Douluo's Dragon Yin Jiuxiao

Chapter 85 The Hand of God!

Chapter 85 The Hand of God!

However, just after the two of them finished speaking, their bodies were about to fall down immediately. Qin Ze's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he directly supported Di Yueli, but the two of them still knelt on the ground on one knee.If they weren't physically strong enough, the two of them might even faint on the spot.

"The soul power in the body has been evacuated by nearly [-]% of the soul power!" Qin Ze felt it carefully, and immediately came to a conclusion.

Di Yueli whispered with surprise in his eyes: "The two of us actually have martial soul fusion skills."

Regarding the knowledge of martial soul fusion skills, although the teachers of the academy didn't talk much about it, she still knew it.

Not to mention Di Yueli at this moment, Qin Ze also looked surprised. The reason why they couldn't separate their bodies just now was because their soul power was fused together.

His martial soul demon armor and Di Yueli's golden dragon martial soul fused together strangely, and finally when the degree of fusion reached the highest point, it exploded unconsciously.

Judging from the current situation, the effect of this martial soul fusion technique seems to be to destroy and deprive two kinds of power.

After a few minutes, the two finally regained some strength, and then Qin Ze helped Di Yueli to the seat in the pavilion and sat down.

As soon as he sat down, Di Yueli's head rested on Qin Ze's shoulder.

"Just now there seems to be a kind of power that connects us, do you feel it?" Qin Ze recalled carefully, when they embraced, a special existence inexplicably gushed out of his body to connect them.

Di Yueli's beautiful eyes focused, she vaguely guessed it, but unfortunately, she couldn't say it out, "I don't know either."

Hearing this, Qin Ze was stunned for a moment, but the special power came and went so quickly, he didn't have time to feel it carefully.

But Qin Ze is also glad that there are no people in this place, otherwise everything just now would be known to outsiders.

As for whether the people on Sea God Island noticed anything, Qin Ze didn't know.

But having a martial soul fusion skill is indeed a good thing, Qin Ze said, "Do you want to give our fusion skill a name?"

"Name?" Di Yueli looked up at Qin Ze, her red lips parted slightly, "Listen to you."

Listen to you, just these three words, but it was like a giant hammer hit Qin Ze's heart. He was stunned for two seconds, and subconsciously said: "Let's call it the hand of God!"

"Okay!" Di Yueli smiled and nodded.

After resting for ten minutes, Qin Ze sent Di Yueli back to the dormitory after his mind was not too dizzy and his body was not weak.

In the dormitory, Qin Ze looked up at the ceiling, the surrounding was very quiet, only bugs were chirping in the bushes downstairs.

Qin Ze has a very vague idea of ​​what happened today.

He had roughly guessed that Di Yueli was an auspicious beast, and at the same time, Qin Ze recalled what Du Bushi had said on the spot that he and she could possess the martial soul fusion skill.

"I'm helping you because you have the power of destiny!" Qin Ze still can't forget these few words to this day.

The power of destiny, why didn't he feel that he had it.

On the bed, Qin Ze turned over, trying to find a comfortable position.

Suddenly, Qin Ze opened his eyes, "Qinglong!"


The next day.

In Class Nine classroom.

When Qin Ze stepped into the classroom, it was the first time he saw such a quiet scene.

In the classroom, the number of people staying behind seemed to be almost half that of yesterday.

There were no loud conversations, just groups of three sitting together and chatting quietly.

After Qin Ze came in, many people turned their attention to him.

"Squad Leader Qin!" Someone shouted.

Qin Ze was watched by dozens of people, he sighed, "Everyone else should go."

Hearing this, everyone in class nine lowered their heads, yes, they all left.

This scene happened not only in Class Nine, but also in other classes.

"Wait for Teacher Mu to come over." Qin Ze sat back in his seat after saying a few words.

Wu Feng is still on Nanmen Yun'er's side, this time their record is seven wins and three losses.

Both Ning Tian and Di Yueli nodded to Qin Ze, but did not speak.

About ten minutes later, before the class bell rang, Mu Jin finally came to the classroom.She had just received the freshman assessment results of her class from Director Du Weilun.

She had already entered the classroom, and in an instant, everyone who stayed behind looked at her.

