Douluo's Dragon Yin Jiuxiao

Chapter 99 Boil!actually pretending to be dead

Chapter 99 Boil!actually pretending to be dead

Suddenly, a burst of lightning flashed, and on the high-speed rotating blade, a large amount of lightning force moved to Dai Huabin's body with the help of the blade.

Before he could react, the strong electric current directly slowed Dai Huabin's movements by half a beat. At this moment, Qin Ze increased his strength instantly and directly pushed Dai Huabin down.

On Dai Huabin's tiger palm, the dagger-like sharp claws were constantly cut by the blade, and the front end was even gradually cut off.

Even if the third soul skill is used, the strength of the body is limited after all, not to mention that Qin Ze already has the ability to pierce the armor, so he can easily deal with this kind of soul master who increases the strength of the body.

"How do you have the power of thunder and lightning?" Dai Huabin watched the chainsaw cutting his palm continuously, with an incomprehensible expression in his heart.

"Guess!" Qin Ze replied lightly, and after finishing speaking, he punched out with his left hand.

The blow came quickly, and Dai Huabin was trapped by the blade, so there was no time to react, and with a "bang!", Dai Huabin was directly punched in the abdomen by Qin Ze.

"Pfft!" The berserk force only needed one punch to directly vomit blood from Dai Huabin.

Glancing at Dai Huabin, Qin Ze immediately withdrew the blade, grabbed Dai Huabin's face with his left hand, and slammed it fiercely towards the ground.

Earth and rocks splattered, dust and mist drifted away, and the floor cracked.

The powerful grip and throw directly embedded Dai Huabin into the floor, and Qin Ze didn't stop punching him, punching him in the head.

At the critical moment, Dai Huabin suddenly recovered from the pain, and quickly stretched out two hands to grab Qin Ze's left hand. His pupils were filled with anger and a little fierce light.

"I don't like people looking at me like this." Qin Ze smiled, raised his right hand before speaking, and then smashed it down.



three times.

The strength Qin Ze uses every time is not particularly strong, the main reason is the pain, which is the key.

"Hua Bin." In the distance, Zhu Lu, who was panting tiredly, saw this scene, and her pretty face changed instantly.

call out!
When the pressure hit, Zhu Lu had a look of resentment on his face, and hurriedly mobilized his soul power to dodge again.

"I just hate people like you, who run around like a rabbit, and are hard to catch." Di Yueli held the Golden Dragon Spear with a displeased expression on his face.

On the floor, Dai Huabin's eyes were tightly closed, his face was covered with bright red blood, his teeth were broken, mixed with blood in his mouth, he seemed to have passed out, seeing this, Qin Ze stopped The seventh punch to hit.

The assessment teacher didn't make a move. Dai Huabin's injury looked serious, but in fact it was just a minor injury. After looking for a healing soul master, he fully recovered within two days.

Standing up, Qin Ze looked sideways at Zhu Lu. With a wave of his right hand, the blade suspended in the air instantly rushed towards Zhu Lu.


However, at this moment, a figure on the ground quickly got up and rushed out.

Qin Ze focused his eyes, but he saw Dai Huabin's weak body bursting out with unprecedented strength and running towards Zhu Lu. He never expected that Dai Huabin was just pretending to be dead, damn it, he was careless.

"Zhu Lu!" After getting out of Qin Ze's attack range, Dai Huabin roared instantly. His face was ferocious, and Zhu Lu was a little scared when he saw it.

Glancing at Di Yueli, Zhu Lu immediately rushed towards Dai Huabin with all her soul power.During this period, he even avoided Di Yueli's stabbing and blade slashing.

On the high platform, Yan Shaozhe and a group of teachers stared at Qin Ze's competition platform.

Compared with Huo Yuhao's match, the match here is even more memorable.

Yan Shaozhe murmured softly: "The Zhu family and the Dai family, they want to use the martial soul fusion technique, Netherworld White Tiger."

Running and running, Dai Huabin suddenly let out a tiger roar, and with the sound of the tiger roar, Dai Huabin's whole body swelled up again, and white hair mixed with black tiger stripes gushed out from his body crazily.

On the side, Zhu Lu's red lips were slightly pursed, and a faint black light appeared on her body. She seemed to have become lighter, and her body was still somewhat transparent.

The two looked at each other with a distance of about twenty meters.

But will Qin Ze really let them complete the fusion of martial souls?Obviously impossible.

"Yueli!" Qin Ze shouted at Di Yueli.

Di Yueli smiled in her beautiful eyes and nodded, her legs jumped into the air vigorously, the majestic soul power in her body began to surge towards her right hand, the golden dragon gun was caught in her palm like a dazzling sun, she pointed it at In the direction of Zhu Lu.

"Hoo!" With a swing of the jade arm, Di Yueli slammed the Golden Dragon Spear at Zhu Lu, and the air screamed as if it had been pierced.

Gold flashed across the field, like a meteor falling.

Zhu Lu, who was running no more than four meters away from Dai Huabin, might be the intuition of the feline martial soul. Her delicate body trembled, and she looked over her face, only to see a dazzling golden light flying towards her. The breath directly suppressed her steps like a boulder, and every time she moved, she seemed to try her best.

"Damn it!" Dai Huabin also noticed this scene, he thought about using the white tiger's intense light waves to block the golden light.

But it was too late.

"Hey!" Just when Zhu Lu's face turned pale with horror, the assessment teacher made a move.

He came to the front of Zhu Lu strangely, and then firmly grasped the barrel of the Golden Dragon Spear.

After losing power, the light carried on the golden dragon gun also gradually dimmed, and disappeared in a short time.

"What a terrifying power!" The assessment teacher stared.Although this level of power is still very weak to him, but when compared to the current state of the user, it is terrifying.

Triggering the assessment teacher to take action, it means that Zhu Lu has been eliminated.

Dai Huabin who ran over was already stunned, his face was full of disbelief, he could use the martial soul fusion technique to make a comeback, but...

At this time, Dai Huabin even forgot to comfort Zhu Lu who was just frightened by the breath of death, but looked at Qin Ze unwillingly.

As soon as he turned his head, the combined blade came to him with a sharp breath.Dai Huabin's pupils suddenly shrank.

There was a black line on the teacher's forehead, and he quickly shot again. On his palm, the light of soul power covered it, and he slapped the blade directly. In an instant, the blade that Dai Huabin hadn't destroyed split open, turning After making soul power, the light spot disappeared.

"Win! Haha!" When the assessment teacher blocked the blade for Dai Huabin, Ning Tian took back the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda with a pale face, and hugged Di Yueli.

In fact, if the game is delayed, Ning Tian's soul power will be used up. After all, she is supporting two people, and the consumption is very large.

 It is impossible to force Dai Huabin to create a Nether White Tiger, and then let the protagonist continue to fight.It is natural to be able to solve it quickly.After all, the strength suppresses the opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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