Douluo's Dragon Yin Jiuxiao

Chapter 673 Seven Gods of Original Sin, Grandma Resurrected, A Thousand Years Lonely Woman?

Chapter 673 Original Sin Seven Gods, Grandma Resurrected, A Thousand Years Lonely Woman?
Suspended in the air, Qin Ze and Di Yueli quietly waited for the seven divine lights to come. After a while, the seven gods with somewhat eager expressions stopped not far from Qin Ze.

Qin Ze glanced over and remembered the faces of the seven people deeply.

The seven people lined up, their hearts jumped when they saw Qin Ze, and the atmosphere seemed a little special.

At this moment, a thin god stepped forward a few steps. What is strange is that although his body looks thin, his head is larger than ordinary people, and there is a faint cold light in his eyes. At the same time, a faint Because the dark golden light surrounded him, it looked quite divine.

"My lord!" The man saluted Qin Ze respectfully, and then introduced himself: "I am the God of Greed, one of the Seven Gods of Original Sin, and I am also your subordinate god, my lord."

"The six of them are the God of Laziness, the God of Anger, the God of Arrogance, the God of Jealousy, the God of Lust, and the God of Gluttony. We are here this time to welcome you to the God Realm Committee."

Looking at the six people with different postures, Qin Ze spoke in a very gentle tone, "Then I will trouble you to lead the way. I am also relatively new to the God Realm, and I have to ask for your help in many places."

Hearing Qin Ze's gentle words, the Seven Gods of Original Sin breathed a sigh of relief. At present, it seems that the newly promoted master seems to have a very approachable personality.In fact, they just found out that their lord gave up the position of god, and the newly promoted Destroyer God King has even entered the God Realm. No, a group of people hurried over.

"We should do things for the Lord, so let's go to the God Realm Committee now." The God of Greed said with a smile.

"Okay." Qin Ze nodded slightly.

Soon, the nine people turned into divine lights and flew towards the location of the God Realm Committee.

It was also during this process that Di Yueli took a good look at the God Realm.

The entire God Realm is just as Qin Ze said.

It has mountains, rivers, vast forests, and grasslands.

The only thing that made Di Yueli a little puzzled was that apart from the first Shrek Five Monsters, he rarely met other gods later on, as if there were only a few gods in the huge God Realm.

After about 10 minutes, the group finally arrived at their destination.

"My lord, that's the God Realm Committee. My lord will wait for you inside. I'll wait for you at the Pantheon Hall. The main god meeting will start in a few hours." The God of Greed said respectfully.

Qin Ze and Di Yueli looked over after hearing the words.

I saw several huge buildings appearing in front of them about three kilometers away. The majestic palace shone with a faint golden brilliance under the halo of the God Realm. Everywhere in the God Realm.

Unlike other buildings built on the ground and trees, the God Realm Committee was actually built on layers of incomparably vast clouds, filled with fairy mist and flowing charm.

If you look carefully, you can also see many fairy cranes flying around, bringing an ethereal sense of sight.

"That's good, let's part now." Qin Ze nodded.

Seeing this, the original sin seven gods saluted respectfully, and then turned into seven streamers again, heading towards the building on the far left of the cloud and mist. The building area was huge, even larger than the palace of the God Realm Committee.

Presumably that is the place where the gods of the gods meet. No matter how you say it, there are still many gods in the gods.

"Honey, it's time for us to go." Qin Ze swung his hand around Di Yueli, and the two flew directly into the God Realm Committee.

When the two entered the range of the cloud, visible to the naked eye, a very special force swept over the bodies of the two, as if to check something, and after confirming that it was correct, this force disappeared.

In the end, Qin Ze and Di Yueli landed in a corridor. Standing in the corridor and looking out, it turned out to be the infinitely charming scenery. You can see the clouds rolling up, the cranes flying, and the extremely soft wind blowing in the corridor. .

The sacred light fell from the top of the sky, just like the water waves of a waterfall.

Di Yueli was stunned by this scene, she murmured: "It's so beautiful."

