Douluo's Dragon Yin Jiuxiao

Chapter 690 Final Chapter

Chapter 690 Final Chapter ([-])

In the universe, two figures slowly stopped beside a light film that rhythmically danced with gorgeous light patterns.

A man and a woman, the man was dressed in a black robe, extremely handsome, with a special brilliance in his evil eyes, and a faint smile on his mouth.

The woman was wearing a long white dress without any embellishments on it, she looked extremely simple, her innocent pretty face carried a peaceful smile, the unintentional sense of purity made it impossible to have any evil thoughts at all, two strands of black long hair hung on the In front of him, there is a gentle and moving brilliance in the big black and bright eyes, and his demeanor is like a flawless white lotus.

The momentum in the two people's bodies is extremely strong, even if they are suspended in the universe, there is no problem at all. Two rays of light, one black and one white, are released from the palms of the two people and injected into the thing with gorgeous light patterns.

Not long after, faint ripples stirred, as if something was being opened.

"I've been away for so long, and I'm back again." The young man said with a smile as he watched the film of light gradually split open.

The woman glanced at him, showing a beautiful smile, "Let's settle the matter earlier, I want to experience more life in the lower realm, hehe, this is much happier than being a god king in the God Realm."

The young man glanced at her, just shook his head and smiled. Suddenly, his eyes moved, and he saw that the light film parted a hole enough to pass through, and immediately said: "Okay, let's go."

The woman nodded, and the next moment, the two of them turned into a beam of light and rushed into the world inside the light film.

When the two entered it, the light film recondensed impressively, and then disappeared, as if the light film had never existed.


There is no sun and moon in the God Realm, but the center of the God Realm will convert the time of the God Realm into the same as the lower plane.

The day is bright, as if it exists in the sky, and the night is dim, as if night has descended on the world.

If the time in the God Realm at this time is converted to Douluo Continent, it should be around five o'clock in the afternoon. The clouds in the sky condensed by the spirit of the fairy became thicker, as if covering the light and shining on the earth, everything seemed to change. It got a lot darker.

At this time, the Sea God's territory was extremely lively, perhaps in order to keep the gods from sitting idle, Tang San directly arranged for the subordinate gods of the Sea God Temple to prepare all kinds of food and drink.

All of a sudden, the palaces around the Sea God Temple seemed to be having a banquet, extremely lively.

But the owner of this territory is standing outside the main entrance of the temple and looking at the sky. Beside him, there are seven figures standing. These seven people are powerful, each with magical powers, and they are the elements that raise the spirit to the peak state. seven gods.

"Be safe, everyone."

While the eight people were silent, two beams of light descended from the sky and landed straight on the clouds in front of the main entrance of the Sea God Hall, followed by a calm greeting.

In an instant, Tang San's eyes changed dramatically.

Not long after, two figures appeared in the beam of light, a man and a woman. They were the first god of evil and the first god of kindness who had reincarnated from a certain plane and rushed back to the God Realm.

"I have seen two Lord God Kings."

"Meet the two seniors."

The Elemental Seven Gods and Tang San each shouted.

"I guess Asura knows that you live in the form of Seagod every day, so he will probably be pissed off. Haha." The God of Evil looked at Tang San in the form of Seagod, and said with a smile.

Tang San smiled neither humble nor overbearing: "I can't help it, the murderous aura possessed by Shura God is too strong, I still prefer Sea God in daily life."

The first generation of evil gods knew this, and nodded in agreement.

"Go inside and talk about it." The first good god looked at Tang San and the Seven Elemental Gods calmly, and said.

"Please." Tang San was the host, and immediately stretched out his hand to make a 'please' gesture.

Soon, everyone walked into the Sea God Temple.

After entering the hall, Tang San waved his hand, and suddenly there were two more chairs, which landed on the backs of the first two god kings.

