing people everywhere, and then being defined as evil soul masters, then Ma Xiaotao and those people What's the difference?

Elder Song, who is extremely hostile to evil soul masters, suddenly became speechless.Although she hates evil soul masters extremely, it doesn't mean that her brain is dead-headed. Some things just need to be thought about, and you can quickly feel whether they are right or not.

"In my opinion, the definition of an evil soul master should not be too extreme. Although some people's martial souls have the ability to transform into evil, they are not evil, on the contrary, they are just like normal people. I In the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Instructor, I met a person whose martial soul is a ghost. Her martial soul can be transformed into evil 100% perfectly, but she never chose to become an evil soul master. On the contrary, she also hated evil soul masters very much. Should such a person be defined as an evil soul master?"

"If Scorpion Tiger Douluo Zhang Peng sucked the blood of soul beasts and hadn't been hunted down, would he have nowhere to go to join the Holy Spirit Sect and become a real evil soul master?"

"That's why I think only those soul masters who kill innocent people indiscriminately for cultivation can be called evil soul masters. The key point is the word 'evil'. As for those who kill people everywhere, their spirits don't have the ability to transform into evil." It is most appropriate for such a person to be called a murderer."

"Although those spirits have evil abilities, but they are dedicated to goodness, it is not suitable to define them as evil spirit masters. On the Douluo Continent, I don't know how many people are desperate because of this, and they have no choice but to choose to join the Holy Spirit Cult. To be one of them, without these extreme definitions, who would want to become an evil soul master that everyone shouts and beats?"

"After I finish talking, it depends on how the elders and deans define it."

Qin Ze folded his arms around his chest, silently waiting for everyone's replies and opinions.

All of a sudden, no one made a sound in the Golden Pavilion. There was no way. The definition of an evil soul master was handed down thousands of years ago, and it had already reached a deep-rooted existence. Even if Qin Ze expressed his opinion, the short-term It is also difficult to change their minds within a short period of time, which requires a process.

"The reason why I let Scorpion Tiger Douluo go and didn't kill him was because I didn't think he could be considered an evil soul master. After all, he had never killed innocent people indiscriminately for cultivation before that... On the contrary, it was because of the disgust of the people in the mainland. The constant pursuit finally led Zhang Peng to become a member of the Holy Spirit Cult." Elder Mu sighed.

Everyone listened silently.

Suddenly, Qin Ze spoke again, "After we have discussed the first two aspects, we will proceed according to the normal process. As for the discussion on the definition of evil soul masters, you can think about it slowly, and we are not in a hurry to directly discuss it. Let’s draw the results, and then draw conclusions after thinking clearly, what do you guys think?”

"According to what Aze said, today's meeting is over. I will give you a few days to think about it. We will discuss it again at that time. Please remember to change the name, Shaozhe. As for the departure to the Sun Moon Empire Candidates, I will notify you at that time, let's go."

Before everyone could speak, Elder Mu spoke first.

Hearing this, everyone's faces remained the same, and they agreed in unison.

Soon, everyone in the Golden Pavilion dispersed, but it could be seen from their preoccupied expressions that everyone was not at peace at the moment.

Because what Qin Ze said impacted the existence that has been passed down for thousands of years.

As everyone left, Qin Ze did not leave. He looked at Elder Mu and said, "Elder Mu, I have the ability to directly find the headquarters of the Holy Spirit Cult. I want to take this opportunity to destroy the Holy Spirit Cult in one fell swoop."

Elder Mu's eyes moved, "Tell me what you think."

Qin Ze said in a deep voice: "The Sun Moon Empire asked us to help, but instead of running back and forth to annihilate the evil soul masters, we might as well go directly to the Holy Spirit Cult's lair to have a one-pot fight and behead them directly."

"Beheading is naturally feasible, but there are a large number of evil soul masters below the title Douluo level in the Holy Spirit Cult. Once they escape, the consequences will be unimaginable. After all, once the sect is gone, they will no longer be restrained. I am afraid that the harm will be even greater." Mu A worry arose in the old heart.