"There will be opportunities to see in the future, let's go, let's go inside, the two seniors are probably waiting for us." Qin Ze rubbed Di Yueli's head.

The two started again, walked through the antique corridor, and walked in through a door exuding charm.

Qin Ze had been to the God Realm Committee before. He took Di Yueli around, and finally found the main hall of the palace in the huge palace.


Just after Qin Zehe Emperor Yueli stepped into it, a peaceful voice happened to come.

The God of Destruction and the Goddess of Life were standing next to the tables and chairs monitoring the lower plane. Seeing the arrival of Qin Ze and Di Yueli, the couple smiled.

"Seniors." Qin Ze and Di Yueli hurriedly saluted.

"Okay, why are you being so polite to me. You are the heir of our husband and wife, almost equal to our child. From now on, you will call me Uncle Zi and Aunt Lu. We don't have our own names, so let's call them like that." .” The God of Destruction waved his hand and said.

Hearing this, Qin Ze and Di Yueli looked at each other and smiled, and they both said, "Uncle Zi, Aunt Lu."

The Goddess of Life smiled and nodded, then walked over and took Di Yueli's hand to whisper, women do have some common language.

"Sit down." The God of Destruction said casually.

Qin Ze walked over and randomly found a place to sit down.

"Nothing happened right now, you can ask me if you have anything." With a wave of the God of Destruction's palm, two teacups appeared inexplicably, containing a liquid with a strong breath of life.

Qin Ze could tell without sensing that this liquid should be something like dew, with a faint fragrance of grass and trees. Any drop of dew placed on Douluo Dalu would definitely be a more amazing treasure than fairy grass.

"Uncle Zi, I want to ask how to go to the underworld. I want to resurrect my grandma."

Qin Ze held the teacup, but didn't drink it.

The God of Destruction stopped holding the teacup, and asked suspiciously, "Do you still have a grandma?"

"That's right." Qin Ze nodded.

The God of Destruction raised his voice and said, "Then why don't you tell me sooner, kid? I'll go and bring your grandma back from the underworld to the God Realm."

Qin Ze said helplessly, "I didn't become a god before, so naturally I don't know how to speak."

The corner of the God of Destruction's mouth twitched, "Although I have sensed your existence for a long time, the first time I saw you was later. I know that you have a master in Douluo Dalu."

Qin Ze scratched his head and said with a sneer, "Then how do we go to the underworld?"

The God of Destruction said slowly: "Going to the underworld is so simple, just use the power of the center of the gods to open an entrance. You don't have to worry about where your grandma is, as long as she has not reincarnated, there is a chance to find her. As for the soul who plans to reincarnate , and some have stayed in the underworld for tens of thousands of years without reincarnation."

The God of Destruction stood up, and with a movement of his mind, in an instant, a large number of fantastic lights gathered in the main hall, and these lights formed a colorful circular entrance in front of the God of Destruction.

Inside the entrance, a very special kind of energy fluctuation lingered in it, but it didn't overflow.

"Let's go." The God of Destruction took the lead and stepped into the entrance.

Qin Ze hurriedly followed.

After entering the entrance, the entrance slowly dissipated, but Qin Ze frowned, because he and the God of Destruction actually came to a mountain peak. With the help of the height of the mountain peak, he could clearly see the vast land boundary.

The light inside the underworld is extremely dim and red, but there is no gloomy and cold atmosphere in such a place. On the contrary, it is extraordinarily calm, as if it is going to be dark on the Douluo Continent.

The only thing that makes people feel uncomfortable may be the lifeless existence here.

Just tens of kilometers away from Qinze, there is an extremely huge and special city located in it. How big is this city? It is no exaggeration to say that the combined capitals of several major empires in Douluo Continent do not have this city big.

There was a strange dark light on the surface of the city, like a shackle, closing the city, and a huge towering beam of light shot straight into the sky in the innermost part of the city, and it seemed to exude some kind of power in the dark.