"We already know the specifics and what happened." The first evil god didn't waste any time, and said directly, "The Golden Dragon King was definitely not released by that guy who destroyed him. Although I don't like dealing with this guy, I still believe it. .”

Hearing this, Tang San's eyes changed slightly.

But soon, what the evil god said made Tang San's brows relax.

"But no matter what, the Golden Dragon King has escaped from the God's Forbidden Land after all, so he must shoulder this responsibility until he finds out the reason why the seal of the God's Forbidden Land was actually broken."

"He made a mistake, are you going to get back the power of the center of the God Realm?"

Seeing the eyes of the evil god, Tang San said helplessly: "I went to the God Realm Committee to find Ji Dong and Lie Yan, but they refused me to take back the power of the God Realm Center in advance on the grounds that the incident in the Forbidden Land of God is still under investigation. .”

"Even at the beginning, they made up a reason to say that the God of Destruction and the Goddess of Life had gone to the lower realm. If someone hadn't told me the truth, I'm afraid I would have been deceived by them."

Hearing this, the evil god and the good god looked at each other.

"Hmph." The Evil God snorted, and he said calmly, "I heard that the God of Destruction dominated the expansion of the God Realm and lifted the restrictions on beasts becoming gods?"

"That's right." The Water God interjected.

The Evil God said in a serious tone, "I agree with the expansion of the God Realm, but the current God Realm cannot be expanded arbitrarily, and there must be a limit. After all, when the God Realm expands, the outer film defense of the God Realm will be the weakest." At that time, once an external crisis appeared, the God Realm would be in big trouble. As for the lifting of the restrictions on animal gods becoming gods, I personally strongly oppose it. The crisis brought by the Dragon God back then almost caused the God Realm to collapse. Moreover, the dignified main god meeting, the personnel If not, he will pass directly, destroying this guy is really as strong as ever."

The Good God shook his head: "Speaking of which, it's also our fault that we didn't distribute the power well when we left the God Realm, which led to what happened today. This time we return to the God Realm, we must arrange the power distribution well, so that you won't have to deal with it in the future. Let's fight."

"That's for sure." The Evil God whispered, "Okay, get ready, we'll go directly to the God Realm Committee."

Hearing this, the Seven Elemental Gods looked at each other, although they didn't express any emotions, they seemed to have a backbone.

They have known the two first-generation god kings for too many years. Although the two parties have no such relationship on the surface, they are almost the same in secret.

"Sea God, let's talk alone."

At this moment, the evil god stood up and greeted Tang San.

Without any hesitation, Tang San chose to follow the Evil God and left the Sea God Temple, leaving behind a few people who looked at each other.

"My lord." The God of Light said, looking at the God of Kindness.

The God of Goodness shook his head, "Evil had valued Seagod very much back then, so he couldn't wait to hand over the control to him, probably because he planned to explain something."

In the thousands of meters above the Sea God Temple, the evil and Tang San stood in midair.

A layer of special dark divine power pervades all around, completely sealing off the space and preventing it from being noticed by the outside world.

Tang San looked at the God of Evil in puzzlement, not knowing what the other party wanted to say to him alone.

The Evil God stood with his hands behind his back, with his back to Tang San, looking at the majestic and magnificent scenery in the distance, said in a deep voice: "You are the one who released the Golden Dragon King, right?"

Tang San froze for a moment, but didn't answer, a special color quickly appeared on his face.

Seeing Tang San's reply, the Evil God shook his head and smiled, "That Shura guy secretly gathered a key that could open the seal of the God Forbidden Land back then, and secretly absorbed the negative heaven and earth energy over there to increase himself. When I found out, I was shocked at that time, after all, Shura's behavior is more upright than destruction."

"I didn't know until I asked him that this guy had long wanted to improve his own body strength after removing the god position, so he came up with this trick. He wanted to travel the universe. Although I was very angry, I still agreed. I hid it from him, and apart from him and me, no one knew that the seal of the Forbidden Land could be opened by an extra key."

