Douluo's Dragon Yin Jiuxiao

Chapter 73 How cool!

Chapter 73 So Cool! (seeking subscription)
On the armor of Qin Ze's left arm, strong blue light continuously surged out, like a storm, and the clenched fist hit the Golden Dragon Spear, causing the air to be distorted by the collision.

The magic armor is Qin Ze's martial soul. Although it is not complete, even if it is just an arm part, the power it brings to Qin Ze is extremely powerful.

At this moment, Di Yueli was also surprised to find that her strength was completely at a disadvantage, and the strong wind brought by the shock wave blew her hair, revealing her flawless and pretty face.

"Drink!" She shouted coquettishly, golden light burst out of her body, and she immediately retracted the golden dragon gun. Qin Ze also took a few steps back at this moment, and everyone instantly looked at the place where Qin Ze was standing.

The floor there had already cracked, and countless cracks appeared.

It can be seen how powerful this chop is.

On the seat, Wu Feng's body was already frozen. If she had come to catch the slash just now, he would have died a miserable death, but Qin Ze just caught it like this.

On the field, Mu Jin understood what the surprise her elder sister was talking about.

There is no doubt that Di Yueli's blow just now has definitely reached the strength of a high-level soul master, and the high-level soul master here is at the level of the owner of a top-level beast spirit.

Whether it was Di Yueli or Qin Ze, the surprises they brought her were really too great.

The two teamed up, and I'm afraid it would be unlucky for the Soul Sect to come.If Ning Tian is added, she is the owner of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tower Martial Soul.

In an instant, Mu Jin's eyes became hot.

In the freshman assessment three months later, she will be the first place.

Qin Ze stood on the spot and looked at the magic armor sideways. He really didn't expect the strength of the magic armor to be so high. You must know that the current magic armor only unlocks the left arm. If all of them are unlocked, how strong it will be.

"Come again!" Di Yueli's heart surged with fighting spirit, and with a moving smile on her face, she swung the Golden Dragon Spear again and rushed forward.

When Qin Ze came to his senses, seeing the fighting spirit in Di Yueli's eyes, he couldn't help but burst out with arrogance, and even threw his fist out without any other action.

"Boom boom boom!"

Muffled roars resounded on the fighting spirit stage.

Fist light and gun light, symphonic radiance, the fighting spirit platform was broken, and a large amount of gravel splashed down.

Every time Qin Ze swung his fist, it would leave spots of light in the air like stars, which were extraordinarily shining under the sunlight.

And Di Yueli's attacks were also extremely violent, collapsing, pushing, pressing, covering, picking, stabbing, stabbing, and chopping.

The storm of soul power swept the soul fighting platform, and this fierce battle also attracted some senior students who had nothing to do to come to visit.It's a pity that they can't enter the fighting spirit area, after all, they have to pay money, and they can play without money.

The two figures came into contact, and quickly separated after a pure force confrontation.Then continue to confront each other, it is completely a duel of strength.

Both of them seemed to have unlimited physical strength and soul power. This kind of battle lasted for several minutes, and when they hit the back, the ground was already dilapidated.

"Huh!" After being repelled by a sweep, Di Yueli was finally tired, gasping for breath continuously, her pale red eyes were full of surprise.

Qin Ze also stopped attacking, but his soul power was not consumed much, and the soul power consumed by opening the magic armor was not as much as his second soul skill.

"Okay, you guys stop here!" Mu Jin yelled a timeout in time, she looked at the battered spirit fighting platform, the corners of her mouth twitched slightly, she had to call for someone to repair the fighting spirit platform later, Otherwise, other students don't want to practice.

Hearing this, Qin Ze immediately withdrew his left arm armor and sword blade.

Di Yueli also withdrew her martial soul.

"You guys go down and rest first, I'll ask Mr. Bai to repair the fighting spirit platform." Mu Jin looked at the two with relief, she became more and more satisfied the more she looked at it, and it was just a matter of matching them.