The God of Destruction explained: "The underworld is an existence born out of the God Realm. It was born along with the God Realm. Most of the dead intelligent creatures will come here, not only human beings, but also those high-ranking creatures. Intelligent beasts, but what is quite unified is that no matter whether they are humans or beasts, after arriving in the underworld, they only have souls left, and souls do not have any combat power. The illusory power of thought."

"Have you seen that city? After all souls enter the underworld, they will be forcibly pulled into the underworld by the power of the underworld. Unless they go to reincarnate, they will never leave. Generally, there is a 30.00% probability that souls will be reincarnated in our city." In a certain plane controlled by the God Realm, but there are exceptions, he may also be reincarnated to another plane controlled by the God Realm."

"And the obsession I told you has only one function, and that is to resist the power of the beam of reincarnation. Some souls do not want to reincarnate because they have a strong obsession when they are alive, and the beam of reincarnation cannot force them to reincarnate , This also causes the souls of this kind of existence to stay in the underworld all year round, but even the strongest obsessed soul bodies will eventually be forced to reincarnate after ten thousand years."

"Of course, obsessions are also different. The obsession that makes the Reincarnation Light Pillar helpless and can only be enforced ten thousand years later is called love. Does it sound particularly mysterious, but you heard it right. A soul with a strong obsession with love is Reincarnation is the most difficult, because they will retain the most memories and will not passively accept reincarnation like dolls. This love is not only love, but also love between family members."

"The obsessions after love are hate, greed, fear, anger, joy..."

Qin Ze deeply remembered every word the God of Destruction said.

The reason why the God of Destruction wants to tell Qin Ze this is because once the soul in the underworld is reincarnated, its original soul will dissipate, and the soul power that dissipates after eliminating the imprint of the original body will be stored in the reincarnation light beam It is slowly purified, and after reaching a certain amount, it will be absorbed by the God Realm, thus directly transforming it into fairy spirit energy.

It can be said that this is a treasure land that can provide immortal energy forever. The rulers of the gods can ignore the underworld, but they must pay attention to the underworld.

The God of Destruction has never traveled in the universe, but he knows that no matter which god realm it is, it will take this underworld that was born with its own god realm into its private place.

In fact, the accurate name of the underworld should be the place of reincarnation, and it is called the underworld just to make it sound nice...

"Okay, you must have remembered what I told you. Now go find your grandma. As long as she has not been reincarnated, you can use the beam of reincarnation to find her exact location." The God of Destruction simply said After finishing the sentence, it turned into a ray of divine light and flew towards the underworld.

Qin Ze became nervous for no reason. The wish he made in the kitchen back then seems to be coming true now.

The city of the underworld is said to be a city, but in fact, the buildings inside it are extremely single. They are all tower-like buildings composed of the dark light that blocks the city of the underworld. These tower-like buildings are all uniform in height, exceeding 600 meters.

So when Qin Ze looked into the city, he suddenly found that there were Youguang Pagodas in the city, like tombstones.

Reincarnation needs to be lined up, and those souls in the underworld happen to live temporarily in these gloom towers, and each soul has a separate soul space to hide.

"How many soul bodies are there?" Qin Ze was a little surprised.

And under the beam of reincarnation that shot straight into the sky, there are soul bodies standing in an orderly manner that can't be seen at a glance. They are all suspended and floating. There are humans, beasts, and even other species of creatures. The eyes of these soul bodies are extremely empty. , they don't have any high-intensity obsessions, which also makes them passively reincarnated, and whenever the reincarnation light beam lights up a faint light, it means that a soul body has invested in reincarnation. Everything they will forget and become a whole new life.

As for being reborn as a human or another creature, I don't know.

"Aze, use your divine sense to communicate with the Reincarnation Light Pillar, and then tell it the person you are looking for, and it will give you accurate information about the person you are looking for." The God of Destruction said indifferently.

Qin Ze nodded, and he and the God of Destruction were standing a thousand meters above the heads of those soul bodies.

As soon as the divine sense moved, an invisible and vast spiritual power swept away and poured directly into the beam of reincarnation light.