"Presumably the seven of them know that you released the Golden Dragon King, right? Although they didn't explain the specific reason to me, it doesn't prevent me from guessing."

Tang San's eyes flickered, no wonder the evil god wanted to chat with him alone.

The Seven Elemental Gods are almost tied to him. We are all in the same camp. It’s okay to tell about his secret lifting of the Golden Dragon King’s seal. More importantly, he once helped the Seven Elemental Gods a great favor. The benefactor of the other party.

But the Evil God is different. He has been in contact with him for a very short time. After all, he doesn't know the specific character of the other party.

The Evil God turned around and looked at Tang San, "Do you know why I made an agreement with Goodness and Destruction?"

Tang San shook his head, "I don't know."

The evil god smiled and said: "Once I directly give you the control of the center of the God Realm, it will definitely make the God of Destruction extremely dissatisfied, so I thought of a way, according to the time of your Douluo Continent, I made a ten-thousand-year Make an appointment, temporarily hand over the power to him, and when the date comes, the power will return to you."

"In my view of the God of Destruction, he is too confident in doing things and thinks everything is good, so it is too easy to make mistakes during the period of power. If the process of using power is not satisfactory, even when it is necessary, he chooses Lu Zi will also be an extreme existence, at that time, you will take over the power justifiably, and everything will be perfect."

"You also pursue stability in doing things, which is similar to me. And the young couple who accepted me and the kind god, we didn't pass on the god casually back then, and they also pursued stability after investigation. Existence, after all, they also know that their position as the God King has not been completely corrected temporarily, and they don't want to show up when they are the God King."

"But you still chose the wrong way. You shouldn't have let your father go to the lower realms to attack and kill the heir of destruction, causing him to be caught. Instead, he fell into a passive position. Because of this incident, you later thought about using the Golden Dragon King , just want to use the Golden Dragon King to create public opinion and take the initiative, right?"

"In the final analysis, you are obviously worried that you will be destroyed on the day when the power is handed over. Even if he doesn't make trouble for you that day, you are afraid that he will use your father to replace your power."

"I have experienced the taste of power for too long, but you are different, I know what you are thinking, don't do stupid things, you have two gods, and you will definitely lead the gods to go further in the future. This is what I support you The greatest existence of causes."

"Don't look at the heir of the guy who destroyed the gods who also inherited the double gods, but the gods of their husband and wife are too restricted. Every time this heir improves his realm, his gods will inevitably become unstable. This is a hidden danger, unless It was because of some adventure that helped him integrate his divine power smoothly, otherwise it would be far from your cultivation of dual gods."

Tang San fell silent.

Seeing him like this, the evil god felt more and more that he had guessed right, and he said with emotion: "Next we go to the God Realm Committee, and I can't help you completely, because the more partial I am to help you, the more unhappy the destruction will be, even Life will be unhappy, I'm afraid the result will be very troublesome."

"So I thought about it on the way back with Goodness. The distribution of power in the God Realm cannot be in the hands of only one person. The center of the God Realm will be arranged in rotation in the future. Each God King will control it for a period of time. Next we will I will stay in the God Realm for a while to maintain the overall situation."

"I will take this opportunity to eliminate the conflict between you and Destruction. Of course, I will help with your father's affairs. This is the best solution. What do you think?"

After finishing speaking, the Evil God looked at Tang San calmly.

"This is indeed the best solution, I agree." Tang San lowered his eyes and said softly.

The Evil God nodded in satisfaction, "That's fine. It's getting late, let's go to the God Realm Committee."

Saying that, the evil deity turned into a ray of light and disappeared into the sky.

Tang San looked at his receding figure with a look of unwillingness on his face.

Did the evil god guess right?That's right.

But it's a pity that the Evil God only guessed part of it. What Tang San wanted was to control the God Realm. Luo Dalu's master of the plane made his mother the core of the plane.

