Chapter 108 Kill the Fat Leftovers!
At this time, I saw those fierce beasts, killing Shi Yuan.

I saw that the elder brother of the Three-Eyed Clan killed Shi Yuan, the center of his eyebrows glowed brightly, and a blue light was emitted, the beam was amazing.

Shi Yuan didn't use his sword, his fingers were close together, and a sword energy burst out from his fingertips in an instant!
This kind of powerful group of creatures are terrified and hairy.


At this time, Shi Yuan saw another sword energy.

With this sword energy, Shi Yuan condensed the Suan Treasure Technique.

Immediately, the sword qi carried the lightning and collided with the blue light, and a dazzling light burst out in mid-air, and the light and rain flew down, landing on the ground and rocks, making bursts of "puff" sounds, and the ground appeared. One terribly deep hole after another.


The powerhouse of the Three-Eyed Clan kicked hard on the ground, and immediately the earth cracked, and the large black crack spread out for dozens of feet, showing how terrifying his physical strength was.

With blue hair flying all over his head, he suddenly flew up into the air, spread his arms, and swooped forward, like a roc spreading its wings, extremely fierce, and the terrifying aura was very intimidating.

Everyone was extremely shocked. His aura was too strong, it was like a flash flood, rushing from the [-] mountains, people couldn't face it, and dared not attack!

"It's too strong, it's like a real humanoid born!"

"How can it be so powerful? The Three-Eyed Race is really amazing. It is worthy of being one of the tyrannical races. Its talent is unique, and it is not comparable to other creatures."

Many creatures were amazed.

The genius of the Three-Eyed Clan swooped down, driving a gust of wind, flying sand and rocks on the ground, surging clouds and mist, and flickering rays of light, which was extremely terrifying.

Shi Yuan was not afraid at all, and fought against the three-eyed brothers with the strength of one person!

And the other side.

I saw Xiaodian alone fighting against the fat and the colorless luan bird! !

The five-colored luan bird spread its wings and volleyed into the sky, glowing all over the body, sweeping out the runes all over the sky.

Little Doubt stared, ready for a duel.

However, at this moment, a red glow rushed in, extremely terrifying, and silently attacked the back of his head, ruthless and sinister, trying to pierce his head.

Feiyi shot, and a flying sword shrouded in flames spewed out of his mouth. It was only the length of a slap, but the breath was amazing, and it was bright red.


Little Budian turned sideways, avoided the sword glow, and hit the sword with his fingers, trying to grab it.However, this sword was very spiritual, and it quickly avoided it, and burst out with endless fire, burning its arm.

The war is about to break out like this, the rune of the bird in the sky landed, the fat left on the ground shot, one bird and one snake were as fast as thunder, all shining with blazing light.


Xiao Budian didn't keep it anymore. Using the Noble Phantasm, the Scorpion Treasure Mirror blasted out a huge thunderbolt, causing Luan Bird's whole body to explode with feathers, charred black.

With a "chi" sound, Xiao Budian seized the opportunity and punched Luan Bird's abdomen, causing it to scream and fall down into the soil, splashing blood flowers.

Fat Yi roared, opened his mouth and spit out a crimson flame, like a swarm of training swept over.

Xiao Budian was already prepared for defense, and he ran the Suan Treasure Technique to avoid it.


Fat Yi stomped his feet, the entire mountain range trembled, and the ground cracked.


It opened its mouth and let out a roar, the sound was deafening, and the surrounding trees swayed, breaking as it swayed its tail.

The little one changed color and quickly evaded. This guy is really too strong, worthy of the name of the immemorial relic, so huge, and his power is so amazing.


A boulder the size of a grinding wheel was thrown by the fat man, and it jumped up and slapped it with its claws. The void rumbled, like a star falling, and the scene was scary.

Xiao Budian hurriedly dodged and avoided the fatal blow. As a result, the stone the size of a millstone smashed a boulder, and the dust and smoke filled the air, and the leaves were flying.