Grandma's name is Zhu Xiyan. When Qin Ze's thoughts were conveyed in the beam of light, a feedback was sent back to his soul almost instantly.

Immediately, Qin Ze's eyes lit up with joy. Grandma has not reincarnated and left, and her old man is still in the Underworld.

"Uncle Zi, I found grandma's location." Qin Ze turned to look at the God of Destruction.

"Just find it, and revive your grandma as soon as possible." The God of Destruction smiled and nodded.

Qin Ze turned his gaze, and the power of the soul was directly locked on a place that was almost thousands of kilometers away from the beam of reincarnation light.

The more obsessed a type of soul body is, the farther away it is from the beam of reincarnation.

Without any hesitation, with a wave of his hand, he directly tore apart the space, and then used the space to teleport on his way.

When Qin Ze and the God of Destruction reappeared in the sky above the underworld city, at a glance, the number of ghost towers on the ground became extremely rare, unlike the densely packed ones around the beam of light, there were only five ghost towers in total.

The God of Destruction said, "Go."

Qin Ze nodded solemnly, and his eyes fell on a Youguang Pagoda on the far right.

According to the reminder of the beam of reincarnation, grandma is in the tower.

The power in the underworld has no effect on Qin Ze, and he came to the tower almost just with a thought.

The Youguang Tower is not that gloomy. On the contrary, the faint light illuminates everything in the tower. Qin Ze looked up, but saw that the middle area of ​​the tower was empty, that is to say, the entire Youguang Tower, Only the shell, nothing inside.

And in the hollow place, there are six light spots floating.

Qin Ze looked at one of the light spots, and he became a little flustered. With his god-king-level spirit power, he even panicked.

The divine body slowly approached the light spot, but just when Qin Ze was about to touch the hiding space where grandma was, suddenly, the light spot on the far left lit up, and in the next second, a soul body came out of it. Manifested.

Qin Ze's eyes subconsciously turned to make contact with her.

The eyes of this soul body are not as empty as those soul bodies queuing up for reincarnation, she seems to have her own thoughts.

Its appearance is extremely beautiful, it looks like he is only 27 or [-] years old, his body is graceful, light and slender, but the extremely beautiful face has a sense of time that makes people feel shocked, as if this person has passed through countless years Precipitation does not match that youthful appearance at all.

In addition to the vicissitudes of life in the eyes, it seems that there is also a strong color of longing.

The woman just swept Qin Ze's body at first glance, and was about to go out without any ups and downs, but suddenly, she stopped, and the expression on her face became astonished. She suddenly turned her head to look at Qin Ze, with Asked in an unbelievable tone: "You... aren't you a soul body?"

Hearing the woman calling him, Qin Ze didn't pay much attention to it, he only planned to revive grandma now.

The next moment, Qin Ze plunged into the spot of light.

The woman froze in place, she didn't react for a long time, but suddenly, a clear roar sounded in her ears, which also woke the woman up, she turned her head to look in the direction of the beam of reincarnation and smiled wryly, "It's been ten thousand years, How time flies."

That roaring sound was the reminder from the Reincarnation Light Pillar to the soul body that has been stranded in the underworld for thousands of years. If you don't go to the Reincarnation Light Pillar to wait for reincarnation within a day, your soul will be completely shattered, and even the gods will not be able to save it.

The woman sighed, and just about to leave, her footsteps suddenly stopped. She turned her head to look at the light spot where Qin Ze entered, with a sense of anticipation in her heart.

The only non-soul body that can enter this world is a god. She may ask this god when she leaves, ask that fat man if he is okay, and ask how the current Douluo Continent is okay.

Ten thousand years of loneliness did not let her let go of the obsession in her heart, but if this god can solve her doubts a little bit, maybe then she really let go, and she can really leave with peace of mind.

One day is still long enough for her to wait here.

 Inexplicably, I feel like I’m writing more and more. I originally expected it to end on the [-]th of this month...

(End of this chapter)

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