The evil god and the good god are in the lower realm, and the two new god kings are also newcomers with insufficient prestige. As long as the god of destruction is solved, he will be the real king of the god realm.

He once really thought about letting the supernatural position travel in the universe, but until that premonition came, his mind changed.

Using the premonition as an excuse, he constantly opposes the God of Destruction, the only opponent's way of doing things, and then provokes him to do wrong things. If the premonition does not come, he will win a big victory. World destruction?

In the final analysis, for him, it was a blood profit.

You can tell at a glance which one is better, giving up the god position to travel in the universe or controlling the god realm to travel in the universe.

Isn't the evil god and the good god in front of you a typical example?
Have they completely given up their godhood and reincarnated?The answer is no.

Anyway, the two of them came back after playing enough, and they were still aloof god kings.

So as long as Tang San controls the God Realm, with the help of all the resources of the God Realm, he can do more things, let the God Realm become his back garden, that is the best choice.

That's why he didn't plan to take any preventive measures when he mentioned that the God Realm might be in crisis.

"It's a pity, it's a failure after all. In the final analysis, I'm still weak, otherwise why use these. It seems that I can only wait for another opportunity in the future." Tang San sighed, looked into the distance, flung his sleeves, and disappeared in the same place up the sky.

In the Sea God Hall, when the Evil God and Tang San came back, they saw a large number of gods standing at the main entrance of the Sea God Hall, more than a thousand people.

"I have seen two god kings."

Seeing the evil god and Tang San, all the gods saluted slightly, showing their respect.

The Evil God glanced at the Seven Elemental Gods and shook his head helplessly, but he still had a smile on his face, "Since everyone is here, let's be a witness. Let's go to the God Realm Committee together."

Hearing this, the eyes of the satiated gods all brightened.

In their view, the return of the evil god and the good god is entirely to help them regain their dominant position in the god world.

On the contrary, the Seven Elemental Gods looked at each other in dismay, when the Evil God was talking to Tang San alone.The Good God also had a dialogue with them, knowing what the two God Kings planned to do after their return.

Although it is a bit regrettable, I have to say that this is indeed the most stable solution. After all, we can't really fight.

Soon, thousands of divine lights of different intensities soared into the sky, rushing towards the same target.

Outside the palace of the God Realm Committee, Ji Dong and Lie Yan were standing in the air, looking ahead, as if they were waiting for someone to arrive.

"I'm afraid our husband and wife will have to leave." Ji Dong joked with a smile.

Lie Yan gave him a blank look, "Isn't it just to hand over the god's throne? In the future, our husband will go to the universe to travel, which is much more comfortable than being a fake god king here."

"It is because of our god position that we have just reached the realm of god kings. Once we lose our god position, our own body cultivation is probably no more than a first-level god who has entered the universe. I don't know if it is dangerous or not to enter the universe. .” Ji Dong sighed, what he was most worried about was not being able to protect his lover well in the future.

Flaming red lips showed an elegant smile, "Fool, as long as we are together all the time, it's fine, don't care what the wind and waves are."

Looking at Lie Yan's pretty face, Ji Dong's heart trembled for a while, and a smile appeared on his face again, "Yes, as long as we are always together, the big difficulties are not difficult."

But suddenly, Lie Yan changed the subject and his tone became sharper, "However, today's matter may not be so easy to solve."

Ji Dong seemed to think of something, and his complexion changed slightly, "I hope there won't be a real war of gods."


Just when Ji Dong was thinking, Lie Yan suddenly spoke.

Soon, the eyes of the two looked at the distant sky, and they saw countless divine lights flying towards them. They obviously did not travel through the space, but came flying at a leisurely pace.

It was at this moment, in an instant, countless waves of powerful divine power fluctuations spread from around the God Realm Committee, and figures floated in the air expressionlessly. They had different postures, but they all stared at the distant horizon.

These people are the gods of the lineage of the evil gods who were sent here.

(End of this chapter)

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