"Your sister, the immemorial relic is really strong enough!" Little Budian whispered.

"However, as long as it's not a humanoid creature, I like it!" Little Budian grinned, revealing a few white teeth.

"Kill!" Luan Bird was furious, opened his mouth and spit, and the five-color treasure fan flew out.


Xiao Budian avoided it, and the lightning flashed. The main target of his attack was the fat scorpion. This strange snake is very vicious. It is better to get rid of it as soon as possible.


The red glow lingered, and the flying sword struck again, and the burst of fire became even more blazing. If you look closely, it turned out to be polished by a fang, and its whole body was as crystal clear as red agate.

Fat Yi was born, and there was bound to be a severe drought. This was because they were proficient in fire magic. The red-fanged flying swords were wrapped in firelight, and they slashed down.


Suddenly, a little dog fell from the sky, stepped on the red fangs, and even kicked the flying sword into the air.


The fat leftover was in pain, and roared angrily. It was tall, more than twenty feet tall, like a small demon, with red glow blooming all over its body, like a fire essence transformed into a shape.

"Bang bang bang..."

Xiao Budian kept attacking, his fists, elbows, knees, etc., were all weapons, and every time he hit Feiyi, he would be smashed to pieces and wailed again and again.

In the end, Feiyi was driven to a dead end. It went mad, opened its mouth and spit, and a bead the size of an egg floated in the air, emitting a bright red glow, illuminating the four directions.

Immediately afterwards, I heard it shouting loudly: "Boom!"

The bead exploded in an instant, turning into a blazing fire, and the sea of ​​​​fire was surging, swallowing all the surrounding vegetation.


Fat Yi screamed mournfully, it was scorched all over, wisps of blue smoke came out, and it almost died, and the flames seemed to have penetrated through its wounds.

Seeing this, Xiao Budian's face sank. Although this fat relic was injured, it was an immemorial relic after all, and it was still not easy to deal with.

"Hula la"

The flames were raging, like a volcanic eruption, and the hot air waves rolled, drowning the little point.


Little Dot's whole body glowed, and Shen Xi, the body protector, enveloped the whole body, resisting those flames.


He raised his hand and smashed it down, knocking the fat left away.

Fat Yi screamed, fell back ten meters and fell to the ground.

Little sneer, this guy still wants to fight with himself?
Xiao Budian continued to shoot, his fist contained terrifying power, punch after punch, tearing the skin of the fat left to pieces.

The battle situation here attracted the attention of many beasts in the vicinity. They felt that the energy fluctuations here were extraordinary, and they approached quietly, but they did not dare to get too close.

Little Dot is watching the surrounding environment while fighting the fat leftovers.

The movement here is getting louder and louder, and some strong people sense the battle here and rush here.


The little one took one step, and the golden light shot out in an instant, suppressing the Quartet.


Xiao Budian exudes great power, suppressing the fat leftovers.

Fat Yi was about to run away, but at this moment, Little Budian came up again.

"It's not that easy to leave!"

A round of divine moon suddenly appeared behind Xiao Budian, silvery and dazzling, it flew out in an instant, and collided with Feiyi's scarlet sword.


With a crisp sound, Fat Yi's scarlet divine sword flew out of his hand and flew out after being hit.


It screamed and shook violently, as if something terrible had happened to it, with red glow flowing all over its body, and it was gloomy.

Feiyi was frightened, turned and ran.

It's a pity, Xiao Budian is not a good stubble. His eyes are bright, and he uses Kunpeng's nine-style shrinking to an inch, and instantly catches up with the fat.

Then, Little Dot flipped his hand, the crystal clear and snow-white treasure mirror shone out, and thunder and lightning were intertwined. This time, it all hit the heavily wounded Fat Shi, and it was difficult to defend.


The fat leftover screamed, his whole body was charred black, and he flew out, making it difficult to get up.

(End of this chapter)

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