Seeing the classroom with far fewer people than before, Mu Jin also sighed, "After three days, all the freshman assessments have been completed. The final results were calculated last night."

Hearing this, everyone raised their spirits, no matter what, the past is in the past.

Mu Jin said: "We have Class Nine, a total of 29 teams, ten teams were eliminated in the freshman assessment, 30 people, and 57 people remained."

This result is actually very good, almost surpassing Mujin's previous best results in coaching.

"Teacher here also congratulates you." Mu Jin looked around and congratulated.

Hearing this, this can be regarded as dispelling a little sense of loss, and many people laughed.

Mu Jin raised her hand, and in an instant, everyone became quiet. She said: "The end of the round robin is not the end, and there will be a qualifying knockout round, which is the key. A total of six teams in our class have entered the knockout round. , Next, the teacher hopes to see you stronger."

"Other students who did not participate in the knockout rounds should also remember that the freshman assessment only guarantees you in the first grade. In the second grade, if you fail the exam, you will still leave. Don't be complacent, understand?"

"Understood!" Everyone shouted loudly.

Mu Jin nodded and said, "This morning, we will go to class as usual. Qin Ze will follow me."

After speaking, Hibiscus went out.

On the seat, Qin Ze was obviously taken aback, but since the head teacher had spoken, he had no choice but to follow.

Both Ning Tian and Di Yueli were very curious, and they didn't know why Mu Jin was looking for Qin Ze.

Not long after Qin Ze left with Mu Jin, a teacher walked in. After all, the round robin competition was over, and the class that should be attended still had to be attended, but since the competition ended yesterday, half a day in the morning would be enough.

Mu Jin brought Qin Ze to her office, but as soon as she entered, Qin Ze was immediately dumbfounded and wanted to retreat immediately.

"Don't go, listen to me!"

In the office, there is a stunning woman with long fiery red hair sitting there, isn't she Ma Xiaotao.When she saw Qin Ze, her eyes lit up.Seeing that Qin Ze wanted to leave, he shouted loudly.

Qin Ze paused. To be honest, he was most afraid of meeting this guy.

"What do you want to do?" Qin Ze turned his head and asked speechlessly with a black line across his forehead.

Mu Jin stared blankly at the two who seemed to be enemies. She didn't know what happened between Qin Ze and Ma Xiaotao, but she just received a message from the grade director Du Weilun to call someone.

"Mujin, come out!" Just when Mujin was confused, a voice came from her ear, she walked out of the office in confusion, and saw the grade director Du Weilun in the corner.

Immediately, Mu Jin understood something and left directly.

And as soon as she left, Ma Xiaotao said, "Don't worry, I didn't come to ask you to help me get the evil fire."

"What?" Qin Ze thought he had heard wrong.

Seeing him like this, Ma Xiaotao pursed her lips and said, "Recently, I have absorbed a lot of ice attribute top-grade treasures bought from your Nine Treasure Glazed Tile School. The evil fire has been suppressed. I came here today because my teacher and the others opened Sea God Cabinet meeting, I hope to invite you to discuss something in Shanghai God Island."

"Why do you want me?" Qin Ze asked puzzled.

"I don't know about that. My teacher asked me to come to you." Ma Xiaotao didn't know the specifics, anyway, it was her teacher who called her, so she had no choice but to come.

"Did they say when?" Qin Ze asked.

Ma Xiaotao replied: "Teacher, they know that you are still participating in the freshman assessment competition, so they plan to come to you after your elimination round is over. I just came here to tell you in advance."

After pondering for a moment, Qin Ze nodded and said, "I see."

Hearing Qin Ze's words, Ma Xiaotao immediately breathed a sigh of relief. She knew that she must have a bad image in the other party's heart, so she didn't stay for too long, and left directly after delivering the message.

"What are they looking for me for?" Looking at Ma Xiaotao's back, Qin Ze frowned slightly.

 I can’t write anymore, I’m dying of heat, the street has a power outage, the current high temperature is [-] degrees, I’m numb, and it’s very hot and slow to type on my mobile phone. There are two chapters today. If I call earlier in the evening, I will continue to type and add two chapters , if it's late.

  What's more, I feel that the name of the martial arts fusion technique is not very nice. Everyone can think about it, and I will see if it is useful.

(End of this chapter)

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