Chapter 127 Entering the Herb Garden!
There is still a distance, but I can already feel the sacred atmosphere. The vegetation nearby is dense and the trees are extremely tall.

The mountains and forests are green, and they stand on a high ground and look forward.


There was a strange sound in the mountain, which made the hair stand on end, and felt an icy killing intent, like the autumn wind swept through.

"What kind of creature is that?" A sealer was surprised.

Everyone stared at them, and there was a hideous creature in the primeval forest staring at them with Senhan's eyes, looking strange.

It has three heads, the middle one is a human head, which is normal, with long bloody hair scattered, but on the left shoulder is actually a Peng head with bright golden feathers, and on the right shoulder is a devil's head, covered with pitch black The scales shimmered with black light.

He is five meters tall, with a strong physique, and his hands are bleeding. Because he is holding an extremely powerful immemorial relic, he is torn apart, and the blood is dripping.

Everyone couldn't recognize this terrifying creature for a while, but they recognized the relic that he tore apart. It was a green-scaled leopard, extremely powerful, and it was actually killed like this.


This creature's eyes were extremely violent, and it tore apart the green-scaled leopard and sent it directly into its mouth, swallowing it, blood dripping, and dripping down continuously.

This creature is very ferocious and powerful. It tore apart the blue-scaled leopard, then shredded it directly, swallowed it, and the blood spilled on the grass, making the whole grass covered with a bloody smell .

Everyone was horrified, this was a demon king who ate a green-scaled leopard and licked his claws. The blood flowed out from his fingers.

"I hate being interrupted while I'm enjoying my food!"

The head in the middle of him opened his mouth, red hair flying all over his head, blood flashing in his eyes, and then he directly slaughtered it, billowing into the sky, and a black mist filled the air.

Beside Huo Ling'er, a sealer took action, holding a blue bone knife and slashing forward, showing its sharp edge, the knife qi rushed out more than ten meters, swept across, shaking ancient trees and tens of thousands of kilograms of boulders. became a powder.

At this time, I saw that the fierce beast immediately killed the sealer.


The two of them clashed, making a violent explosion, the void was distorted, and the scene was terrifying, both of them were very strong.

The fierce beast was black, burly and sturdy, and it punched out, like the ocean hitting the shore, overturning the sealer to the ground, collapsing a mountain, and sending smoke and dust everywhere.

Everyone was shocked. A powerful sealer was actually defeated and defeated by this fierce beast. This fierce beast is so powerful?


It stretched out a claw and pressed it forward, it collapsed, the rocks flew, and there was chaos, and then the place exploded, the sealer fell, fell to the ground, his chest collapsed, he was severely injured, and he coughed up blood. .

Around, everyone exclaimed.

"What kind of beast is that?" Everyone was shocked and didn't know the race.

At this time, the fierce beast was about to kill Huo Ling'er again.

Shi Yuan took a step forward, blocked Huo Ling'er, and said lightly, "You all stand back!"

The fierce beast roared, slapped it with a slap, and slaughtered it towards Shi Yuan in an unparalleled rage.

At this time, I saw that Shi Yuan also killed him.

With a sound of "Boom", the two collided, like a thunderous roar, exploded, and a wave of air swept all directions, which was shocking.

Shi Yuan's footsteps flickered, but he didn't step back half a point.


The fierce beast roared furiously, with a bloodthirsty glow in its eyes, and slaughtered it again.

Shi Yuan's eyes were cold and his body was tall and straight, without the slightest fear.

With a "dong" sound, the beast was smashed by him and retreated again and again.


Suddenly, it screamed in the sky, the sound was extremely shrill, and it pierced through clouds and cracked stones, making people's eardrums burst with pain.

Everyone's faces were pale, covering their ears and looking terrified.

He and Xiaobudian fought fiercely, the runes bloomed, the treasures filled the air, and the vicious aura was overwhelming.

The two turned into two small suns, releasing dazzling brilliance, constantly fighting, and the treasures were amazing.

"It's so cruel, what race is this, why is it so powerful?!" The sable was horrified.

"I remembered, this should be a main vein of the Spiritual Race. It has the blood of the king and is extremely powerful." The nine-headed lion said.

"That's right, he belongs to the Spirit Race, and is the descendant of the strongest ancient royal bloodline." Huo Ling'er nodded, her eyes glowing, spiritual blood is extremely precious, and can help people to understand.

At this moment, Shi Yuan waved his hand.

The broken sword appeared in Shi Yuan's hand.

Now Shi Yuan has obtained the Baihu's Qiankun bag, which can be used to store anything, which is very convenient.

The huge three-headed beast was slaughtered again.

Shi Yuan's eyes were indifferent, he held the broken sword and cut off the next sword.


In an instant, I saw the sword light clanging loudly, like an electric light bursting out, piercing the three beasts, and blood spurting out.

He drank loudly, his whole body was full of energy, and he rushed into the sky like wolf smoke.

The powerful sword intent fell again, slashing towards the three-headed beast.

"Pfft", the fierce beast was cut off with two heads by a sword, and the other head quickly escaped.


The remaining heads roared furiously, causing a gust of wind.

His eyes were red and he stared at Shi Yuan, eager to eat him raw.

"If you enter the Hundred Herb Garden, you will be stained with blood!" After speaking, the fierce beast with only one head left rushed into the Hundred Herb Garden.

At this time, Shi Yuan was about to chase, and Huo Linger immediately stopped him and said, "In the Hundred Herb Garden, runes and treasures are useless, only the power of the flesh can be seen!"

Shi Yuan nodded and said, "You all leave first, don't enter the Hundred Herb Garden."

Once you enter the Garden of God, the runes and Noble Phantasms cannot be used, no matter how high the sealer's realm is, there may really be the cubs of the ancient beasts haunting here.

Everyone nodded, this place is a place for the hegemony of the fleshly tyrants, and ordinary creatures cannot step into it.

Just like the forbidden area of ​​​​the sky, only those with deep knowledge of runes can hit the sky and search for the bones, otherwise others will be crushed by the mysterious runes.

In the end, only Shi Yuan and Xiao Budian entered the Hundred Herb Garden.

If it was before, Shi Yuan would definitely not dare to enter.

But now, the strength of Shi Yuan's physical body has surpassed that of the little one, so even if he enters, it doesn't matter!

From the distance came the cry of a devil bird, similar to the cry of a ghost. This is a creature in the small world of the ancient times. Wherever such an evil bird appears, there will inevitably be bloodshed.

Shi Yuan and Xiaobudian walked forward and came to the Baicao Garden. The place was full of brilliance. Looking inward, there were all kinds of vegetation, and a strong fragrance came out.

This place is like a dream, it is very unreal, even ordinary grass and trees grow here, and they are crystal clear and radiant.

(End of this chapter)

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