Chapter 120 Battle!

Shi Yuan looked at the white tiger and said with a sneer: "The defeated generals, dare to do this again!"

As soon as these words came out, I saw the white tiger, and some lingering fears, he was indeed scared by Shi Yuan.

If it wasn't for the teleportation talisman given by the clan, as long as the talisman was crushed, it could be teleported immediately, otherwise, I'm afraid he is already a dead person now.

"Invincible in this world, Ling Yuan, arrogant boy, I have endured you for a long time, and I will tear you to pieces today!" Storm Ape was the first to roar.

"Really, gorilla! Although I am a monkey, I can sell you to others!" Shi Yuan sneered.

At this time, Shi Yuan looked at the golden divine bird.

The divine bird never moved or made a sound, but no one dared to ignore it, because the aura was too terrifying.

"Did you come out of the Primordial Divine Mountain, or are you not pure blood?" Shi Yuan asked.

"What if it is, what if it isn't?" the golden bird asked, wisps of golden threads shot out from its pupils, which was terrifying.

"If it is pure blood, I will surrender and take you away. If it is not pure blood, eat it directly!" Shi Yuan said, the nine-headed lion and the big red bird were injured, which made him really angry.

At this time, I saw Xiao Budian looked at the divine bird and said, "This golden chicken should be good after roasting it!"

Saying that, I saw saliva drooling from the corner of Xiao Budian's mouth.

"You eat me?" The golden giant bird squinted, its pupils like golden vortexes, so terrifying that it swallowed people's souls.

That divine bird had deep golden eyes and a vortex like a deep sea. It really wanted to pull people's souls into it. If it were an ordinary creature, it would have been hated just now!

Standing on a boulder, it has a golden light all over its body, and it has an innate majesty, like a golden god descending into the world, looking down at its people.

"It's useless to talk too much, tear them apart!"

Immediately, the violent ape was instantly killed towards Shi Yuan and Xiao Budian.

The violent ape roared, strode forward, and made the first shot.

The ground trembled, and the stones on the ground were bumped. It was more than ten meters high, but the force of stepping down was far beyond its weight. The thick black hair on its body was a foot long, terrifying and terrifying.

"Be careful, this violent ape is extremely powerful and possesses the magic power of King Kong." Behind, the nine-headed lion reminded weakly.

The five-color luan bird groaned. It was hit hard by the violent ape, and it was almost torn in half. At this time, it was covered in blood and fell to the ground, suffering the most damage among them.

With a sound of "Boom", the black violent ape stomped down with one foot, with a kind of domineering, a kind of wildness, and a kind of contempt.

It has wide mouth and fangs and looks fierce. This is a kind of arrogant self-confidence, and it is even more humiliating. It is as careless as a giant dragon crushing a bug, killing it with an unstoppable force!

"Leave it to me!" At this moment, Xiao Budian said, and stepped out.

Killed towards the violent ape.


A punch came out, with a violent wind, shaking all around, as if even the air had exploded.

With a muffled sound of "bang", Xiao Budian punched Violent Ape and knocked him back a few steps.


The violent ape roared, feeling like he was shaken by ants, angry and terrified.

With a sound of "Boom", he slapped it out, with a whistling sound, and slapped it on Xiaodian's shoulder.

At this time, I saw that little guy suddenly rushed out.


Xiaobudian hugged Violent Ape's right hand with both arms, then kicked his legs on the ground, and the whole person vacated, jumped into the air, and smashed towards Violent Ape's head.

Violent Ape reacted quickly, his left hand ran a rung, and his right hand wanted to attack Xiaodian with his elbow.

However, the little one's hands were like two reinforced iron pillars, firmly gripping Violent Ape's arms, and then his knees hit Violent Ape's abdomen.

Suddenly, Violent Ape's abdomen sank, screaming in pain.

Then Little Budian shook his arms, threw the violent ape away, and threw the violent ape a dozen feet away.

After Little Budian landed, he kicked the violent ape and kicked it away.


I saw Violent Ape rolling a few times on the ground and fell to the ground.

the other side.

The white tiger also moved, roaring and shaking the heavens and the earth, turning into a blazing white light, rushing over, bringing a gust of wind.

The speed of the white tiger is too fast, like a white light criss-crossing, bringing a gust of wind, rolling up hundreds of kilograms of stones and flying in the dust and sand.

The white tiger immediately killed Shi Yuan.

The tiger claws clung to the fists, the runes were flying, and the surrounding boulders were flying into the air, flying in all directions under the huge shock wave.


The white tiger opened its mouth and let out a roar.

At this moment, Shi Yuan smiled lightly at the corner of his mouth and said, "A defeated general is always a defeated general! I see if you have any way to save your life this time!"

Shi Yuan said, and immediately killed him.

Shi Yuan's figure was erratic, like a ghost, and appeared behind the white tiger in an instant, and when he slapped it with a palm, it was like a goshawk attacking a rabbit, extremely sharp.

After Shi Yuan displayed it, there was a sharp and ear-piercing whistling, and a big hand emerged, like the claws of a ghost, attacking the white tiger, trying to catch it.


The white tiger let out a shocking roar, exuding white-gold brilliance all over its body, and runes beat on the surface of its skin, as if it had come alive.


I saw a mark of the word king on the forehead of the white tiger, like a golden symbol flashing, killing Shi Yuan.

At this time, I saw Shi Yuan sacrifice the broken sword, use the broken sword, and cut it down with one sword.

That sword, exuding extremely sharp divine light, instantly fell from the sky.

Just listening to the sound of 'clang', the two collided together, sparks splashed.


The white tiger let out a shrill scream, was slashed by a sword, and fell to the ground.

"How could it be!" Shi Yuan's face changed slightly, showing a look of surprise. He originally intended to kill the white tiger, but he never expected that the white tiger would actually resist his move.

At this moment, the white tiger was furious.

It opened its mouth and let out a long whistle, and spit out a hazy light, emitting ten thousand auspicious aura, and it was very dazzling.

This is an animal skin bag, and the white tiger took out the most powerful treasure, to take away the little weapon, suppress him into the bag, and kill him completely.

Loosen the golden wire rope, open the bag mouth, and suddenly there are thousands of rays of sunshine, thousands of bright colors, spraying endless treasures, covering the bottom, and everything is about to be taken away.

"This is the Qiankun bag??" Shi Yuan's eyes lit up.

"Hey, just one such treasure is missing. Since you sacrificed it, I'll be rude!" Shi Yuan laughed and said, only to see him holding a broken sword and killing the white tiger.

A powerful aura suddenly erupted from Shi Yuan's body.

(End of this chapter)

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