"Trouble teacher." Qin Ze smiled.

Mu Jin waved her hand, then said something to the other students and left first.


At this moment, a soft white light fell from the sky and landed on Qin Ze and Di Yueli respectively, and Qin Ze felt as if all the exhaustion in his body had disappeared.

Looking sideways, I saw that the female teacher standing with Mu Jin was using soul skills, and there was a white flower on her right hand.A yellow soul ring is shining with light, and a faint soft breath is constantly gushing out from the flower.

Half a minute later, the white light disappeared, and the wood spirit also withdrew its martial soul, and looked at the two with a light smile, "Okay, let's go down and rest."

"Thank you!" Qin Ze hurriedly thanked the wood spirit who performed the soul skill.

Mu Ling smiled and shook his head.

"Let's come again next time!" Di Yueli walked to Qin Ze's side, and patted him on the shoulder heavily. This time the fight was really fun.

"You're not tired!" Qin Ze smiled.

Di Yueli shook his head with a smile, "They are too fragile, I can't enjoy fighting them, and I can't fight other people with higher levels. It just so happens that you are the most suitable."

"Do you dare to love me as a sandbag?" Qin Ze turned his head in confusion.

"Don't care about these details!" Di Yueli put his right hand on Qin Ze's shoulder with a smile on his face.

On the spectator platform, 97 students watched the two walk down the fighting spirit platform "shoulder-to-shoulder" in the form of paying attention, talking and laughing at the same time.

After about five or six minutes, Mu Jin came back with a burly male teacher.

The male teacher's head is bald, and even under the sunlight, it still reflects light, like a mirror.

"Hiss!" As soon as the male teacher came over, he saw the tragic situation of the fighting spirit stage, and his face showed surprise.The two sides of the Soul Fighting Platform are fine, but the middle is miserable, with cracks and rubble everywhere.

He looked sideways at Mu Jin and said, "Are you sure it was done by the students in your class?" The male teacher expressed his incomprehension.

"Yeah!" Mu Jin said helplessly, "No, the fighting spirit platform is broken in some places, so I invited you here because I was afraid of delaying the training of other students."

"Good guy, I'm afraid your students are not practicing, but working hard!" The male teacher complained, but the movements in his hands were not slow. Six soul rings rose from his body, which was impressive. A soul emperor, two yellows, two purples, two blacks, the best combination.

The third purple soul ring shone brightly, and the male teacher's body instantly became as if he saw a tall earthen wall, and the rich earthy yellow light condensed on his hand.

The male teacher put his palm on the ground, and in an instant, the majestic earth attribute energy spread out, and the originally broken area began to repair at a speed visible to the naked eye.Not long after, the entire competition platform became intact.

"Okay!" The male teacher withdrew his soul power, stood up and said.

"I'm sorry to trouble you." Hibiscus said gratefully.

The male teacher didn't say much. He turned his head and glanced at the students in class nine who were seated, and then he left.

Mu Jin looked at the crowd and said, "Okay, Wu Feng and Nanmen Yun'er from the second group are on stage."

Sitting on the seat, the corners of Wu Feng's mouth twitched, his face full of unhappiness.

On the other hand, Nanmen Yun'er has a serious expression on her face. She knows that Wu Feng's martial soul is a red dragon, a top-level beast martial soul, which is stronger than her martial soul. This practice is not easy.


 I made a schedule.

  The content is, code words within the specified time, and don't be lazy, especially when you are most energetic in the morning.Now that the water is a little bit, I am trying to make up for it, but it is impossible to make up for it directly, and then I don’t know which cutie reminded me, saying that since the water is a little bit now and it doesn’t cater to everyone’s appetite, why not increase the amount of updates, the amount is large It's a good way to be full. I plan to try it, and then reduce unnecessary content by the way. You can have it in your daily life, but not too much.

  Starting tomorrow, I'll see if I can save some traffic by doing this.

(End of this chapter)

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