Chapter 111 Sneak Attack! 【Fourth more! 】

The mountain gate is towering, and the two stone mountains are gray-brown, hard and ancient, and they have been standing for many years.

Shi Yuan and Little Dot set foot in the ancient ruins.


From the ancient ruins, there were bursts of thunder explosions, lightning and thunder, and the scene was terrifying.

"This place is really dangerous, let's walk slowly!" Shi Yuan urged, carefully walking inside.

From the blood of the ancient saints to the present, every few hundred years, young heroes have entered Baiduan Mountain. Many people have been here to find their favorite Noble Phantasms.

When Shi Yuan and the others entered, a group of geniuses from powerful races broke in, and then the crowd followed them in.

This piece of ruins is vast and boundless, with ribbons of black mist lingering, the whole world is dark, and it is impossible to see the scenery too far away.On the ground, rubble is in pieces, and there are many broken walls. This is an ancient ruin.

A towering tree stands in front.

A desolate and rotten breath came to the nostrils, as if it had gone through thousands of vicissitudes, the years were long, and the years could not be erased.

A large river traverses the sky with magnificent waves, but the water is dark green, and corpses can be vaguely seen floating in the river.

Over the river, there were dense dark clouds, electric lights flickering, and terrifying thunderbolts fell down and fell into the river, setting off huge waves.


A roar shook the sky, and in the big river, a pitch-black beast jumped out and slaughtered at the crowd, aggressively.

Its eyes were blood red, revealing a bloodthirsty meaning, it seemed to be extremely hungry and wanted to eat.

"Beast looking for death!" Shi Yuan shouted angrily and raised his palm to shoot it out.

Shi Yuan's palm contained the power of destroying the sky and the earth. The beast just jumped out of the water, but before it could react, it was smashed by Shi Yuan and turned into a cloud of blood.

"So domineering, he killed a beast with one move!" Someone exclaimed.


A ray of light rushed up from the ruins, like a silver thread, it quickly pierced through the air, and everyone jumped in shock, almost flying beside them.


A large group of geniuses shouted and ran, chasing them into the distance. This is a Noble Phantasm, and it has been channeled. If it is caught, it will be invaluable.

"Are the treasures buried in the ruins?" Xiao Bu was a little puzzled. He could clearly see that the silver thread just now was a tree bar that had not rotted for a long time, and was full of spirituality.

"These treasures have life, they won't hide in one place, they change their positions from time to time, and they may appear anywhere." Fire Crow said.

Shi Yuan also said: "Let's try our luck too!"

Although there are many dangers here, there will always be unexpected gains. After all, there are many treasures in the ancient ruins.

"Whoosh whoosh—"

Everyone swept up and chased away by all means.


"Bang bang bang-"

Suddenly, a fierce bird with flames all over its body rose to the sky, its wings spread, and the flames rolled, burning the sky.

The Fire Crow screamed, flapping its wings in a hurry, dodging it.


The flaming ominous bird fell and exploded on the ground. The large rocks melted, and a deep pit appeared out of thin air.

The temperature of this fierce flame bird is terrifyingly high, and many monks around are pale.

Shi Yuan raised his eyebrows slightly and said to everyone: "There are many dangers here, everyone be careful"

There are dangers here, and there are bound to be casualties.

This area is very vast, and Shi Yuan and Xiao Budian did not encounter too many obstacles, but they found that there are many treasures here, all of which were left by once powerful existences. Among them, there are even medicinal materials at the level of holy medicine, which are of great value. .

A piece of purple air steamed, whimpering, and another treasure, a purple animal horn, pierced through a broken wall and rushed into the distance.


Xiao Budian shouted, a group of ancient relics have long been jealous, this horn is by no means ordinary, and its sound is like a spell, which makes one's soul split, and it must be a rare Noble Phantasm.

The Noble Phantasms here have been channeled and possessed spiritual wisdom, and they all want to break free from the shackles of their original owners.

"Hush shhh!!!"

The little ones quickly chased after them. The speed of this Noble Phantasm was astonishing, like a meteor streaking across the sky.

Along the way, it's not just them.

There are also many Tianjiao powerhouses who have discovered many Noble Phantasms.

Shi Yuan didn't make a move and let others compete, as long as it didn't affect him.

Shi Yuan took the little one and kept walking towards the depths of the ruins.

With a sound of "hum", the void trembled lightly, and streaks appeared like a galaxy, sweeping towards Xiaobudian's waist. This terrifying sword beam would cut him off.

He quickly dodged, his sword glowed like a rainbow, and rushed past his body, cutting open a 10,000+ jin boulder in front of him, and the section was as smooth as a mirror!
This sword is incomparably sharp and terrifyingly sharp.

Shi Yuan took a closer look and saw a man in a green robe appearing in front of them.

"Who are you?" Shi Yuan asked with a frown.

"The one who killed you!" The Qingpao man sneered.

"Hmph, do you think I'm afraid of you?!" Shi Yuan snorted coldly.

He walked calmly, walked to the front and stood ten meters away from the Qingpao man, staring at him indifferently, his eyes piercingly cold, and said, "Kill me? You are the family of the False God Realm that was robbed by us!"

"Boy, now that you know, let's die!" The man in Qingpao sneered, only to see him holding a long sword and killing Shi Yuan.

at this time.

I saw Shi Yuan looked at Xiaobudian and the others, and said, "Just leave it to me!"

Shi Yuan can perceive that this is a sealer.

However, in this Baiduan Mountain, Shi Yuan is invincible, and he has nothing to fear.

I saw that the man in green robe immediately killed him, and a sword intent was shocking and fell towards Shi Yuan.


Shi Yuan drew his sword to fight, and a dazzling sword light shot up into the sky, instantly tearing apart the attack of the Qingpao man.


The two fought fiercely, with sword beams shooting in all directions, constantly colliding, and making a violent clanging sound.


Suddenly, the man in Qingpao spat out a mouthful of blood and took three steps back.

His eyes were full of astonishment and fear, and he looked at Shi Yuan, how could it be possible!

The Qingpao man was the sealer, and Ling Yuan was only in the Heavenly Cave Realm, and he was defeated!

He picked up the sword and chased after him, the slanting wind and drizzle sword slashed out, and the sword light fell like raindrops.

"You can't escape!" Shi Yuan said, kicking out, a force poured into Qingpao's body, kicking him several feet away, and fell to the ground.


The Qingpao man coughed up blood and his face was pale.

Unwilling, angry, he gritted his teeth and got up to attack again.

It's too weird here, and he doesn't dare to stay any longer.


Shi Yuan threw a punch, like a meteor falling, bombarding the Qingpao man's chest, breaking several of his ribs, and spitting out a mouthful of blood.

Shi Yuan didn't keep his hand, only to see the Liu Yejian slashed out.

A blue sword glow fell instantly!


A sword light slashed through, and the man in green robe was seen with blood splashing all over his body, and he died unexpectedly!
Brothers, add more crazy today!
(End of this chapter)

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