The evil soul masters dispatched by the sect group are not to say that killing people is worse than the evil soul masters alone, but that they must be dispatched with missions, and carrying missions also means that there are constraints, unlike the evil soul masters who are alone. Soul masters can do whatever they want.

In fact, the evil soul master of the hand of death in the original book almost wiped out all the students led by Xuanzi, and even Huo Yuhao would have disappeared if it hadn't been for Electrolux.

This is the harm brought by a lonely evil soul master. After all, if it is a group of evil soul masters, when they see Xuanzi, they will definitely follow the 36 tricks and will not be stubborn, but a lonely evil soul master can Don't care about these anymore.

Qin Ze said indifferently: "After killing the high-level members of the Holy Spirit Cult, those low-level evil soul masters will not be able to escape either. I have a way to find them all and kill them one by one."

Elder Mu was silent for a while, as if he had decided on something, he said, "When you set off in five days, I will explain the situation and let those who are going to the Sun Moon Empire to support them follow your command."

"Thank you, Mr. Mu." Qin Ze nodded solemnly.

"No problem." Elder Mu waved his hand. He pondered for a while, as if he was curious, "Ah Ze, can you tell me what level of soul power you have now?"

Qin Ze smiled and replied, "Level 95."

"Level 95, quite..." Mr. Mu was about to appreciate it when he heard the words, but suddenly, when Mr. Mu came to his senses, his face became dull, and he hurriedly continued to ask, "How many levels?"

"Level 95." Qin Ze replied calmly.

"Hiss." Elder Mu sucked in a breath of cold air, and he complained, "No wonder you plan to lead the team to the Holy Spirit Cult's lair. My Super Douluo, this is really..."

Qin Ze spread his hands and looked at it, and said: "My cultivation is not all obtained by my own hard work, and I don't have much to be proud of. If I really want to cultivate without the help of external objects, I'm afraid I will have to You can only be named Douluo at the age of 20 or [-], and it takes a little longer for Super Douluo."

"That's what you said, but you still completed an incredible record." Elder Mu stood up and came to the gate of the Golden Pavilion. Looking at the beautiful scenery outside the gate, he whispered,
"Do you still remember what you said in the ancient golden tree?"

Qin Ze sat on the chair with a smile on his lips, "I remember."

Elder Mu seemed to be serious and nodded, "I don't know why, I always feel that because of your appearance, Shrek avoided a catastrophe that would be destroyed."

When Qin Ze heard this, he couldn't help laughing immediately, "Is it so exaggerated?"

Elder Mu nodded seriously, "Yes, very much. If the academy does not change over the years, it will come to an end sooner or later in the future. Times are developing, and those who stand still will eventually be submerged by the river of history."

The expression on Qin Ze's face softened, "I think Shrek Academy will stand here to see the future changes in the Douluo Continent. I think at that time people from the entire continent should work together, although disputes will still exist. There will be bad events as well."

"It's a pity, old man, I can't see that day." Elder Mu turned around, as if looking forward to the future Qin Ze spoke of, but his tone seemed a bit regretful.

"That's not necessarily true." Qin Ze's mouth curved slightly, "It depends on whether your great-great-grandson works hard enough."

"What do you mean?" Elder Mu was puzzled.

Qin Ze didn't explain, but stood up and walked out of the gate of the Golden Pavilion, "You will know later, so just let me be a fool."

After saying that, Qin Ze smiled and left.

Elder Mu, who stayed where he was, watched Qin Ze's leaving back, unavoidably a little bit surprised, and finally, when Qin Ze's back disappeared, he could only shake his head with a smile.

"See if Beibei is working hard enough, what does that mean?" Elder Mu murmured inwardly.

But soon, his eyes shook, and an unbelievable guess suddenly appeared in his heart.

 The definition of an evil soul master is too vague.

  To put it bluntly, there are demonized people in the protagonist group, but he is the protagonist group, so he is not an evil soul master.But if you are not a member of the protagonist group, then you are an evil soul master.

(End of this chapter)

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